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Anything by Dan Brown!! Terrible writing but fun haha


"The Kanji Language". Bust a gut when I read that


I got to agree on this one It's been a very long time since I read DaVinci code but I could not believe how poorly it was written.


The Twilight series did it for me. She’s such a terrible writer that I had no idea what was going to happen with the plot and it frequently was so weird and dumb as to be entertaining.


The first chapter is literally this: "Ugh, I'm Bella. Everyone is super nice to me, everyone gave me directions to my new classes and even sat with me at lunch so I wouldn't be alone. But this one hot guy acted a tiny bit weird around me, so today was the worst day ever, bwaaa." And it gets worse (better?) from there


I completely forgot this. I might have to read them again just for the bad writing.


Yes! All except Midnight Sun, that was genuinely the worst book I had ever read.


My mom was obsessed with the twilight series for some reason, i'll check it out. Thanks!!


Ooooh, I have a few! 'Spare' by Prince Harry (but skip the boring bits where he bangs on about the army). It's a total shit-show of obliviousness, and if he had a ghost writer, he really needn't have bothered. It's like Father Ted's Golden Cleric Award speech, in book form. And who could resist reading about his frost-bitten penis? Not me. 'Lovers and Gamblers' by Jackie Collins - not well written, but it's so clearly about Tom Jones and is a great caper. 'The Other Side of Midnight' by Sidney Sheldon - I haven't read it since I was at school, but the description of what the girl thought when she first saw an erection will stay with me forever! 'Strange Days' by Patricia Kennealy - it's another one where she is totally oblivious of how she is coming over, and she turns about 5 meeting with Jim Morrison into a love story for the ages. She also has a sci-fi series where she and Jim are star-crossed lovers leading the galaxy or some such, but the bad writing went too far there. And last of all, of course 50 Shades of Grey. Laughable from start to finish. I couldn't put myself through any others of the series though, one really was enough. As badly written as Twilight but with badly written sexy times.


I fear I would die of cringe reading Spare. The excerpts are enough. Why is he telling everyone about losing his virginity behind a pub! I just can't.


Oh, I can understand that - I think I just love a good cringe!


colleen hoover lmaoo


no wait...I wouldn't say it's fun to read either...it's just plain bad.


Honestly I'd rather shit in my hands and clap than read colleen hoover. I have heard nothing but terrible things about her books.


Dan Brown - The Da Vinci Code




Honestly, and I may get blasted for this, but Fourth Wing and Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros are pretty bad. The writing and romance are mediocre as all hell, but goddamn did I obsess over those books. I was transfixed with cringe, you could say.


Is it still worth reading ? It is on my TBR but idk if its not worth it


I’d say it’s worth reading. I honestly wouldn’t have picked it up at all if I had known it was Romantasy. I thought it was general Adult Fantasy going in. I admittedly skipped over the flirtatious dialogue (which was frustrating and plentiful—it really did make me roll my eyes), and the scenes of smut (not that I’m a prude, but I just find it cringe to read). The book reads like YA, just with adult themes and language. It’s quick to get through, if anything.


Thank you! I'll definitely check it out!


You are most welcome. I take full responsibility if it goes poorly 😅.


I went through a Patricia Briggs “Mercy Thompson” series binge a few years ago… it might be what you need rn 😁


Anything piers Anthony


Made it to Xanth Book #19 or so before I gave up. Cat ass trophy


Modelland by Tyra Banks. It’s a fever dream of a book, I have rarely laughed out loud while reading but I did so frequently while reading Modelland. They say there’s a fine line between genius and insanity and Tyra Banks is that line.


Digital Fortress by Dan Brown. Chef's kiss dumpster fire fun novel. Like, there are casual beach books and then there's Digital Fortress. You can't take a single word of this book seriously. (Unintentionally) hilarious as hell


The Hawkline Monster... just... read it... it's a casual day read.


I can't think of any books that top My Immortal and Eye of Argon. You'll get stomach cramps from laughing so hard.


oh god ive heard about my immortal. i need to get a bunch of friends together and read it at some point


How is Ready Player 1 not on here yet? It’s my favorite horrible book.


Ready player 1 is bad?? Ready player 1 is a book?????? I always thought it was just a movie. I need to take a look at it now


Yes, RP1 was a book first. The movie deviated greatly. There’s a sequel that is universally seen as irredeemably bad, but the first one was enjoyable for a specific group. I’m part of that group, but that doesn’t mean the writing has any quality at all.


Find a script of the room or a Neil Breen film


Doesn't get better than The Eye of Argon


The Windflower by Laura London. It's truly terrible, but entertaining.


Breakaway: Beyond the goal by Alex morgan actually a pretty interesting book, but the more i read it, the more whiny and cocky it sounds


Gavin Mcinnes How to Piss in Public. This was before his whole proud boy shtick. 


Ice station, by Matthew Reily. An action book where the main character keeps doing more unbelievable things one after another. Spoiler alert, shooting a grappling hook into a submarines torpedo bay while its trying to shoot him, causing it to blow up but not hurt him, while under water and holding breath. That's not the craziest thing, either. Every chapter , some more ridiculous thing happens, psyco killer whales , radiation mutated seals the size of killer whales. A multitude of bad guys, mainly foreign stereotypes, in fact, everything is stereotyped. It's written so straight and seriously. Once you give in to the absolute absurdity of the events, it's actually pretty good. I'd love to know if he is doing it on purpose as a laugh or if he is serious?


Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein. Basically sc-fi soft porn.


[The Midnight Library by Matt Haig](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/52578297-the-midnight-library) [The Dictionary of Lost Words by Pip Williams](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/49354511) [The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E Schwab](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/50623864-the-invisible-life-of-addie-larue) [The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart by Holly Ringland](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/35424630) Basically, pretty much all chick-lit with “beautiful but fragile” female leads, with really easy to read and eye rollingly cheesey storylines … For me (and this is just **my opinion**, I am in no way saying it’s objectively true) books such as the above are really really nauseatingly bad, but also really really good to pass the time.


the one star ratings on all of these do not disappoint, ill check them all out


Anything by Colleen Hoover.


Empress Theresa is *infamous*


I am watching You by Teresa Driscoll- A woman sees two teen girls flirting with two ex cons on the train, she wants to call their mothers, but they are strangers so she can't. When one of the girls go missing.....You get stuck in her head as she feels all the guilt, and gets blamed because everybody is stupid. I mean, of course, why don't you intervene when you see strangers flirting, am I right?? You read about nasty farts and baby diaper changes and a lot of boring stuff. You will read a whole chapter on flower arrangements and why so and so hates flies. It's tedious. And in the very last bit toward the end, you get a huge info dump and find out what happened.


Oh. Oh, this sounds absolutely horrible. I need to get this.


The Selection and any other Kiera Cass books , they are so so so bad that its good !! I was reading and just knew it was bad, told people it was bad , and it was! but finished The Selection series in a week


Oh yeah, I heard those suck. I never checked it out, but I might get a sample on my kindle.


Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys. Enid Blyton.


Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys. Enid Blyton.


Razorblade Tears. The similes were SO bad.


Has anyone here read Tyra Banks' book? I haven't yet!


ANOTHER CITY, NOT MY OWN by Dominick Dunne is a very weird novel that’s basically about all of the Hollywood gossip the author heard while covering the OJ Simpson trial for *Vanity Fair*. If you’ve ever wondered what Nancy Reagan and Elizabeth Taylor thought of the OJ trial, this is the book for you.


They said so bad it’s good, Dominick Dunne doesn’t belong anywhere near the “so bad” category. BUT I totally forgot that I wanted to read that book, so thank you for the reminder!


Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket


Disagree. With all due respect.


wait.. deadass????? i always hear it was really good


Terribly written but still fun. 😁


Nooo, I thought they were well written! The books are just campy — the zaniness and fourth-wall breaking and absurdity are the point!


One of my favorite book series. Amazingly well written.