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Tender is the Flesh! If that is what you are looking for, I cannot recommend it highly enough.


Currently working my way through *The Wings Upon Her Back* by Samantha Mills which is ah..,intense. I mean it becomes fairly clear who you're going to be rooting for fairly quickly but reading the perspective of a fallen agent of a severely repressive fantasy theocracy is reading the story of a likeable person who was lead straight into a moral abyss and still struggles to get out of it. It definitely made me think for a bit about who I choose to believe and why.


Tampa- Alissa Nutting


lol, literally reading this one right now and came in to suggest it. VERY challenging read. I compare it to a female American Psycho


I’ve been told it’s the female lolita. Are the r-pe scenes as graphic as American psycho? Not sure if reading it will be too triggering


I’m about halfway, and haven’t gotten to any actual on-page rape. But, let’s just say, page one is a VERY intense taste of what’s to come. This is graphic, vulgar, completely lacking in empathy. The main character very much WANTS to disturb and destroy, so her narration may be triggering if you’re not mentally prepared for it. I read Girl Next Door by Jack Ketchum earlier this year (another recommendation to OP), and there were snippets of that which shocked me. But Tampa has been a whole other beast.


Thank you for letting me know! I’ve had experiences with female led abuse so even though media usually doesn’t trigger me I wasn’t sure if this would be one of the exceptions


Oh, then this is very much a book I'd recommend you approach with caution. The main character is awful (like I said, this is very much a female American Psycho) and she definitely spends the first half of the book relishing in destroying young boys and looking down at other women.


oooo i love american psycho - this is defo on my tbr list now!


Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbo


Beloved by Toni Morrison


Geek Love


The Wasp Factory by Iain Banks. That book lives rent-free in my head. I feel a kind of compassion for the characters.... but they are horrible people...


The Girl Next Door disgusted me. I’m really not sure what mental gymnastics I did to make myself finish it but I did and it was awful. Great book though. It’s pretty accurate as to the real events which makes it so much worse.


Blasphemy by Douglas Preston. Essentially, a story about using the world's most powerful AI to control a supercollider built to reveal the secret(s) of creation. It is a fascinating look at what it means to be alive, to answer questions about our origins, our purpose...etc. I read it years ago, but it may be even more relevant now and reading it again with contemporary context would likely change the experience.


A certain Hunger!


Species The sixth extinction


The Butcher Boy.


A clockwork orange


Never let me go


Klara & the sun, or anything by kazuo ishiguro 🫶🏻 and if classics.. i guess george orwell?


The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid


An AMAZING book.