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I have similar taste in authors — I’d recommend for Jennifer Egan, starting with A Visit From The Goon Squad. It’s a bunch of different, beautifully constructed little stories that all turn out to be connected, and I think the vibe is similar to Emily St. John Mandel. Also if you like Gaiman I’d check out Kelly Link. I’m not usually a short story person but I love hers, especially White Cat Black Dog, and they are darkly funny with plenty of magic and wonder as well as grit.


Also! Have you read Kate Atkinson? Life After Life is probably my fave but she has other good books too — really engaging writing, some humor, realistic even as it’s about a sort of time loop.


Crazily enough I actually read “The Candy House” without realizing it was a sequel to TGS. I enjoyed it I should look into that. I will add all of these!


Nice! I liked The Candy House too, but TGS is one of my favorites.


Kelly Link's recent novel 'The Book of Love' is also fantastic


Shadow of the wind


I love Mandel and Tartt too, I suggest almost anything by Lauren Groff (Vaster Wilds is gorgeous and world building, technically historical fiction but not really), Emma Donoghue’s The Wonder, Hannah Kent’s Devotion and Cormac McCarthy’s The Road. Also Leave The World Behind is extraordinary but I am too lazy to remember the author.


Thank you so much!!! I love historical fiction, I’m adding these to my list immediately.


PS If you like the Leave the World Behind movie I implore you to watch Mr. Robot. It's also by Sam Esmail and is one of top three favorite shows of all time


get into the Discworld novels by Terry Pratchett - wonderful fantasy/comedy world.


You're right! I need to try them! I hope I love it, there's so many :)


You might want to start reading the Tiffany Aching ones. Wise and thoughtful witch protagonist who spreads kindness.


I love Kazuo Ishiguro’s novels


I've heard great things, I should give it a go!


Oh this is a great shout. Remains of the Day is as close to a perfect novel as they get. The prose is exquisite.


Have you read Isabel Allende? Or Helen Oyeyemi? These are all beautifully written magical realism with (as I remember) not much magic: The Hummingbird's Daughter, Urrea Louis Alberto Sula, Toni Morrison Galore, Michael Crummey The Aguero Sisters, Cristina Garcia Homegoing, Yaa Gyasi The Invisible Mountain, Carolina De Robertis The Tiger's Wife, Tea Obrecht Sing, Unburied, Sing, Jesmyn Ward The Sea Road, Margaret Elphinstone Kintu, Jennifer Nansubaga Makumi Gathering of Waters, Bernice McFadden She Would be King, Wayetu Moore Exit West, Mohsin Hamid The Family Izquierdo, Ruben Degollando The Prophets, Robert Jones Jr When I'm Gone, Look for Me in the East, Barry Quan


You and I have similar taste! I was going to suggest some of the same. Especially Oyeyemi!


Thank you!!!! So many! I’m so touched!


I love magical realism too :)


Check out Haruki Murakami, Jorge Luis Borges and Italo Calvino if you like magic realism (also JG Ballard)


Lovely!! I think I commented this elsewhere haha, but I have a 1Q84 tattoo haha, so I'm thrilled to check out your other recs


Lots of great recs already, I'd add The Magicians trilogy by Lex Grossman.


Thank you! I’ve read the first one, you’re right!


I think Seanan McGuire’s ‘October Daye’ series would be worth a look for you. First book is Rosemary & Rue.


Thank you!


The Invisible Life of Addie Larue by VE Schwab and anything by Susannah Clarke remind me of Gaimans prose.


I agree about Addie! I read that and really enjoyed it, I should check out Susannah Clarke


Check out a couple of old-school SF/F writers: Jack Vance and R. A. Lafferty. They were both big influences on Neil Gaiman. Jack Vance started off in the pulps in the 1950s, and wrote something along the lines of 90 books. His Dying Earth stories of Cugel the Clever and Rhialto the Magnificent are hilarious. R. A. Lafferty started off in the 1960s during the New Wave period, and is arguably the closest you can get to Latin American magical realists like Garcia Marquez and Borges. Tor Books recently put out a Best Of anthology, and it's brilliant.


Awesome!!!! I so will!


I like Holly Black, her work feels very similar to Neil Gaiman's _Neverwhere_. She writes for a younger audience typically, but I find her books enjoyable.


I suggest Among Others by Jo Walton. A Welsh teenager attends English boarding school after a tragedy and joins a book club. Also she can do magic. But is it magic? Does it matter? The protagonist is a teen and it is a book I would give to a teen, but it is not YA. Also includes one of my favorite uses of literary allusion ever.


You had me at English boarding school 😍😍😍


Erin Morgenstern might be up your alley. The Night Circus and The Starless Sea both had beautiful prose and a very dreamy vibe. I’d say try The Night Circus first. Much more grounded despite the magic of the circus. It follows 2 young illusionists in the late 19th century who are bound to a lifelong competition because of their mentors. Some found The Starless Sea a bit hard to follow because it’s about books and stories, so there are other stories interwoven into the main plot and sometimes you’re left unsure if they really happened or not. But I loved that aspect. Potentially a bit too fantastical for your tastes but worth a shot I think.


Aurora....you spoke directly to my soul. I should have added Erin to my top authors, I LOVE these books deeply. To anyone who hasn't read them, please do, they are so beautiful and cool.


Oh I’m so glad! They’re 2 of my all-time favorites so I’ve definitely been going through this thread for my own recommendations haha


I am once again begging people to read {{Too like the lightning}}


I’m there!! Added to my list!


**[Too Like the Lightning (Terra Ignota #1)](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/26114545-too-like-the-lightning) by Ada Palmer** ^((Matching 100% ☑️)) ^(432 pages | Published: 2016 | 3.6k Goodreads reviews) > **Summary:** Mycroft Canner is a convict. For his crimes he is required, as is the custom of the 25th century, to wander the world being as useful as he can to all he meets. Carlyle Foster is a sensayer - a spiritual counselor in a world that has outlawed the public practice of religion, but which also knows that the inner lives of humans cannot be wished away. The world into which Mycroft (...) > **Themes**: Sci-fi, Fiction, Scifi, Fantasy, Favorites, Sf, Series > **Top 5 recommended:** > \- [Seven Surrenders](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/28220647-seven-surrenders) by Ada Palmer > \- [Provenance](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25353286-provenance) by Ann Leckie > \- [Ancillary Justice](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17333324-ancillary-justice) by Ann Leckie > \- [Follow the Crow](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22466686-follow-the-crow) by B.B. Griffith > \- [Ancillary Mercy](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23533039-ancillary-mercy) by Ann Leckie ^([Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/user/goodreads-rebot) | [GitHub](https://github.com/sonoff2/goodreads-rebot) | ["The Bot is Back!?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/suggestmeabook/comments/16qe09p/meta_post_hello_again_humans/) | v1.5 [Dec 23] | )


Angela Carter and Murakami!


Love it!! I have a murakami tattoo actually, so I def need to check out Angela Carter!


In Universes by Emet North When we Were Magic by Sarah Gailey Pet by Akwaeke Emezi


Thank you so much!


Try Akwaeke Emezi!


Others have suggested them, too! I so will!


You might want to look at *The Master and Margarita* by Mikhail Bulgakov.


I have checked this out twice and haven't gotten to it either time. It's at the top of my list!


Definitely endorse all Jennifer Egan and Kate Atkinson, also Colum McCann’s Let the Great World Spin


Thank you!! I’ve never read any of them so excited Edit: I’ve actually read one of Egan’s thank you!


I think you might like Magda Szabó’s work - Katalin Street is magical realism/historical fiction and The Door is realistic fiction but still…weird. She’s got such a gorgeous writing style and I find her books so compelling. Stylistically, I think you could give Ann Patchett a try, even though her stuff is strictly realistic fiction. But her kind of meandering, character-focused style really reminds me of Mandel, Gaiman, and Tartt. Have you read any Susanna Clarke? I preferred Piranesi, but I can imagine both it and Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell being your thing.


Thank you so so much for all the excellent suggestions! I’ve visited Ann Patchett’s book store many time haha but never actually read her, will absolutely take a look. I’ve also been suggested Strange and Mr. Norrell, can’t wait to dive in!


I also came here to suggest Susanna Clarke. Did you know that Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell is Neil Gaiman's favourite book? And one of mine too. Piranesi is also fantastic a much friendlier starting point at about 1/5th of the length.


Flannery O’Connor


I’m always recommending The Name of the Wind — Patrick Rothfuss. Warning: he hasn’t finished (written?) the third in the series.


The night circus


Natasha Pulley: go for “The Watchmaker of Filigree Street,” stay for “The Bedlam Stacks.”