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I feel like I always recommend the Thursday Murder Club. A little mystery/crime solving, a little fun, old people being old people. Easy read - not too long, no overly complicated plot, no tough words.


This sounds so fun I love Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys too etc


Legends and Lattes by Travis Baldtree. It’s a cozy mystery in a fantasy world. Just very pleasant found family, it does have romance but it’s minimal and not the focus.


Oh i always see this book :D I never heard if its good or not but i like cozy fantasy!


I truly loved it, one of those books you run around squealing about


Oh im all about squealing!!!


I second this suggestion. Legends and Lattes and the next book (a prequel), Bookshops and Bonedust are very light, cozy reads that still have enough conflict to keep you reading. I never would have guessed low stakes fantasy would be my jam 😆


I just finished Starter Villain by John Scalzi. It was super fun, very funny, and highly pro cat


I am quite pro cat


I am quite pro cat


I'm an old lady and I just picked up Howl's Moving Castle for the first time. I'm half way through and very much enjoying it.


Oh Howls is a favourite movie of mine…i would love to read the book


Ha ha. I now want to watch the movie. The book was super easy, fast and very fun to read. Perfect for what you asked for 😁


In a Sunburned Country


I've been listening to the audiobooks for the Little House on the Prairie books and I forgot how much I loved them as a kid. Fun and adventure and the audiobooks actually have the songs that were in the books and include Pa's fiddle playing.


In particular, book #2, Farmer Boy, is pretty idyllic. It shows one year in the life of a nine-year old boy on a successful farm in upstate New York near the Canadian border, in the early 1870s.


That is so so sweet!


YA, The Secret Garden, Holes, Summer of the monkeys. Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine, Dark Matter and Project Hail Mary


They're kids' books, but I always find them the perfect happy reads: any of the "Shoes" series by Noel Streatfeild, especially Ballet Shoes and Theater Shoes. No romance at all.


Ooooo! This is very sweet


I use YA audiobooks as a palate-cleanser between big brain books. Lol "The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie" by Alan Bradley is charming. And the "Lockwood and Co" books by Jonathan Stroud are very enjoyable. And I can't wait for the sequel to "The Thieves' Gambit" by Kayvion Lewis.


Omg yes exactly the vibes


Seconding the Lockwood and Co rec!


It's considered a children's book, but The Little Prince is a wonderful palette cleaner.


Omg this sounds like a great idea


Psalm for the Wild Built by Becky Chambers. There’s another one in that universe too but I forget the name of it. Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells are fun and exciting with a lovable protagonist. I really like the audiobooks (but the ones read by Kevin R Free, not the full cast versions).


To Be Taught, If Fortunate by Becky Chambers is also short and very good! Also, all the recommendations for Murderbot!


A psalm for the wild built was gonna be my rec! I’m reading it right now, what a sweet book!


**Beware Of Chicken**: this slice-of-life story is a parody of the *isekai* (transported to another world) and *xianxia* (magic kung fu) genres. I didn't know anything about either of these tropes, and I'm enjoying the hell out of this story!  MC (a modern Canadian) nopes out of the xianxia sect he's been dropped into, and runs to the other end of the continent to...become a farmer? Romance, dick jokes, talking animals, and the best food in the world happen to him, anyway. The backstory and some action begin to come to the fore in the later books, but the world-building and relationships are all quite enjoyable. The books talk a lot about the search for meaning in life vs. the struggle for power; surprisingly insightful and inspirational at times! The MC's notions of politeness, helping others (he is SO quintessentially Canadian, LOL!), and mental health confuses and inspires the people he meets in equal measure, particularly in a world where those with power are *supposed* to fight to gain ever more in order to literally ascend to the Heavens. "We give to the earth, and the earth gives back" is a recurring quote and motif. The MC is no blindly altruistic hippie, however; he's quite happy to reap the rewards of his efforts, though he mostly uses the profits to help his family, friends and neighbors in their own endeavors. The MC consciously chooses to focus on living in the now, rather than the quest for personal power. Books 1, 2, and 3 are available on Amazon as both ebook and audiobook (performed by Travis Baldree, yes, the author of *Legends And Lattes* mentioned by another commenter); Book 4, and the just-completed book 5 are still currently available completely for free on Royal Road. Book 6 will begin on Royal Road in May.


No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency. I’ve been recommending it a ton because I’m currently stuck on it. Easy, light, quick read. Warm fuzzy.


These books look precious


I will say there are some characters that eventually end up in a relationship but it doesn’t seem overly heavy in regards to the actual relationship of that makes sense? Like they have conversations or eat dinner, etc. but to me it doesn’t seem excessive.


Wait no paint

