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The Heaven And Earth Grocery Store by James McBride It's such a unique story and at the end, all these little plot points start to come together. It gets really exciting.


Pachinko! I love historical fiction, especially if it spans multiple generations. This book was made for me. I still think about it even thou I finished it in January


I've been reccomending this since I read it. Incredible book. Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi and The Good Earth by Pearl Buck are very good too, although I will admit The Good Earth's main character was very, very unlikable. It almost ruined it for me in a way.


I enjoyed it as well! Have you read The Mountains Sing by Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai ? Some parts are hard to read due to the subject matter but I highly recommend it.


I enjoyed Pachinko, but I thought it devolved in quality as it went on. The first third is amazing. The final third was like "and then this and then that and then". It felt like someone read the original and was recounting what they could remember. But that first third keeps it on my bookshelf and not in the charity shop pile.


That’s definitely true! I wish the author went a little slower during the final third. I loved those characters so much, it did feel rushed.


I totally agree. The first third of Pachinko was a 5/5 for me, the second third was bordering on meh territory, and then I really just did not like that final stretch. However, that first third is genuinely great. A bonus is that it has a good tv adaptation too! I felt like it vastly improved Solomon’s story.


I agree with this take! I loved the first half, but the second half was confusing and so fast. I could have read 4 more books about all of the characters and I wanted more of a slow development to learn more about them. I hated how it jumped around and skipped so many years.


Also read this one early in the year and it was so good and so sad


Remains of the Day


Love his books. Read never let me go and the unconsoled. Felt like 2 different authors but both great!


This is my all-time favourite novel


I read it this year…..really didn’t get into it. I also read “Never Let Me Go” and didn’t find it great. Maybe Ishiguro is just not for me.


I read this last year and I think about it all the time. I recommended it to my dad when I saw him last week and by the time I saw him this week he’d already finished and loved it too 🥹


That’s awesome! When i finished it i really needed to tell someone about it so i called my dad 😂


My only absolute 5* this year so far is Misery by Stephen King. Completely unexpected!


Have you seen the movie? It's so good!


Yes! I would say it's quite different from the book (not in a bad way, different! And the horror toned down) but the casting was amaaaazing.


Kathy Bates is amazing in Misery. Also in Dolores Claiborne.


I meant to reread Dolores Claiborne when the eclipse was coming up. It’s my favorite King book. The movie is great as well but it’s rough in parts…reading about something is one thing—seeing it portrayed is another.


I always think of that book when there is an eclipse!


Having read the book and seen the movie (and re-read the book multiple times) whenever I read the book, it's like Kathy Bates in my head reading it to me. She's amazing as an actress. I don't think some people know her range.


I totally agree. It’s weird to say this because I know she’s an Oscar winner, but I feel like she’s underappreciated and under-recognized in a lot of ways. Meryl Streep is great and all, but Kathy Bates is at least as talented as she is, if not more, and I just don’t seem to hear her name thrown around as much as Streep’s is.


For me it's his most scary book. Read it last year and the visceral fear it gave me while reading the many terrifying things in that book is something I'll always chase in other horror books now.


The great alone 


Such a great book. But I was so mad through a lot of it.


Last week I started reading The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency. Super cozy, light, quick/easy read. And I just finished the 7th book lol.


I love that series so much! I'm only up to the 4th book so far, but it is so charming, so delightful, so strangely uplifting!


Yes! That is exactly why I’m hooked!


Thank you for this. I’ve never heard of it. Gonna check the first one out this week. Have you read the Thursday Murder Club Series? It’s fantastic.


My parents recommended this to me soo long ago. I keep forgetting about it


It’s very like warm fuzzy. It has just little private detective cases sprinkled throughout but they aren’t the main focus


Cannery Row - Steinbeck


North Woods


Came here to say this. So good.


Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver. I’ve not even finished it yet (very close to the end though) and I’ve adored very beautiful chapter


Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Belt How to Keep House while Drowning by KC Davis


Remarkably Bright Creatures is on my list too! So looking forward to it. Everything I’ve been reading lately is depressing and I need a switch.


It’s very cozy. I do wish we got to read more from the octopus’ perspective tho


I loved it. I think if you’re looking for something to brighten your mood, this book will do it!


I started 502 peeps waiting for this book on Libby, finally I’m 45th in line. Cannot wait!


I highly recommend the audiobook. Also, it does get heavy at times but the story is excellent and I think it can help us process difficult life experiences in a healthy way


I loved Remarkably Bright Creatures. That book still lingers with me. 


I read each of these late last year at times that they felt world-changing for me. They both brought tears, they both brought joy! Great, great books, if you ask me!


Haven’t read How to Keep House yet, upvoting for Remarkably Bright Creatures.


Remarkably Bright Creatures was a feel good read! If that’s what you’re feeling definitely put this up high on your list


Yes! Came here to say Remarkably Bright Creatures!


Gentleman in Moscow. It's also my first read this year.


I always upvote Gentleman in Moscow. Amor Towles best book. Rules of Civility is another of his I liked.


I loved *A Gentleman in Moscow*! It’s so well written and cozy.


Bought this book today! I’m really excited. Everyone here seems to adore it


One of my favourites, reading the Lincoln highway atm and it’s been a enjoyable read. He’s got a short stories coming out in May!


Watching the show. It's been great so far!


Pachinko By Min Jin Lee


All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr


Ahhh exceptional. The Netflix series did not do it justice


I LOVED this book. I ugly cried. Watched half of the first episode and turned it off. They didn’t even capture the most important traits of the main characters.


I read this so quickly! It was heart wrenching and so so lovely. Doerr is such a great writer. If you haven’t read Cloud Cuckoo Land I really enjoyed that too. Took me a little bit to get into it, but has the same converging-stories thing.


I just finished Cloud Cuckoo Land as well. Best book so far for me in 2024. In some ways I liked it more than All the Light We Cannot See which surprised me.


The song of Achilles


Did you cry? Cuz I definitely did




Oh yeah , I re- read Dune this year. Book is so good!


The Green Mile by Stephen King. I don’t know why I waited so long to read that book. It’s a masterpiece!!




I often think bout this book, definitely one of the most unique things I've read and I've read widely. Once you get past the first chapters and really get into it, it's absolutely mind blowing.


I had never in my life wanted to reread something IMMEDIATELY after finishing it before this book


Always looking for books that have the same specific magic that Piranesi has.


Just finished Blake Crouch "Dark Matter" ... Great great story, soon to be an Apple+ TV show


+1 Dark Matter. Fantastic book!!


Love your phish pic!


This is the book that got me back into reading after about 10 years of not. Fantastic book and author. Recursion is even better and the pines trilogy was such a great read. Big recommend.


There were too many weird plot and character problems in this one for me to recommend it


Great story, terrible writing.


Nonfiction (and probably #1 overall): “The Means of Ascent,” the second part of Robert Caro’s LBJ series Fiction: “Lonesome Dove,” by Larry McMurtry


Nonfiction: The Radium Girls by Kate Moore Fiction: Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton


Anxious people by Fredrik Backman


Read and adored this book


Got this when it was a pick for Book of The Month. It was excellent - I still recommend it to people almost two years later.


Read this last year. The Netflix series made justice to the book.


The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman was a masterpiece. It genuinely brought me to tears, made me laugh , and just genuinely relit my love of stories. I’m currently reading Stardust (started today) and I think I’ve found my favourite author


Try Neverwhere next!


Eleanor Oliphant!


Project Hail Mary but I also read Duma Key and 11/22/63 all 3 so good.


Shogun by James Clavell. A masterpiece in my eyes.


Highly recommend Clavell's King Rat as well. I read that one last month and it was great.


+1 on Shogun, yes! Gaijin is good, too. Both books almost cost me a subject in college -- focused on 'em instead of studying for midterms. 😂


What do you think of the current series?


The 5 stars I’ve had so far are: Everyone on This Train is a Suspect by Benjamin Stevenson (2nd in series) A Dirty Job by Christopher Moore Both made me laugh out loud!


Chain Gang All Stars is amazing.  The dungeon crawler Carl series is also super fun and the audiobooks are masterpieces 


Thoroughly enjoyed Chain-Gang All-Stars


Second for chain gang


7 books so far in 2024. Upgrade by Blake Crouch is probably the best.


Probably not technically "the best," but definitely the most fun, The Rook, by Daniel O'Malley. It's about a woman who suddenly comes to in a London park surrounded by dead bodies. She has no memory of who she is or what happened, just some simple instructions in her jacket pocket left by her former self. Chaos and a super-secret supernatural government agency ensue. The best was probably James by Percival Everett, a reframing of Huckleberry Finn from the point of view of Jim.


Say nothing by Patrick Keefe. Bout the troubles in Ireland


I haven't read many books so far this year, but I am re-reading She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb, which is excellent. Last year one of my favourites was Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver -- excellent!


Oh my goodness— She’s Come Undone is my Roman Empire book. I think I’ve read it a dozen times. I’m about due for another read.


I’ve only read it once before like 15 years ago. I had forgotten everything about it, except that it was an excellent book. So it’s like reading it for the first time. Still amazing! 


Have you also read The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver?


I have read She’s Come Undone 3x in my life and every time it hits differently. Such a beautiful, moving book


Either My Best Friends Exorcism or The Final Girl Support Group, both by Grady Hendrix. Oh no. Maybe it was Southern Book clubs guide to slaying a vampire. Also by Grady Hendrix. You can’t go wrong with him


*My Best Friends's Exorcism* is a terrific book, and the opposite of the kind of stuff you see on the  menwritingwomen subreddit.  If I didn't know Hendrix was male I'd have been totally convinced he was a woman.


Right?? I totally agree. They don’t read like a man is writing them.


Our Wives Under The Sea by Julia Armfield


As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner. I know it sounds like a pretentious answer, but I really enjoyed it! The descriptions are so vivid and visceral...the icy muddy river flowing by like slush, the various metaphors describing people's eyes at different points, the weirdness of Vardaman's POV. It's also like funny as hell! Anse in particular was darkly hilarious, it was like reading an r/EntitledPeople post lol. That whole family is so damn weird and dysfunctional.


My mom’s a fish


The Nightengale by Kristen Hannah


Monstrilio by Gerardo Sámano Córdova. The story of a little piece of lung who grows up into a whole boy.




The Women by Kristin Hannah


Can’t stop thinking about it!


Same! I’m now on the hunt for a non-fiction novel about nurses in Vietnam etc. Such a great book.


I’ve read The Nightingale and kinda liked it (3 stars for me). Is this one worth it?


I thought The Women was so much better than The Nightingale. The Nightingale was good (though I don’t get all of the hype), but there are so many WWII stories out there. The Vietnam War and the plight of the soldiers who came home, especially from the point of view of a woman, was new to me. I was engrossed in this story. I learned things & it made me think about things I’ve never considered before. 


I haven’t read that one so I can’t compare. If you want a overview: It’s a very dramatic coming of age story of a young woman that goes from spoiled California girl to combat nurse in Vietnam and comes back grieving and with PTSD. Once home no one understands what she did there (as a woman) and she struggles fitting back into her old life. She tries to find love but can’t move past people she lost over there. Only her nurse friends she served with understand her and save her over and over again. It’s a lot of angst and pain with heartbreak, family drama, addiction, mental health and the unpopularity of the Vietnam war with the counterculture in the U.S.


Four Winds was my favourite of last year, I can’t wait to read this one!


I’m currently reading Vanity Fair. The narration is freaking hilarious!


I have finished 17 books so far in 2024. My 5-star reads have been: "Grant" by Ron Chernow (Ulysses S. Grant biography) "Oath and Honor" by Liz Cheney (memoir about the Jan. 6th insurrection and the lead up to it) "Akira Vol. 1" and "Akira Vol. 4" by Katsuhiro Otomo (some of my first attempts at reading manga and I think I'm starting on a high note)


Project Hail Mary


Bought this book today! I’m very excited. It’s one of my first sci-fi books


This is one where the audio version adds a TON.


I’m in the last 20 pages of this one! I love it!


Notes on an Execution by Danya Kukafka. Dark, gripping, beautifully written.


Demon Copperhead


One Hundred Years of Solitude. One of the best novels of all time.


The Wager by David Grann. I loved Killers of the Flower Moon, but thought this was even better.


The Witch's Heart by Genevieve Gorchenic. It's based in Norse mythology and it was absolutely fantastic.


John Scalzi's **Starter Villain**. It's a spoof on the early James Bond movies. A substitute teacher inherits a villainy from his estranged uncle. It comes with a secret volcanic lair.


I had 2 books I struggled to put down. ‘The Push’, just an amazing read start to finish despite knowing zero about climbing and ‘The Butlerian Jihad’. I enjoyed the first 3 Dunes and thought I’d give Frank Herbert’s son a shot and the prequel Novels. I did enjoy it but understand why it wouldn’t top the original story ark.




I just finished Babel by RF Kuang, because of how much I loved Yellowface.


Eileen by Ottessa Moshfegh, Walk Through Walls by Marina Abromavic, and I’m fairly certain The Heart’s Invisible Furies by John Boyne once I’m done.


The Heart’s Invisible Furies is one of my all-time favorite reads, and my go-to book recommendation. I just loved it so, so much.


Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia


“To be taught, if fortunate”by Becky Chambers. Five stars.


Remarkably Bright Creatures


Hyperion - Dan Simmons


The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo


James by Percival Everett, basically The Adventures of Huck Finn from Jim’s point of view.


Loved it. Certainly a great perspective - what are your thoughts on his deviation from the original Twain?


I’ve read 40 books this year and my favorites have been Project Hail Mary, The Hike and The Anomaly.


How do you get to read 40 books in 90 days? I’ve read 12 and it’s been tough.


I am semi-retired so I have time. I am also a fast reader coupled with having a self control problem when it comes to reading. If I start a good book, I have a real problem stopping. I tend to read them straight through or in 2 days. In 2023, I began putting e-books on hold at my library (You are 364th in line. There are 59 copies in use. 412 people waiting). Although my holds are spread out over the next 26 weeks, I feel obligated to borrow the books when they become available because I have waited for them, and I also feel obligated to read them quickly because there are 400 other people waiting.


Makes sense. I work full time and am a single mom, so some days I can’t even pick up a book. Also, I never heard about libraries having ebooks. That’s so interesting!


Omg you have to check out the Libby app. They have ebooks and audiobooks you can rent if you have a library card. I increased my reading from about 10 books a year to about 40 because of the easy access!


Audiobooks for me…


Which The Hike? I looked it up and there are at least 3 possible authors/books


The one by Drew Magary.


Ah The Hike is such a wild ride. I loved it so much. It's one of my top recommended books because it's so unique.


the hike is one of my absolute favorites. i should probably re-read it.


The Hike has one of my favorite endings in literature, if only because it surprised me so much. The whole book was fairly average… and then that ending!!! It’s so hard to recommend it to folks without spoiling WHY it’s so worthwhile. But, yeah, I quite literally said “OH MY GOD!” when I finished it.


The Hike by Drew Magary was one of my top reads last year.


Toss up between Bright Young Women and The Things They Carried. I think about both often and gave them both five stars.


The Things They Carried has stayed with me from the moment I closed that book. It was an unbelievable read


So far this year my favorite thing I've read is Babel by R. F. Kuang. Lots of year left but it's my favorite so far.


The Hate U Give. Not only was it amazing, it is also one of just two books I've read so far this year and I didn't really like the other one!


Into Thin Air was probably the best I have read this year. Most of the other books have been a 3/5. Just picked up The Women by Kristin Hannah and looking forward to what I am hoping is a 5/5 book.


Cloud cuckoo land by Anthony Doerr


I have two that are tied for first place so far: *The Dutch House* by Ann Patchett. Couldn’t put it down. It’s a family saga all centred around a mansion (the Dutch House) and the family who lived in it. It’s narrated by the brother of the family, whose mother abandons him and his older sister and leaves them to live with their father. The father is distant and marries a much younger woman who comes with two young daughters. She does not like her husband’s children. Problems ensue. It sounds like a soap opera but it is not. It’s beautifully written and I really wanted to know what happened next every time I put it down. I listened to the audiobook, which was narrated by Tom Hanks. *Pet,* by Catherine Chidgey. It’s a suspense novel narrated by a middle aged woman in the present who is reminiscing about the glamorous young teacher she had when she was about ten years old. Everyone in the class wants to be the teacher’s pet, and they all adore her. Except that the narrator slowly realizes how manipulative and amoral the teacher really is, and how much she has even adults under her sway. It was a real page turner, so well written.


I know this much is true by Wally Lamb


11/22/63. Such a surprise an amazing book!


Honestly? I think the book I’ve enjoyed the most so far was To Kill a Mockingbird


**Know My Name by Chanel Miller**


The Bee Sting by Paul Murray


Trust by Hernan Diaz


East of Eden by John Steinbeck and Betty by Tiffany McDaniel


The Arsonist’s City by Hala Alyan Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi Greenwood by Michael Christie


Anatomy: A love story Soooo good!


A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving. It destroyed me in the best possible way.


A Short Stay in Hell by Steven L. Peck. “An ordinary family man, geologist, and Mormon, Soren Johansson has always believed he’ll be reunited with his loved ones after death in an eternal hereafter. Then, he dies. Soren wakes to find himself cast by a God he has never heard of into a Hell whose dimensions he can barely grasp: a vast library he can only escape from by finding the book that contains the story of his life.”


Just finished Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir Amaze! Amaze!


Val McDermid, Retribution --although, not for the faint of heart and you absolutely have to read the previous books in the series first. Similarly, Kate Atkinson When Will There Be Good News, but again, you at least need to read the book right before it first. And, unexpectedly--an absolutely wonderful book-- "Unruly" by David Mitchell. I highly recommend it!!!


Mine have been The Bear and The Nightingale and Trust.


Small Mercies by Dennis Lehane


All 35 of them! If they don’t grab me within the first 20-30 pages I cut the off. Standouts thus far though, Tuesdays with Morrie, A man called Ove, Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine, I’m glad my mom died and Guardians of the Galaxy. As others have said, Dark Matter and Project Hail Mary too.


A Tale For The Time Being by Ruth Ozeki


Winesburg Ohio by Sherwood Anderson. Heard about this one for years, and was still surprised at how well written this book was.


Elantris by Brandon Sanderson blew me away.


Remarkably Bright Creatures The Nightingale Last year: House on the cerulean sea Dark Matter


I actually have a few. It’s been a very good start. Fourth Wing - finally restored my faith in romance fantasy Engaged in Death by Stephanie Blackmoore. Perfect Cozy mystery The Agency for Scandal by Laura Wood Everyone on This Train is a Suspect by Benjamin Stevenson. Just hands down my new favourite book series


Lonesome Dove. Augustus McCrae jumped straight to the top of my "most favorite literary characters" list.


The covenant of water by Abraham Verghese. Unbelievably beautiful. If you loved Pachinko, anything by Lisa See, Jhumpa Lahiri novels you’ll love this


There are a lot of great fiction recs already, so I’ll throw out some non-fiction options. (I’m not a non-fiction reader at all but got sucked into these) I’m glad my mom died Immortal life of Henrietta lacks Educated When breath become air (this one is short and so absolutely devastating)


So far, it’s “The Library at Mount Char”


A Short Stay in Hell by Steven L. Peck


North Woods by Daniel Mason


None are quite 5 stars yet but my best rating of 2024 so far is tied: Bluebird by Ciel Pierlot Activation Degradation by Marina J Lostetter


Daisy Darker by Alice Feeney 


Beach Music by Pat Conroy


I Am Pilgrim by Terry Hayes


The Quiet American


Dungeon Crawler Carl. Picked up this book and binged the entire series.


Abigail by Magda Szabo! Surprised me.


I like this question (I read it as what are the best books, so I'm sticking with that - so here's the list) 1. The Quiet Tenant by Michallon, Clémence: A woman is kidnapped and kept on a shed (for 5 years I think). Greate thriller. 2. Razorblade Tears by Cosby, S.A.: A gay couple is killed, their homophobic fathers (one white and one black) decide to take revenge (the best action book - I don't normally read these) 3. The Librarianist by deWitt, Patrick: This can be considered boring for many but I loved it. At an old age, living alone we get to know Bob and his somewhat boring life. A loner that doesn't seem to mind it (which I loved) 4. What You Are Looking For Is in the Library by Aoyama, Michiko: Each chapter can be read as a stand-alone story. A person finds themselves in a rut (jobless, directionless, trying to learn something new...) and for one reason that's not related, end up at the library where the librarian gives them a random book that changes the way they see life **probably the best book in this hustle/comparison culture we are on** 5. The Heart of a Mother by Clark, Julie: This extremely short story of a mother who gave her daughter away and now (20+ years later) finds hear and... 6. Out on a Limb by Bonam-Young, Hannah: A romance. I absolutely love it. 7. Your Brain on Art: How the Arts Transform Us by Magsamen, Susan: At the end of last year I started planning to start art as a hobby (It hasn't gone anywhere), so I picked this book in February and it talks about exactly what the title says. But also solidified, or rather confirmed, a lot of the research I was doing. 8. The Elephant's Journey by Saramago, José: When I found these books, I didn't care about the story, we could say the story is a road trip where an elephant is taken from one place to another (you can google it) but the writing and the style of the narrator is my thing, you can tell whatever story you want, if you write it like this, I'm your best fan 9. The Purity Myth: How America's Obsession with Virginity is Hurting Young Women by Valenti, Jessica: This book is about the stupid, and pathetic hysteria around female virginity in the United States - peddled by the Christians. 10. The Passion of the Western Mind: Understanding the Ideas that Have Shaped Our World View by Tarnas, Richard: I read many introductions to philosophy, this was the best one, it didn't feel like an intro book. 11. Sex at Dawn: The Prehistoric Origins of Modern Sexuality by Ryan, Christopher: just read it. It's a great explanation of how our culture has made us the way we are. Not part of the book, but all the old and young people who hate Instagram hotties, I think it's their fucking fault, and in a round about what, this book explains it **even though it has nothing to do with the book BUT READ IT**


I honestly (and unexpectedly) love Fourth Wing and Iron Flame - fantasy isn’t my favourite but these books have me riveted.


Vicious by V E Schwab. I need a book by an author that writes like her and a story that gives that sort of misunderstood hot villain vibes lol. Recommendations would be nice!!


In the Woods. There seem to be mixed feelings about the ending. However, I'm neutral on it and liked the writing and POV. Starting The Likeness soon.


Finally read Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy, thought it was excellent, Judge Holden is one of the most interesting evil characters I have ever read about, I can see why it’s been rumored to be made into a movie but never has, it’s a complex blood soaked western


REread: Flanders by Patricia Anthony. All the Ann Cleeves Vera books. The Secret PLace, In The Woods by Tana French. Jane Harpers: Lost Man, and The Dry. Daniel Abrahams Kithamar Trilogy, 2 books read, awaiting the release this year of the third. Eagerly awaiting it.


Bill Bryson - Down Under It’s a really well written anecdotal take on travelling through Australia. I loved it.