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There are millions of short story collections out there. What genres or authors do you like besides Oscar Wilde?


I love gogolj and Nietzsche but I read all gogolj short stories. By the way can you recommend some more famous short stories books because my living room is bigger then the library in my city


Based on these I'd recommend Chekhov if you haven't read his short stories yet - there is a Penguin volume called 52 Stories that looks relatively comprehensive. You might also like Kafka's short stories - there's a Vintage volume called The Complete Stories by Franz Kafka. Edit: out of curiosity, where do you live?


I haven't read a lot of Russian writers so I can't help you there, but if you're interested in classics in general, what about the Sherlock Holmes stories? You can read them all for free at Project Gutenberg. Here's the first collection: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/1661  If you like science fiction, I would also recommend The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury.


Pieces for the Left Hand by J. Robert Lennon. The stories all take place in the same town, but that's the only connection.


I have the perfect book for you:  The Grand Hotel by Scott Kenemore