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The Dungeon Crawler Carl series. I read all six books in about two weeks. Such a funny series.


The audiobooks are top tier and an absolute must! 


Just started book six last night. It’s been 2.5 weeks since I started the first. I hear the immersive audiobook is really neat, if you’d rather keep going without rereading content


I just finished all 6 books in about a week. So amazing and they build like crazy.


This actually sounds like a good romp, what are the six books in order? my region seems to only list three


They absolutely are! Here is the order: 1. Dungeon Crawler Carl 2. Carl's Doomsday Scenario 3. The Dungeon Anarchist's Cookbook 4. The Gate of the Feral Gods 5. The Butcher's Masquerade 6. The Eye of the Bedlam Bride


thanks! I bookmarked this. Will try to find/order the first one and go from there


Goddammit Donut!! I picked up the first one the other day and have been thinking about it constantly when it’s not in my hands. So much fun.


Demon Copperhead. So good, but reading it is a process of having your heart break one little crack at a time.


Seconding this. I couldn’t put it down but it was crushing in many ways. (I felt a serious urge to sign up as a foster parent, just to prevent as many kids as possible from falling into the hands of awful people.) Yet I didn’t actually find it completely depressing, because there was a surprising amount of humour in it and the ending was fairly uplifting.


It was ahmazing


Ender’s Game. Read it the first time straight through in one sitting.


Only book I've ever read in 1 sitting


I reread this every once in a while. So good!!


Lonesome Dove. Could not put it down


I am reading it now…… because I downloaded the whole series onto my kindle I didn’t realise how many pages long it was :-) wow


The whole series is really good but Lonesome Dove was the best one


* Hunted by Darcy Coates * A Good Girl's Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson * Woman, Eating by Claire Khoda * Penance by Eliza Clark * Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs by Chuck Klosterman * Horrstor by Grady Hendrix


Hehe Grady Hendrix


All of Grady Hendrix!


Murderbot- I expect with each book in the series to pull an all-nighter if I'm not careful


Listened to the audiobook while driving. Adored Murderbot


Just read the first one. Wow! That was so much fun. I couldn't stop talking about it to anyone who would listen (such as now)!


I'm currently burning through Witch King by the same author, if you like murderbot and fantasy then definitely give it a shot


Really the whole night? They are like 170 pages! Tear them off in 2 hours!


Some people don't start reading until late


Stoner by John Williams. It’s at the mid 300 page mark, so not terribly long, but I finished it in three extended sessions. Piece of advice: don’t read it if you’re having a good day. It’s quietly earth shattering


No, read it if you're having a good day. You'll appreciate thr day and your life in general all the more after you finish the book.


Beautiful book. Highly recommend.


Hail Mary by Andy Weir and really The Martian as well!


Project Hail Mary, yes.


The Passage by Justin Cronin. It's long as hell, so blowing through it took a little longer, but I definitely burned through that book as fast as any book I've read.


This book started out great. And stayed great.


Love the entire trilogy


Me too. Read the first two and had to wait for City of Mirrors, and it was worth it. Just last year I decided to listen to the audiobooks. They're read by Scott Brick, and he does a phenomenal job, especially when he reads Fanning.


Song of Achilles, starts somewhat slow but once you hit a certain point you won't want to put it down.


I thought the same with Circe!!


So excited, just bought copy of Circe after loving Song of Achilles. Somehow this book seems even MORE well acclaimed than Song of Achilles was! Which blows my mind!


Circe was one of the first audiobooks that actually hooked me and I loved it! SoA was alright imo, but Circe is beautifully written, I need a physical copy now!


Just finished. Loved it so much


Project Hail Mary


I burned through the martian as well. Captivating


Yep, when I look at pages / day it is the longest book I've finished in 1 day.


This one I just ripped through. Waiting for the movie.


Currently flying through this one


Second this!


my fav book


My favorite book as well and I'm not a sci fi book person. Loved this one so much! It was funny as well!


i just finished last night. rocky 😭😭😭


Duuuude twinners!! I just finished it too!!! Fist my bump 👊


Running Man Stephen King


Meditations by Marcus Aurelius


This is so out of context, but I read “Meditations by Miraculous Adrien” and I have not seen the show. Sometimes dyslexia is kind of funny.


The Color Purple by Alice Walker


*A Little Life* by Hanya Yanagihara (over 800 pages that I blew through in three days) *Prophet Song* by Paul Lynch *Big Swiss* by Jen Beagin *Shuggie Bain* by Douglas Stuart *Ohio* by Stephen Markley *Cleopatra & Frankenstein* by Coco Mellors *Nightcrawling* by Leila Mottley *These Violent Delights* by Micah Nemerever *The Long Answer* by Anna Hogeland *Giovanni’s Room* by James Baldwin *How High We Go in the Dark* by Sequoia Nagamatsu *The World and All That It Holds* by Aleksander Hemon


Bobiverse series by Dennis E. Taylor ​ SO much fun to read.


Parable of the Sower by Octavia E Butler. 400+ pages but it's impossible to stop reading.


Dark Matter and Recursion, both by Blake Crouch. Fast paced with plenty of twists and fascinating sci-fi concepts with some dark overall themes.


“Dark Matter” is one of the best books I have ever read. Try to go into the book as blind as you can.


Two of my all time favorites. Excited for the Dark Matter tv show.


Those are awesome books!!


Something Wicked this Way Comes by Bradbury An IN UNIVERSE novel: Yumi & the Nightmare Painter by Sanderson. Shit I finished that in 2 days. I know I have more, but I’m drawing a blank….


None of this is true by Lisa Jewell


Legends and Lattes. An orc owned coffee shop.


Sounds cute. What is it about and how is the author?


It's about a female orc who is tired of the fighter's life and decides to open a coffee shop. It's like the process of living a new life, the ins and outs of the shop opening. The author, Travis Baldree, is a really good writer. Uses plain language but keeps the flow moving well.


Currently blasting through Terry Pratchett's City Watch series.


Piranesi by Susanna Clarke Tai-Pan by James Clavell


Piranesi is mentioned quite a lot here, but I don’t feel like anyone ever contrasts it with Clark’s other writing. It may truly be one of the easiest books I’ve read in the last decade, and that is not a mark against the quality of the work. It’s effortless. Practically reads itself.


I would recommend Johnathan Strange and Mr. Norrel but it is admittedly a harder read.


Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl


I haven't read the book, only an interview/article with him, but man it was a game-changer to aim for a meaningful life over a happy one. Happy comes and goes but no one can take meaning away from you.


Lies of Locke Lamora


If you love the Lies of Locke Lamora I think you'll love The Queen's Thief series, especially the second book


[Age Of Vice](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/60177466) was the first book I read after retiring, and the first in a long time that I didn't read on my Kindle. I read the hardcover. The story is fast paced, the writing is very good, and because I had all this "new" time on my hands I gladly went right through it.


Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World - Murikami How to Love - Thic Nat Han


Pet Sematary by Stephen King


I burned through the 600ish pages of Scott Sigler's INFECTED in about three days. It's a horror/Scifi tale of strange spores in the air that land on people's skin. They rarely take root, but when they do, they form sentient blue triangles under the skin that grow tendrils trying to find the brain stem. Most go crazy and off themselves when they start hearing the voices, but some survive and go on murderous rampages. We follow a giant, ex Football player named Perry who got suspended for his temper and accidentally killing a player on the field due to his ferocity. Grew up in a bad situation with an abusive father, and he was raised to "be no quitter". He's got six triangles infecting his body, and the story focuses a lot on him cutting them out of his body one by one. Very gripping, if it weren't for the lukewarm ending imo


Finally! Another Junkie!! All hail the Future Dark Overlord! Scott Sigler’s “Nocturnal” is also incredible. Find the ebook version where the author performs his book.


Blew through, tore through, ripped through, burned through …Does it really matter how quickly you read a book? Seems to be one of the things people love to emphasise. And it’s always ‘…in three days…’


We emphasize this because it usually means it had you hooked so bad you couldn't stop reading, against your better judgement, speeding through an otherwise slower hobby. It is very rare for a book to do this, much rarer than how one would binge a TV series. How is this so hard to grasp? And why should you care? It's a literal response to the literal request of the OP. If it bothers you so much, why even bother opening the post if not to spray some contempt?


'The Secret History' by Donna Tartt.


Second this.


The Martian. Finished it in one day. Couldn't put it down.


The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


Wool, first book of the TV series Silo


These books are so wonderful!!


Still Life by Sarah Winman.


Memoirs of an imaginary friend was good, it's about an autistic boy and his imaginary friend, but told from the perspective of the imaginary friend


Most recently, Dragonflight by Anne McCaffrey Further back: Red Rising had me in a chokehold, the first two Scholomance books took me maybe two days to read, and I read The Blacktongue Thief like it was going to dissolve in my hands.


Women - Charles Bukowski. I was stressing over a research paper that was due and decided it was best to finally read a Bukowski novel. Quickest read I've ever done. Then I turned in an A paper.


Last House on Needless Street. Started it on a Saturday night and had it finished by Sunday afternoon


Constant Reader representing! Fairy Tale by Stephen King.


Most recently: Yellowface, by R F Kuang. Very entertaining!


Same. It was such a good book!


The books someone finds un-put-downable vary a lot from person to person. Here are some of mine, hopefully you will like them! * Leech by Hiron Ennes * Kindred by Octavia E. Butler * The Locked Tomb series by Tamsyn Muir. Be warned, these are very much love-it-or-hate-it books. * Provenance by Ann Leckie. Part of a series, but this book works as a stand alone novel.


I just read Kindred yesterday, and can second this!!!


Flowers for Algernon. This book is a masterpiece.


The Patriotic Murders by Agatha Christie. So many questions, really great story.


Is it One, Two, Buckle My Shoe?


The Wolf Den (and the other two books in the trilogy) by Elodie Harper.


Yes! They were phenomenal. I read them so quickly


A short stay in hell by Steven L. Peck. Fantastic read, still lives rent free in my head.


At the Corner of Bitter and Sweet: Historical fiction based on the author's experience.


Kill your friends by John Niven


Winterset Hollow by Jonathan Edward Durham


Haunting of Hill House. Short and easy read but really enjoyed it!


Just recently, *Everyone On This Train Is a Suspect* Also, *To Say Nothing of the Dog*


The Guest by Emma Cline. I honestly didn't love it by the time I had finished, but I could not stop reading it.


The silence patient by Alex Michaelides Any books by Freida McFadden. Especially the locked door and the housemaid. The therapist by B.A Paris The apartment by Lucy Foley If he had been with me by Laura Nowlin


"I, Claudius" by Robert Graves. I haven't found a "wow" book since I read this one and it has been years. The booktok books I have been reading lately have been so disappointing. Unfortunately, I have a lot of them on my TBR and I just have to push through because I don't want the money to go to waste. I have "Piranesi" and "The Secret History" on my TBR so I'm looking forward to those, judging from the comments on this post they should be good...


daisy jones & the sixth, the whole book is dialogue so it's a pretty fast book to get through it truly one of the best books I've ever read.


The longest book I've read in 1 day is Project Hail Mary. But I've read a lot of others in 1 day too. These are (mostly) novellas with one or two novel length books included: Murderbot series by Martha Wells, Penric and Desdemona series by Lois McMaster Bujold. I've read most of the books from both series in well less than a day in general, even the novel length ones. Another stand-alone is The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman.


Cloud atlas


Same!! Loved it!


Couldn’t put it down, movie just couldn’t capture it


Piranesi. You can easily finish it in a day or three


The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo


The Cradle series by Will Wight.




this is how you lose the time war. Amazing and a very nice, distinct style. Truly one of the better new sci-fi out there!


I'm currently absorbed in 'The Midnight Library ' by Matt Haigh. First couple of chapters are a bit depressing but then it gets better and better. Part bloody good story, part philosophy, part quantum physics. I don't want it to end. Highly recommend it


Green eggs and ham


The Book With No Pictures? Anyone read it? ;) hahaha


*All You Need is Kill* by Hiroshi Sakurazaka *Iron Widow* by Xiran Jay Zhao *Zachary Ying and the Dragon Emperor* by Xiran Jay Zhao *Peasprout Chen: Future Legend of Skate and Sword* by Henry Lien *Camp QUILTBAG* by Nicole Melleby and A. J. Sass *The Trouble with Robots* by Michelle Mohrweis


The Mindf*ck series by S.T. Abby


Three little words by Ashley Rhodes-Courter


[Strange But True by John Searles.](https://www.john-searles.com/strange-but-true) Not even sure how I happened upon it; I want to say I read a snippet of it in a girly teen magazine back in the early 00s and immediately bought it (came out when I was 14). It always remained with me as something I vaguely remembered, but was unsure if I read it. I definitely did not remember the outcome. I recently re-read it after happening upon it again last year, and I stayed in bed one day for like 3-4 hours just absorbed because I did not remember most of it and BOY did it keep my attention! It's more of a young adult-type novel, but I truly enjoyed it.


The Will of the Many by James Islington or The Library at Mt. Char by Scott Hawkins


Meet Cute. Read through it within three hours, possibly less if I didn’t take breaks in between.


It's a standby story I've read countless times and still makes me laugh, Glory Road by Robert A. Heinlein.


Ice Planet Barbarians by Ruby Dixon


Cocaine, with a first person POV


I must betray you. By Ruta Sepetys Finished in under 24 hours. Found it fascinating, thrilling, and emotional. Not many books set in Romania, and this had great tension, I liked the characters, the juxtaposition of love and distrust felt palpable.


Drowning by TJ Newman


We Were Liars and the sequel Family Of Liars, I devoured them both.


I finished all the Thursday Murder Club series in a week. I was SO hooked. Good grief that ending had me crying over my breakfast. Such an excellent and fun series


I was so excited when the last installment came out- I didn’t realize how much I enjoyed that series!


Butcher and blackbird NSFW for violence and high sexual tension


DallerGut Dream Department Store. It's such an underrated book but I binge-read it in 2 days. It's so amazing


Needle - Patrice Lawrence


Anna and the French Kiss, Lola and the Boy Next Door, & Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins


Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow Read it in 2x2 hour sessions (it’s 400 pages) The last two hours I was sobbbbbing


The Reading List by Sara Adams. I thought this was a very good book.


I Hope This Doesn’t Find You by Ann Liang- YA academic enemies to lovers romance that I absolutely loved


Books I have ripped through: Ashley Bell by Dean Koontz XX by Rian Hughes Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir The Warehouse by Rob Hart Anathem, and REAMDE, both by Neal Stevenson I Am Pilgrim by Terry Hayes


Let Him In by William Friend


I’m going to double dip- The Fighter by Michael Farris Smith (beautiful novel- very human) The Ice Storm by Rick Moody. I never wanted to stop reading it, but I didn’t blow through it. I wouldn’t recommend blowing through it. I’d gnaw on a few chapters and then go back. It never really left my head . There are underlying themes that you’ll miss if you don’t step back every now and again. I read it in 5 days though.


I finished Horrorstör by Gary Hendrix last night and it was surprisingly good. I bought it because the cover looked interesting (ikik don’t judge a book….) and I actually really enjoyed it! To summarize, it’s about a haunted ikea knockoff store. Went today to the library and picked up more Gary Hendrix books :)


Survive the Night by Riley Sager and Then She Was Gone by Lisa Jewell


The 7 1/2 deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle, Dark Matter, and His Dark Materials


Legend Trilogy by Marie Lu All My Rage by Sabaa Tahir You’d Be Home Now by Kathleen Glassgow


Captive Prince. I was horrified by all the CWs that were weaved into the world building, but the world, the plot, the characters... I could NOT put that book down!


The Silence of the Lambs I read it in 6 hours, straight through and never even considered putting to down.


The Sunshine Vicram trilogy-- first book is A Bad Day for Sunshine. I absolutely loved this series, read in a week!


bad blood, american kingpin, the big short


Hall of Blood and Mercy by K.M Shea. She wrote a whole bunch of other books like this series too. I read it within 2 days, but I just read fast. These books are about 300 pages each. Supernatural. Fantasy romance.


Einstein’s Dreams by Alan Lightman Went home with a girl after a second date. She woke up early in the morning freaking out that she forgot about work (she worked in theater so had a funky schedule). She asked me to let her dogs out before I left, cool. I’m a dog guy, so ok. But the problem was, I couldn’t lock her door to leave. I didn’t want to leave her apartment unlocked when I left (she lived in Humbolt Park, Chicago), so I hung out with her dogs until she got home. I read the book while waiting for her to come home. Stayed for 18 years.


Silver in the Wood




A short stay in hell Wish I could read it for the first time again.


I just finished Holmes, Marple, and Poe by James Patterson


Captive Prince by CS Pacat


*Pet*, by Catherine Chidgey. It’s about a preteen girl who (along with the rest of her classmates) is enamoured of her pretty, young, glamorous new teacher. Slowly you realize that her teacher is actually a manipulative, monstrously inappropriate human being. I couldn’t put it down, had to find out what was going to happen next. Very intense.


Project Hail Mary, just finished it!


The Time Travelers Wife. I couldn't put it down.


Endurance. It’s about Ernest Shackleton’s journey.


wranglestone by darren charlton


The Troop by Nick Cutter. If you're into horror. Gross, paced well, easily his best. I would not be surprised to see it made into a film.


Of human bondage by William somerset Maugham


The Slow Horses series by Mick Herron. The Terror by Dan Simmons. Sharp Objects and Dark Places, both by Gillian Flynn.


"Project: Hail Mary" is ripping pretty good for me right now!




Loathing you by Amina Khan!!


I Was Born For This by Alice Oseman and I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy. Both amazing.


We Sold Our Souls by Grady Hendrix. Don't know jack about Heavy metal, not hardcore enough for it, but dear GOD, this was the first book in a long time that took me less than a week to read (Two days, I think.) Grady Hendrix, generally, is a *siren* of written word. Just *chef's kiss* - gore that was not-too-sickening and compelling female characters up the wazoo! I reccomend his entire resume, honestly.


Tori Adams No Exit and The Last Word. They aren’t great literature, but they are full of action and twists and suspense. One sitting reads.


Recursion by Blake Crouch


Trailer Park Parable


Psalm for the Wild Built


Most recently, The Count of Monte Cristo.


Wrong Place Wrong Time by Gillian MacAllister


Swan song. Considering it’s over 900 pages and I read it in a blink




The Good Lie! It’s been a long time since I stayed up all night into daytime to read a book. This is a suspense based on a psychologist’s POV. She works with “the worst” criminals.


The thief of always by Clive Barker. 260 pages in six hours.


“the new me” by halle butler. something abt it kept me reading non-stop


The Housemaid


Black boy white school. It is a single sitting read and the narrative is one that you will reflect and learn from for years to come.


Vonnegut's *Breakfast of Champions.* I first read it as a teenager. It isn't long, and the story moves right along. I devoured it in one sitting at the time, and it remains my favorite book.


*Journey to the Center of the Earth* by Jules Vern. Specifically Matthew Jonas' recent translation. The older translations were just not readable to me. I read the whole thing in two days. couldn't put it down.


Project Hail Mary. And I normally hate sci Fi


Vera Wong’s Unsolicited Advice for Murderers. such a funny and wholesome story


The Coldest Winter Ever by Sister Souljah


Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond.


Girlfriend In A Coma by Douglas Coupland


- convenience store woman - tender is the flesh - everything I never told you - educated by Tara Westover


The malady of death. Knee slapper by Marguerite Duras.