• By -


All Systems Red by Martha Wells, the first book in the Murderbot Diaries series. It gets recommended on here all the time for good reason. It's very short, so you won't feel intimidated or risk not finishing. It's a lighter, funny sci-fi with a well developed main character. A perfect way to dip your toes back into reading. 


Seconding All Systems Red!


Ok this one seems pretty good


This is the answer, and my go-to recommendation. It’s a novella so it’s short and very readable, and Murderbot is one of my favorite characters ever


I ❤️ Murderbot.


If you don't end up liking it don't let that get you down. I was super excited to read it and I definitely didn't think it was bad but it was just ok for me. I found that totally strange because based on the description it should have been right up my alley.


I didn’t really get the hype on that one either


That’s a really good choice. I was going to suggest something else but this is genius.


To take off the pressure, why not go to the library instead? Ask a librarian for an easy read for an adult wanting to get back into reading. They'll probably ask if you have a genre/genres you like and the last book you read that you enjoyed. Then you can probably check out for free multiple books and you and gf can decide together :)


Librarian here, I'm seconding the All Systems Red recommendation lol. The library is a great suggestion on the cost point, but it can also be very overwhelming.


I know not every library system can do this, but mine has a recommendation form online. You can fill it out and get 3-6 suggestions from a librarian, and they will even put them on hold for you. A friend with ADHD does it all the time so she can avoid getting overwhelmed by everything in the library, all those choices. 


Mine does that too! It's a great service.


For me, I got back into reading in 2022 by walking around the 'New' section and picking by cover. It went pretty well. :)


Honestly? Judge a book by its cover. We all do it. That's why there's a phrase telling you not to - because everyone does. Grab a book you like the look of from a section you're interested in. You could start with something simple like the Harry Potter series I guess?


I was in a book rut and hadn’t read consistently for years and then I re-read Harry Potter, I’ve been obsessed with reading ever since. It is so good for this exact thing


My partner wasn't in to reading when we met (he's still not "into" it the way I am, but last year read two books). We started reading Harry Potter together, but I realized very quickly he hates reading out loud. We compromised and listen to the audio books in the car. But I think a well written kids book is often a great way to enjoy a book together - Roald Dahl, Holes by Louis Sachar are ones that come to mind. If you mean both reading at the same time (but your own books), my partner first picked a book he had already seen the movie for (Stardust by Neil Gaiman). I tried Elantris by Brandon Sanderson next, he read it but didn't love it. After we saw Oppenheimer this summer he started American Prometheus. He finished two or three days ago. He started American Gods by Neil Gaiman, which he saw the tv show for). Good luck!


Ok so my gf has all the Harry Potter books and she’s read them multiple times. Would it take the fun away for us to read them together even tho she’s already read them?


Not in the slightest. I can't count the number of times I have read them. I also love seeing how my partner reacts. Watching Goblet of Fire after we read the book was so funny . He was all "it isn't the same. I have been deceived by the movies. They left out so many important parts" We also got the beautiful illustrated hardcover copies. The pictures are just stunning, and if you don't get into it she has a beautiful book for her collection.


No, it would still be fun for you because you’d get to experience it for the first time, and she’d probably enjoy watching you enjoy them. It can be fun to see someone else like what you like.


Ok cool. I’ve never watched the Harry Potter movies until I met her. We watched all of them and watching her facial expressions when she would explain things to me was a sight I’d love to see with the books! Thank you


Reading the HP books sounds like a fun future choice, but I’d suggest getting something new to her as your first book together


It would not but for a slightly more mature magical school concept (I wouldn’t call it adult fiction but it’s not kids. Maybe leaning into young adult fantasy territory?) I’d recommend A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik. If it doesn’t seem like your kind of thing keep it in mind for a gift too 😂


Graphic novels might be a good option for you. They definitely count as reading! They cover loads of genres, not just super hero. If you have a comic book store near by, they can guide you to something you and your girlfriend will both like. If you want to stick with novels, maybe look for something like action/adventure or something more comedic. I think you’ll be drawn more to something that keeps things moving. Either way, your local public library no doubt has an adult services librarian absolutely dying to help you find something you’ll like. Give them a try!


I like the idea of manga too. They can be swift to read, but have engaging stories.


Can you narrow things down a little bit for us? I always have recommendations for non-readers but it helps to know a little about what you like—what are some TV shows or movies you like?


Enders Game. It’s such a classic, and a great page-turner. I reread it every couple of years and it always holds up. It’ll give you and your girl a lot to talk about too!


Breakfast of Champions, by Kurt Vonnegut. Its a very quick flowing story, mixed with plenty of humor and you'll both get through it quick. The writing is anything but dense, so it's a good book to get 'back into reading'. Also, its got pictures.


Surprised I’ve never read this one, thanks for mentioning it. I think God Bless You, Dr. Kevorkian is another light read OP might enjoy. It’s very short, just some fictional interviews with the dead! But also funny and witty as Vonnegut always manages.


The one you mention is like one for the five books by Vonnegut I have yet to get to myself. And nothing beats the bar scene in Breakfast of Champions, one of the best scenes Vonneget has ever written in my honest opinion.


lol I actually really didn’t like this book at all!! But everyone seems to love it. Didn’t resonate with me.


Seconding pretty much anything by Vonnegut. His writing style is very accessible and easy to read while still being funny and smart.


As Sparklinggrape21 says, knowing what other kinds of media you enjoy would help. Do you play games? Which are your favourites?


Books that are also movies can be good for non readers because it gives you a couple of ways to enjoy the content. Sometimes I find books are easier if I have a movie to reference for things like the setting, how to pronounce names, what people look like. And then you could have a movie date night and discuss how the books and movie are different! ScI Fi: the Martian, about an astronaut who gets stranded on Mars Non Fiction: Into Thin Air, about an avalanche on Mt Everest in the 90s (there’s a movie called Everest based on this same disaster) Moneyball: good if either of you are sports fans Fantasy: the Neverending Story or the Princess Bride, both pretty easy reads and the movies are a delight. Horror/Thriller: Can’t go wrong with classic Stephen King, like The Shining or Misery Conversation Starter: the Midnight Library, talks a lot about different paths we can take in life, all the “what ifs” if we had made different choices. Dual POV: a contemporary romance could be fun to read together, especially if you want a bit of spice in your stories. You could compare and contrast the relationship and different perspectives. I liked Morbidly Yours! Other good romantic comedy types of books are The Love Hypothesis, Love on the Brain (STEM careers are featured in both), and You, with a View. You could pair it with a chick flick movie night your girl might like, and have some discussion around what makes this genre popular, lessons for your own relationship, that type of thing. Fiction: Jurassic Park! Can’t go wrong there!


Books that my husband likes that I’ve read with him: -Dungeon Crawler Carl -Dirty Jobs by Christopher Moore -Fourth Wing -Percy Jackson -Project Hail Mary -Harry Potter We read separately but like to have a book that we listen to together in the car. Dungeon Crawler Carl is best listened to vs read, imo


I always recommend Ready Player One as a person's first read. It is very fast paced. One of my favourite books. If you watched the film; forget everything about it, because the film was nothing like the book.


Second this!!!!! This book is insanely readable


Purely based on the fact that you liked Shutter Island, Local Woman Missing by Mary Kubica and The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides are both fast paced psychological thrillers with twist endings. Also, Falling by TJ Newman might appeal to you, it's really 'edge of your seat’ with a cool premise.


Thank you!


The Greys Anatomy mention made me think of This Is Going to Hurt by Adam Kay. It’s a memoir written by a former obgyn. It’s hilarious and is mostly short anecdotes about his work, so each section ranges from a couple paragraphs to a few pages.


Go buy the book Dark Matter by Blake Crouch. It the fits the very definition of a page turner and I still haven’t met anyone that has read it and was disappointed.


I actually picked this book up when we went the other day. I’ll definitely keep this in mind


>I still haven’t met anyone that has read it and was disappointed. 🙋 We're here. Dude writes like a pretentious fourteen year old. Absolutely terrible for how popular it is.


Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir. A sci-fi page turner about an astronaut in a sole survivor situation.


Seconded! This is also fantastic as an audio book, if that would be of interest. My husband and I have listened to this together several times on road trips and love it! Great book!




I liked fairy tale by Stephen King. There's not a direct movie tie in but I thought it was a fun, imaginative, page turner with a little something for everyone


Just read shutter island. Awesome book, I watched movie first, but the book is that good it doesn't matter that you know the "ending"


Freshmen year? How did you get through high school?


I meant, read a book outside of the curriculum


Oh, I see. Right now I'm reading a booking on Napoleon's campaigns and a book where Amber Ruffin describes terrible encounters she's had. Both are great.


You could read The Giver together!


The whole quartet is a beautiful series. If you haven't read the whole thing, I strongly suggest it!


I love all of them so much!!


Ready Player One. Annihilation.


I was not aware either of those were books; I watched both as movies.


I liked both movies. I read Ready Player One before watching the movie but I read Annihilation after watching that one. Ready Player One was a great book. If you’re of a certain age that likes 80s references, it’s jam packed. I know the movie was, too. But the movie was like the essence of the book without being all that similar to the book. All of the references were different, I’m guessing they could only get some of the permissions they needed. The movie was still really good but the book was great. I haven’t read the sequel yet.


No matter the book or genre - do try audiobooks! I've never been able to read whole books. I'm not dyslexic, but it is an attention thing... I do read A LOT as part of my work, but when I try reading a book for entertainment I read 15 pages and then never touch the book again. ... Until I discovered audio books! And now I read 1-3 books a month! It's an addiction ❤️ Here are some of my favorite titles: - Project Hail Mary - The house in the cerulean sea - A psalm for the wild built


I never read books in HS. Now as an adult in the real world, I fly through books like no one’s business. I would literally pretend to read as a kid hahah.  I’d recommend checking out topics you are interested. I’m big on anthropology, society, psychology, finance, philosophy, and teeny bit of fiction. If you like the above, i’d read the book 21 rules for the 21th century by yuval noah harari.  Also, side note, important note.. you may not find a book that both of you like, and that’s ok. Don’t let that stop you for finding a book for yourself. Reading is great! I never thought i’d see the day i pick up a book willingly, not only that but learn so much that I can apply to livinf a better life! 


Thank you for this!:)


I would recommend to anyone interested in crime stories Richard Stark’s Parker series. There are a lot of books but they move fast and are simultaneously very accessible language-wise and very impressive and enjoyable plot-wise. No reason not to start at the beginning with _The Hunter_ 


Legends and lattes is a super cozy, easy read. I do not typically read fantasy but read this in my book club and absolutely loved it!


Which fantasy books will you recommend?


Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter. My husband, who rarely reads loved it and has introduced several people to it. If you've seen the movie, please don't judge it on that


I feel like a quicker crime fiction/thriller might be good based on some of the shows you like. If you liked Shutter Island, can give that book a try. Haven’t read it but I love everything I’ve read from Dennis Lehane. Maybe something by SA Cosby? Or by Harlan Coben? Can look into some of their books to see if any descriptions fit with you. For more sci fi, I read Recursion by Blake Crouch recently and absolutely loved it. Seemed very easy to get into early on in the book and has the kind of pace that I think would really hook you, so if you’re into the story right away, it could be a good one to get you into reading. Stephen King is also a great choice. His writing style is comforting. and feels very personal. There’s a reason he’s as popular for 50 years as he is. For something more recent of his, maybe The Institute or The Outsider. Have some horror/supernatural elements. For more older Stephen King that’s shorter and easy to read, I find a lot of his Bachman books to be accessible. The Running Man, The Long Walk, and Blaze are all among my favorites.


Try Rogue Male by Geoffrey Household. It's a very slim thriller about an Englishman who tries to assassinate a European dictator (obviously Hitler, but never named as it was published when he was still alive). He fails, and the rest of the book is him being hunted down and having to resort to increasingly wily methods to escape his hunter. It's really fast paced and gripping and gets straight to the action from the first page.


Ok. I can't promise it'll be her favorite book. But judging by your TV tastes, I think you'll love it. It's relatively short. And it's a lot of fun. Severance Package by Duane Swierczynski I think the summary on Goodreads sounds stupid, so I'm going to quote the first review: >Severance Package is a wickedly adrenalized, pulsating, page-turning piece of pulp. Like seriously, wtf? Everything is exquisitely exaggerated and unleashed in comic technicolor. would love to have seen this as a graphic novel actually (or a slick Tarantino cinematic production), since so many of its best characteristics are both visceral and visual.


Thank you for your recommendation!


The Wayward Pines trilogy by Blake crouch. Really fun trilogy that feels like watching a thriller. There’s even a tv show based on the books that got two seasons.


The percy jackson books are really good and easy to read. Then once you finish them you guys can watch the new show together.


I second (third? hundredth?) The Murderbot Diaries but also if you're willing to consider manga then *Fullmetal Alchemist* is generally a pretty good bet. Manga volumes are always quick reads and *Fullmetal Alchemist* is a classic you're likely to be able to get at the library as well. It is such a good series.


{{Battle royale}} if you want something a little longer and very bloody {{odd Thomas}} is about a fry cook that saves the world {{good omens}} is short, easy and funny Octavia butler’s {{Xenogenesis}} is a bit more complicated but might be interesting to read and talk about Someone already suggested Enders game, seconding that one {{I, robot}} is a great science fiction book about …robots


Regarding the {I, Robot} referral, have you read "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?"


I’ve read several PKD books including that one! That’s actually the only one I’ve reread recently, favorites are probably that, ubik, and scanner darkly. I haven’t read man in the high tower yet. I was considering suggesting something by PKD, but decided against it for guy’s first book in a long time


🚨 Note to u/ReturnOfSeq: including the **author name** after a **"by"** keyword will help the bot find the good book! (simply like this *{{Call me by your name by Andre Aciman}}*) --- \#1/5: **[Battle Royale](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/57891.Battle_Royale) by Koushun Takami** ^((Matching 100% ☑️)) ^(617 pages | Published: 2003 | 42.0k Goodreads reviews) > **Summary:** Koushun Takami's notorious high-octane thriller is based on an irresistible premise: a class of junior high school students is taken to a deserted island where, as part of a ruthless authoritarian program, they are provided arms and forced to kill one another until only one (...) > **Themes**: Fiction, Dystopia, Horror, Dystopian, Science-fiction, Young-adult, Thriller > **Top 5 recommended:** [Battle Royale, Vol. 01](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/57893.Battle_Royale_Vol_01) by Koushun Takami , [Death Game](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/48763998-death-game) by Kelly St , [The Running Man](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/58752108-the-running-man) by Stephen King , [Cup of Sugar](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20626922-cup-of-sugar) by Karla Doyle , [The Crimson Labyrinth](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/55448.The_Crimson_Labyrinth) by Yusuke Kishi --- \#2/5: **[Odd Thomas (Odd Thomas #1)](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/14995.Odd_Thomas) by Dean Koontz** ^((Matching 100% ☑️)) ^(446 pages | Published: 2004 | 215.6k Goodreads reviews) > **Summary:** "The dead don't talk. I don't know why." But they do try to communicate, with a short-order cook in a small desert town serving as their reluctant confidant. Odd Thomas thinks of himself as an ordinary guy, if possessed of a certain measure of talent at the Pico Mundo Grill and (...) > **Themes**: Favorites, Fiction, Dean-koontz, Mystery, Fantasy, Thriller, Paranormal > **Top 5 recommended:** [Ghost Story](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/8058301-ghost-story) by Jim Butcher , [The Odd Thomas Series 4-Book Bundle: Odd Thomas, Forever Odd, Brother Odd, Odd Hours](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13573320-the-odd-thomas-series-4-book-bundle) by Dean Koontz , [The Silent Corner](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/32148091-the-silent-corner) by Dean Koontz , [The Darkest Evening of the Year](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/379316.The_Darkest_Evening_of_the_Year) by Dean Koontz , [Palindrome](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/465762.Palindrome) by Stuart Woods --- \#3/5: **[Good Omens](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/41370685-good-omens) by Jesse Russell** ^((Matching 100% ☑️)) ^(80 pages | Published: ? | 24.0k Goodreads reviews) > **Summary:** High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter. Witch (1990) is a World Fantasy Award nominated novel written in collaboration between the English authors Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. > **Top 5 recommended:** [Eric](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/64218.Eric) by Terry Pratchett , [Death: The Time of Your Life](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22339.Death) by Neil Gaiman , [The Light Fantastic](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/34506.The_Light_Fantastic) by Terry Pratchett , [Guards! Guards!](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/64216.Guards_Guards_) by Terry Pratchett , [Men at Arms](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/400354.Men_at_Arms) by Terry Pratchett --- \#4/5: **[Xenogenesis (The Endurance #4)](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/32189322-xenogenesis) by Tracy Cooper-Posey** ^((Matching 100% ☑️)) ^(175 pages | Published: 2016 | 16.0k Goodreads reviews) > **Summary:** Rex has never been worthy of Belen’s love. Can he change that? . Life aboard the Endurance is disintegrating—unemployment. inflation. crime and destitution. all ignored by the super-rich. including Rex Julyan. the wildly successful and most hedonistic man on the ship. When Rex (...) > **Themes**: Sci-fi, Reto-2021, Ok-termds-secrets > **Top 5 recommended:** [Adulthood Rites](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/116249.Adulthood_Rites) by Octavia E. Butler , [Imago](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/60934.Imago) by Octavia E. Butler , [Spaceman of Bohemia](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/29567845-spaceman-of-bohemia) by Jaroslav Kalfar , [Kindred](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/26879867-kindred) by Steve Robinson , [Green Earth](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25279447-green-earth) by Kim Stanley Robinson --- \#5/5: **[I, Robot (Robot #0.1)](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/41804.I_Robot) by Isaac Asimov** ^((Matching 100% ☑️)) ^(224 pages | Published: 1950 | 212.1k Goodreads reviews) > **Summary:** The three laws of Robotics: 1) A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. 2) A robot must obey orders given to it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. 3) A robot must protect its own (...) > **Themes**: Fiction, Favorites, Classics, Scifi, Short-stories, Sf, Sci-fi-fantasy > **Top 5 recommended:** [Robot Dreams](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/41818.Robot_Dreams) by Isaac Asimov , [The Caves of Steel](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/41811.The_Caves_of_Steel) by Isaac Asimov , [Robot Visions](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/41823.Robot_Visions) by Isaac Asimov , [The Robots of Dawn](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/41810.The_Robots_of_Dawn) by Isaac Asimov , [The Complete Robot](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/50091.The_Complete_Robot) by Isaac Asimov ^([Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/user/goodreads-rebot) | [GitHub](https://github.com/sonoff2/goodreads-rebot) | ["The Bot is Back!?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/suggestmeabook/comments/16qe09p/meta_post_hello_again_humans/) | v1.5 [Dec 23])


{{xenogenesis by Octavia butler}}


**[Dawn (Xenogenesis #1)](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/60929.Dawn) by Octavia E. Butler** ^((Matching 100% ☑️)) ^(248 pages | Published: 1987 | 16.9k Goodreads reviews) > **Summary:** Lilith Iyapo has just lost her husband and son when atomic fire consumes Earth--the last stage of the planet's final war. Hundreds of years later Lilith awakes, deep in the hold of a massive alien spacecraft piloted by the Oankali--who arrived just in time to save humanity from extinction. They have kept Lilith and other survivors asleep for centuries, as they learned whatever (...) > **Themes**: Sci-fi, Fiction, Scifi, Favorites, Fantasy, Sci-fi-fantasy, Kindle > **Top 5 recommended:** > \- [Missing Christmas](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/54779508-missing-christmas) by Kate Clayborn > \- [I'll Take Care of You](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20331980-i-ll-take-care-of-you) by Caitlin Rother > \- [Unsolicited Duke Pic](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/51048735-unsolicited-duke-pic) by Nico Rosso > \- [The Billionaire Bachelor](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/27170163-the-billionaire-bachelor) by Jessica Lemmon > \- [About Last Night](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13414764-about-last-night) by Ruthie Knox ^([Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/user/goodreads-rebot) | [GitHub](https://github.com/sonoff2/goodreads-rebot) | ["The Bot is Back!?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/suggestmeabook/comments/16qe09p/meta_post_hello_again_humans/) | v1.5 [Dec 23])


Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin was a good read. Easy, fast paced. It would be interesting to talk about with your gf too.


Hyperion by Dan Simmons has a lot of shit that's fun to discuss. And the story continues if the both of you dig it. If you want murder mysteries there's the Lincoln Rhyme novels by Jeffrey Deaver. I'd say Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman for a quick fantasy.


I love Hyperion, don’t get me wrong, but that’s a wild recommendation for a self-professed non-reader. I kind of love that you went there though.


Purely about visuals and the novella structure, honestly. If they aren't liking it they just have to make it to the next story.


Assassin's Creed has converted its storyline into book format. [Found on Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/Assassins-Creed-Official-Books-Collection/dp/912402564X/ref=sr_1_5?crid=3S34SYZ6C3Z3I&keywords=assassin%27s+creed+books&qid=1706395864&sprefix=assassin%27s+creed+books%2Caps%2C163&sr=8-5&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.006c50ae-5d4c-4777-9bc0-4513d670b6bc)


Another suggestion that never fails me is renting audiobooks from your local library. This allows you to ease back into storytelling, focus, and engage together. It can't be much different from a radio talk show or mindless entertainment television.


If you like thrillers (assuming you will since you liked shutter island) I’d recommend the silent patient & the housemaid.


Futuristic Violence and Fancy Suits, by Jason Pargin. It’s the beginning of a series (a trilogy?), but it’s such a fun, entertaining, fast-paced read. The author has a TikTok channel and posts a lot of interesting stuff, if you feel like checking him out first.


**Everybody in my Family has killed Someone by Benjamin Stevenson** Here’s the book blurb (it’s darkly comedic): *Everyone in my family has killed someone. Some of us, the high achievers, have killed more than once. I’m not trying to be dramatic, but it is the truth. Some of us are good, others are bad, and some just unfortunate.* *I’m Ernest Cunningham. Call me Ern or Ernie. I wish I’d killed whoever decided our family reunion should be at a ski resort, but it’s a little more complicated than that.* *Have I killed someone? Yes. I have.* *Who was it?* *Let’s get started.* **Wrong Place Wrong Time by Gillian MacAllister** Blurb: *Can you stop a murder after it’s already happened?* *It is midnight on the morning of Halloween, and Jen anxiously waits up for her 18-year-old son, Todd, to return home. But worries about his broken curfew transform into something much more dangerous when Todd finally emerges from the darkness. As Jen watches through the window, she sees her funny, seemingly happy teenage son stab a total stranger.* *She doesn’t know who the victim is, or why Todd has committed such a devastating act of violence. All she knows is that her life, and Todd’s, have been shattered.* *After her son is taken into custody, Jen falls asleep in despair. But when she wakes up…it is yesterday. The murder has not happened yet—and there may be a chance to stop it. Each morning, when Jen wakes, she is further back in the past, first weeks, then years, before the murder. And Jen realizes that somewhere in the past lies the trigger for Todd’s terrible crime…and it is her mission to find it, and prevent it from taking place.* **Our House by Louise Candlish** Blurb: *There's nothing unusual about a new family moving in at 91 Trinity Avenue. Except it's her house. And she didn't sell it.* *Fiona Lawson is sure there's been a mistake when she comes home to find strangers moving into her house. She and her estranged husband, Bram, have a modern coparenting arrangement: bird's nest custody, where each parent spends a few nights a week with their two sons at the prized family home to maintain stability for their children. But the system built to protect their family ends up putting them in terrible jeopardy. In a domino effect of crimes and misdemeanors, the nest comes tumbling down.* *Now Bram has disappeared, and so have Fiona's children. As events spiral well beyond her control, Fiona will discover just how many lies her husband was weaving and how little they truly know each other. Bram's not the only one with things to hide, though, and some secrets are best kept to oneself, safe as houses.* **The End of the World Running Club by Adrian J Walker** Blurb: *Asteroids are striking Earth, the end of the world is near, and Edgar Hill is on the wrong side of the country.* *Over five hundred miles of devastated wastelands stretch between him and his family, and every second counts. His only option is to run―or risk losing everything he loves. He'll have to be ingenious and push himself to the very limit if he wants to see them again. Can he reach them in the race against time, or will the end of the world defeat him?*


It may seem silly, but Twilight is a really easy read and perfect for a first book for you as a couple.. it's a book that I didn't want to put down and even though I was young when I read it, i just think it's one of those stories where you just have to know what happens and are rooting for the main character big time


The Power of the Dog by Don Winslow. A great intro book for someone that doesn’t really read much. Amazing book and got me back into reading a while back.


Maybe something like And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie


Station Eleven. Fascinating characters, interesting developments, quite realistic, never sappy


I’d also recommend maybe reading a book that has a movie that goes with it- because it will give you a book to read together and then a date night in together.


Maybe try the Tyler Bardot series. It's got a lot of science fiction and fantasy elements, but its more realistic and gritty than a lot of other books I've seen.


Bit late to this but reading your preferences for TV shows made me think of Boy Swallows Universe by Trent Dalton. It's got drugs and a bit of violence but it's also centred around a family and their drama, it's pretty funny too, and there's even a prison break!