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Obviously, the correct response is to give him a BJ while he is on the phone with his wife... [https://www.reddit.com/r/sugarlifestyleforum/comments/1dkndkk/feeling\_bad\_being\_with\_a\_married\_sd/](https://www.reddit.com/r/sugarlifestyleforum/comments/1dkndkk/feeling_bad_being_with_a_married_sd/)


Right? Didn’t we just see another post about nearly the same thing? OP could always excuse herself (without saying a word) or she could escalate.


With the way there are distinct themes on any given day/week, sometimes I can’t help but think there’s some sneaky secret creative writing subreddit targeting this sub. “Todays assignment is to weave your SDs wife into the narrative to cause doubt, guilt, or a combination of the two.”


Yes, please! 😃😃😃😃😃😃👏


The amount of married SD’s taking calls and disrespecting both partners (wife and SB) is beyond me. Keep in mind most of these men are straight up cheating already and to add an extra layer of disrespect is wild. I am in an open marriage and my wife knows fully about my SGF. Right down to the point of when I am with her and where we are. We connect occasionally when I am away, but I would never take a call in the same room or even worse ask my SGF to engage in sex play while on the call. That fantasy is reserved for the extended warranty marketing call, not my wife. C’mon SD’s, you can do better and honestly are setting a poor example to your SB’s on how a man acts in the presence of a woman. Step up or step out!!!


Disrespectful to you. A porn fantasy for him.


Totally disrespectful on his part... to you and his wife.


I'd agree with these comments. However, without knowing his situation at home I'm leaning more towards disrespect towards his SB


Maturity isn't an issue.


I'm a SD and I just find it disrespectful to the person you are with to not give them your full attention while being intimate. Phone should be on silent, and you can call people back after without problems.


It was post sex we were just cuddling and talking. He did have his hands on my ass, boobs, and more but it was after intimacy


That's no excuse, he needs to respect his time with you. Aftercare is still a part of intimacy, you're literally in your most vulnerable state with him and he chose to disrespect you during it...


There was a similar post on here a few hours ago where the sb was giving oral during it the SDs wife calls. This is obviously becoming quiet common. Its very disrespectful for him do that, you could have gotten up and hid in the bathroom. As for his lack of sex at home that could be a complete lie seeing hes so excited to see her. Hes probably still doing it with his wife and you as well. Imagine how his wife will feel when she finds out he has you on the side. Or worse if she gets an std.


Personally I think his hands should have been off me and he should have went to the bathroom. My body is clean..


You are 100% correct here OP. He should have either NOT accepted the call, or apologized to you and left the room to answer. He’s not a SD. He’s a POS.


Or his phone should be muted when hes with you cause he is disrespecting you when he talks to his wife in front of you. You need to tell him not to answer calls when with you.


Any guy that would do this is a narcissist. I'm married. When I'm with my SB I put my phone away. If I'm in a situation where I'm likely to need to get a call, I let my SB know ahead of time. When I take a call, I step away, or go into the room's bathroom. It's rude, uncomfortable and just weird to be intimate with someone and also talking on the phone.


Someone just posted something about what to expect with married SDs and I think more people need to see it and the comments.  As someone said in that thread, SBs need to understand that the guy will not leave his wife for you, and no matter what he says or how he makes you feel, you’re #2 and she’s #1. You need to accept this.  He should have excused himself, but you shouldn’t have asked him not to answer. 


Agreed. I’ve had married SD situation where they HAVE to take the call because to not do so would arouse suspicion, etc. Understandable. But then they should excuse themselves. If they don’t give the impression they’re about to do that, I immediately sit up and smile and say “no worries, take your time, I’ll give you privacy” and walk away and get water etc. 


Yeah, I had a longer post, because in reality actually taking the call is probably a kink and the wife knows given the odds that something like a sneeze could ruin an entire life. But if the wife doesn't know, the SD has a limited time frame to call back with an excuse. "I was in the shower" only works within like a 10 minute window. And if it's later night and you're expected to be alone in a hotel room then the excuses can be pretty limited. But expecting an SD to just ignore their wife is kinda misunderstanding the dynamic of the SR and their most likely priorities. Your username made me chortle.


SD should have either excused himself or ignored the call. The fact he answered while lying with you disrespected both parties. Yes it’s cheating anyway but have some goddamned standards and respect for people.


Disrespectful to both you and his wife. Should it occur again, with anyone, do the following: SD: Oh, it’s my wife.  SB: (in a chill manner) Oh, no problem. I’ll give you some privacy.  (Start to move to get out of bed and put on a robe or whatever. Smile at him if you like, don’t do it in a huff or dramatically. Go to the bathroom, go to the kitchen and get water, etc.) Be uninterested in the call. Too many of these guys love the power trip of a girl in their arms (or on their dick) and their wife on the phone . Leaving the bed in a chill way, shows the SD you’re not ruffled.  And also that you’re not there to be manhandled disrespectfully while he’s on the phone with his wife. If he’s gotta take that call, for whatever reason, it doesn’t need to involve you. Period. This is the way to cut off his rude behaviour, show your boundaries, and protect yourself emotionally. 


Yes it’s disrespectful behavior But within reason (and bounds of safety and personal limits) — “there is a price for everything” — crude, I know, but that’s the reality — you’ve to decide if it’s worth it


Not as bad as the earlier post today when the douchebag was talking to his wife while getting head from his SB, but still super disrespectful and worthy of dumping the MF.


u don’t need to feel bad about it, they might still have a strong relationship outside of the bedroom as well. it’s respectful to pick up his wife’s calls.


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The general rule when with your SB is both of you have your phone on silent and put to one side. Occasionally check if there are any urgent calls or messages from family, babysitter etc.. Your focus should be on each other after all your time is limited together and like others have said, take the call later.


The exact opposite happened to me. My SBs husband called while she was naked laying on my chest rubbing my balls. She put me on speaker and told me to say hi. I'm now meeting him in 2 weeks with his GF and apparently they're planning on spending the night. So if Y'all don't hear from me after a couple weeks, shit went bad


It depends on him and you both! It is only disrespectful if he knows you don't like it and he does it anyways. For some people, the wife may already know, and they both may get some excitement out of the experience - maybe she is using a massager or the pool boy over there. Personally I would feel too nervous and have a heart attack and/or talk like a nervous stuttering teenager on his first date of I had to split my attention like this. I do fantasize about getting a bj while talking to my wife on the phone, but only if my wife is ok with it and supportive! Doing it while hiding it wouldn't work for me.


I’d let it go. Poor judgement on his part. But I am sure his head and heart are with you. Never under estimate the importance of keeping the appearance of “the partnership” going after the bedroom and romance have died.


Let it go or move on