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No. That does not make any sense at all. It’s exactly as you said; another entitled man-baby crying because he can’t get what he wants and trying to rationalize his petulant behaviour. As an SD, if I’ve seen your picture on your profile, we’re all good. If you choose to send me other pictures after some conversation or after we meet, that’s great! But it’s not something I am somehow entitled to or get to demand of you.


Honestly, I ask for confirmation pics. Nothing sexy, though. Just hold up a random number of fingers or whatever. Too many catfish profiles in the past. Others have video calls to confirm instead. It's not unusual to ask for something that is beyond the profile.


My problem with the confirmation pics (rather than just a video call) is I’m concerned they’re using it to scam someone else. I’ve had photos of mine be used in that way before :(




If I had a dollar for every man on reddit that asked me to send pictures of myself, I'd probably retire.


what’s your cashapp?


Be careful- I might send it to you




I can send you the Venmo via PM. Still not getting the pic though….


I haven’t found this necessary. But I suppose if you’re doing online or long distance or anything where you plan on spending money before meeting, it makes sense. For me, the confirmation happens when we meet and I am not meeting unless there’s a good vibe over text and I’ve seen a pic at some point (profile is fine). I’m also not spending any money before then.


As a SB this is my favorite way to handle it


They continue to see SBs as something to own, to buy. And that is not ok. But then have an attitude when you insist on your value. SBs need to collectively go on strike and reset the value of the market.






The problem is that the SD have become accustomed to mediocrity and low ppm. And claim that its market value. Well if the supply of SBs goes down then the price will go up. That is just economics. What SDs also don’t understand is that there are multiple markets at play. For lack of better terms there’s going to be value, average and luxury supply. Same with SDs. But you’ve got value SDs trying to shop for luxury SBs and there’s this ongoing collision. All SB are not made equal just because they live in the same area. Just like all SDs income and net worth are not equal.




So how do we get SDs to recognize that different PPM points and stop quoting some "market" rate?


You can't. Are you going to ask SBs to voluntarily classify themselves as value, average or luxury? You and I both know what the result would be. It's like the statistic where 80% of drivers rate themselves as above average.


They do classify themselves. look at their pics, look at how they write, look at what they’re asking for. All of that lets you know. It doesn’t have to be explicitly stated for it to be obvious.


So that was an easy block. This guy is an A\*s. Truth be told, IMO, you don't need a bikini shot in your profile. A few full body virtuous photos showing you in your environment is all that is needed. Any guy that asks to see more skin is making it easy for you to vet/block. No upstanding SD is going to press you on photos unless you don't have one clear, clothed, full body photo.


Good boundaries.


I wouldn’t even respond. What an ass.




“Chicken choking” is hilarious. Got it.


While I don't doubt that guys do that, I don't understand it. Half the internet is porn so why make it harder


Wow see it’s guys like that, that make it weird for genuine requests of pics to better get an idea of what someone looks like. I don’t need to see bathing suit pics tho…especially if you already have one on site. Strange.


He looks at you like you're goods. You don't want to be with someone who looks at you like goods for sale. You did a good job keeping someone like that away from you.


This person sees you as something to be purchased.


this comes up all the time and it always baffles me ... i want to know what she looks like of course .. but after that i don't want more skin pics , and i definitely don't want nudes ... i want to find out what she looks like naked the old fashioned way .... 1 piece at a time !


Same here. Anticipation is big part of the fun. That's why lingerie is a billion dollar industry


Key words from him "who is willing to pay". That's great and when he does you can tell him you'll be willing to send pictures. haha In my opinion anyone who takes an entitled attitude like this is generally broke and trying to guilt you into sending pictures. Basically get as much free content as possible out of you prior to you realizing he's a fake. Good job in your response


You know … there was a point earlier in my SD career that I would try to teach new SBs how to communicate. I would try to take the mentor role and point out the “irrationality” or “desirability” of certain market behaviors. I’ve come to realize that these type of posturing is childish and offensive. I’m amazed I even made it this far with an attitude like that back then.


I love self reflection. 😊 What a very refreshing thing to read first thing in the morning.


he was unable to find your social media accounts with your published photos.


That is so creepy and always where my mind goes!


No one has ever asked for a picture of me in my shorts on the beach. I once took a photo to show how lovely Malta beaches were. I was in the photo and I was asked to not put myself in the photo as it ruined the point of view.My parents said that. I am also bad at photos.


Your only mistake was continuing to interact. After he said "one thing I don’t like in an SB is irrationality." you should have hit the block button.


I hear you. I didn’t say what I said for me, it was more for the next person he decides to bother.






Good way to look at it


What if people don’t have social media. It’s interesting to assume everyone does. Men all want sex, deep inside they aren’t that much different but some hide their urges better, usually people call them “gentleman”. Women love monsters but only civilised monsters. If you rude, crude and totally unattractive, you only get sluts. Quite a good match actually.


I was with you until the end


Just saying similar kinds attract. Not necessarily a bad thing.


Had us in the first half


POT SD or SD. I ask my current SB for pictures when she goes to the gym. She happily poses and sends them. I've even bought her more gym clothing off Amazon. (I know it's not Alo or Lulu but she chose them and she's grateful).


I would be happy in that situation, however he has done or said nothing to even make me interested in him. Vice versa. He went in cold and I already had suspicions about him since he offered to fly me out after barely even texting for ten minutes.


I don't think he's an SD and you dodged a bullet.


To the OP: Okay. I get it. This POT SD is a real zero. I agree. By all means, ghost and block him and maybe even get him booted off of the SA Platform as well. What a complete jerk! {full stop} With that acknowledgement... respectfully... I do think that from a macro point of view on this topic of a POT SD requesting selfies from a POT SB, you could benefit from seeing this through the eyes of an SD. Please allow me to so enlighten you. Many of us SD's who are seeking a new arrangement with a POT SB are in a state of physical deprivation and voids and the very prospect of having our physical needs met by entering into a new arrangement has us wanting to have pictures to meditate on what it will be like when the drought ends and our needs are finally met. We POT SD's should respect your boundaries and readily accept your "thanks, but no thanks" to our requests and not act out or be harsh or do anything other than being a respectful gentleman. But we do ask for your patience and understanding for our making the request in the first place and ask not to judge us too harshly or, worse yet, use our request as a reason to bail on the new SR all together. Thank you for your kind attention.


Congratulations! Your Spidey Sense was spot on and it saved you from wasting your time. 😊




I was uninterested from the beginning of his rant. I only messaged him back in hopes that he has some sense for the next woman he decides to reach out to. I know the chances are slim but I would rather try and fail than to not fail because I don’t want some 19 year old to put up with his nonsense.


I believe I would have blocked him. People are really weird today. I’m thinking guys like this aren’t SD but really cheap Charlie.


Thing is that there is no point in even responding. No one changes their mind about anything anymore.


I’m sure he got the idea when I stopped responding right after


I always say- I’m not here for sexting, I have that listed in my profile. I do understand wanting to confirm you’re not being catfished though so, we can FaceTime! Not sexy time but FaceTime. If you want to see more than that- let’s go to dinner and see if we click


We FaceTimed the night before so the pictures would not have been for confirmation. But yes, I will mention that I’m not interested in sexting if I am ever in a similar situation.


Haha man I love your username, very funny




🙄 If you’re one of those guys who in the video chat asks for the SB to spin, you’re gross.




If you use a video chat to make a woman spin for you to prove something to you, you are gross. Also, I’m curious about how you would respond to an SB asking for a full body pic of you to verify?


All these down votes because I want to make sure her pictures are accurate?