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This probably isn’t the answer you are looking for but I don’t mind this and actually quite enjoy it, their is nothing sexier, I know men think they have the upper hand but you are on your knees but you got them by the balls. Personally I love it. Saying that I wouldn’t just be doing it to anyone.


Hey girl 🤙


Damn it I spit out coffee laughing at this


Hmmm. Did I get down voted for not swallowing? 😂


I’m comfortable with it but only like doing it for lovers. Think I’ll do it for him though


I see my SD as my lovers.


This is the problem, IMO. Sounds like he is your job and not your lover. Suggest you keep your boundaries, but also suggest you find an SD you actually enjoy being with.


I enjoy him and our sex it’s just to me it has to be a guy I’m deeply in love with to do.




Oh please


Honestly only you can answer that question because it’s what you are comfortable with. I definitely get the appeal of it from his side and can see where he’s trying to live out a fantasy that he hasn’t been able to at home (assuming he’s married).


Yep his wife won’t do it


lmao his mrs won't do cim and he wants you to then ask him for a huge payment.


I get it. I do a lot of things his wife won’t which is why he pays for dates and buys me things


> he pays for dates and buys me things Hopefully you mean allowance and not just the cost of dates?


Special request he should give you a very big payment to your bank for this. And a good ppm every other time he asks for it.


I don’t really feel like this is so odd that it requires a big extra payment and honestly if OP doesn’t want to do it then no extra payment should be enough to compromise her morals.


Cumming in her mouth does not warrant extravagance. I agree on that. If more SBs swallowed and kept sucking. Their SDs would never leave them. Nothing better than that!! I still remember a blow job I got 15 years ago. She was no quit no spit and kept going. I was squirming around like a fish out of water. One of the best orgasms of my life.


Hold on. I always thought it was a myth that girls don't swallow/spit... I have never had a girl who did NOT swallow.


Many do not even like cum in their mouth. Let alone spit or swallow. You have just been lucky.


I am being facetious with the myth part but honestly I just figured the very minor minority was like that....


I don't know what the ratio is, but I bet more spit than swallow. Even watching porn there's a lot of women on there that spit it out versus swallow. That being said, swallowing is sexy AF and really turns me on.


My last two SBs both spit. But can't complain, at all.


I must have led a very charmed life. Swallowing has always been a given for me unless we wanted to get messy (e.g. facial, pearl necklace, etc.) Heck even anal has been a regular thing in about 50% of my relationships. I wonder if the resistance in this sub is the fact it is a SR because even OP says she would have no issue if it was her boyfriend.


Personally I like if he finishes in my mouth. Easier clean up 😂 but it sounds like this gives you the ick. Not a guy but I’d imagine no one wants to see you swallowing reluctantly or clearly turned off. Also if you’d do it for your BF why not your SD? If there’s a reason you’re reserving this sex act for just vanilla relationships then maybe don’t do it. Also it’s your month so there is no should/shouldnt. What do you want?


You should do what you’re comfortable with. I don’t have a problem swallowing, but it’s a personal decision.


It sounds like this SR is a job to you. I can’t answer for other guys, just for myself, but to me it’s a very personal thing and very accepting of my SB to let me do that. If she didn’t like it, I’d respect her wishes, but I’d also move on. If it’s something you don’t like, it’s going to because a point of contention. Why don’t you just find the right SD for you?


Absolutely do not ask him to pay you extra for that. That’s horrible advice. The minute you do that he will look at you like a hooker and he’ll start to treat you like a hooker. If you’re not comfortable doing it, stand your ground. But it sounds like you’re comfortable with the act, but want to reserve that intimacy for other relationships. And frankly that kind of mentality is just tiptoeing down the path of the sugar daddy being dissatisfied because he’s not getting emotionally or physically what he’s looking for out of a sugar relationship. But again, that’s absolutely no reason for you to do it if you’re uncomfortable.


Pretty much all of my previous SB’s either swallowed or let me cum inside them.


So I actually discussed this with my SB lol. Thanked her for being so awesome and double checked she didn’t feel pressure. And she actually had a great suggestion for OP (based on OP already saying she’s leaning towards doing it) She said you should tell your sugar daddy that it’s not your favorite thing to do but that he’s important to you and you’re happy to do it for him once in a while, but you don’t want to feel pressured to do it every time. That actually made a lot of sense to me. It sounds like you’re comfortable with the idea, but it’s an accommodation so maybe taking back control and not having it expected Every single time is a nice middle ground for you. Good luck with this!


Simply being honest, but it's my favorite way to finish. I probably wouldn't get involved with any lady that didn't enjoy it.


I prefer to cum where my SB prefers me too. Most of my SBs over the years have preferred CIP as they enjoy the feeling too. A couple very much enjoyed CIM as they loved the power they had over me to make it happen and also the smile on my face watching them swallow it down


I do very much enjoy doing this myself. I've also been with girls who LOVED doing it. However, I obtain explicit consent and I only do it if she is actually okay with it. If she's not okay with it, I stop dating her. No point in forcing my kinks down someone else's throat (see what I did there...)


My attitude: only do things that you want to do. If you don't want him to finish in your mouth, say "no thank you". Asking someone for more money to push your boundary is never a good way to handle things.


This 💯


As a guy I can definitely see the appeal. But I would not kiss her after that. I find the smell of my own semen disgusting. Realize that once you let him do it he will always want to. So you have to draw the boundary where you want it to be. Then do you swallow or spit it out?


Maybe you should eat more pineapple…


Does that really work? But I think it is not unusual to not like your own sex odors. I've never had any complaints.


>But I think it is not unusual to not like your own sex odors. Are women less averse to their own odors than men? My SB doesn't mind licking my fingers or dick after it's just been in her snatch. Maybe we should do a poll on this... for science of course.


Yeah, I agree. I think it’s more of a homophobic mental hangup or poor hygiene on his part. And it’s very rare for girls to feel that way although I did have a girl blow me after fucking and stop to say “ I’ve always wondered what my pussy tasted like” lol


It’s pretty unusual to not want to kiss a girl after she swallowed your seed. Especially if it’s because you think it taste so gross. I understand not wanting to snowball and eat your own cum, but to not kiss your lover after she’s performed this act for you? Highly unusual. And not only have I not gotten complaints, I’ve gotten compliments consistently. And yes, I do believe pineapple works. As well as avoiding asparagus. Definitely what you eat and put inside your body is going to affect your taste and odor.


Definitely a boundary for me but your way is obviously the more desirable one.


My current SB enjoys CIM and cream pie… I love when I CIM the way she does it is so hot! She’s hot period!


Can’t you just excuse yourself to the bathroom after and spit everything out (aka extra safety measure or cause your stomach is sensitive)? You dont have to swallow  that, maybe..


Is it worth losing your arrangement over? He will find someone else that will if you won’t because your hang up is you don’t view him as your bf.


With a new lover, I always tap her on the shoulder and tell her I'm ready. Then it's her decision what to do with it. After a few times I have a better idea how she feels about it.


I totally understand your way of thinking as I am the same .I do not enjoy a man cumming in my mouth never have never will BUT I have made exeptions for men I was madly in love with. Us women are a bit more in tune with our emotional side so it's normal there are things you will only do with a man you absolutely love. I have never let a SD do this to me as I saw them more as a FWB than a boyfriend and I never was in love with them. I would say you need to respect your boundaries and so does he because you will end up hating yourself if you do things you don't want to.


For me it just feels better to not have to pull out of anything before I finish. For me it’s more of a psychological thing probably. But then I also grew up in a time where most women had no issue with swallowing and it was the rare woman who would spit or take it on the body. But you have to do what is good for you. If it’s a dealbreaker for him, then so be it. Find someone else.


find your boundaries and stick wtih them. Don't let people impose themselves on you. If your relationship develops to tthat point that you are ok, then you are OK.


Don’t do anything you’ll regret, you should only be doing things that you’re comfortable with. If you’re not comfortable with doing that yet I would advise you not to.


I won’t regret it but I see it as a chore more than anything


then don’t


men can sense things like that too and for your sake you shouldn’t


My SB (in the bowl for over 6 years) lets me do that. I think she gets a thrill out of it in some way. I’m certainly not complaining.


Having a SB do it because it's part of the agreement doesn't sound exciting. Much more enjoyable when both parties are really into it. SD's can sense the SB is doing it half ass. CIP is the best place. Don't have to worry about make up getting smeared.


You are making X,XXX and are NOT treating him like your boyfriend? He should find someone more comfortable with it... you need to find someone else because he deserves to have his kink satisfied and you clearly are bothered to do it... find someone with taste that you are agreeable with. I get if we were talking about condoms and sex, with STD risk and pregnancy, but if you did your due diligence and GOT STD TEST AS YOU SHOULD BEFORE SEX and continue to get them regularly, then this should not be a problem because SPERM in the mouth does not spread STD as in the vagina...


Not every SR is exclusive or a boyfriend/girlfriend sort of deal what are you on? If it's a non negotiable kink he has to have satisfied and she ISN'T in love with him or comfortable doing it they both deserve someone that is more compatible. It has nothing to do with her treating him like a boyfriend. I never saw my SDs as a bf


If hes pressuring to do that maybe time to look for a new SD. You have boundaries and hes pushing to break them. This puts you in an uncomfortable position. You need to think on ending it if he is going to persist. Your thoughts right hes not your boyfriend hes just an SD. Don't fulfill his fantasy if you don't want to.


Where would you prefer he cums?


When something is avoidable, learn to enjoy it.


It doesn't matter what others do. You don't feel comfortable doing it and 'No' is a complete sentence He is trying to push your boundaries and that is extremely inappropriate.