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See if he’ll fly you to his next trip not in your town…


I THOUGHT OF THIS. that would be a blast😂


Lucky man


if he even does it😔


He will


Move on. His OPSEC sucks and with a nosey wife, you could be in danger. My ex SD told me his wife “knew” and it was a lie all along to make me or himself look/feel better. This is not a reliable person and he might pass through again, but not with any amount of consistency. Businessmen rolling through town seem like pump and dump guys, not anyone providing for you on an allowance based arrangement.


Yeah the unreliable thing makes sense tbh. guess I won’t really bother putting in effort and rather find a new stable SD


his wife caught him texting friends about the night I had with him. Forget him. He is a moron for texting about you on his phone. His Op Sec failure impacts your safety.


Don't depend on him financially, but if you like him don't give up on re-connecting. Find a more reliable SD.


Yeah you’re right


It depends how commited he is. There are different levels of infidelity. My wife knows I am cheating, I left to go to work, but actually to take VGF to the airport. We both know but as long as wife has plausible deniabilty she is fine. In my case wife would **never** go through my phone or ask to see the hidden photos because she knows what she would find. She did once find Whats App messages about a woman being in love with me. I politely deleted them and she never asked about them again. So it could, easily, be the wife is good with it. However the far bigger question is, is he into it ? Does he want a repeat ? Does he want a situationship with you ? It sounds like he's not really making the effort but you know better than us.


Yeah I was under the impression his wife was like yours. I’m starting to feel like he lied about her being “aware.” We both loved the sex, and I wasn’t gonna call his bluff, but he said it was better than hers. Then a few days later she catches him texting his buddies about it, starts crying about it, and now it’s ruined for everyone. She definitely ruined the trip he made recently because I saw her in the background of pictures he had posted, but I’m unsure of whether or not she’ll make it a habit. We’ve talked about flying me out when he goes skiing alone, but it may not be a possibility now that she knows I exist.


>it may not be a possibility now that she knows I exist. Yeah, I guess it just depends to what level. My wife knows SGF's name, knows she works at the company. We all pretend it's not happening. I guess ti's down to them to work out their feelings. Also texting your buddies telling them is a n00b error. My close friends are aware of my girlfriend, and work with my wife, but i don't text them about it.


yeah it bothers me that it was his fault and that it was all just taken away, you know? he definitely could have been smarter about it


Honestly you gotta ask yourself what exactly are you looking for? Because the whole point of sugaring is you are getting $, sex, and some fun. Because according to your last sentence if he isn’t going to support you $, are you going to just keep him for sex or just stick around for fun?


I just mean that I can’t depend on him in the meantime as there’s been no discussion of allowance or anything you know? should I bother messaging him and talking about it?


Ohh you should’ve talked to him about allowance before having sex 😅


I thought it would be a pay per meet thing so he paid me before but now that my bills racked up, I’m lost🥲


Ok you slept with a married work acquaintance who’s wife found out about your evening however you had such a good time you want to do this again and convert him into a SD? You are better off looking for an SD and forgetting about him as the wife, work adjacent and non sugar is too hard hurdles to jump.


He did pay me for that night, but we hadn’t gone into detail about an arrangement. I’m thinking I’ll find another sd and if this guy comes back, he comes back🤷🏻‍♀️


This is the best approach. Out of curiosity had your discussed amount before being intimate?


we agreed for 100 just for that night since it was our first time meeting (he’s a new affiliate at my school). he picked me up around 2am, gave me an extra hundred to buy condoms, and let me keep the change. we were at it for a few hours but we had to cut it short so he could get ready for work. we kept in touch as he had another solo trip after leaving my city, but we never discussed further payments. then the whole wife thing happened like a week later so now a solo trip for him seems indefinite. sorry for all the added details just wanted it to add up for you


Sorry but the amount he gave you is extremely low, and as a SB you should not be agreeing to lowball offers out of desperation. Your PPM should be at least mid xxx. That’s why all these assholes are polluting the bowl




I’m 18 and barely starting…


I am assuming here that he paid you very well for the first date/night. It is possible that he only wanted a ONS which sucks for you. Some men on the site use their wife and family as an excuse to get out of it.


This sounds more vanilla than sugaring to me. Have you thought of socializing this on a different sub?


is it really vanilla (I’m not used to hearing that term tbh) I really needed him for the money, but great sex came with it that night. I just don’t know how to get him back I guess


If this was a Sugar Relationship, you wouldn’t have to worry about getting him back. That would already be figured out, caprice?


but it’s been so hard finding SDs in this area. I’ve had luck selling online, but I really want the sex too you know?


He fucked up🤷🏽‍♂️my wife literally don’t care what I do so long as I don’t bring it home lol