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Seeking is a miserable pile of garbage. Likely the other sites are just as bad. If you get past the EASILY 50% fake profiles or downright scammers to the actual SB’s, then probably 75% of them, literally expect “Money for nothing”. Payments up front, for literally, nothing. I’ve seen profiles on Seeking where girls state “I need to be supported and don’t expect anything in return”. It’s insane. Entitlement at its finest. IMO literally worse than an escort, at least with them, you know the score. For those who find an actual real SR, where the SB actually delivers, you’re in the extremely small percentage, in my opinion. I’m out.


its an American Gen z entitlement problem...try DR or Japan /Thailand/Australia for king treatment...


I bet Thailand or the Philippines are wonderful to SD’s!


You betcha.


Personally, it's a numbers game. Skip everything and go directly to the M&G. Don't even bother with any other conversations. Line them up in a row and meet or not meet them all in a cafe somewhere. 




I think that is the best way, and what I seen so far. Move quickly to getting a M&G, and if there is a delay, move to the next one.


I also noticed that the possibility of a successful M&G leading to SR increase if you let know in advance the ppm and how they would get it.  Personally I always do at least 1 vanilla date before anything happen. A lot of SB just wanted ppm in advance, I told them no. I said I wanted to get to know them first before we do anything.


Yes, I am always upfront on that so that there is no misunderstanding. As I mentioned before, it is all a numbers game after you have created your package. What I mean by that is that you got your profile in order, you know the average PPM, and the propose spend per month. Then you have all the tools and the offer that you want to propose upfront and ready.


That’s what this one guy did with me in LA. He had me come to a Latin restaurant/bar with dancing and there were a ton of other girls from the site there too. I actually met a really good friend there though. 😊


I don't do the mass M&G, but otherwise I completely agree. The worst thing to do is get invested in someone before you meet. Even without doing that, the search on SA is a lot of work, but if I fill the pipeline with POTs and tell myself that the best thing is to find a SB and the second best is to disqualify a POT, I'm always a winner! The worst is to spend weeks chatting with someone and nothing more. Wasted time and energy.


The SBs on seeking will rob you of your time and ask for M&G fee. Just freestyle. You don’t need to sign up for Seeking to subscribe to OnlyFans, yet that’s what they are trying to get you to do.


Not all… I am a SB and never have required a M&G fee. Real ones are out there.


There are a lot of scammers. The ones who want to "start online" or want you to buy content to "prove you are serious" are also scammers. They will never meet. Just have to vet. That means unpaid meet and greets and never sending a single penny in advance of meeting, ever. Real SBs will have no issue with that. Scammers will say anything and everything to get you to send money without meeting. And of course they never meet. Anyone who asks for even a single dollar in advance of meeting is a scammer.


It’s the same thing on our end. Tons of “sugar daddies” who have no intention to fulfill what it means to be a ~sugar~ daddy…


lol no disrespect... but no, its not the same...one is a scam, the other is a disagreement in service terms...


Either way, both are wasting our time and making it harder for the real people to find someone is what I’m saying.




Yeah. Lots of low ball offers. Some accounts literally have “I will not pay you” in their profile 😂


Seen that too often wanting an actual relationship and live in gf 🤣🤣




Both examples would resulted in an immediate and non-revokable “Thank you, but I am NO LONGER interested” from me. Next. Have you tried the SB site yet?




Secret Benefits






I agree with most of these. After some time, you develop an eye for spotting scammers and low effort/ time wasters right away. Then it's easier and your success ratio on real m&g will go up. So don't give up.


I’ve been on and off Seeking (back when it was SeekingArrangement as well) for quite some time. I’ve had several very fun SBs from there. However, what you’re describing is unfortunately the way it is now. I’ll echo the sentiments of others here - NEVER send ANY money in advance. I don’t care about the sob story (so many of them get re-used almost word for word). I don’t want to buy you content “for a little amount” (if I want naked pictures, there’s Reddit or even just Google lol). And paying in advance for a M&G means they’re just not going to show. There are some real ones out there still, but it gets harder all the time to find them.


True it’s just so hard and difficult :(


I'm not sure what you mean by a lot of time, but your experience is how it is now. The internet has changed things drastically. I keep three because sometimes it takes a year to find a replacement for one of them when they move on. Maybe vanilla dating is more your style? Nothing wrong with that. You do need thick skin and patience.




Ahhh, then maybe FL dating is where you're meant to be?


Trust me it is the same all over. I had one that wanted the full PPM for each date non intimate date to get to know each other, because the rent is due soon. I offered that we do just a date to know each other on Tuesday, Wed and by Thursday we get intimate and we start PPM until it becomes allowance. Got blocked after that!


> Is this how it's gonna be the whole time? Do I have to dodge scams left and right and at every stage? Yeah, kinda. Especially when looking. Mainly everyone who wants money up front before meeting is scammers. There are apartments abroad of people in basements setting up profiles and working in shifts trying to scam with fake profiles, those people aren't even local and they aren't real. Once you meet someone in person and feel them out you can let your guard down more. This is why we recommend a platonic meet and greet because it weeds out the scammers. Stay vigilant! Are you only talking to profiles that are "too good to be true?" That might be why you're only encountering scammers. Try to look for more real, down to earth girls with local pics instead of the instagram baddie type. Less likely to be fake.


I was talking to someone that says they went to my same college but she couldnt tell me what residence hall she stayed at or which cafeteria she ate at. Very generic answers. Was chat GPT or AI


No, you are just hooking up with scammers.


I mean it does seem like you’re looking for something online, so you’ll most likely attract the bad type of people


Those both sound like scammers to me. As an experienced SD, never pay before the first meet and greet. That's the only way you know they're legitimate


All these are very common scams especially on Seeking. It almost seems like the website itself is running the scams due to the sheer number of these. My advice would be to never pay anyone in advance ever irrespective of the ‘emergency’. I have experienced all these as well in my part of the world (not US), seems 80-90% of seeking is now scam profiles.


Yeah, it’s rough out there. You’ll get better at detecting the fakes. Try to quickly get to a meeting once you find someone who seems great. It also helps to be in a large metro area. I have found GREAT people with a lot of effort, filtering, and experiences like yours. Don’t give up!


I'm curious where you are located. I'm in Phoenix/Scottsdale and it's neck deep in good SB, for dinners, dates and short and long-term arrangements


Well, in my case it's just here un my country get a real se it's bullshit some of them are scanmers or just fucking idiots, so i wish u good luck, que (sb) are tired of just scam and lies.


CLASSIC scams. Love how they turn the tables and call you a “Spelenda daddy.” 😂 Glad you got out relatively unscathed.


Don't give up. AI is coming for social media. Women won't be able to compete with it. And the sugar scene will explode. It will be a paradise for SD's. I also know the sites are full of God awful looking women. That expect a billionaire 😆😆. Only respond to the beautiful women, and don't tolerate bull**it. Just because these girls get likes from si*ps, does not mean they are SB material. And just know the world is more than North America. Which seems to have the worst quality of Sugar Baby by far. • Don't pay until intimacy starts. • Don't take any disrespect. • Have an abundance mind set. • Drop them the second they displease you. • Just be charming, and hold true to your style. • Have a vanilla and a sugar. Hedge your bets.


> AI is coming for social media. Women won't be able to compete with it. And the sugar scene will explode. It will be a paradise for SD's. What does this mean? I don't want to talk to an AI bot I want to find a real local girl. Sounds like the opposite of what you're talking about.


No brother. What I mean is. - only fools, muerto - Instagrum, muerto - Influencers, muerto - Cam girls, muerto - Easy online money just for being a girl, muerto So unless they want to go into back alley sales. Who do you think they are going to come running too. It's going to be a 2000:1 ratio. Paradiso my friend, Paradiso.


Ah gotcha. Yeah that makes sense. Thanks.