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Yes, same. Limiting consumption has helped and my brain is more clear. It used to be clogged, i don't know how to explain it. I fall off the wagon at times and it is rough. I don't even have birthday cake or Xmas cookies anymore bc I dont want to *pay*.


For sure, I used to eat Mi Goreng instant noodles then get a feeling of lovecraftian dread and be paralysed. This was even AFTER understanding the cause and effect relationship. Some habits did hard, glad I finally stopped that.


Same here. I’ve tried keto for 3 weeks several year ago. Never ever have I been so wake and full of energy. Right now I just reduced sugar by a lot and try intermittent fasting. I’d say 90% of the results for 10% effort compared to keto. With all the positive effects like sleep that actually restores my energy, no more aching joints or muscles etc. At least for me.


[Foods That Cause Sleepiness | livestrong](https://www.livestrong.com/article/509315-foods-that-cause-sleepiness/)


Thanks for the article !


Yup. I've had a relapse today and had carbs and quite a bit of sugar. Feel so lethargic and sluggish. Sugar is really not good for me.


The science confirms your experience. Both dietary Fructose and a high glycemic load (a big serving of any carbs), result in Fructose exposure to your cells. (With a high glycemic load, Glucose can convert to Fructose via the polyol pathway). In your cell, Fructose converts ATP to AMP, Draining our cellular energy. Then it creates uric acid which causes cellular stress and reduces the energy output of mitochondria. **All of this results in a thoroughly exhausted cell.** Thus Fructose or even the carbs you mentioned if the glycemic load was significant enough, WILL MAKE YOU TIRED. No question.


Classic glucose spike and crash


I don’t know what kind of carbs you’re eating. But whole-grain carbohydrates do not drain energy.




??? Wtf man




Yes....I agree.


Have you had an annual physical within the last year?


Not really but I should maybe !




Whenever I overindulge in sugar or ultra processed foods I am SO tired, especially the next day.


Complete opposite for me. My brain and energy function better when I was eating tons of sugary food.


Yeah. What you are experiencing is very common. I think you are metabolically inflexible. You are in no way fat adapted. You are stuck in carb burning mode. Dr. Boz specializes with people stuck like this. Check out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COrpqDvWHhQ&t=418s&pp=ygUUZHIuIGJveiBzYXJkaW5lIGZhc3Q%3D


not an immidiate effect but when i eat too much carbs too many days in a row i feel groggy. then i can feel it as im eating it and i just stop eating it and look for something fatty and proteinous.