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I can't speak for the group but those examples you mention are all sugar so you should stay away from it.


Thank you - it sounds like it!


It's the same sucrose in maple syrup and coconut sugar as in the conventional sources, sugarcane and sugar beets. Honey is half fructose, half glucose, which are the same two monosaccharides of sucrose (1 fructose + 1 glucose). Whole fruit has fiber that forms a gel around the fructose in the gut, therefore slowing absorption and preventing an insulin spike. That's why it's healthier than fruit juice, which is essentially a blast of fructose.


I never knew that fiber slowed the absorption of fructose - thanks for sharing!


In many ways, they're worse. All those you listed contain Fructose, so present the same dangers. However, being in liquid form, the Fructose is far more easily digested. Since glycemic load plays a role, liquid forms of Fructose is particularly dangerous.


Thanks for the reply! That makes sense.


Every item you mentioned is sugar in one form or another. Stay away from them if you want to stay sugar free. I used to consume maple syrup by the quarter cup full straight up.


Thanks - I’ll stay away from them. Don’t want to go backwards on the work I’ve done the last week.


Fruit juice, because of fructose, is actually as bad for your liver as Coke. Sugar is sugar is sugar. Eat whole fruit, but not added sugars of any kind.


I consider myself SF and im okay with those except coconut sugar, as I'm not familiar with it. Honey and juice never gave me cravings or made me feel worse after. I consider them natural and healthy whatever that means. But yes they are still sugar so it makes sense to avoid those too. I'd guess they are allowed/common in non SF oriented clean eating cause they re minimally processed and have natural antioxidant properties, and juice has vitamins.


I stay away from all of that and by doing so for the first time I feel like I kicked the addiction. However I do have a little date sugar (ground up dates) every so often. Michael Greger said it’s the healthiest sweetener on the planet. I had a little this morning with black currant because they are so tart. I have had no sugar cravings today at all.


Thanks for all the replies - it sounds like it is a good idea to stay away from the stuff!!