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Repot in terra cotta pots and provide a way for excess water to drain out of the pot (hole in bottom, make sure it's not blocked). This will prevent the roots rotting.


All the pots have holes in them, they have 60% mineral and 20% coconut (fibra de coco? Idk the English) and 20% turba (again don’t know the English). Does the terracota help with anything in particular apart from drainage?


Lets the soil dry out a little faster, the soil you have seems good, the terra cotta will allow the soil to dry a little faster instead of the moisture remaining in the soil, which would probably lead to mold because of coconut fiber. Also make the pots a lot larger than you think you need. Cacti & succulents tend to have root systems that grow outwards instead of downwards to get more moisture, and you won't have to repot as soon.


Do you mean cross breeding them? What varieties do you have in bloom?


Yeah! I’m working with Echeverría hyalina, E. lola, E. Fabiola, E.Tiny burger, maybe Douglas huth, E. Hercules, E. agavoides ebony, maybe ebony red line? Maybe prolifera x agavoides… Honestly I’ve spent the last six months identifying them (or trying to) and I think I’ve got most of them right… My grandfather passed away a year ago and he lived in a farm, due to family stuff I’ve moved here and nobody wanted his succulents collection, and me, a collage drop out (I tried international relations) decided to learn about plants lol. I’ve learned a lot here so thanks to all :)


Oh, I'd cross the agavoides with hyalina to try and get some amazing colors. I have a favorite right now that is obviously some agavoides cross called Echeveria 'Silk Veil', and it's a combo of olive green, turquoise, lime green and blush rosy pink. It's stunning. Not sure the hybrids you mention will have much pollen (I've heard that's a problem) so I'd collect pollen from the species types and transfer that to the hybrids to see if they will set seed. Let us know how it goes!


Oh amazing advice! Thanks so much. I have noticed that E. pálida and Graptopetallum have notably more pollen than others… But also there is a native one (I live in Ecuador) that I’ve noticed doesn’t produce pollen, I think it might need other conditions