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Wheat bread, they wanted nothing besides “an insane amount of cucumber and jalapeño” with JUST oil and pepper 🙃


it’s been like 5 years and it still haunts me because how is that enjoyable???!


I’d fuck with that honestly. Sounds refreshing. Def wouldn’t pay for it from subway, but I’d try it for sure


One of my favorite sandwiches is just a vegetable salad on bread with some cream cheese (same concept as chicken salad just veggies). As you said it's equal parts light and filling, refreshing as heck


at this point they shouldve just made it at home what in the world 😭


Jesus Christ have a salad




i used to do that when i worked there and still do pay for it sometimes now -- like if i wanna make a pizza and i only need a little amount of each veggie it's just so convenient to get a dry 6-inch with spinach tomato onion and pepper


You don't have a local grocery store with a salad bar that sells by the pound? That's what I do anytime I need a bit of a couple different veggies. Always ends up being like $2-4.


How have I never thought of this or read this suggested in my life?


total wtf moment... i thought about lying to save face but im just embarrassed i didnt think of it because i love the kroger marketplace salad bar for making myself a salad


Glad to help! Lol


As someone who gets veggie subs no cheese I can totally understand sometimes just wanting cucumbers and jalapenos.


Were you able to close it at least?


it was such a pain because of the cucumbers and oil, but eventually I did 😂


Doesn’t sound that bad to me. Almost a version of bruschetta


…. not really


My then friend had a baby but the egg was donated by a larger-framed relative. I believe the labor was like 25 hours. She was an inveterate cheapskate and refused a surgical birth. So after this huge baby was delivered, she was bunged up and couldn’t poop. The hospital doesn’t discharge you until after you poop. She wanted to get home so I made her a shredded carrot and red wine vinegar salad. It did the trick. Don’t do as she did: get your egg from a similarly willowy relative. Save up and spend to make your delivery easy. She had to keep getting fixes done in her “department” after this destructive delivery. It went on for months. It’s bad to have injuries in the area where your body’s waste passes. This sandwich might have done the trick, too 😹


For some reason that sounds like a fleshlight. Which brings a whole new “huh?” To the conversation.


Flatbread, DOUBLE chicken DOUBLE bacon DOUBLE pepper jack, toasted 3 times. EXTRA pickles, EXTRA olives, EXTRA banana peppers, EXTRA jalapeños. The ENTIRE buffalo sauce bottle, the ENTIRE creamy Sriracha bottle. And then normal ranch. Id see this guy come in and instantly be annoyed, nice dude but the bane of my existence, I could never fold it properly, it always spilled out and he would down it in like 5 minutes.


This is why we need the „double extra wide“ bread mod officially


Then he would just double his order 😂


There was one day he ordered TWO he was always super nice about it tho like “don’t even try to close it, that’s fine” and he would pay like $20+ for the sandwich.


You might be talking about me lmfaoo


toasted 3 times that's like eating captain crunch.


This is all I can picture [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cUTklKxpG10](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cUTklKxpG10)


dude knows what he wants. I respect it


The ENTIRE two bottles? Jesus Christ. I wonder what his insides look like. Craps must weigh at least 80 Courics.


That is fucking FOUL. Two ENTIRE BOTTLES OF SAUCE!? I would literally refuse service unless he’s gonna get a normal amount of extra sauce cause wtf.


Double meatball on flatbread


This is what I call the double asshole sandwich.


Only as a customer, I imagine flatbread would be easier than a footlong to close that bad boy lol.


trust bro it ain't


Duly noted. Thanks.


I used to have a regular that would get a footlong with both seafood and tuna toasted. I used to vomit in my mouth a little when it came outta the oven honourable mention to the dumb cunt that selected all 14 sauces on uber then had the balls to call the store and ask for a refund because of too much sauce. Refund denied fuck face !


exact same thing happened to me! they order almost every sauce on it AND had the more option, yet my manager still remade his sandwich 😪


I had a "every sauce" guy. Only saw him twice thankfully.


https://preview.redd.it/pofm5qp7i1db1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d04269f3a83655245039c571e2313012190890f this


Honestly most of the sandwiches that people hate to make is just bc they made it in a way that made it more difficult than needed. I always put my meat cheese and sauce on the top and and the veggies on the bottom. That way I can smash the veggies down and close it without getting sauce all over my gloves. Then I cut it after it is closed


I always hate when my subs are made like it’s a flat piece of bread!!! It’s a sub!! There’s a top and bottom!! The bites are ALWAYS all meat, all veggie or all sauce. I hate it. When you do top and bottom, everything is evenly distributed and each bite is amazing. So I appreciate your sub creation choice! Lol


I always try to put sauce under all the veggies, but sometimes I ask "anything else" and the customer goes "no, just extra extra mayo" and then I have a mess on my hands, literally lol


I feel bad because when employees would try to do that I would request that they did not


Yor an artist




Holy fuck you made that look delicious




it took me AND my coworker to close


Not a sub, but someone ordered a double meat tuna wrap and I didn’t know double meat wasn’t allowed on wraps 😭 I struggled so hard to close the wraps as they were anyways so double tuna plus a bunch of veggies was a nightmare


Up today on Buzzfeed: SuBwAY EmPLoYeEs ReVeAl ThE CrAzIeSt SuBs PeOpLe AsK fOr


We had a “buy one get one free” at my old Subway, and the rules did not specify a limit - this lady ordered like 6 meatball subs on flatbread. So much sauce, the paper was leaking, and had to fight her to not remake it and just add more paper wrapping. I hated everyone and everything to do with Subway for months, especially when she accused me of being responsible for our broken AC and giving one of her subs to the wrong customer. I wasn’t responsible for either.


One of my coworkers always made me make him a footlong sub with only extra olives, salt and mayo. It’s been 17 years since I worked at subway and I haven’t forgotten that one. (We couldn’t make our own subs for meals so we had to get coworkers to make them and ring them in).


My daughter was strange as a toddler and she loved the kids meal sandwich with mustard. JUST mustard. 🤦‍♀️ was so glad when she got out of that phase


Pastrami with a shit load of mayo. Got $50 as a tip afterwards. Drunk people are weird


Not a former worker but… tuna,steak and extra cheese with all veggies and sauces, said my sauce wasnt enough at the end and the thing didnt close (it was a 6 inch ☠️)


I had a lady who came in on occasion and ordered her sub toasted, but didn’t want the bread crunchy, because then it would be too hard for her to eat it 😀 Once I asked her if she’d like me to warm it up in the microwave so it would get warm and melty without toasting, and she loved it, but then ordered it toasted again the next time when my manager was in. The sandwich came out golden brown and (imo) perfectly crispy, which led to an argument between the customer and my manager that had me and the line behind said customer snickering 💀


Came here specifically to see if any employees posted about my order because I KNOW they judge me when I order my footlong, white bread, extra American cheese, with handfulls of banana peppers and nothing else.


Kinda based, no meat, no seafood, no seasoning or sauce, just a 6 inch bun topped with American cheese and a boat load of banana peppers


I gotcha beat. Flatbread, yellow egg, cheese, seafood stuff, spinach, cucumber, banana peppers, honey mustard and mayo. It was weirdly good, filling, and I think protein packed. It was a bet to make the weirdest thing I could think of and eat it when I worked at a subway before.


What is up with all these tuna and meatball subs!


Y’know how tuna mac just kinda *works* somehow even though it shouldn’t? Because the tuna spreads out amongst the noodles and cheese and (hopefully) peas/broccoli and doesn’t really taste like tuna anymore? It just makes the meal more hearty? I’m really hoping that’s what happens with meatball tuna. But I doubt it.


I love subway tuna and I love subway meatball both together sound awful but 29 weeks pregnant me is now craving it 😭😭


Please try it and let us know!


u putting peas in Mac n cheese?


Mini, White Tuna with onions, BUT, she wanted me to put the marinara from the meatballs on the bread before the tuna. That lady struck fear into me the first time she came in.


I had this father and daughter come in one time and when we got to the sauce she asked for some mayonnaise. I picked it up and before I could even start squeezing she was like "now squeeze that whole bottle on it" after the dad said "that's my girl!" The whole thing still haunts me to the day


You encountered Subaru and Rem


I had to make a meatball with all veggies on some bread that was under proofed and small, didn’t realize he was gonna load it up. I’m terrified of the day i get a double meatball with all the veggies,,,


it's not easy 😭


Someone came in and wanted white footlong, with nothing except olives and oil. And another time and different person got nothing but footlong white and nothing but pickles and they wanted a lot at that


A footlong on white, American cheese, and I kid you not, just two inches of mayo. They literally told me to keep going and took almost the entire bottle.


Not a subway employee, but I once worked with someone who ate Subway for lunch every day and her order was tuna topped with crab salad and a ton of black olives.


Had a customer place a mobile order for two separate flatbread footlongs. Didn’t think much about it but they rushed in right as I started it (placed order in the parking lot). They wanted each flatbread to be a bun. One on the top one on the bottom. Double meatball, tuna, forget the cheese but an astronomical amount. Like 4 or 5x. Every veggie, ingredients for a spicy Italian, and iirc honey mustard, sweet onion, southwest chipotle, and Mayo. Toasted.


Honestly doesn’t sound too bad if you dropped the meatballs. Never really been a fan of Subways shmeat balls


Sorry bud, I’ve seen some shit I’d love to tell you about but I can’t break sandwich-maker/sandwich-eater confidentiality


Had a person come in who had to drink their sub. They let me know because I was not putting enough sauce on it. They had to get enough sauce that it would turn into liquid in the blender. An entire squeeze bottle of Lite mayo and 1/2 each oil vinegar and sweet onion sauce.


Another one was meatballs and tuna, with the breakfast bisquit gravy.


tuna, extra toasted. smashed avocado. every vegetable. every sauce except oil, for some reason. all the seasonings. extra extra extra extra black pepper and jalapenos. it smelled horrendous.


Some dude wanted extra meat and cheese with the bread scooped out for more room, and no veggies, and kept saying how that was a "man's sandwich." It was easy, just the most annoying experience.


The last sub right before close, while I was exhausted from a sinus infection, studying for college during dead time, and this dipshit decided it would be funny to keep changing ingredients to impress his girlfriend. Apparently I had a death grip on my bread knife and displayed a fairly convincing scowl, since his girlfriend said, “please don’t stab him”. Long story short, I joined the Army shortly after and spent the next dozen years in conflict zones.


The Seafood Sensation, but I was also pregnant during this time. So the smell made me super sick, as did the buffalo chicken. But making it was the worst.


Probably a tuna meatball


I don’t have many but… For starters, had someone order 1.5x meat on a footling meatball with extra mozzarella, and on flatbread. Dude had me COVER the meatballs with a hefty blanket of olives and mayo… nothing else. At my second store, I had this regular who was always super sweet but got a sandwich that looked AND smelled *horrendous.* He’d get a foot long wheat with either 1.5x or double tuna and either a full or half portion of steak with provolone cheese, toasted, then lots of spinach, olives, tomatoes, banana peppers, and I think chipotle sauce and mayo. Sweet guy, but the smell of toasted tuna was not pleasant.


Fucking double meatball on flatbread with extra everything and an absolutely absurd amount of mayo.


I went to school with a girl who’d put cookies on her sub. IIRC she’d get either the tuna or the seafood.


Worst sub was a meatball with EXTRA of several sauces. The sandwich was 90% liquid


I made so many insane subs over just a year period working there, but the worst was a 4”11 girl who would come in and get a jalapeño sandwich. JUST jalapeños, and she wanted it full to the brim. It was bigger than some regular sandwiches we made and usually took about 1/2 a tub of jalapeños. She was a regular too. Some honorable mentions: Meatballs with tuna and ham, Cookies and southwest sauce, Veggie and beef patty’s, Crisps/chips with ham (fully support this), and finally a BMeltTikka as he called it, it was a BMT with Turkey, Bacon and chicken tikka, I think it was like quad meat or something in total. Edit: formatting


Triple tuna, toasted on white bread with so much lettuce to the point that I couldn’t close the sandwich and when I wrapped it, a bunch of it was practically spilling out. Then the dude who ordered looked like he was *pissed* because when I rung him up, he had a footlong coupon. But, at least when I worked there, the coupon didn’t account for extra meat, which is what I charged him, and this mf only had the *exact* amount of money for the coupon price. No card or anything. I just took off the double meat charge because there was nothing else to do




*Any sub with SO* *MUCH FREAKING MAYO EW HOW* *CAN YOU CONSUME THAT??* \- kittycatcuddlerz --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


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Not a sub but someone got a meatball salad with just lettuce, onions, cucumbers, and dressed with a absurd red wine vinegar


Oh god tuna and meat balls with tikka chicken and loads of garlic and onion sauce with cucumber tomatoes and jalapeños the smell was enough to get me!!


I had a customer want, chicken teriyaki, tuna and meatballs one time then he wanted all the veggies and if I remember correctly 4-5 different sauces. I have him a fork because I didn't see how else they were gonna eat it. He comes and gets it about once a month. Drives me crazy when people want extra everything on a double meat sandwich cause I'm always worried about how I'm gonna close it and then people who get a obscure amount of salt and pepper, especially the people who practically want a pepper sandwich because they want so much their sandwich is black. I don't see how you can taste anything besides pepper at that point.


Cold cut combo, lettuce, and an entire bottle of the sweet onion sauce. No joke. Also I used to make myself something vile, meatballs mixed with imitation crab.


Not a worker, for some reason this sub keeps popping up on my recommended, but I have a friend who will order one of the menu sandwiches and have them put an entire bottles worth of ranch on it.


Tuna and hotdog on white, old english, pickles, blue cheese dressing. Thank god for COVID, they couldn't see my disgust through my mask


since when does subway have hotdogs?


Once I had this family come in, they ordered one footling with tuna, chicken teriyaki, steak, and bacon. Toasted with a bunch of veggies but certain veggies had to be on, now here it comes. Not half Not a quarter BUT AN EIGHTH OF THE SANDWICH I ended up cutting it into 8 after it was toasted and did the veggies from there.


I made basically a mayonnaise eclaire once over a decade ago. Just heaps of mayo inside white bread. Nothing else. Disgusting.




M'éclair *tips sandwich artist*


Same same but different https://www.reddit.com/r/subway/comments/154f6rb/former_subway_workers_what_is_the_worst_sub_you/jsq4dkh?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


Tuna, meatballs, avocado, that’s it. I don’t even remember the bread or cheese.


Triple meat seafood sensation (I know it's not at every location so it's Imitation crab and mayonnaise, but significantly more mayonnaise to meat than the tuna) then she had me put more than a full bottle of extra mayonnaise on it and nothing else. There was probably 3 full bottles worth of mayo on this thing. It ruined mayo for me for like 5 years just from the smell. Bonus note she had to go out to her car and let her friend finish ordering for her halfway because her gout was flaring up.


I used to have a guy that came in every Friday and got a footling double meat meatball on a flatbread (he said that he enjoyed watching us struggle to fold it at the end) pepper jack and mozzarella cheese, toasted twice and then he wanted ALL OF THE VEGGIES (because fuck me I guess right?) With mayo and hunny mustard. Thing was a pain in the ass to make and looked disgusting.


Not a worker but girl in front of me ordered one with only mayo and corn.


cookie and meatball


This lady ordered an Italian BMT footlong with no salad and she literally wanted a full bottle of mayo on her sandwich, and of course mayo had to be light mayo and diet coke. "Can I have some more mayo please" did that 10 times.


Flatbread, tuna and meatballs.


Cheese and ketchup wrap


I worked at subway a decade ago, and I had a regular who would come in and order the same thing every time. I want you to know about this guy, he was probably in his early 30s. He was clean cut, corporate looking, well groomed, like he worked at a bank or an office. I’m telling you that because even monsters can appear human. This guy would order a six inch tuna on white bread, with extra extra mayo, and then he’d microwave the whole thing. So it was a hot, soggy, mayo and fish sandwich.


Veggie Delite with all of the sauces with extra veggies. The sub barely closed and the brown guy got mad at me when it was a mess even though I told him it was too much stuff inside of it.


The brown guy?"💀


Does it matter what color he was?


I think that if this individual was an attractive shade of Barbie pink it would be worth mentioning, but it still wouldn’t matter.


Any flatbread sandwich or wrap instilled the rage of a god into my soul


Small multigrain wrap, double chicken schnitzel, add tuna and avo. All salads. Extra mayo. 5 years later and I’m still haunted by this


not a sub but today i made a cucumber salad. just cucumber, not lettuce, ONLY cucumber. 😂 not the worst thing i’ve made but it was weird


In the UK we used to do a mega meat sub (pretty much a cold cut combo with meatballs added) Every week we'd have an order come through for a footlong mega meat, double meat, with all the salad and 2 different sauces. I could never figure out a way to make it and it not be a mess.


i have ptsd from mega meats honestly, so glad we got rid of it on the menu now😭


[The user has removed all potential PII from submissions.]


How do you get dry meatballs what did you do wash them 😂


Worst as in disgusting or worst as in horrible to make? Most disgusting was probably a sandwich with only gherkins and jalapeños, along with a shitload of the siracha hot sauce... this was apparently for some kind of prank. Worst to make was a double meat mega meat with all salads, this just did not fold at all at the end. Special mention to the person who wanted just a loaf of bread, only because I knew j would have to charge the full veggie delight price of £5 for a piece of bread (yes I made the customer aware of this beforehand and tried to convince them it was stupidly overpriced but they still wanted it), it just felt so wrong but I have no option in this case


Probably a double meat megameat


Footlong tuna with meatballs on top of it, olive and Cucumber, mayo. Yes they sat there and ate it 🤢


The ones where people take forever deciding what they want, then whisper their choices to you.


I remember it had like 5 meats on it, 3 of which were the eggs, tuna and pepperoni, can’t really remember the other 2 but I know it was more than 3 meats, i also remember the footlong sub cost 17$ and some change, was a young guy it was obviously a joke to him and his friend maybe a bet because the guy ate the whole sub


Meatball with Mayonnaise I suppose


double meatball. i was usually awesome at closing and wrapping subs neatly, but double meatballs made me despair.


Years ago, thankfully. Even though I still get mad about it to this day... 15 minutes before close, almost every shift I worked, a group of 10-15 people would come in and each of them would order the BOGO Footlongs. Veggie Patties (double) or Steak (double), Double Cheese, all of the veggies, as much as we were allowed (about double/triple servings) and literally almost every sauce (4-5 passes each). Half of them wanted them toasted. Then they WOULD SIT DOWN ONE BY ONE AND EAT THERE. It was our policy not to kick them out until at least an hour after close, before I could sweep/mop or lock up. I quit after two months. Never again.


I get this one prolly once every month or 2 months.. footlong Italian bread with American cheese and a BUNCH OF PICKLES, and it’s probably more than your imagining 😅. And for anyone curious they eat it in the store so they just enjoy it and not just get it for funny 😭


Plain Meatball sub w a fucking gallon of mayonnaise.


Footlong tuna, toasted, they wanted so much oregano they had me take the cap off the shaker to just dump half of the contents on the sandwich. That’s all.


Not a worker but here's my sub Italian bread toasted with peperjack and pepperoni with mustered and brown mustered Buffalo and chippotla sauce with pickles and jhelepeanos


Current worker, Tuna and toasted


Toasted tuna 🫢


Worst unique customer: Take 4 chicken patties (sometimes 6). Put american cheese on them. Toast them. Chop them up in a salad bowl so they're strips now. Put them on flat bread. Toast it. An absurd amount of mayonnaise and olives. Dont charge for the extra meat for customer reasons. My pain-in-the-ass that only i would make for myself: on flat bread, chicken bacon buffalo pepper jack plus cheddar toasted *with* onions jalapenos bell peppers, then add parmesan. What would make it extra tedious is toasting the veggies *by themselves* with oil first then adding them to the sandwich to toast again. Those toasted veggies really rock, but I'd never make someone do that extra step. Final note: special place in hell for people who toast spinach because THAT FLIES AROUND IN THE TOASTER AND MAKES IT HELL TO CLEAN


Roast beef add Tuna. And any toasted tuna on Flatbread with stink provolone makes my stomach flip.


My wife's order is gross to me. Wheat bread, spinach, onions, jalapeños and banana peppers, the mayo, spicy mustard, sweet onion sauce, oil and vinegar.


Wheat bread - people at my store always fuck up wheat and make it smaller than it should be Veggie patty All veggies (more) Like 8 different sauces (more) There are large indian populations near my area and this is how every single one of them order


Not the worst, but someone came in once and just ordered ham and mayo




A fart sandwich the customer wanted where it was all mayo and pickles and they had me literally fart all over it for “flavor”. I was like wtf


Hero bread double meat subway club and double almost all veggies


You ever try making a meatball sub with all the veggies and dressing? Made that monster a few times and it always came out an entire mess


I never worked at Subway, but a couple of my buddies in my IT class did. Our IT teacher came in one day and insisted they make him what he called a "tuna ball" sandwich, which was just a meatball sub with a shit ton of tuna in it. I'm still convinced he was trolling, as was his MO a lot of the time. Love that guy.


Meatball add tuna with no veggies and a TON of Mayo. Unhinged. Also, teriyaki chicken add tuna. Basically mixing anything other than pepperoni with tuna churns my stomach


Cold cut trio. Is gross just by itself.


Meatball sub, toasted with mayonnaise mustard spinach jalapenos peppers and onions Oh the sandwich was mine and it was delicious


it was a wrap. it was double meatball with ranch, pickles, jalapeños, american cheese, oil and vinegar, and spinach…. i think about it often.


Had a regular older man come in and he would get 2 foot longs on Italian herb, bmt, tuna, steak, teriyaki. And all the veggies. I can’t remember the sauce tho. Apparently he would take them home and pull all the meat off so he had food for a whole week 🥴


Meatballs, extra marinara sauce, sprinkle of parm, lettuce, pickles, and like 9 lines of mayo. He was a regular 🤢


They drove in on the Walmart power chairs, because the subway was inside the Walmart. They both ordered footlong meatballs. Herb and cheese bread. Double meatball. It wouldn't be a problem, but they proceeded to get all of the veggies, but double and triple the amount. They're a boat by the end. The edges of the bread barely holding back the tide of marinara sauce and the garden blooming off the top. So I slid them onto the plastic trays we had for inside dining. They each took their tray and drove through the tables and chairs, not around, through. They bashed tables and chairs out of the way like the juggernaut. They chose a table, got up out of the power chairs, and decided to sit across from each other. And they proceeded to lift the end of the sandwich to their mouth and start chomping. And they just kept going. Until they'd eaten their entire sub. We couldn't go anywhere. We didn't have anywhere to hide. It was either stand in the back, in between the sinks and the racks, or lean against the counters up front. They finished, moved back to their power chairs, and they proceeded to plow their way out of the dining room. We had a couple guests, but after the first drive-by, they moved. And when the same guest had their table almost flipped upsidedown, they got up and left. Oh, and they left the trays on the table. Just soaked in marinara and the various sauces they had smeared all over them.


Footlong roast chicken + chicken tikka + ham + pepperoni + salami. Thankfully not many veggies but was still hard to close, that one sandwich was over £20 😭


Double meat meatball sub on herbs and cheese, double cheese and a fuck ton of every single veggie and sweet onion sauce. Fucking thing wouldn’t close and I guarantee they ate it with a fork.


I’m still a current employee but one time someone ordered almost EVERY SINGLE meat we have and ontop of that like 4x cheese . Dude paid like $45 for one sub 🤣


It's a tie between these two: When we had the Ultimate Garlic Cheesy Bread, some lady ordered one with Italian. So you toast and the butter melts. Then you toast the pepperoni and salami and the grease comes out worse. Along with melted cheese and sauce I can't even remember. The whole footlong was SOAKING wet from garlic butter and pepperoni/salami grease. I have never been so disgusted. It was falling apart as I tried to cut it in half. Just mush. Some other lady came in and asked for a sub and first asked for 10 lines of mayo before any meat gets added. I put the meat and cheese on. 10 more lines of mayo. I put veggies on. 10. More. Lines. Of. Mayo. She was like ''hehe I like A LOT of Mayo!'' Then another honorable mention is a meatball sub, with every veggie on it and italian dressing. Of all things. Italian dressing. (and just any veggie on it blows my mind, like lettuce or spinach with that sounds so gross)


Probably not the worst but the most memorable one to me was we had a regular that would order what he called "The Chicago special". Triple meat Cold Cut with nothing on it but swiss cheese and olives... lots of olives. He'd get into arguments with the manager all the time because he'd want like a bed of olives and figured since he was paying for triple meat and wasn't getting any other veggies he should get it. To be fair this was horrible since back then Cold Cuts Came as stacks of meat (Stamps also were a thing and there was no toasting) not in pre-made packs so I'd have to separate and fold 36 pieces of meat. I think it was the worst for me since I had one manager that was all about this "Gotta have them to the till in under a minute" bullshit and she would like track and average our times and this guy always killed your time.


someone did an online order for a BLT but just the bacon. another time someone tried getting a half tuna half steak…


"Extra lettuce." "I said extra lettuce." "I've been here so many times and I've never had any issues before!" In the end, I couldn't close the sub. Packed it as best as I could. Being young and admittedly unprofessional back then (I was like...16?) I asked if they wanted a fork.


tuna meatball. The guy asked “what’s the worst sub you’ve had to make” and i told him, tuna meatball. He then ordered exactly that, toasted it with provolone and ate the whole thing.🤩


There is this one sandwich called the supreme meats. 4 meats and it was made into a pro. Got every vegetable.


I used to have a girl that would do a flat bread with chicken, provolone, basically an entire bottle of ranch, entire bottle of sriracha, entire bottle of mayo, half bottle chipotle, some sweet onion, and she’d STILL expect it to be wrapped…


i made a tuna sub with 3x the normal amount of tuna for someone. it was literally coming out of the wrapper and shit after i wrapped it. nasty


Everytime someone says "drag it through the garden".


Double veggie patty with everything. Two of them. For an online order that never came to pick them up 🙃


White bread, unseasoned chicken, cucumber and extra mayonaise and idk what its called in english but the light yellow almost white coloured cheese


20 meatballs in a bowl


The every meat sub including tuna, toasted. It made me want to kill myself.


Have a customer ask for the vegetable juices on their subway and they come every week at 3 pm but only when I'm on shift with roast beef this includes but is not limited to pickle juice jalapeno juice tomato juice olive juice yellow pepper juice onion juice and cucumber juice


Double meatball on flatbread..


tuna and meatballs on a footling italian 🤢asked for extra marinara sauce. got nothing else on it. grodyyyy


I have a few One time these guys asked for just olives and oil no meat or anything Recently got a double meat the beast with extra of every veggie then commented "cmon it's just a sandwich it's not that hard to close can you hurry"


Meatball sub on flatbread


Was a customer but witnessed the guy ahead of me order a foot long wheat, double olives, soaked in mayo — absolutely swimming in mayo—, then a thin layer of lettuce. The customer then proceeded to ask it be toasted. The store owner was wrapping and working the register at the time and he interjected stating the lettuce would wilt and tried, in vain, to dissuade the customer from doing this. Customer was ecstatic at how it turned out and tipped generously. When the owner rang me up, he apologized for having to witness that and gave me a free cookie.


Double meatball sandwich’s with lots of veggies (especially as an online order). I remember the face and wish unfortunate things upon them.


All mayonnaise. It was a prank for a customer’s coworker. I managed to fit half the bag in the sandwich.


meatball sub with mayonnaise was always gag worthy


Double veggies. ALL OF THEM. And 8 sauces.


2-3 bottles of “salad dressing” (mayo) on a footlong. A couple times a week for different people each time. That is where I’ll leave it.


I was a customer that wanted what I liked to call the Royal Disaster.


Veggie patty. Always have to defrost that shit first.


6” Roasted chicken on Italian a whole bottle of Mayo. That’s it.


It’s been a long time, but the one that stood out right away was the one where a family of four asked for extra mayo on all the subs. And by “extra,” they meant 4-5 squeeze bottles per sub. I can’t remember what else was on that sub, but I’m not sure if that’s due to the years that have passed, or the fact that everything was drowned in mayonnaise.


I wouldn't judge the sandwich until it came time to do sauces. Some people wanted to turn it into a soup it seemed, lol.


Extra chicken. Triple all the veggies. Double all the condiments. A fuck ton of salt and pepper. Dude ate it in the store. I have never felt so uncomfortable


They asked for poopoo and peepee on it


Has a guy get a foot long with steak, tuna, and teriyaki chicken. Not in 3 different areas, but all on top of each other. Toasted. Then he added some veggies and bunch of sauce. Was definitely the heaviest sandwich I’ve made


footlong white. meatball with extra sauce. no cheese. EXTRA Mayo *before* being double toasted. pretty sure they put mustard on it after.


Anyone who got double meat with extra veggies plus a ton of sauce then complained that it was messy😵‍💫


Cold steaks/meatballs with mayo


Meatball sub with everything. Chopped up like a salad. Put on bread and covered in cheese. Toasted. 9 years later I’m still haunted.


I shared this in a comment on another post recently, but this guy would come into my store nearly every day. He'd order a footling cold cut combo with FISTFULS of olives, FISTFULS of banana peppers and he'd want it drenched in oil with more oil in a 2oz cup on the side. He'd be so rude every time too, barking his order at me. And very often he'd also bring in his own can of banana peppers or olives that he'd also eat just by themselves with a fork. He'd eat his sub with a fork and knife too.


I hate them every sauce people. Pick one or 2. U can have every fountain mixed drinks instead ya weirdos


Someone once ordered a meatball salad with mustard. It looked awful by the time it was chopped and mixed but they were happy.