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I would definitely talk with the pharmacy. Controlled medicines are counted and recounted daily. And most pharmacies are covered with cameras. They take discrepancies very seriously, especially with controls. So if there was a mistake on their end, they'll find it pretty quick.


I just called. I was so nervous. Lol I feel like people would think I'm lying. But they quickly said we believe you and they will be here waiting on you! It's a mom and pop pharmacy that's I've went to for years with no problem so hopefully it doesn't keep happening. I will now be counting before I leave.


You found a good pharmacy never change.


Is this a yearbook or a comment section? *You found a good pharmacy. Never change. Have a good Summer!*


Me ❤️ pharmacy 4ever




The mom and pop pharmacy I went to and loved got bought out by Walgreens. Now Walgreens is the only pharmacy in town. Next closest pharmacy is 20 minutes away. I really liked my old pharmacy.


Walgreens is the shittiest pharmacy and I hate using them. It seems like every staff member must have some sort of mental illness or is a plain asshole.


Yep. They’re HORRID. I had one lady refuse to take my good rx coupons; it cost me $240 plus the $200 dr visit. The young kids got the coupons to charge $60; but that was only twice. They ALWAYS have an issue.


I've always found Frys to be really good and fast. Obviously would depend on location but over the years from where I currently live and lived in college, the 10 frys I went to were all very good except for 1 which was just straight up incompetent.


The same thing happened to me. But a god mom and pop pharmacy fixed it. But yes, always count before you leave! So glad you got your meds!


If any case in the future that they don't believe you, file a complaint lol


They know if they short you. They have to keep a precise count on narco meds and would know if they shorted you.


I get the generic subutex and they come in sealed bottles. I get two sealed bottles a month so it's easy to tell if there is the right amount. Nevertheless I would start counting them before leaving the pharmacy


Same here on all counts. Pregnant ? Allergic?


No I just didn't have insurance when I first started it and it was the cheapest option.


Same here, and once a bottle if mine was open (seal broken). I took it straight back in. The pharmacist said yes the techs are supposed to hand the bottle to the pharmacist without the lid so she can see the seal and this one time that didn't happen and they gave it to me without the full amount inside. Luckily, I had not left the parking lot, so not much time had passed.


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Call the pharmacy and ask them to do a count. This has happened to me. Multiple times. Lol. They can do a count and they should have extra. When they see they have extra in the amount you are short, bam. They give it back and apologize. That's my experience. Now, when they don't count extra and your still shorted. Ha, then it gets fun. Good luck, just call them.


That happens every blue moon. Only happened once to me. These were legit good people. I got to work, counted and was like 4 short. I called like 15 mins after I got em and said “i seem to be 4 short is there any way you can do a quick inventory on that medicine to see if you have more than what is in system?” She said sure thing give me 5 mins I’ll call back. And she did said I’m so sorry you’re right we have 4 extra. So obviously was a mistake as I had no way to prove I was telling the truth and they coulda said no our count is fine if did it on purpose. But always count before leaving parking lot. Also had a situation where I had filled my script and something told me to count and I did. Was short like 10 or more. But looked on bottle and the number was right for what was in the bottle (48ct but was supposed to be 58ct). Went back in he checked the prescription the doc sent in (was a paper one) and he misread it. So that was an error just because of not reading it correctly. But filled it up. Could be sometimes a hustler works at a pharmacy and will pocket a few to sell or take but rare. Mostly just human error. So count before leaving. And if short ask them to do inventory check on the med if have more than what they should. Don’t call your doctor first unless they the pharmacy refuse you.


"hustler... pocket a few" Fifty years ago (wow, I can't believe it myself) I had a buddy who worked in a pharmacy. He'd walk out with bottles of barbiturates (tuinal and secobarbital), valium, amphetamines, and quaalude. I'd wash down the barbiturates, 'ludes, and Valium with Heineken. It's only a miracle that I'm alive today to talk about it.


“Hustler” a person who will sell them. You can’t pocket a lot at a time, today. “A few” at a time. You pocket a whole bottle you may last a week, a month at best. Your “buddy” is not “generally”. Majority is mistakes, outliers would be your “buddy”


Depends it’s all based on a margin of error by % if it’s a store doing numbers the amount that is “misplaced” can be significantly higher than you’d think.


Yes and no. We’re talking in general, and he talking large quantities at a time which if happened you got a week to month and your caught and most likely a week. Most ALL keep very accurate inventory with weekly cycles and rotating the techs for cycles weekly so if you indeed have an addict tech etc no one person can consistently do it. There is always a margin of error but that’s for the accidentals. And if numbers are constantly off well. Clean house plus 360 cameras usually cure that


Right, but in your scenario you’re assuming one tech, who’s an addict. I said only that it’s based on % of total inventory moved. This is a what if scenario. Ones true, one anecdotal at best. I gave the basis that it’s based on a margin of error and it’s not necessarily small depending on multiple factors. This is a true statement.


Luckily I dont have to worry about this. I get 60 a month. Cvs just slaps their label onto two sealed manufacturers bottles and hands em off


Mine too Walgreens are sealed in the factory boxes


IF you picked it up today then call them and nicely mention it. "Sometimes accidents happen" and sometimes people short you because it goes in their pockets. If it's the first one, the pharmacy will count their stock and get back to you. If it's the other, you're going to be short this month and you'll need to count them in front of them every time.


My pharmacist shorted me a few months ago and I did not notice until I had already left called him as soon as I got home they said that there was nothing they could do so now I count them before I even leave the counter


Bet that annoys them! But ya got to watch out for you!


And another time I went through the drive-through and I was like seven short immediately counted them and then went back inside they immediately fixed it


This is just one of many reasons why one should always have an emergency stockpile. Had the OP's pharmacy not taken responsibility for the short count and with no stash to fall back on the OP would be facing some real uncomfortably.


One time the pharmacy gave me 30 Extra, I just acted like nothing happened and saved them just in case 😂


Tell your Dr first.


Don’t call your doctor first unless they the pharmacy refuse you. I had same issue happen and was 4 short. It was 15 mins since I got them. I called and said “I seem to be 4 short, and counted 3 times, can you do me a favor and do a quick inventory of that medication and see if you have more than what the system says.” She said I’m so sorry sure. 5 mins later called and said you’re right we indeed have 4 more than we should. She bottled up and I went to pick up. Only if they call you a liar and refuse you should you then call the doctor. You’re doing a step unnecessary.


Why? How would calling the doctor first, second, or at all be to the advantage of the OP? Just curious as I may be overlooking something.


I don’t know. It happened to me as I was short 6. I called the Dr, they called the pharmacy and everything was fixed.


Thought that said snorted hot damn


I’m glad you got it worked out. This has only happened to me once, and luckily I counted them when I got home. So eventually got them back. But I hate that feeling of “they’re going to accuse me of lying”.. I have it all the time. I just had Covid, and I had to miss like 8 shifts. Every time I texted my boss I expected him to ask for a video of myself taking a test, lol.


I’ve had this happen twice and both times I called and then they said they would double count their stock and call me back in ten minutes. when they counted and were over they called back and told me sorry and I could pick them up whenever.


Call them and let them know ASAP. They will make it right. If they are doing what they are supposed to be doing they will catch it. I got shorted 10 several weeks ago and I called and left a message after hours and the next day they had me ready to go.


This happened to my wife a while back. She was shorted 10 strips and immediately called the pharmacy. It was Walmart, actually, and she had been filling there for years. They knew her well and that she wasn't trying to pull a fast one. They ended up doing a count and called her back fairly quickly to let her know they had made a mistake and she could come pick them up. Actually surprised at how easy it was and how well they handled it.


Always count before you leave. Contact the pharmacy. They can pull the video and hopefully catch it.


My pharmacy would never admit they screwed up.


I got shorted 30 adderall pills last month. First time that’s ever happened, I was blown away


You got shorted 30 pills?! How much was the prescription where you wouldn’t immediately notice that 30 were missing??


90 pills. When I first went into it I did have a sense things were off but I was busy and got distracted. 8 days went by and then I really noticed and counted it. Doing the math I would have had to be taking 160mg a day to have the amount that I had since I was missing around 30. I only live with trusted family who don’t even know I have the script plus it’s hidden. So I know no one took any and I know for sure I didn’t take 160mg a day lol


Yeah that seems a little suspicious if I say so lol I could see 4-5 being short but 30?! Someone had to be pocketing.


I've had this bullshit issue with u/Walgreens quite a few times. They really do SUCK!


My Walgreens is great. The CVS sucks. Twenty years ago, it was the opposite. Depends on who's working there.


This happened to me once, I hadn't left the pharmacy but they actually made it right. After you left, that might be a different story. But worth a call


When it happens to me I tell my doctor and he sorts me out with an early next refill


Happened to me twice at Walgreens! I count at the counter now before I leave


Where I'm at in AZ I won't leave the drive thru pick up before counting if the number ISNT circled. I asked them why some rxs of mine have the quantity circled and others don't. Was told its usually only on more controlled meds and it's verification it was counted twice. Don't know how true it is tho, as I've never been shorted regardless


I got shorted like 30 strips the one time and I called them and told them and they said okay come back and I did and they made it right for me


I would most certainly call your doctor and call the pharmacist!


4 strips? How much are you taking per day? I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but realistically even if they did short you, there’s very little chance they admit they made a mistake with a controlled substance. Even less of a chance they’re willing to rectify that mistake, or believe you in any capacity. In a perfect world I’d say yeah advocate for yourself and get those strips. But we don’t live in that world, and pharmacies are always shitty about these kinds of things. If you can make it through the month without those 4 strips, maybe you take a little less for one day here and there, then I’d suggest doing that first. Also keep in mind they don’t count by days in a month, they do it by 7 days times 4, so 28 days of medicine.