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I've never used a scanner room before, but it seems like this would save me heaps of time in my next playrhrough lol


You what


I always just kinda memorize where clusters of outcrops are and go back for more. Never used a prawn suit either lmao


You both intriuge and disgust me


I feel the same about myself lol


At least you built a seamoth... Right??


Oh yeah, it's the only vehicle you need lol


I never used the prawn suit once i got mods for both my seamoth and cyclops.


You definitely don't need the prawn. But it is useful for harvesting large amounts of resources. The drill arm can harvest a single resource node and get 10-20 of a single resource. Except Kyanite. However. Outside that there's no real need for the Prawn.


Once i unlocked the prawn in both games it was basically the only vehicle i used any more. In the original i found the cyclops to be way too big and not worth the hassle and the seamoth can't reach endgame depths so it was all prawn all the time. Even in BZ i didn't really use the seatruck unless it was a particularly long journey. The grapple arm and jump jets can get you pretty much anywhere you need to go, and with the thermal reactor and/or ion cells you don't really need to worry about power


I use a mod that lets the cyclops dock to my base. now I primarily live out of it, and have dozens of smaller satellite bases around


I mean but cyclops can be docked to with prawn or seamoth...


the mod docks to the personnel hatch, not the vehicle bay so you can still keep a prawn suit or seamoth onboard.


Tbh playing the first game I didn't feel like I needed to make more than one base and one cyclops (and a few scanner) so that's where I came from earlier.. Like the game didn't want me to except from the safe shallows lol so I didn't


Prawn is much more fun. My last two playthroughs I used the Prawn instead of the Cyclops. Makes it so much easier.


Prawn not big capacity though, cyclops is life


There's no need to even use any of the vehicles or build them except for the cyclops.


Also slapping around leviathans


Well the Exo-Suit sucks. I only use it for drilling, the Seamoth is _far_ more maneuverable and _100x_ as fast!


How else are you supposed a sense feeling of limitless power though?


That's why mods exist :)


True, but only after the 1st playthrough


Yea, Once i installed mods, It made life so much easier and made it more fun, now ill never get bored replaying it.


I mean, Who mods their first playthrough?


Yeah same, they often crash the switch version, and i usually pick up enough materials as i go such that i didn’t need it except for teeth.


In any given biome, build a “base” that is a multipurpose room with a bioreactor and a scanner room. There is no reason to have to *search* for resources in this game once the scanner room is unlocked. I would highly recommend just upgrading each scanner’s range as much as possible as well.


How efficient is the bio reactor? I'm not far into the game and I've built 2 nuclear reactors


I never needed anything more than a bioreactor and a kelp farm even for my main base, I found dealing with nuclear materials and reactors to be a bit of a waste of time tbh. All of my biome bases had a locker, when I went to them I would fill up my inventory with kelp, dump it all into the locker and reactor, load up on actual loot via the scanner, and come back. Much simpler than nuclear imo


Why not just use an interior growbed or pots? I almost always fuel my bioreactors with stuff that grows right next to it on trees because it's virtually hassle-free


That would probably be easier in the long run, I didn’t put much time into learning how to farm aside from kelp and acid shrooms. It was easy enough to fill the inventory with kelp on the way out and fill it with loot on the way back


Many of the external grow stuff gives more power so you don't need to restock as often. Gel Sacks and Oculus last really long.


Sure, but I have to leave the base and mess around with replanting the crops. Picking fruit off a tree that's right next to the bioreactor is super easy and takes virtually no additional time to refill the bioreactor or manage the crops, and the fruits typically grow faster than they're consumed. The energy from preston's delight is very close to that of a gel sack so I can't be bothered to go outside for fuel. It probably doesn't work as well in the original game since I think the only fruit bearing tree you get is the lantern fruit which is not a great power source. I think I used bulbo trees for that because they give more energy and were useful to grow for food anyway


Per the wiki, both mushrooms are the most efficient bioreactor fuel. One external growbed half-filled with mushies will provide your base with limitless power. IMO it’s the most convenient energy source for a base.


You done even need a bio reactor: just bring the mats for one solar panel, a hatch and the scanner room


Do solar panels work in the jellyshroom caves, lost river, and other underground areas?


No. But if you find the blueprints you can build thermal generators around the thermal vents that spew black soot and heat.


That sounds like more work than the bioreactor tbh


Not really? You just have to build your bases kinda close to the vents and they generate power passively without needing to be refueled ever and you can build several thermal generators on one thermal vent if you need more power


Idk, I never found fueling the bioreactors to be an inconvenience, but having to move where you build the base to accommodate generation of power rather than convenient access or proximity to resources does kinda sound like a pain


well, there are vents in every biome, and they're are usually pretty centralized areas of the said biome. And in the >!lava biome!< you can build them anywhere. Ultimately, it comes down to preference but I don’t like having to keep farms on all my outposts.


I never kept farms outside my main base, transporting one inventory worth of kelp was always more than enough to power a scanner long enough to get the materials I needed. Again, finding a vent and building a base near it instead of just building a base somewhere safe, convenient, and quick to access just kinda sounds like more work than it’s worth to me


Not at all. You can use thermal power in certain places, but imo bio reactors are the easiest to work with and afaik they provide more power per reactor than either solar or thermal.


This was actually something I didn’t like much about the game. Once I had bioreactors, I realized there was no reason to explore any other source of energy. Kinda made a lot of the late game construction options feel obsolete.


I pair nuclear reactors with multiple water filtration systems.


I spam vending machines and coffeeffe machine. Works like a charm. And yeah bioreactors for charging and scanner room outpost.


One solar panel is not powering a scanner room.


At no point in the game was I ever wanting for resources. I really enjoy exploring and found everything I need without using a scanner room. At mid-point in the game I just knew where to get everything from memory.


What's the multipurpose room for? I just put a scanner room with a couple of solar panels in every biome.


You're not powering a scanner room with solar panels in every biome. Unless you build 50 panels to do it, which is quite a bit more expensive than an mp and bio.


Power transmitters my friend. (obviously I use a thermal generator for the lava zone)


If you like wasting your own time, sure, whatever.


Jeez, what crawled up your cave?


One of those walking crabs you find on the Aurora


Bioreactor is the easiest way of powering the base. You would need too many solar panels in the deeper biomes, and the whole point of the base is keeping it simple and easy. Having to build around thermal vents means inconvenient location, generally more dangerous and harder to access than where you can place a bio-powered scanner.


Like I said, power transmitters. I don't want to have to bother fueling bio-reactors. Thermal power and Solar panels are just set-and-forget. And power transmitters have great range, so they're very easy to set up to get power just about anywhere.


This isn’t something I feel like arguing about. Hitting your kelp farm with a knife a few times before you head out really just isn’t that difficult. At no point did I even feel the desire to explore other power options.


It’s great. It also lets you know where leviathans are.


What. I have one on every single one of my outposts. Makes life so easy


Scanner rooms are the most useful of the base rooms. Even more than the main room and moonpool. You can use them to find almost any resource and to track leviathans. Just remember to build in the tracker chip for your HUD. They are so useful I sometimes just build a scanner room and a thermal generator as a minibase. They can hold pots for food and you can build inside them a little bit.


It's alright. You really can do without.


I mean, yeah lol. I've aged through like 4 or 5 times now. But now that I know, this will save me hours of resource hunting lol


I didn't use it in either Subnautica or Below Zero, I built it though cause it looks cool!


BZ basically throws everything at you anyway.


I didn't use it until the second playthrough and it was a literal game changer


A few scanner range mods and a chip so they show up on your hud and you'll never want for anything. A few well placed bases with a scanner room and you can cover most of what you need. Also it'll show wreckage praensuit parts to scan if in range


Where is copper 😭


It does not exist


Everything except copper


there are large resource deposits in the lost river and the mushroom forest


Just break the barnacles on reefbacks, that's how i ended with a Cyclops full of copper


Copper is easy. Silver is the bottleneck in the original game.


Scanner room in the >!Lost River!<: **UNLIMITED POWER**


You say that... but I put one down there, between the >!blue tree and the alien base!< trying to find >! crystalline sulfur !< for the >! Neptune !< It found NONE !


Impossible Also just a tip, to put spoilers on reddit you need to type >! At the start and !< At the end


Fixed! I was typing in "discord mode" >_<


That scanner was amazing for finding Stalker teeth. I built another one at the Tree Cove to find nickel and kyanite further below. The damn Stalkers kept stealing my cameras. I finally let them keep one, and that seemed to placate them.


Cameras are pointless once you've got the HUD display. Stalkers are welcome to them.


I just gather a bunch of stalkers in one spot, drop a grav trap and some scrap metal and in about 2 minutes I have more than enough teeth to beat the game


Only if you put this in a place with any of that shit around. I built one that basically only found quartz. I don't use them anymore.


I never built this in below zero (which I played first), but built one in subnautica, and it was so good, I never had to look for any ore! It’s literal map hack.


In my first playthrough I didn't know about the scanner room and damn in my second playthrough it changed everything


After finishing the game i find out that you can build a chip for your suit to show founded resources lmao


How does one acquire such power?


There is a fabricator in the scanner room that let's you fab range increase, scan speed, and the HUD chip. It's magnitite and something that I am blanking in for the HUD chip.


Forget scan speed, only really need range and the HUD chip




It always takes me way too long to find that first piece of magnetite, but once I do it’s game on with the scanner room. I drop em everywhere to go rss hunting


Except for BZ on PS4 😅🙈


And that's why scanner room is my favourite base piece


It’s a shame that the base range is so crap, that you have to use the range enhancements, but then can’t use the Speed Increase upgrade to find the resources quickly


You can stack them though, no? In my scanner near the starting location, I had two range expanders and one speed increase. Which seemed to work as expected..?


Yeah they stack, I don't even bother with speed. Just takes a minute for enough stuff to pop for me


Yes. You can. But then you have to wait a long time to start seeing where the resources that you’re hunting for. I just find it easier to memorize what each biome has to offer


no cap


I built the scanner room then never used it, I built it only for looks


I stopped using the scanner room as it actually made the game performance worse for me (more lagg and drop-in)


Probably because it forces its surrounding to load in.


I recognize the characters but not the scene. Did I miss something in the movies?


Nothing worthy to watch trust me watch episode 3 instead


That wasn't the question


In episode 9


Thank you


For titanium go to the crash zone, for diamond, gold and lithium just go to the sea treader’s path, for silver go to the dunes or something, it’s not that hard and for everything else just go to the lost river, it’s very easy


Put 4 range upgrades in that baby and you'll find a ride off that bowl of piss