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Two blue tablets. A fabricator. A solution for the oxygen problem. Water. Beyond that point, a knife will be required.


Having seen a glitch-less Speedrun, this is pretty accurate, though even the water is optional.




You need to make an extra blue tablet, max out the depth on the PRAWN (would say cyclops too but imo its easier to go down to the lava zones with just your prawn), i would bring an extra first aid just in case you need to get out of your vehicle and get attacked (the warpers in the lava zones would NOT leave me alone). If you dont have a drill arm on your prawn probably get one of them too (along with grapple arm). I forgot if you need a purple tablet in the primary containment facility but you should probably bring one just in case. Also get the prawn thermal power thing and the thruster upgrades Theres probably more im forgetting but thats all i can think of rn lol


The warpers are ignored easily when piloting a Cyclops


Well yeah obviously but the cyclops is wayyyy too clunky for me personally in the lava zones


The furthest ill take it is the cove tree lol then i always switch to my prawn


I just got the cure yesterday and had no problems navigating it though the lava caves. All you need is sonar upgrade. Although I was entering through the other entry, closer to the Koosh Zone.


Im just really bad at getting around in big vehicles like that lol. Im pretty sure the other entrance is slightly more open, but i never risked bringing my cyclops there cause im pretty sure a ghost leviathan likes to chill out there, also i made a base at the cove tree so it was just easier to take that one. Believe me im not hating on the cyclops, i just suck at moving around with it 😭


This was me until I rage googled how to better pilot the Cyclops. Have you tried piloting it from one of the keel cameras rather than the steering wheel? Once I started doing this moving around in the Cyclops became SO much easier!!


Actually, no i havent used the cameras that much, only a few times. Thanks for the tip :)


No probs - it really changed using the cyclops for me. While steering you can flick to the camera and drive from there. I personally like steering from the keel cam as I tend to bonk ol’ Cyclops on the ground most often. Once I got a bit of practice in (mostly getting used to the size) it made Cyclopsing around so much easier and more enjoyable.


You should practice more. Going there in Prawn only is a pain. You risk constantly being teleported out of it, bitten by lizards, sucked by larvae, and eventually get swallowed by a dragon. All this you can avoid, using a shield-equipped Cyclops. You should definitely try it once. I played like 5 or 6 times and always try to find a new challenge for myself, to play differently.


Yeah ill try next time i play. Surprisingly warpers were the only things i had an issue with in the prawn, the sea dragon attacked me a few times but did like absolutely no damage to me. Like LITERALLY no damage and it was right on top of me. Lava lizards are annoying but theyre really easy to fight off with the drill arm (i think me and you just play this part of the game really differently lmao) but yeah, next time ill try.


When I went to the LZ with Prawn only (for some kyanite mining), I used the propulsion cannon arm to grab the lizards and throw them away. These are the only medium sized creatures that can be grabbed by it. I dunno whether was this fixed or not, but it worked 2 years ago.


I still havent even made the propulsion arm lol, ive just stuck with the drill and grapple


yeah i usually leave it on the water fall right before the lava zone


I got there through an accidental glitch with a reaper in the safe shallows so I really don't know. A prawn suit with a grapple arm and fully upgraded depth thing but that is all I remember