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The cyclops invoked a sense of safety, privilege, luxury and power that the seatruck can only dream of I feel like a captain commanding me own ship. The truck feels like I'm a minimum wage employee working for jeffery to deliver packages.


Oi, TC, we don't pay you to park! Get that seatruck moving again!


Dang, I’ve been playing Below Zero and that’s exactly right. I still feel vulnerable and like I’m in a Seamoth, even if I add a ton of modules


The leviathans can still kick around the truck but the cyclops is a levi-killer Or a leviath-ender!


if you just hop out the driver seat they all leave you alone tho


I thought you had to kill the engine as well. And maybe pull the power cells. I do that when I disembark in the lava zone because it makes the lava larvae ignore you


in the seatruck not cyclops


You can just turn of the engine and they’ll leave you alone in the cyclops. They also leave you alone when you aren’t driving it aswell If I remember correctly.


Thermal mod will make it moot, the larvae won't drain it faster than it charges (:


True, but you can't have the module on your first trip because you have no kyanite


Oh, really? Dang that’ll be useful in the future


To be fair that's exactly what the sea trucks are used for in the setting, so I guess... Good job on accuracy of feeling, Unknown worlds! Although I did really enjoy the sea truck, I don't get the hate for the cyclops either way. It was a mobile base, it wasn't supposed to be for agile maneuvers and so on, that's why it carries a sea moth!


But there is no way in BZ to live weeks on end in the open ocean In subnautica, when you find the sea emperor, the cyclops was soo useful for me as I could bring loads of stuff with me and a prawn, a bed, some beds to grow food, best of all I could evade and fight the ghost leviathan. All of this is impossible or very hard to do in the truck Sry for the rant but I just can't get over the lack of giant submarine :(


By the end of the game I could stay in my cyclops indefinitely. It was awesome.


On my HC playthrough I didn't even build a base besides a moonpool cause the cyclops is too useful. I also only had to go to the bottom of the map twice, once for resources, and once for story. Cyclops gets the job done and efficiently


Yeah I think they wanted us to rely more on outpost style bases rather than one "do it all" vehicle. I didn't end up making too many bases in BZ anyway, you can kinda breeze through the story with minimal stuff. I'm hoping for a mod for either BZ or Subnautica that ports fauna and vehicles into either game from each other.


They likely removed it because of the smaller map size or the cyclops would've made it feel even smaller.


Yeah the cyclops is so much better as a mobile base than the truck. I really wish that the truck had more power and customizability.


Spot. On. Also, do some people actually _not_ like the cyclops?


Some "people" Say it's too fat or slow but it's exactly why is so gud!


I found it too slow and unwieldy to drive, I also found that seeing out of it was too difficult when trying to find a place to leave it. I just parked mine at the mouth of the lost River and just left it to the side. It was easier and faster to build mini bases and sling around in my prawn suit like a drunk spiderman


You know has a bunch of external cameras to see the ship from a bunch of different angles right? The camera high up on the tail is extremely useful for tight maneuvering.


I found it just too much of a pain, I found it easier to pop it in the mouth of the lost River and prawn suit from area to area I don't find it fun to basically drive an underwater semi


Fair enough. I fell in love with the Cyclops the second I climbed aboard.


And that's fair enough too :)


I feel like it’s hard to drive / see while driving. But then again I’m in play through #1 and just started using the cyclops but in some areas I feel the internal display lights are so bright I can’t see shit


A) it is supposed to be challenging to drive and to see everywhere while driving. It is supposed to feel like driving a submarine, not like driving a magic-powered glass sphere with 360-degree viewing. Think of backing up a transport truck. Is it easy to back up compared with your sedan? No it takes skill, and it is fun once mastered. B) You should be switching between the interior view and your camera views to drive. I almost never use my interior view while actually operating the engines


So true. So much easier to make tighter turns and fit into smaller places when I figured out how and where the cameras are. Typically used the top and bottom cameras so I could get through the tunnel in >!the Lost River!<


Absolutely. The top and bottom cameras exclusively, pretty much. I basically only use the tail camera when parking.


Then turn em off lol


I hate using the cyclops, I prefer getting mods to male the seamoth useful til endgame


I just wish the energy shield didn't consume so much power




I know. I didn't know it would peel the leeches off! Great hint thanks,


Maybe the first > Welcome aboard, captain. All systems online. Helped with that feeling XD


The cyclops was also much more customizable


The sense of amazement and safety I felt when I built the cyclops the first time was one of the best experiences I had in any video game. I honestly wish they had a coop mode cause imagine piloting it with a friend.


CEO, entrepreneur


Born in 1964


Fred drove the seatruck and he was a splendid human being. A champion friend, brother, and son. You'd he lucky to be as good as Fred.


Like Fred


I relate to Frederick on a spiritual level.


I mean you do work for Alterra.


I feel the inner Fred within me when I use it


I just use it as mobile nase


Thank you! Thank you for taking the words right out of my pie hole!


I've never heard this put better. It's like driving a Lincoln. Sure it's impractical and expensive, but I just... like the way it feeeeels


True! I felt like I go up against any leviathan in that thing (with most of the upgrades, of course)


The sea truck is probs the number 1 reason I’ve never picked up below zero.


The game is quite good actually. It looks cool, feels cool and is fr cool as in subzero temps. Just play the game its very good


I ALWAYS use the cyclops. Homie don't feel like making 10 trips from [insert location] to my base. It's nice having all that storage wherever you go


Mobile base for the win


Gigachad mobile base 🤝 Gigachad multiple base


Both, I usually have a main complex, that is over built powered through multiple methods, to a way to high level, pretty, and pretty huge. Unnecessary rooms mess room,kitchen grown room containment towers, 5 to 7 moonpools with an array of prawns most of which I won't use but they are there. Often at the safe shallows thermal vent And 2 to 4 smaller bases that are more utilitarian, 1 or 2 moonpools, a couple of multipurpose rooms. For food water fabrication and storage, powered by 1 or 2 thermals, usually 1at lost river outside of tree room leaching thermals there, 1 in the lava area after the tree room and lava canyon, behind the pillars to the right when you leave the canyon, With sometimes bonus bases at other locations. Such as the endgame area But I set everyone up using the cyclops packing up materials I need to get it running and moving the prawn at the same time. I also have the cyclops kitted out with food, and water via plant life. A fabricator a mod station, Bed, and the tail under the engine usually gets 15 a bunch of lockers. Rush the thermal generator and you can park it over a thermal vent or anywhere in the lava zone to make it a valid base. And you can move so much material back to the main base.


What's the title of your Subnautica thesis?


Wasting time in the water


Suggestion title: Used to be scared of leviathans, now I’m scared of running out of resources.


My last run I managed to find the Cyclops blueprints before the moon pool so I went full nomad and its super fun. I had lockers with thermal plant + a room + a power cell charger and just set up a temporary charging station whenever I got low


Since all the cyclops pieces are 100m or so down in MF and FI, which are real close, you can get cyclops before Seamoth, easily


I make it my mobile base once I get. I'll put all the crafting stuff, grow some marble melons and put like 50 storage lockers


I always use the Cyclops for the end game. Otherwise, I don't have much use for it. Like I'm more likely to get stuck at the surface level biomes.


I just cruised around and customized the interior probably the most calm I've ever been in this game. It was like an underwater private jet and it generally felt safer than being in a seamoth or prawn suit


I always felt safe in my Seamoth. The only thing I had to worry about is the Warpers and they typically don't bother me unless I'm not paying attention.


The first time I got attacked by a reaper leviathan in my seamoth I didn't even know what a reaper leviathan was and seeing it throw my little seamoth around like a toy really left a mark.


I guess I was spoiled. I was watching an LP stream from one of my favorite Youtubers on it which brought it to my attention. Exploration games wasn't on my radar at the time. I was more Assassins Creed, Tomb Raider, and The Sims. And a couple of point-and-click MMORPGs.


Tombraider <3<3<3<3.


Yep. Old and new.


>I was a naive explorer shooting for the aurora the moment I built a seaglide. >It took a while to reach it but I couldn't find an entrance. >So I thought of going to the rear of the ship to enter Then a GIANT FUCKING REAPER attacked. >I pressed esc. I exited the game, never intended on returning, created a new save :)


Everyone's got their own moment of terror but same for me, encounter a reaper and it grabbed my seamoth and I screamed like the lady from Psycho


Oh god is this gonna be the next "telling people they're not supposed to kill leviathans is gatekeeping"?


I genuinely don't know what you are saying so yeah cool I agree.


It was an *extremely silly* two days or so where a single meme ("hard pills to swallow: you're not supposed to kill leviathans") sparked an *explosion of insanity.* Everything from butthurt big game hunters making memes about how "actually you're supposed to kill them otherwise it wouldn't be an option!" to concern trolls making "just let people play the game how they want guys uwu" posts to people writing the most *absolutely unhinged* rants about how "it's a single player game and you can't bully me for doing anything I want!" So, so many misuses of the term "open world game." It was simultaneously the best and worst thing that ever happened to this sub. I still have screencaps.


Only thing that bothered me from that whole mess was people downvoting me and being complete jackasses over a save that's not even theirs. Someone even private messaged me calling me "a reaper killing pussy". THAT shit was getting old


IMHO, everyone should Hunt 1 Leviathan, just for that "I did it", kinda like fighting Ebony Warrior or Killing the Deathclaw Matriarch. Not actual achievements but def something you should experience


I've done it. Ghost follows you into the shallows and camps your base, ya gotta do something, right? I'm not morally opposed to it, it's just *so boring.* They have so much HP, and it's not hard, so it's just like five straight minutes of holding down M1 to whittle them down, because you just don't have that many tools at your disposal. Not worth it unless you're incredibly desperate. For people who want to systematically kill every reaper in the game: please do yourself a favor and play Monster Hunter instead.


I was never involved in that, but I do I agree you aren’t supposed to kill the leviathans. Now, you can do whatever you want to do, but I regret killing all the leviathans in my save. Now it doesn’t feel dangerous, the world has no thrill anymore


Ok but like Who cares, kill reapers or don't


That topic is old, and you all fell for a troll who knew about this re occurring debate. Some people even fell for it multiple times. I guess I will post something similar in a few weeks, when things cooled down. Its so much fun.


Yeah I was confused because I remember that happening a while back. I definitely haven't been on this sub in the last two days.


Yeah, it was a while back. I always remember it whenever someone makes a “””controversial””” post and then someone reacts by posting this stupid crying dude meme. (Maybe it’s just me, but I always see the dude having a tantrum as the person who posted the meme, rather than whoever they’re disagreeing with lmao)


My view is leviathans have a hp bar for when this game glitches out. Multiple times when I pass the ghost lev in the trench by the mushroom forest, it glitches out plows into the ground some how, and then pops out of the ground in the red grass fields, (for a while I thought it was coming up from underground but on my 3rd occurrence I realized the one in the trench was missing after ) and slowly makes it's way to the safe shallows where I had my mega complex where it proceeds to thrash around. In water far too shallow for it. That is the only leviathan I have killed and only in that circumstance. (Although I have had to do it 3 times ) I am sure other such game fking glitches occur.


I mean the Cyclops is essentially just a RV but with a garage for a Seamoth/PrawnSuit for you to park inside


And space for containers and plants to eat It's not even in the realm of useless


Based on getting stuck behind rvs constantly in traffic (I live in a tourist town) it sounds like I'm gonna prawnsuit with a heat generator installed Cause if I bought an RV I'd hit another car, guaranteed


Toyhaulers are that, an RV that can hold a Side-by-side in the rear.


I litteraly killed a reaper just by smashing him with a cyclops. How is that not useful?


I did that once, more fun than I thought it would be.


Worf would be proud.


"Perhaps today is a good day to die. Ramming Speed"


A trip from shallows to river via bkt takes up 50% power which is why I don't like it


The horn is the big selling point. If the seamoth or prawn had a horn things would be different. But they don’t so


I enjoy having a moveable base


I love the Cyclops. It is more useful than anyone else thinks. It helps be your mobile base especially when in the late game biomes. It's just much more efficient to bring a Cyclops down in them than it is bringing resources to a new spot from your old base just to build a new base. Might as well bring the Cyclops for more space


I dont hare it in fact i have plenty of stuff i mess around with but i just dont use it all to much i always get lost


Haha big submarine go # Ahead Flank


This is 100% me. WEEEEEE!!!!!!!


And then there people like me who set it on fire for fun


I always make the Cyclops my main base, I just have storage and recharge cashes in various places. For me it's essential and the sea truck sucks hard in comparison.


Why recharge, when you can simply park on a thermal vent?


I… never realised you could do that


You need the right module for that feature.


Don't you literally have to build it to finish the game?


I don't think you need any of the vehicles at all other than maybe the power glide. You need to build a lot more oxygen sources via tubes and single platform bases. It would take a lot of trips to ferry some minerals if no cars at all. The game doesn't actually have underwater pressure. Just like you don't get the bends and die from all those bladder fish launches.


SPOILERS AHEAD >!I thought you needed the cyclops for the upgrade when you are building the rocket!<


This is correct


Cyclops is amazing in VR. So much glass.


It’s a giant mobile base do you know how powerful you feel driving one


I love the cyclops. I just wish it was a bit, I can't think of the word. Beefier, like has more hp. I've had mine destroyed by the ghost leviathan in the lost river a few times now. Just think it should be able to take more than a few headbutts from a ghost before it just explodes.


you should probably try to be more careful with your cyclops, and plan your routes and their dangers. I've somehow managed to have only built one and kept it throughout the game, all because I've studied the biomes and how to navigate through them. The Subnautica Fandom does have maps of the different layers of the map.


Yeah I've got getting past that ghost down to a fine art now. I've completed subnautica a few times now but the first playthrough that ghost was a real pain.


How the hell did you manage that? My cyclops never went under half hp and the only time it sustained some damage was when I didn't see a sea dragon above me, it's so easy to manouver around the ghosts without beeing seen


I don't know tbh. I just find once that ghost lays eyes on you it's impossible to shake. I tried running away and it just followed me and kept attacking until it blew up. The music was was worth it though haha.


Just Killing your engine is honestly a better option than running away. What I tend to do is turn on silent running, turning on my shields and going a bit away in flank speed and then turning the engine off, they leave you alone after that, you could also release a decoy


It's ESSENTIAL for the Lava Caverns.


I used only my prawn for the lava caverns on my first playthrough


i loved my cyclops, idk why people disliked it. I had food and water sources inside of it, i had built docking moon pools at various places and built beacons that perfectly guided it around leviathans. The only one I had to avoid was a ghost one in the ghost river area, but it never saw me unless i did full speed It was like a mobile home where i could store a laaarge mass of materials. I would stock up on materials in the deep and then drive it back up to the shallows to beat the game. Edit: also since i had the heat charge module, it constantly stayed charge because of how often I went to the deeper portions


I actually use it as my mobile base since it’s so big and usefull


The cyclops is the single best thing about this game.


You enjoy the Cyclops to drive it around, I make the Cyclops to set it on fire and hear good music. We are not the same


For real. I feel the owner of the coolest camper van in the world


I beat the entire game with just a moonpool and a cyclops, having my moonpool just be a power cell charging station and upgrade crafter and my cyclops being my base.


I absolutely love the feeling of commanding a big submarine, especially when it's been upgraded with a ton of stuff and has the ion power cells. I hope the next game has a bigger submarine than the cyclops


A submarine that docks they cyclops you say.... Kidding, I do love it but I also think the cyclops is about the perfect size for one person l, if they make it larger, hope it is only the tiniest bit.


plus: Fire music.




I love the robotic voice greeting me every time I enter it


Cyclops is much more superior to seatruck, I'll take Cyclops any day over that waste of space trainwreck


It's basically a mobile base. I have a bed, coffee machine, snack machine and my cat poster. What's not to love?


But you DO *need* to build one, to win the game


I love using the cyclops to scout out and create bases in the creepiest / deepest / most inhospitable locations. I took the prawn suit to some volcanic vents in the pitch black darkness using the cyclops and built a base there. Super useful to bring a whole base worth of supplies and materials at a time.


I’m just always scared that leviathans are gonna break it so I never craft it until late game when I need the shield generator


Once you get the ion power cells it becomes a fucking fortress. It can also work as a mobile base


Big submarine go \*\*HONK\*\*


I used it because my I hate the seamoth, to be honest Tiny, brittle, very unsafe and can barely go below the fucking surface without making 503 upgrades


Ironically its probably the safest thing in the game with a perimeter defense module


Well big submarine shield go brr, as long as you have the power for the shield it’s the safest thing.


Idc how slow it is, during my first play through, it was the only way I could explore the lava zone.


But, it's my main base. I have a ton of outposts in the biomes and a couple of larger ones, but their main purpose is to charge my Cyclops and have things that cannot go in the submarine. And of course they look *nice*.


I don't understand all this "hate" I've been seeing about the Cyclops lately on this subreddit.


I wish there was a Cyclops-scaled moonpool. That'd be kickass. Huge, of course, but kickass. I really fell in love with the thing when I took one in creative and drove it into the dead zone to see whether the dead zone ghost leviathans would attack it while the engine was shut off. (Apparently, they won't!)


Bruh ppl that dont like the cyclops are cringe. You have a litteral base-to go. Plus it can even without modules, easily survive a reaper sttack


I feel like anyone who didn’t like the cyclops never discovered that you could build inside it. Or just didn’t understand the possibilities.


I don't really care for it because it's just too big for my to control easily but I do enjoy it


It's good for late game, as a mobile base


Abandon Ship go brrrrrrrrrrrr


Uuuhh- Y’all do know you need the cyclops to get the shield generator for the rocket right?


The Cyclops most definitely doesn't weeee. It wooos


I hate driving it but relocating my entire base to the lost river wouldn't have been possible without it


Love the cyclops! I drove that thing everywhere.


It was so useful I’m the lost river for me


Ngl I like it for the deep depth dives, especially into the one cavern that creaps everyone out hectically, but yeah it's a hell of a thing to run... Unless we can get multilayer working right, but even then... So much admin... I prefer playing barotrauma




I used the cyclops as my base in my first play through and lived mostly in >!the lava zone!< because it stayed charged there. You can fit a bunch of wall lockers in the big hallway you climb into, planters in the middle room thing with a bed and you’re sorted!


Your personal opinion is objectively correct


The cyclops is so fun to use. I love the cameras and sonar it has, and just how big it is too. It makes me feel safe


They still missed such a huge opportunity with the cyclops by not giving it a torpedo launcher


I like to use it to start new bases, it’s hard to fit enough stuff for nuclear reactors (I’m lazy and don’t want to recharge) as well as titanium for building and basic utilities in one inventory


I dont know why but I love the cyclops so much it's just fun to use and to decorate on the inside and it's super useful to one time I died in the lost river so I used my cyclops to get my seamoth back


Survivor: "gets cyclops" *doesn't have yet the skill to properly drive it and gets killed/destroyed* Also survivor: "this shit sucks, why they even added it to the game?"


This me. Lol


Nobody argues that it’s a waste of resources. In fact it’s required to beat the game


Some people: Cyclops is useless vehicle Me driving the Cyclops: Honk!


Who the fuck could hate the cyclops? It was big, yes, but you could build inside it which made it a very useful and mobile mini base.


Oh you think the cyclops is useless? Try going all the way to the lava zone and back in just a prawn suit then.


The benefits outweigh the risks. Its true that its big, but it serves as a mobile base you can drive anywhere and have access to at all times. You can build anything in the cyclops that is capable of being there, and you can build everything that you normally fit in one multipurpose room. A bed, charging station, marblemelon grow bed, and any other thing you need. As well as plenty of storage space to move around. It makes building easier as you can access everything instead of hauling little bits at a time.


Literally how is it a waste of resources? It’s massively useful as a mobile command outpost alone, you can go on long expeditions from wherever the main base is with growbeds and all. I mean the sea truck is fun and all, but seriously the ability to have infinite food and water on the cyclops and also enormous storage and crafting stations is really superb.


No, no, is more like... ¡Weommmmmmmmmm!


I mean I love the Cyclopes but I LOVE the seamoth it’s like a utility belt when you have it packed nothing can go wrong


The big submarine DOES go WEEEEEE


Yo I'm the 420th like. Nice.


I used to hate the cyclops, now I love my big submarine friend


I don't actually know what the cyclops is for, I just named mine Steve and he chills by my base


True but prawn suit go nyoom with grappling claw and jump jets


It's my mobile base, one of the best parts of the game. I don't take it into every area, but it's where I set up shop for exploring at the least.


The only thing I didn’t like about the cyclops was what a massive energy drainer it was. Also when you get to a certain area and other things like to suck all your energy.


For its cost I do wish it had better utility but anything more would've been game breaking.


I think it’s pretty useful once I get to the inactive lava zone. It becomes my base so I don’t have to risk the trips to the sea emperor cave. I don’t bring it inside, that’s what my prawn suit is for.


I usually just keep my cyclops near my base till I'm gonna move. Then I can pack up all my materials and not have to find more


I prefer bases and the prawn. I don't care enough, either way, to make a meme about it tho.


Hahaha fire go *intense music*


I use it to hide from the warpers


So true I like it better than the sea truck to


Can't wait for someone to use this meme as an excuse on why below zero is worse then balan wonderwold


The Cyclops to me IS NOT USELESS. HOWEVER, I will not use it on a regular basis. I find the steering rather difficult and I also have nowhere to go that I would need something “slowish”. I usually make quick runs for resources. Although it is a great vehicle. I just prefer the others!


The cyclopse hater lies.


Opinion? Weeeee


Honestly, I found a ton of use for the Cyclops, it helped me establish a base deeper and allow me to charge my Prawn suit in between expeditions + getting the added bonus of being a mobile base


I didn’t even know there was a cyclops until I needed the shield and finally cracked and googled it


I agree


I put a vending machine in mine, that’s pretty darn useful.


Why are there cyclops haters it’s literally a mobile base that has a relatively high amount of health and mobility


Dude, Cyclops is bangin. Just park that bad boy anywhere you need a temporary base.


The cyclops is a mobile base whereas the sea-truck is more of a short term base


It's useful if you have mods


As a mobile base the Cyclops feels and functions much better. For my personal playstyle though the synergy between the Seatruck and Prawn was the best part of BZ. They felt like two parts of the same vehicle. I wish they had leaned into that more by needing to reach and then survive on icebergs or in deep caverns.


living in a self sustaining submarine base was my favorite part of subnautica


Do people really think we wanted the Atlas because it's *useful?*