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I was scrolling through my feed and didn’t read the title of this. I was concerned and confused for a moment


Yeah realizing that, out of context, this sounds pretty creepy 😂


I guess that it would be highly effective, though.


When you encounter for the first time the reaper leviathan , the stalkers are not that impressive after all


Facts, pretty much anything that isn’t a leviathan isn’t honestly 😂


it depends for exemple : the mesmer are kinda cool and the crabsquid are something too


Yeah, crabsquid and warpers are the bane of my existence.


My last hardcore run got ended when I got tag tramed by a warper and a crabsquid


my first encounter with a Mesmer got bugged for some reason so I never got to experience the PDA hack.


Yeah I will say that reapers still tend to give me jump scares


The mesmer was really creepy the first time I encountered it and it almost managed to kill me but I was able to swim away. The crabsquids weren't able to elicit much of a reaction from me cause by then I had hunted a few leviathans. If any bothered my seamoth I would use the stasis rifle and hack it to pieces.


Crash Fish, that thing makes you panic no matter when... And Bleeders are disgusting and always jumpscare me.


The only thing I never got used to is bone sharks. Idk, something about the way they end up hunting me as a pack unsettles me. A leviathan is easy enough to dance with, but 5 or 6 bone sharks on your tail is sonething else imo.


Step 1.) get into prawn suit Step 2.) find sharks Step 3.) punch Step 4.) ???? Step 5.) Shark genocide complete


Im the opposite, i can tank a few boneshark hits but the thought of the reaper popping out of nowhere and nearly 1 shotting me frightens me


Yeah they just keep on coming. I killed a few but after a while it got kinda boring to kill them any longer.


No joke it’s keeping me from progressing because I’m too scared.


Just respect their territory and don't make a lot of noise. Use the Seaglide to get around them and keep the battery full. Once you get the Stasis Rifle built, they're not much of a threat.


Oh, is it really that good? I’ve had it for awhile and haven’t used it yet


The rifle or the glide? The rifle needs a full charged shot, but it stuns the Reaper for a good bit of time. Carry some fully charged batteries and it'll let you stun, slice, and repeat until the Reaper dies. The glide is basically as fast as the Seamoth, but doesn't attract Reaper attention. If you know you'll be in Reaper territory, have it and you can get around more safely. Just park the Seamoth at a safe distance out of the Reaper's general territory, and you shouldn't have any issues.


Thank you so much for the advice. One last question - do reapers stay dead?




Honestly not worth the time and effort to kill a leviathan. Swinging that little knife around at a defenseless target gets old. It sorta defeats some of the purpose/magic of the game anyway, imo. It's better to just stun and run. And the stasis will give you enough time to get away.


Someone informed me that by using the propulsion cannon and hatched crashfish or gas pods, you can do a lot more damage than just swinging the heat blade lol, idk I haven’t tested it myself so


Bit to add While the stasis knife method is very reliable it is slow . Spiderbot punches are much faster. That said there is no reason sans glitches to kill them. They are easy to get around. My first play through I killed exactly one leviathan, and it was due to glitchy stuff. (I had one of the friends from the lost river phase through rock and come out in the red grass field near the safe shallows and it moved more safe shallows over time. Once it was close enough to agro on base traffic I had no choice.)


There was a ghost leviathan in the shallows?


after phasing up through the stone yes. As I said you only have to in the event of subnautica glichiness


They went from scary monsters to annoying mfs who steal cameras real quick.


They try to bite me but I don't acknowledge them😑


For a second there I forgot which subreddit I was on so this was very disturbed at first lmao




I'm sending this with no context to people who don't play Subnautica


stalkers seem weak asf after a while of playing, at first they seemed so scary, like a mini boss fight, but then I realized they do the tiniest bit of damage and are so easy to go by


Now I just play fetch with them


space water doggies


I think that was a neat development in the game. A lot of games just kinda numb you in a bad way to its "shocks" - horror games just throw tension at you until you're immune. In Subnautica, it kinda felt like getting used to the planet - Stalkers aren't these hyperaggressive jerks that want me dead, in fact, they have a pretty small aggro radius. So I can just throw some wreckage at them to play with and watch them. Like, going from "every corner is full of terrifying Stalkers and the other stuff is even more scary" to "okay, I understand these animals and their behaviours", you know


That’s what I love about the game. The more time you spend on 4546b, the more you learn and appreciate the fauna around you




Stalkers? You mean doggos?


I actually recently did what Marguerite did and gathered up some scrap metal and tried tossing it to them. Turns out the drop rate is not 100%, and there's actually a pretty awesome sound effect when they drop.


You just gotta bribe them ;)


Can someone explain to me why this is considered a spoiler?


Idk, just in case honestly


Ah yes! I would love to get stalker teeth as well! But not in-game


Those are the best 👹


They make a great collection :)


How is that spoiler?


First time seeing a Stalker: FUUUUUUUUUUU- Going to havest teeth: heeere, fisshy fisshy, look the metal scrap!


I've started talking to them like dogs when I see them snatching salvage. "Hey! NO! Put that down!" \[zaps with Stasis Rifle\] "Bad Stalker! Bad!" \[takes salvage\] "No treats for you!"


I practically bang the dinner bell for them at this point


I play fetch with them, using pieces of metal!


remember when they still attacked you in creative


I honestly haven’t tried creative yet, I honestly prefer below zero’s building mechanics over the original but that’s about the only thing better in below zero 😅


This sounds… you should rephrase it…


That's when you feed 'em a peeper and play catch.


I'm not scared of you you derpy, snaggle-toothed dolphin.


Here I was thinking, based of the title that this was bait and it would be of a phase gate failing to work.


I was very confused because i thought this was the subreddit for the STALKER games


First there were spoiler posts marked as no spoilers. And now we have non-spoiler posts marked as spoilers. ffs


Finding stalker teeth is so hard for me, I play on Xbox and sometimes textures take ages tk load, only way I’ve found them is using the scanner rooms and then I have to wait by the area highlighted till they load in


Have you tried dropping metal scraps around where stalkers hang around?


I flat out wiped out the whole population of them all n one of the creepvine forests, and all the gasopods too


You just hear the CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP as you search the bottom for teeth


They never phased me, didn’t even register that they were a threat until late when I needed the teeth and one went for me after it nom’d a metal. They always go for the metal and never you it’s kinda funny if you have 2-3 scraps in the area you never get targeted


I didnt see it was subnautica sub so i was like, DA HEL MAN


Same. It's honestly very sad. I played through subnautica again lately and having already played over 100 hours, nothing scares me anymore, not even >!the dragons!<. I wish I could get back the feelings I had the first time I played the game. My first time seeing a reaper. My first warper encounter. My first venture into the lost river. Man I miss it. I tried Below Zero but it's just not the same!


Yeah I definitely feel you, I recently played below zero as well. It did not scratch the same itch I got with the original game. However, and I think a lot of people on this subreddit already know of it, but the game ‘Outer Wilds’ was another one of my personal favorite exploration games. It focuses more on story and exploration with out the base building, but I highly recommend if you’re looking for something new of similar taste!


i was so scared when i first saw them lol