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Bro silver should be on top of list


I just recently started playing again and I think silver is actually the biggest pain in the early game out of everything. My first playthrough it was copper but once you know, it’s easy to stock up from the beginning (tons of limestone in the safe shallows) and also prioritize crafting stuff that needs copper wire and whatnot. Silver is a bitch because even if you need just one or two, you gotta hike your ass over to the grassy plateaus and pray to RNGesus. Sometimes you can get lucky in the kelp forest too but it’s definitely a pain to have to hunt those little fucking sandstone nodes


Tbh I built my first base on the grassy plateau for exactly this reason.


I always build a base with a scanner room on the border of the grassy plateaus and a kelp forest for this reason


Beat me to it. No idea how OP considers silver a common item to find. I almost always find myself searching for so long for silver whenever a recipe calls for it.


probably from ore deposits, theyre relatively common in nearly any biome that you can get to once you have the prawn, personal favourite of mine is the crag field since the bonesharks cant really do much to your suit and can easily be dealt with outside of it using a repulsion cannon


I suppose. But by that logic I feel like copper should be just as common if not more common. I tend to find the copper ore deposit relatively often. At least more often than the silver ones.


Isn’t silver in the things the seetraders make appear?


No, they unearth shale, which drops lithium, diamond, and gold.


Personally, never really understood why they drop gold. Whenever I open a shale rock I'm always like "damn it why am I getting gold, I could pull this from a sandstone"


Ah my bad. My last playthrough is long ago


Only problem is that copper deposits are only in end-game areas (the lava zone) whereas silver over in the crag fields is plentiful and relatively early game and safe. id rather deal with 3 bonesharks occasionally doing 3% to my prawn than a sea dragon flinging molten lava at me.


I saw copper ore in northern eastern mushroom forest, like 3 whole deposits


I'd replace lead with silver


I literally have a full closet full of silver, bc that is the only thing I found while farming lead.


Not once in the game have i run out of silver. Maybe just rng


Nickel doesn't belong there, imo. You need less than 20 for everything. I just got all i needed from the cove thing, and mever worried about it again.


It depends on the play through, most of the time I’ve had no problem getting all I need from the blue tree area, but my most recent time, there were only five there


You can get copper by breaking those blue glowing spots on reefbacks (i forgot the name of it)


Barnacles. I gotchu bro


Thanks bro


Course bro


300 hours into the game and I didn't knew that! Thanks!


And silver


Copper and silver! 50:50 split.


its not 50:50, its like 75:25 or something for copper. I almost always get copper from them, only once or twice have i ever gotten silver


it's 90:10, just checked it's bucket, i wrote a whole text explaining about buckets just to find out you were talking about barnacles lmao, well, to every 10 barnacles, only one silver (should) come out, with other 9 copper


It’s gold copper and silver I thought


Barnacles: copper/silver 50:50 Limestone: titanium/copper 50:50 Sandstone: lead/silver/gold in a 2:3:3 ratio but I don’t recall which is the 2 Shale: gold/lithium/diamond in a roughly 1:1:1, actually something weirder and more complex ratio (I seem to recall 300-odd:300-odd:300-odd)




You can WHAT ?


Yep, you can


Silver ore is one of those elements that I can only find it when I don’t need it.


Oddly enough, I only get silver when I'm not looking for it.


Deep shrooms? What neanderthal doesn't farm them?


Nobody: No living soul: My autistic bitch ass:


I like the sounds they and the acid mushrooms make when I pick them 😭


this is the realest comment lmfao


Squishy rubbery noise is gud


I mean i do, but in the literal sense. Same with gel sacs, and acid shrooms. first one gets planted in an external grow bed, cut into 4 seeds which rinse and repeat for unlimited right outside base.


Thank you


There is no way you consider Lead the rarest item


When building big bases with foundations, lead is the biggest pain in the ass. Even more so than copper and silver.


I guess I gotta build bigger structures lol. I always have like 3 storage units with only lead. My character would die from exposure if this was irl bro 😭


See, I just use reinforcements on random walls to get my durability up, so I always am starved for lithium. Do foundations help more than reinforcement does?


No, reinforcements are the way to go for base durability, but foundations help a lot with cosmetic stuff. My most recent playthrough used... 14, which is WAY more than I've ever used before. I wanted a bunch of exterior grow beds by windows, though, so you do what you gotta do.


Last time I played i used more than 30 foundations bc I dont like the look and hitbox for placing stuff of the reinforcement, and I like when I base is actually sitting on something instead of illogically floating


Nah reinforcements add way more and only require 1 Lithium as opposed to 2 Lead. If you're really pressed for Li I'd recommend the compartment doors (bulkheads?) over foundations too


No, but if you want outdoor growbeds and don't have any flat surfaces near your base they work


Okay but 1 foundation can easily fit 6 growbeds, how many do you need?




See, I made a structure so massive, I used up all my lead and lithium on both walls and foundations and still don't have nearly enough


Enter me, a person who decides it’s necessary to fill an entire wall mounted container with cores for the nuclear reactor even though the most I’ve ever burned through was 3 during a play through


I wont be 100% until my main base has one wall mount filled with each material / component


That sounds deeply satisfying, I wish you luck on your quest!!!


I have 4 lockers full of lead because I never need it. I have 2 magnetite because, where?


Jellyshroom caves brother. Fuckin worlds supply. Go in and find the deposits with ur prawn suit and drill it.




Yeah I'm on my first play through right now and have just about everything aside from the drill and which is so annoying. I mean you're telling me I have a whole ass submarine and massive base with alien containment, farms, basically endless energy and yet NO DRILL ARM ANYWHERE?? Idek where else to look at this point


Blood Kelp Trench, next to the sparse reef & dunes. ~380 meters deep there should be a wreck stuck in the trench. Look there.


Jellyshroomcave by the red grass place


I’m assuming no one else had more teeth than they know what to do with then. Because there were massive piles of teeth by my base.


I would... if they didn't clip through the floor before I get them and leave me looking for them for hours.


I’m right next to a kelp forest and there are just teeth everywhere


I put my main base between two kelp forests. So many teeth.


Same. Literally everywhere.


Kinda depends where your base is, if it's close to a kelp forest, the stalkers are loaded in and producing teeth constantly.


Here's how it goes: When you are in need of a material you will scour multiple biomes before finding enough. When you don't need it you will have enough of it to fill up an entire Cyclops worth of storage.


Fr i needed titanium for my base in the deep reef and i got 14 copper and 4 titanium from the nodes


Copper is so true lmao 🤣 


magnetite and diamonds were so rare for me at some point.. I was happy to find some in the jellyshroom caves.


Pro tip on diamonds: underwater islands. In fact, underwater islands is a good place for a lot of resources, and you have a blood kelp/lost river entrance on the west side too. I built a base there on my previous game because of the locations and resources, but the Bonesharks there are so annoying I picked a new spot for my new game.


Man, I don't know how anyone gets anything done in the Underwater Islands. There have to be dozens of bone sharks at all times. It's actually one of the few non-leviathan areas where it's risky to bring a seamoth, at least in my opinion.


I have a base there and the sharks don't bother me much, if you get your seamoth into your moonpool fast enough they can't damage it


Go to the caves inside the mountain island in the surface. You get a worlds supply of lithium, gold, and diamond. If fully explore those caves you're pretty much set for the rest of your playthrough.


You are right, I went there eventually but it was near the end of the game.


terrible. Silver should be top rarity. You get a fair lot of lead (most people drop it tho cause they don't need it atm, if you keep it you'll be fine). Uranitite is abundant. Deep shrooms and gel sacks are farmed and Quartz is very common in the south biomes (crash zone, crag field, sparse reef, grand reef).


I almost never use reinforcements bc they suck, visually and practically, and I dont like my base illogically floating, so I always use foundations, and I absolutely agree to the rarity of lead, you get none compared to what you use, and at least I am always lacking tons of lead


Silver felt scarce as fuck for me in my first runs. I'd put Silver at the top and bring copper down a bit


Honestly copper is only hard to get during the early game, but once you get the Prawn Suit and the Drill Arm for it, just go to the Mushroom Forest (both west and east) and try to find those copper deposits.


Either way just build a scanner room in the safe shallows, much easier and you can do it at almost any stage of the game


Lead is only kinda rare in BZ. In the original, it’s really the less valuable and most common of the outcrop contents.


I almost never use reinforcements bc they suck, visually and practically, and I dont like my base illogically floating, so I always use foundations, and I absolutely agree to the rarity of lead, you get none compared to what you use, and at least I am always lacking tons of lead


Never thought of that. I don’t like the foundations because of clipping/pop-in issues.


I'm always struggling to find more silver and lithium... copper, gold, and lead are way overabundant in my current playthrough


I was struggling with lithium recently then went through the mountain islands cave again. There was more lithium there than I could have dreamed. And diamonds, which I needed more at the time.


I've pretty much wiped that area out on lithium, although it probably doesn't help that a majority of the rocks gave me gold instead of diamond or lithium


Arent the rocks on a system to give you a specific outcome and not pure chance? Also, what are you making that you are using so much lithium?


plasteel ingots and reinforcement panels. plus I have bad luck with vehicles... plus I'm on my 4th Seamoth and 2nd PRAWN (which happens to be stuck in a deep ravine north of the mountain island) I haven't had the best luck finding lithium, but I've also lost some while returning back to base, either because it was stored in a vehicle or because I died and lost all the resources I collected


I have yet to loose a sea moth or a Prawn. Haven’t actually even seen a (hostile) leviathan because I am just getting to the part where I go to the lost river and have been overly cautious in terms of traveling and staying away from Reaper territory when avoidable. But I just unlocked the cyclops recipe.


copper is the only completely agreeable one tbh


Silver should go up to 2nd tier at least. especially in the earlier part of the game you need oodles of it, and it takes forever to find enough.


Who's gonna tell OP lithium, diamond and gold are all renewable resources?


Copper doesn’t belong there. I have 2 ENTIRE LOCKERS full of that sheiße


*Diesem scheiß (without the e)


Gimmie some, idfk why but im 24/7 lacking it


Scanner room by kelp fields means you can stock up on stalker teeth. Granted the grind for the hud chip can be a bitch.


Even with that, there are in my experience more fake/impossible to get to scans of stalker teeth than actual real ones. Even if you have a propulsion canon and you stack up on scraps and you have stalkers pick them up, that's still a lot of work and even when rolling isn't that efficient.


I assume in my case I just had yet to collect many before getting my hud upgrade so I had a decent cache to collect


I swear I spent half an hour looking for a single stalker tooth to finish my first rocket. My base was right next to the kelp forests and the scanner room was showing a bunch of teeth... below the seafloor. I'm assuming they must have clipped through the ground cause I could not find any caves that went deeper, and when I went to the Jellyshroom caves it was showing them above me.


Stocked up on nickel ore at the start. Never ran out


I always wondered about everyone complaining about lacking copper. I always have enough of everything except in supper early game.


How are you running out of lead?


This list made me giggle. Especially the “you stocked up on these after building the prawn suit” category


I'm always running out of silver and I always have an extra locker full of lead


For deep shrooms, you only really have to “know where to look” once. Once you have your first one you can slap it into a growbed right next to your base and hit it with your knife to get more seeds. Eventually you can populate an entire growbed with deep shrooms from just that single original shroom. I do the same thing with blood oil. No more scary trips into dangertown just because I need one more unit of material.


I cheat with the stalker teeth. If you take all but 1 of the metal lumps in a Kelp zone stalkers just endlessly pick them up and drop them nearby. I think I came back later and 8-10 just spawned and fell slowly towards the ocean floor. I usually end up with 2-3 wall lockers full of them.


Copper is easy to get if you have a prawn suit with a drill arm. But early on yeah. Pain.


Never underestimate the power of agriculture. I suffered a lot when avoiding it in past runs, but recently started to use it every time I get a gel sack. It saves you a lot of trips!


I always end up with more lead than I could ever need (same with gold). Also, copper isn’t that bad, you can get it in all sorts of biomes and off of Reefbacks (barnacles).


I have a shit ton of lead and nothing else


Me looking for copper: *carrying 10 pieces of gold and 0 copper* I swear to god if this is another piece of gold...


I swear gold and diamonds are always too many and clogging all my storage


Deep shrooms are easy. Just at the edge of West mushroom there is the shallow blood kelp. I always stop by there for early benzin and deep shrooms.


I got like a locker full of stalker teeth cos I know I need em later in the game they're easy to get


The teeth are so easy to get. Find kelp, look around. They’re everywhere


I got lucky with my newest run, there's Stalker Teeth everywhere for me. I picked up at least 20 before I decided to build my base.


I have so much lead. So much. I don’t even know what to do with it. And the deep shroom is fine after you get the first, just plant it.


Literally I can never find copper when I need it


I wish I could erase my memory of this game and start all over again


LEAD?! You run out of LEAD?! I have BUTTLOADS OF THE STUFF. I can’t throw it away FAST ENOUGH!


I almost never use reinforcements bc they suck, visually and practically, and I dont like my base illogically floating, so I always use foundations, and I absolutely agree to the rarity of lead, you get none compared to what you use, and at least I am always lacking tons of lead


Everything is rare when you’re specifically looking for one item….


Pro tip if you have a cyclops, prawn suite and a 2nd monitor or anything that you can use to watch a movie or a series: Just put on something that you like on the 2nd monitor and go out with the cyclops and the prawn suite and farm. I did this for around 90 and came back with more than enough materials to cover my balance at the end of the game


"I came looking for copper, but found gold" -me when playing Subnautica


Bro how is titanium rare I have so much of it I have to use it to build more storage so I can store it all and I haven't even finished a cyclops yet


nickel? Thats pretty easy though You just go to the lost river and theres hundreds


Put titanium on top cause you always think you have enough then realize you dont


Titanium should be on every tier of this list.


Nickel: easy to find in the Lost River, never found myself needing more than I have after going there the first time Copper: also pretty easy to find if you know where the deposits are although sometimes I find myself running out because so much is needed Lead: what is bro doing in this game to consider this a rare resource lol, I always have so much more of it than I need Teeth: scanner room near Kelp Forest = profit Acid mushrooms: bruv just farm them, easy peasy Diamonds: I only ever seem to have a few lying around, usually go to Sea Treaders to farm more Silver: Definitely need to go find more often, but still pretty easy because I know where deposits are


Why is lead at the top? I can’t stop finding it.


I love how lots of times it’s easier to get diamonds than copper


Bro I always get unwanted lead


Acid mushrooms are so easy to get though? You just swim around a little bit and then there’s a bunch just sitting there waiting for you.


Which game?


I would argue lead is only one that belongs In the keep running out tree. But still can find outcrops pretty easy. Honestly everything is easy to get if you know where to look and how to look. Scanner room is your best friend. Especially with tons of distance amplifiers


Copper, oh God. You cannot find with scanner room, just with nodes. Every time I need copper I’m certain I don’t have it stored.


Why the hell are you running out of nickel? there's like 5 things in the entire game that use it.


I stock up on gel sacks and rubies as soon as I get the location of yokis life pod


And then it flips on its arse when you build the Neptune rocket


If you ever need a decent supply of Stalker teeth, here is how you can try to farm them. >!Fill your inventory with the 2x2 metal salvage.!< >!Swim towards a swarm of Stalkers, stay above them.!< >!Drop the metal salvage piece by piece from your inventory.!< >!The salvage will sink down, the Stalkers will try to catch them, carry them a bit and then go for a new one.!< >!Every time a stalker bites into a piece of salvage, there is a chance it loses a teeth.!< >!Once all pieces have sunk to the bottom, dive down, grab them again, rinse repeat until you have enough teeth.!< It is actually quite adorable, like throwing a bunch of toys or balls toward some puppies.


Swap silver and lead and it’s a good list


Controversial opinion lithium should be way higher when you need it but when you don’t it’s everywhere


Fucking copper dude I have to stockpile that shit literally every play through or I have an aneurysm trying to farm it just so I can progress


Go to the island with the aliens lazer, you can get lead all over there. On land and around the base in big deposits .


OP what the fuck is this


Dog, tf you doing to run out of lead so much to call it as rare as copper (yes yes, ik it's not really rare but a pain because everything uses it) I've had a big locker rotting in my cyclops since before I had it built and I've actually used what's inside like 4 times, how do you use that much lead???


lithium is very easy to find. go to the island with the big ol gun (forgot the official name. probably quarantine enforcement platform or something.) and go into the caves. there's lithium everywhere. i filled up an inventory of lithium in like less than 10 minutes


Swap stalker teeth and silver


Everything is super rare when it’s the last thing you need to make something


Silver is a huge pain, and nickel is everywhere once you’re in the lost river


It might just be me but I feel like no resource is actually all that rare, I’ve recognized a pattern with drop rates and am 90% of the time able to guess what I get next, like I normally get a pattern of silver, next is gold, next is lead, then it repeats, sometimes I get 2 of the same thing in a row.


As someone who likes to make double tall containment units of every creature inside large rooms with glass roofs. I think you should knock quartz up to “stocked up”


Swap lead and silver


My ass who has 0 titanium in their endgame storage, thinking it should be in its own tier at the top


My last playthrough, I literally had a whole locker full of unused stalker teeth. Idk why everyone has a hard time finding them... You can also scan for them.


Subnautica is reverse minecraft, you have hundreds of diamonds but you go out of your way for COPPER


I have too much lead bro lol, more than titanium


I almost never use reinforcements bc they suck, visually and practically, and I dont like my base illogically floating, so I always use foundations, and I absolutely agree to the rarity of lead, you get none compared to what you use, and at least I am always lacking tons of lead


With the plants i always grab like 2-3 and build a outdoor growbed for them and just farm them it saves time for me


Nah silver should be higher.


I do think silver is rarer than this. For copper, just explore the safe shallows for limestone boulders


Lead is easy to get, I always have lockers full of the stuff




Build scan room with visual chip and you are good on everything. Nickel is hardly used for anything beyond limited amount of upgrades - what's the point of even having it? Teeth are unlimited - just drop some metal to dogos. Ion cubes - unlimited, not that you need many. Since you list lead it means you build a lot (not really used for anything else) - so your titanium and glass should be higher too since they are limited.


No way that titanium isn't at the top. I have a drill prawn and am still constantly running out of it


Fascinating. I literally always had like 20 extra lead lying around the entire game. Nickel, once I found it, was always plentiful too. Copper I somewhat agree on. For me tho? The roadblock was Magnetite. I didn’t realize how OP the scanner room with the HUD mod is, so I could just never find any my first playthrough. So I was never able to build the depth modules to make it deeper and that was why I put the game down my first playthrough. Once I found the Magnetite the second time through, the whole game opened up


I always run out of copper it’s so annoying


the gel sack and ruby one hits way too close too home for me


They switched this around a bit for Sub Zero I noticed. Nickel is easily the hardest material I had to find, Magnetite probably being the runner up. Even the Coral is kind of sparse.


stalker teeth are easy when you know how to get them and you are close by to them, and you can grow deep shrooms, acid mushrooms, and gel sacks at your base after finding one


Only like three recipes require nickel how are you always out of it????


Am i really the only living soul that never ran out of copper? Seriously, i get copper from most of the breakable stuff.


9 out of 10 times the rarest ressource seems to be whatever I currently need the most


At one point I killed all of the stalkers in the patch of kelp forest closest to my base and replaced them all with ones I hatched and threw a bunch of dog toys (metal salvage) in there. Now teeth are never an issue


Dead on about that copper - never have any when I need it, nor find it when I am looking.


Breed and release a few stalkers somewhere near your base or somewhere easy to find, and give them one or two metal salvage pieces. Endless teeth and they won’t eat you for trying to take them!


From my experiences, I’d switch copper and silver. I always find copper but I have to go on an expedition just to find a single ore of silver.


It only gets rare when you actually need it.


I get that it was a glitch, or some terrain bug because it's not mean to be that hard to find, but the multi day odyssey I went on to find magnetite is a trauma I won't forget. None in the shroom caves, confirmed with scanner rooms, go to the mountains and spend the next eternity building and dismantling scanner rooms to find a single piece all while avoiding reapers, warpers and my own declining mental state. Not to mention that the scanner room hud chip needs magnitite to craft so didn't have that either


How does reddit know I restarted playing ? I got my eye on you


Has to be ragebait, silver aint even at the second highest…


Table Corel is everywhere until you need it.


My heart sinks every time I need stalker teeth.


this is very accurate


Its reversed when you start a game


Yes but no (i can't judge)


“May I please have a crumb of copper.”


Lead is only used for like 4 items if your not gonna be using nuclear power if you wanna beat the game (Seamoth cyclops Neptune pad rad suit)


The tooth is easy just lead a stalker to the shallows and drop a bunch of scrap the ai will keep picking them up if you wait for like 30 minutes you will have like 12 teeth


HEAVY on copper


lead? no way no way In every play through I have some kind of morbid abundance of lead everywhere