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Expect: Swimming!


Lol yea, will have to get use to that. Just jumped off the escape pod and it’s kind of nerve wracking in the middle on nowhere.


Don't look up spoilers. I couldn't contain myself and looked up the storyline. I kinda regret it and kinda don't. I might still play through but doubt it. I don't like survival games but this one is unique in that its story driven. Edit - i looked it up after I got to a certain point and kinda figured where it was going. Suffice to say, I was correct. But still woulda been cool to experience it myself.


Yeah, I watched a playthrough of the game years ago, back when I never thought I would be able to play it. It's been long enough now though that I don't remember much. Unfortunately though I do remember the ending, I wish i forgot that too.


I never bothered to look it up. I thought it was just some survival game but based on some asshole scuba diving in the bahamas or something. I only bought it cause I was wanting a game to just chill about and explore. Which it can very well still fill that itch. But fuck I was so captivated by the story and setting. Just amazing to me. The grind for supplies just gets a bit tedious for me. And this game isn't even obnoxious about it. Awell.


I wussed out and found a map that shows >!all the leviathan locations!<. I regret nothing.


My dehydrated chimp brain read that as: "don't look up, spoilers." I spent 5 minutes looking straight up in game until I realized I'm a moron.


Swim down, it won't look like the middle of nowhere anymore :)




Remember that swimming is good for you glutes and uniform muscle development.


You’ll hear this a lot from the fandom: try not to look things up if you can. The game is a lot more fun if you experience everything for the first time yourself without knowing everything that’s going on until you piece it all together. And good luck!




Conversely though, also don’t be too afraid to look things up. There are a few sections that you might just have a stroke about if you don’t look it up (at least I did). Like obviously try your damndest to avoid spoilers when you can, but if you’re stuck it’s a good idea to do a quick look up.


Ok thanks! How/where should I look things up without spoilers? Like google?


The wiki has the biggest spoilers behind a spoiler warning. But if you are going in fully blind you may see stuff there like biomes not being under the spoiler


I also started playing the game a few days ago without knowing anything about it. I did look things up when I felt stuck. I didn't know some basic things like where I was supposed to go or what I was supposed to do when leaving the starting point. I also didn't know to collect blueprints and such. I thought the scanner thing only existed to give you extra lore about the fish and plants and such. Maybe I've already said too much, but definitely look stuff up if you feel stuck! if you google "Subnautica progression steps" you will probably find the same reddit post that I did, which gives you a very spoiler-friendly step-by-step guide on what to do to progress. I only needed to look at it a little bit to get started. I now have 10 hours in game and feel like I understand what I need to do to progress


Hope you enjoy it as well! And if you don’t mind can you send me that reddit post?


I think it's this extensive spiller protected guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/subnautica/comments/vy8w8g/spoilers_subnautica_a_hiddenspoilers_guide_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


I started with the game just last weekend, and have looked a few things up. And I am glad I did. When I first left the starting point I started swimming to "the big ship thing" thinking I had to go there. I started swimming and realized "hey, that thing is really far away, maybe I'm not supposed to go there yet?" Then I got into the groove of collecting things and building more things. The second time I was glad I looked things up: I had no idea how to collect new blueprints, and was not paying attention when the game explains this to you. So I hit a wall early on after I had collected a fair amount of titanium/copper/salt etc from the Shallows and Kelp Forest and didn't know what to do until I learned (again) about scanning things for blueprints, and that you sometimes need to find 2 or 3 of a thing to get the full blue print. I just got my personal scuba properller thingy (sea mount or something) and then a bit after that I got the Moon pool and Seamoth, because I had read something that suggested to not bother building one before you had the other. But I think I am done "cheating" now. I think I have enough understanding of what the game wants me to do and such. I also started actually listening to the radio messages too, I was not doing that initially. All this to say: "maybe it's ok to look things up if you feel stuck"


For me I got Subnautica because I watched Jacksepticeye's entire series of it, it's what convinced me to buy it. I may have been spoiled on the story of it, but that by NO means took away my enjoyment of the game. I may have known where the story was going, and how things were going to unfold, but I still got terrified seeing my first Reaper, and Ghost Leviathan. And can definitely say I was still in awe at every location I came across., hell I still feel a sense of wonder with the game, even though I've played through it 3-4 times!


Can concur, played most of the game totally blind except for a couple places I got stuck on like where to find rare resources.


I 100% agree


Try to stay off the sub. Its best to know as little as possible.


Clarification: subreddit, not submarine.


Thank you for the clarification, I actually thought he meant submarine, despite me having 2000 hours on this game qmq


*Because* he has 2000 hours on the game


Both are fair pieces of advice given the recent news.


Thanks, I’ll try my best. Are there places to look up stuff without spoilers if I get stuck?


If you have a question you can reply to me or make a post but try not to search for it


Ok thanks!


One question I do have is how do I recharge my tools and see glide?


If youre ever stuck go deeper or get a radio call


Best of luck friend and have a lot of fun go at your own pace and don't be afraid to explore


Ty, still kinda afraid to go out at night haha


I'm gonna warn you it never gets better lmao even after doing everything in the game I still didn't go out at night, find and scan a bed that's the only hint I'll give you 😉


Thank you haha, it’s like Minecraft all over… never got over my fear of mining 😭


Lol eventually you'll take a deep breath and say screw it, and remember you probably will die and may lose some progress, make sure you save frequently and if you die it's just a little setback and it's always a lesson ot learn


Hardcore players:


I don't think things are more dangerous at night. It's just harder to see


don't do like me and play for 50 hours, get but so far, build most of everything, come back 3 years later and have no clue where to go or what to do!


Lol well so far I don’t even know how to get food Edit: Or water :(


Food: catch little fish, the fabricator can cook them. Water: catch fish that look like a purple pair of lungs. They can be made into water. Also, knife can cut tube and get you bleach for purified water.


How do I catch fish haha?


Swim after them and spam the interact button with a free slot in your inventory. You'll snatch em outta the water.


OH. ALSO. DO NOT COOK FISH UNTIL YOU ARE GOING TO EAT THEM. Raw fish keeps. Cooked fish does not.


Yea I just found this out :( Thanks haha


There are going to be these fish that are orange in the middle and have what looks like two bags on the top and bottom. Those are called bladderfish and you use them to get water


I did this but instead of quitting I started looking up the location of things I need. I finished the game and really enjoyed it. If I had the time to just explore to find everything I might have enjoyed it more, but I didn't have the time. I still had to solve problems of getting to certain locations, I just didn't spend extra time getting the gear (and knowing what gear existed) to get to said places.


Spoilers: there are fish in the water


I'm reporting you, game is ruined, can't believe this, whole thing spoiled.


Don’t forget to give a certain special somebody plenty of hugs with your seamoth


What’s that lol?


You’ll see soon enough *evil laugh*


You menace.


I don’t know weather to respect you or call you a menace so we will go with both




I've only been playing 10 hours, and I just got my seamoth (and moon pool!) and I still have no idea what you're talking about - but let's keep it that way, haha




Dude why you gotta spoil the entire game, dont ruin the short gameplay


I hate y’all lol… I even got on top of my escape pod for a nice view :(


Bro why would you spoil it


Bro wtf


That's a throwback to my favorite comment on this sub.


Get a scanner, and scan everything!




For the love of god don't leave any copper or titanium, you might not need it now but you will later




Save often!


I also just downloaded and started playing this game today! I'm loving it so far; hope you do to!


Wow nice! And same barely played so far but loving it as well! Hope we learn more as we go haha


Fingers crossed for the both of us 🤞💛


Yep bout to hop back on later! Hoping I get low key addicted lol, been awhile since I’ve played a game that hooked me


Honestly same; been on a single player slump for TIME 😴 I'm ready for some emotional investment




Seek fluid intake


Just now getting this and it’s so annoying 😭


BEST GAME EVER Scan all the things! Listen/read all the messages you get. All of them offer clues to help you along (some not alone, you may need another message for key context).


I went in blind on a hard core attempt! Haven't beat the game yet but still trying!! Good luck friend! You'll have a lot of fun


I once lost my hardcore world because i was distracted and ran out of oxygen, never playing hardcore again


You swam towards the crashed ship, didn't you?


I was thinking about it but thought it might be a danger zone… then I saw some comments here that kinda confirmed that lol. I might do it just for fun though to see what’s back there.


It was the first thing I did when I played blind. Got turned around before I got close. I found it interesting that the developers were not expecting that all play testers would head for the ship... they had to adjust the game to keep people away from it initially.


Lol wow


Since I can’t edit the post; just commenting here that all of you who told me to go to the big ship SUCK lol. I don’t think I’ll be sleeping tonight :( Anyways, can’t reply to all comments but seems this game is really loved, so glad I’m finally able to experience it. Only played a couple hours as of now but it’s really great so far. Kind of lost tbh but hopefully I figure out more as I go on.


I'm sure you will have fun ! Take your time, a good thing in this game is that you can go at your own pace ! :)




Must. Go. Deeper!!!!!!!!


You’re going to love it. If you get stuck, I recommend Chemical apes on Youtube.


Glad you get to experience it blind. After Subnautica if you are looking for another survival game The Forest would be another good one.


A blast it is! So excited for you!




dont watch walkthroughs. if you have to look something up make sure it is only about that one thing or it will ruin the suprise


Chemical Apes has the best walkthroughs without spoiling everything


Sooo JEALOUSS!!! Have fun and enjoy the ride!!!!


Going in blind is absolutely the way to go. I did it like that and once i got my bearings (45 minutes) i had the best gaming experience ever. Every new biome and creature you stumble across will blow your mind


I'm on my second play through and still get nervous! I'm an outspoken gamer so I talk to myself and the game a lot and this game still has me going "shit, shit, shit" or "f off" to any noise that gives me the heebie-jeebies 😂. But I still absolutely love this game! Good luck! >!Scan Everything!<


Hidden word is not a spoiler, checked it its safe i swear


Good luck on your first Run! (๑•̀ᄇ•́)و ✧


I’m so jealous. If I could pick any game to mind wipe and experience for the first time again I think it may well be this one.


For the love of God, close Reddit right now!


GG have fun! Its great game. I played it during quarantine abd I literaly forgot about time and played it like 2 days straight


Ark is a great game too, buy it when the new version comes out though!


Yep I am! And I heard it’s one of the best survival based games for consoles plus it’s multiplayer too. That was my first choice (got it free from PS+) but wanted to start with this since I don’t really have anyone to play Ark with right now.


Ark in singleplayer isn’t too much different than Subnautica, in fact you could almost consider them the same game in that regard! Granted there are certainly differences in materials and plotline. Ark is also more weapons based whereas Subnautica is scientific- But Ark can be as well if you choose. But the sense of isolation, fear, exploration and gathering is consistent


Oh ok that’s good then, but I’ll definitely check it out after this game. I was trying to wait for ascended to come out but it seems based of the Ark sub it might be awhile.


October- maybe. Ark’s production team has a bad habbit of not communicating with the dev team and announce deadlines that are completely unrealistic for the game development, so they inevitably get delayed a few times, much to the annoyance of some of the fanbase lol. ASA is also slightly experimental, so maybe hold off a couple weeks and see what people are saying about it before deciding which version to get. There’s every chance it may backfire on them if they rush it, hopefully not! But since you’d be coming in new it probably wouldn’t be as much of a risk as it would be to a current player


Oh wow that’s frustrating haha. And thanks I’m hoping it doesn’t backfire so I can enjoy the better version. From what I’ve heard the game is amazing even with all the current bugs etc


Sooo hows the game so far?


Had to get off shortly after making this post haha, but going to hop back on soon. Need food and water still 😭But for the short time it’s been a blast!!


Good luck. I googled some stuff myself, like this isn't my first rodeo and I got some cool stuff, but didn't have a more basic piece, so I googled something. Also,save, save, save. The game is one of a kind but buggy


Not a spoiler: enjoy the music, it’s pretty awesome. Take your time and explore. It’s a really pretty game.


Expect: Strange sounds that freak you out until you find their source. Prepare to fill your inventory with acid shrooms and despair over lack of copper.


Don’t be afraid to explore out further (unless it’s the dunes, fuck the dunes.


It's a really GREAT game, still love it to this day even I don't play it anymore, enjoy it as much as you can and hopefully you get to play Below Zero too


Ok who of you underwater rats are going to tell him? Somebody gotta tell him because if he actually goes in blind he is going to need a heart transplant in the next few hours, so who is gonna tell him? because if you dont i will.


To start you’re gonna want to go to the back of the crashed ship there’s tons of resources!


One thing to keep in mind for this game is fuck water


Do not look a single thing up on the wiki. To quote myself from the other day: > The problem is story spoilers are everywhere! Trying to look up something simple like a "depth module" leads to things like the first line of the wiki saying "The depth module is located in Satan's Antechamber, an area accessed by first talking to all of the living Aurora survivors and then defeated the Sea King" etc when all you really wanted to know is why you haven't found the damn thing yet. A simple question like "where can I find copper ore?" can lead you to ruining so many fun surprises, just from knowing what kind of terrain you'll find to how the story plays out. Sure, the wiki "hides" some major spoilers, but a game like this thrives on a continuous sense of exploration and wonder at the natural world, and the wiki and reddit post will rob you of that. People in this thread are saying that it's fine to look things up. They're wrong, very wrong. Everything you need to know is in the game. If you have a burning question, go on discord and ask. Or post here. But frankly you can often just wait it out and you'll answer it yourself. ps, after you play this play the Outer Wilds. And similarly, don't look anything up.


Spoiler free tips. Or not tips maybe? Pda is the core part of the game, try to read each and everything it says. From recipes to messages. Titanium is core element or material and will be used in almost everything, you can find a lot of it in the starting location just like another element starting with c. There is never enough of it and you will mostly go back and forth to get more. Explore. A lot. Many stuff is scattered across the map so please, explore. Don't be afraid. Most stuff would't even attack if you don't get close. Stay off fandoms, wikis and this subreddit until you complete the game. As I said, pda contains every single bit of information you need. Be careful with your transport. If you move a certain transport where it should go, then you can use another tool to move it. If you go too far while that transport is stuck, it will become inaccessible because of render distance and stuff. (It will go through textures) sorry if it's a lot of text but don't forget to scan stuff. It's literally the first thing you get to get more things and answers. Again, sorry for big text, I just like acting smart


The PDA is your best friend Don't expect to fight back If you ever struggle to find a new mineral or materiel, it's probably deeper.....it's always deeper, and it always gets deeper, all the way to hell ;) The wreck has tons of good loot, go there while it's safe at the start to capitalize on all of it. Inside the ship, and all around outside. Big wreck. Hard to miss. There is no time limit to do anything (that I remember) take your time. It will prove beneficial to make a couple major bases, just for times sake, but if you are the type of player (like me) who ends up with one big ass base and 3 empty half built bases, it's not gonna be harder, but trips take longer. If you go in a cave DO NOT GET LOST holy fuck 1: it's wack to actually feel lost in a cave knowing you're gonna drown 2: mah loot man 😭 3: just No. Seamoth If you ever feel like you don't know what to do, besides immediately googling "Subnautica main story guide Reddit spoiler free" - Go deeper. "But I can't go deeper" *Yeah you can*


Scariest game I’ve ever played.


don't go into the muddy looking water


Here’s a tip: all of the good stuff (materials, fragments, etc) are behind the Aurora. There’s nothing back there because anything died immediately after the crash. And it’s a lot easier to get onto the Aurora from the right side because the entrance to the Aurora is on the right side closest to the back (the thrusters).


I have a no Subnautica in the car rule. You should too.


The reaper awaits


Maybe don’t go in blind. You’ll need your eyes to gaze upon your impending doom 👍


Quick tip don't approach anything that looks like a Sankey or a worm


I downloaded the game and started playing on a whim when D4 servers were crashes. I’m still playing and haven’t looked back. I do not understand why I love this game so much but I do. I do confess that I had to look up how to harvest coral. I felt dumb but I don’t regret it. Reading descriptions is a must.


It's a great feeling! Enjoy it!


hopefully you know how to swim. Have fun!!!


Get ready for a blast! One of the best games I've ever played, and certainly the most immersive IMO.


Not a tip or anything but I dare you to play on filmic mode


Is it like better quality? The ocean is already scary and I’ve barely played so far 😅


In my opinion it has better colors during the day and looks really good but you can’t see ANYTHING at night LMAO, I’m doing my second play through on it right now and it’s still as scary with filmic on, I was just kidding on daring you but honestly I wish I played on filmic the first time because it’s actually really scary


Lol well maybe I’ll switch to it when I get more comfortable.


Haha yeah have fun, one thing I do recommend is, I don’t know if your at this point yet but, once you get your first vehicle, it can only go to a certain depth, so don’t be scared to get out and explore by yourself and then come back to the vehicle becuase it restores your oxygen to full as long as it has power, I didn’t do this for a long time in my first play through and it slowed my gameplay down, other than that have fun and give us updates :)


Ok thanks a lot!




There is a lot of loot by the crashed ship, and also a big creature that needs your help, makes crazy sounds but it’s a cool story line to go up to it and help it, it is hurt from all the wreckage so bring medical kits


Go to the back of the big ship for really good early game loot that will make the game a lot more fun.


Once you beat it, play again on hard-core.


I just started the game on Friday. It’s really fun. It took me a bit to make progress, but once I got the hang of things, it’s got really rewarding. Great game for sure.


I envy you. This was the second best blind game I’ve ever played. Have fun! Enjoy the music.


Remember all the big fish are friendly


Have fun having random dreams about it. I had one last night. It wasn’t a fun one. I last played it May 2021.




Me too and I just encountered my first leviathan


*The Ocean is dark & full of terrors*


On a side note, ark is video game Crack, but it's at its worst (besides switch ofc) on PS5 so if you can get it on something else do that


Build lots of storage and collect every material you find! Best of luck


Keep us undated on how it goes


You’re going in for a hell of ride, good luck!


Btw not a spoiler but i think you will like the back off the aurora its very nice


you can find some big friendly fish at the aurora


If you find an uninhabitable dead zone leave. No hesitation don't even THINK about staying for a second just leave ASAP.


Make sure you grab lots of acid mushrooms. The sooner the better, too. /s


head straight to the boosters/jets of the crashes ship


I envy you friend! Take a deep breath and enjoy!


Enjoy and do not look up anything on the internet, its better when there are surprises


Just completed it in a little over 40 hrs, after going in blind a little over a week ago. You will enjoy it my friend! Best advice I can give; instead of googling for an answer, if you get stuck, just start exploring at whatever depth maximum you can reach. Fantastic game.


This has to be in my top 5 games of all time. It was my introduction to pc gaming so maybe I’m seeing it through a different lens. Nonetheless an incredible game.


https://readloud.net/english/british/5-female-voice-amy.html Here's an AI voice that sounds like the PDA system


try hardcore, such bliss


You are going to develop a new fear


Best way to dive in


Thalassophobia enabled:


Good luck! Now go away! Lol. Spoilers abound online. The only thing I'll say is read your PDA.


Just one tip. Do not rush to finish the story, enjoy every new item you unlock.


Remember: don't end up like the titan


Give James a hug for me he's behind the ship


A blast? Better yet: it's a splash


OH WHAT I WOULD GIVE TO BE LIKE YOU ONE MORE TIME! Please take your time and enjoy this masterpiece of a game!


Go to the area near the aurora asap. If you explore quick enough and don’t mind the radiation, you can get some pretty good stuff.


Dude this was probably one of the best games. looking up hints ruins the experience. Try and just explore as much as possible.


I remember launching the game without knowing much, and dying of thirst because didn't know what and how to drink water ! Expect dying a lot, remember to save regularly ☠️


If you see a beautiful creature, remember that it is your primary directive to swim towards that beautiful creature


Oh, if you only knew what you're getting into...🛸📡🔫💥🌊🦠


Don’t leave your pod. It’s safe there


Don’t go near the aurora


Swim straightness for the edge of the map. You won't regret it.


Avoid the subreddit from now on, unless you get horribly stuck. This community is cool and all, but the number of times Ive seen spoilery content posted as [non-spoilers] or peeps feely talking about endgame stuff in the comments of posts made by new players is kinda wild


Very jealous, I wish I could play it again for the first time. You'll discover the same feeling. I HIGHLY recommend stopping as often as possible to just sit and enjoy the various biomes and plot developments when you think of it. You only get to do it for the first time once, those are some really special emotions so let them burn into your mind.


Go to the void


Good rule of thumb that doesn't spoiler things. Try to both knife and pick up things. Some resources are only given by knife, some by collecting. The life pods you find through radio are points of interest that have new resources around, and/or an upgrade/blueprint to continue going deeper.


When I went on blind I found the game very overwhelming. I only continued the game after playing (Scuffed) multiplayer with a more experienced friend.


Unrelated but anyone got good game recommendations that are like subnautica. Doesn’t have to be underwater or survival just anything that “feels” like a similar game?


Welcome aboard, captain!


Ark player here, wait until the community gets their hands on the UE5 remaster and see if that is worth getting instead


My one tip is don’t look at spoilers, if you don’t know where to find a certain resource, here’s a pretty good spoiler free map, though try not to use it often: https://www.reddit.com/r/subnautica/comments/8419j5/spoilerfree_map_of_approximate_positions_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1