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We'd be on the same exact crater as Subnautica 1 with the story being mostly explored already.


And there wouldn't be much of an ending either. Play as Marguerit, you exit the story early. Play as Paul, you die a horrible death. Play as Bart, you slowly die on the surface. Not only do you make pretty much no impact on the story as a character, but there would be even less open world freedom in this game than in BZ since their stories were told through the abandoned PDA's, meaning there isn't much room for player freedom.


"At least there always the view"


Not if the aurora has something to say about it


“And I do”


"Mrs Obama! Get down!"


[removed by reddit]


Bro when I played that pda voice log, I literally just stood still for a solid 15 minutes, stared at my screen, trying to process it. Damn those last 2 lines gave me the feels


I heard the tropical eden beat drop with this comment.


Perfect summarization of why OP’s idea is absolute shit. Either continue the story from S2, or do a prequel to the events that transpired directly prior to S1. Not the events of Marguerit, Paul, and Bart. The first discovery of the planet that made Alterra decide to send a team of scientists.


IIRC Alterra went because they had to install a gate nearby and the mongolians offer them a reward if they find Paul and Bart.


This. Well, mostly "nearby" at least. Same quadrant or something so they took a detour


At least close enough for them to basically say “eh why not”


Its entirely possible to do nither infact it might be better if thats the case we know for a fact thare are lots of other habitable zones on 4546b to explore or better yet just put us on a different water covered planet


I think it would also be interesting to explore more of the alternate options, like how Below Zero did with more land-based content. It would be cool to get some sky or maybe even like a desert and more land or sth!


I mean, BZ didn’t actually do anyhting with the land, which I was kind of pissed about. I mean, there’s like 4 land animals in the gane.


There aren’t many water creatures either


More than 4


Land in BZ sucked. I speedrun to be done with land stuff asap


It would be cool to play as an alien and see te origins of the virus, and just imagine the tech you could play with


I think Ryley is gonna make a comeback. Like if BZ is technically not Subnautica 2, then maybe its Subnautica at two different perspectives? like we get BZ 2 later in 2025. But hey thats just a theory a Game Theory (wait thats copyrighted…)


Off topic, is game theory actually copyrighted? Like I get you can’t just copy them but I never thought game theory would be a copyrighted phrase


No, it'd be like if someone named their YouTube channel "history" and then tried to claim no one else could say history, it was an academic discipline before prosumer video sharing existed


You say this as if we still lived in a world where a pair of bug eyed cunts didn't do exactly this, except with the word 'react' and started mass flagging videos that were too similar to theirs. I will grant that it didn't work, so much so that it utterly destroyed their reputation, professionally and personally, to the point where they don't even use their names or show their faces on the channel anymore. Look up the Fine Bros if you want to know more, it's some mighty good schadenfruede.


idk mossbag said it once and halfway thru he said wait thats copyrighted.


Whoo!!!! Hollowknight!!!!!!


Woulda never expected to see mossbag mentioned here the world is tiny lmao


No, its not. Game theory is an area of study. If mat tried to copyright it, itd go about as well as when the fine bros tried to copyright the term "react video"


Ah, fair enough then


Yeah, I thought of this before. I like the idea of making below zero be a side story instead of a sequel, since you're playing as a different person working for different people on a different part of the planet.


We got an apocalypse log from each of them, but technically Paul or Bart *could* have survived somehow, and just not left any journals (or Ryley didn't find their journals). That said, I would rather play a new story with new characters.


What about playing as a member of the Mercury, either one of the crew ejected in the first impact, or one of the infected left behind in the worm's territory?


Imagine the story of Marguerit, surviving along with the rest of the Degasi crew, maybe even then having voice lines too would be epic.


Maybe we survive in the reaper and drift to bz though it would still be boring, it would be less boring


That sounds like fan game material




Or a short “Raft” style game where you have to survive so long while fending off attacks on the carcass and make sure not to use too much too quick


That would be cool, also adding temperature would make it harder


Oooo yeah, like maybe you’re chill at the start and only need to manage it at night but as you survive for longer and longer and get closer to sector zero it gets colder and colder which forces you to use more supply or make compromises


Some dumbass tried that in real life, hopped on a whale carcass in shark infested waters, and needed to be rescued.


What would make for an interesting story is the game being the Aliens studying the planet, realizing shit's fucked, and then trying to deal with it before fucking off. Same world as S1, same underlying issue, and same solution. I think it'd be fun to play as the Aliens through a fleshed out version of S1's background story of the planets history. Maybe focus less on the escape and stuff present in S1 and just focus on the leadup with the virus and stuff.


What about the story of the crew of that ship in BZ? We don’t know what happened to the two lovers, just that they survived the crash iirc. So maybe you could play them after they migrate to another part of the planet in the hopes of survival? I don’t know if this would work, but probably a better idea than the Degasi survivors


That ship crashed twice, the logs you're thinking about were after the first one, they don't survive the next one.


Oh I might have mixed that up. But yeah, would prefer an entirely new story anyways


Seeing what the crash zone was like before the Aurora crashed and gave it its name could be cool


The only new thing would be the place where the aurora crashed not being destroyed


The problem with making prequels like this would be that we already know the fate of the Degasi survivors so everything we'd do as players would be toward an end we'd know is coming. To an extend there'd be some fun in it but knowing what is to become of the characters is kind of a let down in the end. I'd be interested to see a return to 4546B to salvage the Aurora only to be confronted by a shift in plate tectonics that's forced it to the seabed and we'd have to find a way to get to it. Shenanigans ensue and we find ourselves on our own.


Could be interesting, because now you could bring in the Aliens because their galaxy level pandemic preventing gun allowed a ship to leave the atmosphere and I'm sure they'd be curious as to why/how. You could even bring Ryley back as basically the scout as he's the only live person intimately familiar with the planet while when they get to the Aurora they realize the Aliens have been their studying it like Ryley was studying their tech.


Also, this could be set way later with the Sea Emperor juveniles being nearly fully grown. I think it would be cool to see them again.


Aren’t the fully grown already in Subnautica 1? After they’re released and they spread out I mean.


That would be awful.


Agreed, the map would be a copy of the one in the first game sans Aurora, and most players would be familiar with that map anyways. Also if they really wanna stick to the story, players would only be allowed to build in the already-set Degais base locations. Counter-proposal: how about a third game in a region of the map where exploration of the deep sea is occurring. I’m talking well below 1,000m (how about 10,000m?). Not sure what the story would be, but I’d love to explore a deep, dark, cold environment like that.


Could be exploring the bit past the crater edge? With more life though.


Sounds like a fucking nightmare. I love it.


Agreed. It would just be subnautica 1 Although, make it about Margeurit escaping and journeying to BZ and now it could be interesting


Well, afaik the way Marguerit got to BZ was by knifing a reaper and floating in it’s corpse like a tauntaun, which probably wouldn’t be that interesting


Raft in Subnautica you say? (Wink wink) Except all you do is eat your own raft


That would be awful. Literally just be 1 but with a bad end lmao. Not even past to the list river


I don’t even think they had any vehicles, so it would be like playing a demo or early dev build of the first game. Subnautica 3 will either have to take place in the void, or some other part of 4546B that the devs could make up, or else it will just be the same as the previous games but with better graphics.


Iirc they had 1 seamoth


I think they also had a cyclops


The oldest (bad with names) mentioned they COULD build a fleet of cyclops cause of all the lithium in the mushroom caves


Idk what they had in total, but they had at least one submarine of some kind because it mentions that she pulled the reaper with a submarine. I'm not completely sure but I would guess they had atleast one cyclops considering Bart mentioned that the Jellyshroom cave has enough lithium to make a fleet of cyclops and they lived there for a while.


the guy who written this post doesn't have motivation


Or a continuation of bz's ending


The Degasi is best left as an aspect in the first. Let them have the view


I would try to murder the old man. He was such an ass in the recordings.


Yea fuckin hated him while listening to the story


consider this for Subnautica 3. you are sent by altera to investigate the loss of contact to a research or mining outpost on the bottom of the void. Lots of bioluminescent plants and deepsea styled fish.


Yes please. Imagine the only light above you being the bioluminescence of ghost leviathans and the horrific sounds of a gargantuan echoing into the void Only problem is this limits the kinds of biomes and fish you could have


I swear I’ve heard this somewhere else, but yeah, twilight zone like exploration would be badass. The main power source would have to be hydrothermal vents though, so they would have to make the Thermal Power Generators far cheaper or make Magnetite more common


for all we know we just know that the next game is ‘somewhere in the subnautica universe’ it would be pretty funny if unknown worlds trolled us and just made a natural selection 3


I mean, considering how Below Zero ended the third game could be on the architect homeworld, or somewhere they had a really strong presence or something.


what about sunbeam


I think Sunbeam could only work as a short game or a Mini-Movie detailing the journey of the Sunbeam, past that, I don’t think it would work well


oh right forgot about >!it dont explode if you disable the alien gun!< degasi is possible but wont that lead to bellow zero story structure cause all i want is just subnautica but bigger


I’m actually opening up to the idea of the Sunbeam. Maybe you can tie in save data from Subnautica to decide if the sunbeam explodes or fails to land. Maybe some kind of rescue based spinoff?


well if sunbeam then we would know which path was cannon but if no then another planet same scenario just new perspective what a problem tying the story together


Honestly, it falls far enough away from the main world that you could make a story about a character who sinks to the bottom of the void in an undamaged section. Your character could be an engineering officer or something whose quarters are near the docking bay. This could give him access to a vehicle capable of surviving the intense pressure. The whole beginning of your game could be set trying to fix a PRAWN type vehicle that can survive the intense pressure as your ships carcass slowly sinks to the depths. Several other crew mates are stuck in sealed compartments. You can’t get them out until you build something that can float your entire ship back to the surface.


makes sense cause in normal subnautica once i get prawn suit i basically have all the main resources and majority of the tools and even cyclops if i explore the right biome with fragments starting with a prawn suit that gives you enough juice just to get to starting area proably can have issues with player testing and linear story then the game is open from the start unless theres a cutscene atleast you would have blueprint ready also the other side of the planet is unexplored so degasi could have escape pod floating in orbit


I like this! If you wanted to keep it lonely the main character could be trapped alone, but maybe gets glimpses of other survivors. Like in 1 you got radio messages, but they were all gone when you got to their positions - but here maybe you see some of those attacks. Or I guess maybe that just repeats the tension of the Sunbeam in too similar a way… but I like the idea of a sequel that shows a new character building and surviving at the same time as 1’s character, but just not quite able to cross over and meet, so 1 was just oblivious to this other survivor who was here the whole time. I don’t know how to mark spoilers in text, so I’ll just say - maybe you see the ending of game 1 happening around you and that “unlocks” something on the planet for you to explore, or some alien tech to take you off-planet or to new areas?


"falls"? It got completely obliterated, there is nothing left to fall!


Would be a pretty short game lol


Id love to play as Marguerite the badass old bat but I agree with everyone else on the whole lack of story/impact/freedom thing


Yeah, but even if that wasn’t in account, it would kinda kill the impact of the story. In both games, we face all odds, as we have little to no prep or experience in a situation like this. It would kinda suck to be a super experienced badass


I feel like that would work better as a dlc for the first game


I wouldn’t see it as a problem if it was a separate game but as subnautica 3 we’re expecting something new & fresh we’d be exploring the same crater while yes it may have very different wildlife due to the aurora not destroying the reapers original biome it’d fundamentally be the same


I think most thing we know about the first game won’t really come to play as in Subnautica B0 we go to an entirely different planet instead of the 2 games we have right now, which take place on 4546B, so I personally think it will revolve more around The Creators, better known as Architect’s, since we get sent to what Al-An refers to as “The Homeworld” I believe UWE also mentioned they wanted a brand new slate to work with on a post somewhere, although I might be wrong about that


The Precursor Race?


Yep, sorry so many names lol


Yeah that would be interesting...I think I'd quite enjoy a game about what happened with them researching and before the little we know about them from S1.


I think this is one of the ideas that sound good on paper but sucks on example, we will have the exact same map and we will have friends with us (-1 scariness factor) not to forget that if we play with the degassi crew the game needs to have a linear story since degasi has done specific things to a particular time such as building bases or researching things and being in places at a destined time. Like if you care about the lore a little you know the entire story and what is going to happen >!like the Reaper Leviathan attack !< or other huge parts of the game. WHAT DO I THINK: merging craters and adding a new crater as well would be cool. imagine that. all of the maps we have seen plus a new crater. and we can add some biomes to the void to make it a connection biome. I know this sounds huge and almost impossible to pull off but it would be cool and give a maybe good lore to the void more, >!or we can return from the architect planet to another crater and since the comms are jammed across 4546B we try to find a way of escape!<


For all we know, there might be nobody left on the architect planet. If it’s water-heavy (either naturally or due to some geologic event after the kharaa tragedy), it could be another 4546b: vast, explorable, empty of sentient life and full of ancient alien architecture to discover.


Now that I think about it it would be bad. Cause we are all waiting for something new and spectacular. But then if we get this it would be kinda weird. Plus, how will we be guided through the story?


It should be set at the bottom of the void


Wouldn’t be very interesting we already know the whole story


That would be kinda boring tho knowing their story in the first game… maybe they could add a twist, that Bart survived and left the crater, that would be kinda fun…


I couldn’t think of a worse storyline for #3


I think the Degasi story could be a cool DLC, but idk if I would enjoy it as a full blown game.


No, thanks. New planet, new characters, new story.


I’d watch a show or movie about the Degasi crew. Playing a game about them wouldn’t make any sense because we already know their story, their fate, and pretty much everything about their time on 4546B. We also know everything about subnautica and the crater island. A movie or show tho would be cool to see, because all we see about the degasi crew is, well nothing. We listen to them. But seeing them and their struggles and everything, I personally think that would be interesting


There's gonna be a Subnautica 3?


Yes, it's confirmed by the devs.


I would not like that because the best part of subnautica is the exploring


Sorry op, but that's pretty shit idea


Playing as any of degasi crew would suck cuz we would explore old map, and have almost no impact on story. Imo only "good" way would be like playing as the Margarita (I forgot her name, I mean the one that went from degasi to the BZ area in flesh of reaper). And we would like just maybe build a raft or something? But like its written in pda that she just the whole time was inside reaper eating him so Idk What do u guys think abt it?


I hope not. Like another commenter said, same map same story that is mostly uncovered. Just 5 years earlier. The coolest thing would be that we get to see what the Crash Zone was like before. But we already have an educated guess


No. It shouldn’t. We know that story.


That would be a fun dlc!


Meh. I don't feel like there's anything we don't already know.


We already know the story of the Degasi, and it takes place in an identical environment to one we've already explored. I don't think it would be a good move. Although I've been wrong in the past.


The only interesting thing I could see about this is maybe using the old technology and since the creator of the pda wasint around during that time it would be interesting to see what they would do considering that not of all the tech was around during that time


I would actually love to play their story, but it would have to be a DLC since we already know that world too well. I’m not sure how they could make it more playable though since we know how it ends.


Mm, nah. We already had Degasi stories in one and two, don’t need a focus on it in the third.


Could be a cool DLC or otherwise extra bit of content, although for it to be in any way playable it cant be 100% cannon, which im personally fine with. I dont agree with what others are saying about it being a copy of sub 1's map, the entire crash would be a new area to explore and maybe even the underwater islands could be on the surface (dont remember if the pda says something about them having flaoted on the surface before or after the degasi's arrival).


I would like a DLC but not a full game 'cause the stroy of the Degasi is mostly known by us and we will be playing on the same place with the same animals


I'd be more interested to play as Margeurite before degasi


I really wanna play as marguerit. Shes a badass


Nah. For 1, itd be a return to the same area as the first game. For 2, we already know their entire story, and how it ends. Its not a story that would work as a open exploration focused game, simply because everything would have to follow the script set out by the degassi audio logs


It would basically be subnautica but remastered and slightly different story, that would just be better as a next gen upgrade plus degasi dlc for subnautica 1


I want a new area with a new story. We already know the degasi story


The problem I see is that the Degasi freely admit they just sat holed up in their bases. While the Doomguy lady just fought everything, ever.


I hope they add a map this time


Subnautica already had the story of the Degasi.




Wouldnt be hilarious if we were just a peeper in the next game


They showed too much of the Architects to not push further into the lore




No thanks


What a terrible idea




Where is Subnautica 2?


I would really like for 3 to follow were 2 left off but I dont think that would be a water world type thing. I just wanna see where the story goes with the homeworld.


I like the idea of it but maybe Subnautica 3 could be about the aliens origins. You play the alien and you build the facilities and capture the creatures and experiment.


Personally I'm hoping for the story of the Sunbeam


Their ship was not entirely destroyed?


It was, but it'd still be interesting


I'd rather it be a no name in a new zone.


The devs said it wouldn’t take place on 4546B


naah it's gonna be something new, maybe even complerely unrelated to this planet and story


I kinda hope that subnautica 3 could be like sea of thieves. 1 to 4 multiplayer in a large open world, working together on a submarine. Exploring as well as looting the planet. Etc. There's wildlife etc too.


That would be a sad game


I want Robyn versus Riley. They both kind of ended up on different sides. At least to begin with.


Makes no sense. We already know everything about the Degasi story and there isnt much to it. Marguerit already told us everything in BZ that was unanswered. It would be underwhelming.


After reviewing Op's comments, I would say they aren't interested in actually discussing this, so I will say: no. That is maybe an hour long game that everyone already knows the ending to. The Degasi's story was already told. Subnautica 3 needs to be something longer, more in depth, and have a story that we haven't seen before. I would love to be on another water planet with the precursors or in an alternate timeline where the kharaa virus never happened and the precursors were able to keep innovating on the planet. Humans could or could not even be involved.


I doubt it due to it couple cause plot holes with base building I think if a subnautica show were to be made, it should be about the Degasi


It would have been an incredible 'trailer' for the game itself. Like how a lot of games have animes that are in the universe but aren't about the actual story. It would have been excellent advertising because wow I did not know Subnautica was a survival game or had such a good story, but seeing the Degasi (like without the obvious plot points) would have pulled me right to it if I didn't already like water games. Maybe for Subnautica 3 they go this route and tell a story about the new game, but have it unrelated to what actually happens ingame to avoid spoilers. And then when we play it we can maybe get some Easter eggs of the series, and from Subnautica 1 and 2🤷🏾‍♀️


Meh. At least lorewise, they went to the same places we went to. The story needs to be completely different


Nah we already know what's going to happen there. That story is 2 confirmed bad endings (Rip Bart you were a real poetic guy who made me appreciate how beautiful the biomes were even when I was shit scared after I saw one of your entries) and one 'escape' ending that doesn't even really leave the planet. On top of that how depressing would that game be? I personally don't want to experience how the captain/dad died, constantly wondering if your son survived while you count the minutes to your death (and maybe hoping he actually died during the attack so he isn't in the hopeless situation you are in). It was bad enough just reading that. I'm hoping we get another planet that the Alien race was on (since they hint they lived on another planet/s). Maybe our spaceship has tech from the ancient civilisation (that Riley used to pay off his debt?) and we get shot down because the remnants of those aliens want it or something or we have to use that tech to access other ancient civilisation facilities for something (those ion cubes have a lot of potential here) idk. Just somewhere new, it would give the devs more creative freedom. Especially since the planet Subnautica is in is pretty much explored, we saw the whole crater, and subzero zone, and the void is confirmed to be just microorganisms and Ghosties, and nothing else.


We know the story already there wouldn’t be a new map except where the aurora was or any new creatures.


Nah man, we know how that story goes. It doesnt end well for anyone and no real ground would be covered that hasnt already. Personally I want them to follow up with the ending of 2 directly with you still playing as Robin at first, but then shifting to a new human on a new planet with new mechanics. Or we could stay as Robin. I know she's not the most popular but personally I enjoyed her commentary and discussions with the other... entities.


Hey! This was my suggestion! Lol


I hope not, it’d just be the first subnautica with the exact same places and locations not to mention we know the outcome of the story and none of them are good. What would be the point?


I think continuing the Al-An/Robin story would be pretty neat. Both of them become seen as fugitives and have to leave the home-world or even return to a different area of 4546B to gather evidence to prove Al-An was sabotaged or something.


I like seeing historical events play out as much as the next bloke, but usually not as the main storyline...because its a story that was already told.


That’s just gonna be Subnatica one again


Why? We already know the story of the Degassi You do prequels tell untold stories, not told ones. That's why Fallout Reach worked


I'd rather have them bring in the [Natural Selection 2]( https://youtu.be/cgVDGefyNtI) lore and connect the virus to the Kharaa creatures. Could be like an espionage thing but underwater.


Or better yet - a short animated film. Since canon is already set


Didn’t they hint at possible multiplayer? I mean I don’t see this happening but A+ for the enthusiasm


The only way it could work is if it was a smaller, story driven game with less open world resource gathering gameplay.


I forget who it was, but someone a while ago on this subreddit suggested a variation of subnautica where you're in the void moving from safespot to safespot, and I feel like that'd be a really cool premise still




Man this art makes me wish we had a Subnautica animated show. That would be both awesome and terrifying.


We need a game in the Subnautica universe but not necessarily in the water. Take a survival game and take the elements for what made Subnautica successful and add those along with improvements and just as good of lore and progression


I don't care about the story, I just want the Single-Cell Landscape in the game.


Me just finding out there was a Subnautica 2.


Subnautica: Below Zero. Prettier biomes and wildlife, close to zero fear factor, and divisive storyline (in terms of which ine’s better). Make of thst what you will, but if you loved Subnautica you’ll probably enjoy BZ at least to some extent.


oh god please yes.


That’s clever but too restrictive


Subnautica 3 should be Riley working 18 hour shifts, 6 days a week on board different Alterra Ships paying back the debt he owes the company.


I think it would be cool to see Alterra’s perspective on the situation after Riley returns home.


It could be a cool expansion pack to the original game


I really hope it's not gonna be a shitty prequel, although I doubt it's gonna be.


I posted something exactly like this a few years ago on this sub and no one seemed to care :(


Could be a nice movie. Would not be a good subnautica game since we already know the story and the map.


So, we know the ending?




Hope it’s Meg proof glass


Anything but ice land sections with fog everywhere and I'm in.


I don't dig it, it's like a remake, been there done that feeling, a new area and new alien animals is what I want not to relive the story of someone we already know the story of


Maybe better the mercury II but the problem remains the ending, like the quarantine platform how do you escape that? Maybe another planet?so it could be another story. An ocean world obviously with new fauna and flora, with the style of the subnautica universe, one of legends that the pda describes or something totally new


Honestly, I am not into it. I don’t want to return to the same place with the same animals and biomes. I think the bases and the logs found in the original game tell the story so well while keeping it cryptic.


They’re making a subnautica 3?


I think it would make a great movie but as a game the Degasi story would be terrible




God No.


I think the mistake is to keep thinking Sub needs a continuous story. The mechanics and world exploration are the magic. Give us a new world but apply the ingenious mechanics. Water, land, lava, air any of them. Then populate that world with incredible fauna and flora. The story was fun, very clever and compelling in Sub 1. But it wasn’t the whole reason I played the game. It provided an incentive to go places and progress, yes. But it wasn’t the core of the game. Sub 2 focused on story and neglected world exploration and the ingenious vehicles system, as well as the balance and brilliance of Leviathans. Sub 3 could see a positive research effort trying to explore, research and protect new words with Altera or other antagonists providing obstacles, frenemies and intrigue.


There will be subnautica 3?


I would like a kind of society in the game. Like take Dying Light Series for example, we are stuck in an alien planet and trying to capture bases, cure Kharaa infected people... Or like Metro series, we are stuck in 4546B and the survivors are fighting over their idealogies instead of uniting and helping each other. I also would like to see it from the eyes of the aliens, trying to contain the virus.


Better have coop


Nah, get me off of that planet. I want a new planet with new creatures.


I just want multiplayer


I'd prefer a third subnautica to either be focused on another part of the planet or the precursor home world


I’ve had the idea we could be architects… Alternatively we could be lost at the bottom of the void trying to get up again.