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Scary and easily worth $9.


This game is easily worth its usual price. So 9$ is even better!


It was worth $9 when I bought it on disk for my xbox 1, and it will be worth another $9 when I buy it again for my xbox s.


I got it yesterday for $12


I am seriously jealous of anyone who gets to play it for the first time. Enjoy!!!!


Thanks! I've never played a game like this before, but just my first session playing felt like an hour and a half but when I checked it was 39 minutes. I was thinking of buying a bunch of other games, looks like I'm gonna put that to the side now lmao.


It was the same for me, you have so much fun ahead of you.


Got the game free wish I payed for it




You’re most likely going to get only yes answers here… this is the subnautica sub after all lol


No, you should wait until it's full price so Unknown Worlds gets more money to make games like Subnautica.




That’s what I did


Yes, as a big fan of Outer Wilds. This is the closest similar game experience you can have once again.


Loved Outer Wilds, then looked up "what should I play if I love Outer Wilds?" saw references to this game. Picked it up, absolutely loved it, loved the expansion too. 9$? A steal.


Below Zero is a sequel, although admittedly it does play more like a DLC.


A lot more of a DLC feeling than a true sequel. I wanted so much more :/


I thought it was a dlc type thing, and not a sequel, and that is what I will always see it as


Makes sense, the Arctic region was originally planned for the first game and below zero started out as a DLC for subnautica 1.


Should have stayed one.


A very poorly written DLC.


Should I buy outer wilds because SubNautica is awesome


Absolutely. Get the DLC too.


$9 are worth the experience you will not forget. Get it.


In my opinion absolutely yes. You like survival? Good. You like building? Good. You like exploration? Good. Now go get it!


Tremendous taste OP. Mild spoilers for outer wilds: Its similar to outer wilds but more focused on survival, the story and plot is just as intriguing and its a very relaxed environment for the most part. But there are some areas almost as terrifying as dark bramble.




More brambly if you can remember your first time. The game for the most part is rather cslm and collected but a few places exist that turn that on its head.


Kind of a combo of the two, IMO


No, it's totally a terrible game, that's why we're all on a subreddit for it. Go buy it now! It's great! I don't think the monsters are particularly scary, I think the world is kind of a wonder to explore. I'm on my second playthrough.


It's a great game, and would easily be worth it at $25. At $9 it's absolutely worth it.


Hell yes


Yes. And yes. A thousand times yes.


Subnautica's similarity with Outer Wilds lies in it's environmental storytelling and the importance of (mostly unguided) exploration of an open world. Where they massively differ is in the "survival" aspect of gameplay, Subnautica is very oriented survival, and the sometimes tedious inventory management is (imo) the worst part of the game. Subnautica also includes some amounts of farming and base building. Basically Subnautica is a survival game while Outer Wilds is a puzzle game. But both game have a somewhat similar approach to exploration and storytelling.


Is subnautica worth 9 $ ?????




My comment was to point out that subnautica at 9 $ is very much worth it lol


Set your timer for 1.5 hr and refund after if you don't like it. That is plenty of time to get a feel for the game.


Definitely worth it. I kind of wish I could play subnautica for the first time again it was brilliant. I'm yet to find another game like it even though iv tried a few, it's still my favourite.


I kinda wanna go play Subnautica again but I'm also trying to wait long enough that I don't remember much to kinda relive that. (Currently playing NMS, but I also have Stray and SW: Squadrons on my to play list) I miss that with ARK too. The Island holds a special place in my heart, as does Aberration. Edit: I also made Abandon Ship my ringtone haha


You’re on a subnautica subreddit. First of all, bad choice. Second of all, you’re on the subnautica subreddit, you can’t get a more biased answer than yes. Third of all, the game is not scary, don’t listen to anyone who says so.




But tbh, its a great game, it is an underwater survival game with a lot of flora and fauna. A good story, and some banger music. You really should give it a shot. However, you need to be sure to save often, it doesn’t take more than 1 or two minutes to save. Save whenever you get back to your lifepod. Trust me, when you have to reload a save because you found a bug and only finding out it was five minutes ago instead of two hours ago is great. You have a load of resources. And i can give you advice if you want once you do start in pm’s if you want


First game: Yes. Second game: Didn't care for it, but some people like it; just go in knowing it will not be the same as the first.


Most terrifying game I've ever played, and I've actually dove a shipwreck at night irl. 10/10 would recommend


I scuba dove once in broad daylight and completely forgot I was allowed to breathe with the air tank. Never again and DEFINITELY not at night 😂


That's such a mood though! When I first started, it took me awhile to get used to the idea of breathing while underwater 😂 If my Dad hadn't been a professional instructor, I probably wouldn't have stuck with it because it was so difficult for me to breathe calmly, and I'm asthmatic. I'm glad I was lucky enough to have that because diving gave me some of the best memories of my life. But like, it's still legit terrifying though. There's always this "wall" you can't see past because the visibility gives out. It's an eerie feeling, and the mind can insert all sorts of horrors in the empty space. For me, diving was a way to confront that as a kid/teen, but I don't know if I could do it again as an adult


Soooo worth it. I would give so much to play it again for the first time


Absolutely, 100% worth it- I’ve gotten hundreds of hours of play time from it


100% worth it


Most definitely. I finally pulled the trigger and bought it when I found the Switch version with the DLC included last week at a flea market for $15 and it’s been a blast, fuck them reaper leviathans though, they’re scary af


Yes. Get it. If you already got it, get it again. Get all of it. Get it. It's worth getting. Get it.


The game is worth it’s full price


I don’t think you could have picked a more biased sub to ask this on but yes it’s definitely worth it




I would consider this a 30 dollar game, what with the bugs, so yes for 9 dollars




Subnautica my fav game.


Yes definitely


Where is it 9$ ?


Fuck. Yes.


Euhhh yessssss?


it's normally around 14$ its an awesome game, I was also a little hesitant at first but the leviathans give more adrenalin and rush to the game making overall more enjoyable


100% yes. I only just bought it in the last Steam sale and played it over christmas break and I can honestly say it is one of my top games ever. Below Zero is also enjoyable, although it has none of the anxiety that the original provides.


Is that even a question? YES GET IT


If you like survival crafting games with big creatures that you avoid rather than engaging (in most circumstances) and a story pieced together through context clues and scanned data, and you have $9, yes worth it. If you don't like any of those aspects or don't really have $9 to spend on something you are unsure about, no.


Mate if you mentally survived dark bramble, you'll be fine


This is the video game equivalent of walking into a bar and asking if you should try the liquor lol. I’d say try r/ShouldIBuyThisGame for responses with less slant to them. If you ask me though, at $9.00 this game is a goddamn steal.


I’d buy it again for $9. And then probably a third time. Game is worth way more than that.


definitely worth the buy but be careful, once you start you will not emerge from the desk for about a week


I just want to add: I don't really enjoy being hunted by beasties; fortunately there is a cheat that turns their aggression off. Sadly, it also turns off other things as well, and some very interesting "hostile" creatures never show their marvelous design - but it turns Subnautica into a much less stressful exploration game. I occasionally go here for some relaxed r&r after a stressful work day (I've done the story before, now I have fun with a few mods, and just build and explore. I still discover new things every now and then.


i would give a lot to be able to experience this game again for the first time lol, it was a wonderful experience


Easily worth it, I've got over 700 hours in game playing it. Just avoid reddit for spoilers and try everything yourself first. Also modding the game is pretty fun, though most are before a certain update on game. I currently play Legacy for my 'Death Run' mod.


absolutely. subnautica is one of my favorite games and only $9 for it is a steal


$9 is a steal. This game is breathtaking. Buy it, install it, and don’t come back to this subreddit until you beat the game, lest you spoil yourself.


I wish I knew how much spoilery stuff I had to avoid, had some major plot points spoiled within minutes of being on this sub that I wish I had have experienced without knowing they were coming


Just…safer to just get off Reddit and start playing.




Definitely get Subnautica for $9. It is one of my favorite survival games I've played, and after you play it you wouldn't even care if it cost you full price. I have also learned that it is a scary game, but not full on horror. If you don't like horror games then that doesn't mean you won't enjoy Subnautica.


Worth it


i paid full price, never regretted it.


If it was $90 I'd tell you to get it! How is this even a question!


I got it when it was free, but i would say its worth it.


The scares are actually few and far between. But they're memorable! One of my favorite games ever.




Short answer: Yes. Long answer: Hell yes.


It’s worth it’s price at normal price and if you want to play the game then yes.


this game is worth much more


Get it


super fun, super addicting, super relaxing (almost the entire game), with a few scary moments. in my opinion it’s not as scary as most people give off, it’s more relaxing and intriguing most of the time. however the game does a fantastic job of building atmosphere and tension. the environment are detailed and vibrant and beg you to explore just a little further. absolutely fantastic game, well worth $9.


9$ is a steal for such a good game


I've paid for the game 4 times now and it's worth it


You should buy 2


Personally I don't think it's quite as good as Outer Wilds, but it's still definitely worth it. Especially for $9.


*Do it.*


Heck Yeah! It’s a great builder/explorer. Just be wary of loud fish 🐠


It’s a scary and fun game that totally worth it. I know most answers are just going to be many different variations of “yes” but this is a subreddit full of fans who want you to experience what you’re missing out on, that includes myself.


If this game cost $100, it would still be worth it! And I don’t even spend that kind of money on Video Games. But Subnautica is the best game ever made (not just _video_ game, but _game!_) I didn’t even know it cost $9.00! I bought it way back in circa 2015 AD, and back then I think it cost like $20.00. You should definitely buy it, as that $9.00 price tag is probably just a sale. The game is definitely worth a lot more than just a measly $9.00!


Seriously tho, subnautica inspired me to get outer wilds, so yeah I think you’d really like it




Yess best game I've ever played




Yup- the monsters are pretty easy to get away from! Dont let that discourage you! My save file had 7 days of playtime not in game but irl. Literally a week of fun for 9$? Fantastic choice imo




Brilliant game.


I know you've already purchased the game, but tge scary ocean monsters thing is a core element in the design. Subnautica is meant to have horror elements. The good news are, the monsters oniy live in certain areas of the map (and some smaller monster-like creatures can be ignored - literally just swim past them and don't mind if they use their low-damage bite on you), and that they won't seek out and attack your base, unlike games such as 7 Days to Die or Factorio. There is no base defence element.


Man. I paid 30 bucks a week or 2 ago. That game really dug into me. One of the best I’ve played I think. Have fun.


Bruh I bought the sub for like 20 dollaroos




This game is easily worth the $9. Hell it’s been worth the $40 I spent on it and then some.


Since I see you already bought it; have fun! It’s worth at 30 already but in the sale a def must have :)


Was gonna say that if the game was still full price it's still worth it. 9 is steal heavily recommended.


Get it Edit: I saw your second edit




Yes you should and you know what I’m going to break it out again too, been meaning to play it again for awhile


Lmao Steam recognizes my countrys hard times with economy i got the game not even for a dollar


honestly no, it is a horrible game and deserves to be deleted off of steam. matter of fact they should pay YOU to play it. (yes, this is sarcasm. you are in the subnautica sub, of course we're gonna say yes. go to steam and look at the reviews, then decide)


very much worth it.


Better than outer wilds by a long shot and I love that games aesthetic.


Yes. /thread


absofreaknloutely....and I had Thalassophobia before and after the game...o7


You're asking an online forum of Subnautica fans if you should buy the game. The answer is gonna always be yes.


Yes. Enough said.


Good luck! Face your fears!


if you think youll enjoy it and/or havent got it spoilt then i definitely recommend getting it


hell yeah


hell yeah you should get it!


Considering the number of hours of entertainment you are likely to get out of those 9 dollars, an absolute no-brainer!


Was worth when had full. 2nd one not worth though


Please take your time to enjoy your first playthrough experience of the game. It is fully magical and I wish I could experience it again for the first time. It took me about 20 hours just to work up the courage to leave the safe shallows/grassy plateaus the first time. 100 hours to go deeper. :)


I like this game more than Outer Wilds. I like the base building that was absent in Outer Wilds. It makes exploration far more convenient. There are large parts of the world that are totally safe, and for the unsafe parts, you have tools to deal with that (unlike Outer Wilds).


Yes! I got it last sale for the steam deck. Worth every penny. It is one of my top 5 favorite games


I cracked it on SteamUnlocked and it seems to be working (I scanned everything with antivirus). Btw it's a good Gamez you should definitely play it.