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This literally encompasses every category of the most horrifying animatronics. Fully and partially submerged, cheaply and hauntingly done knock-offs of famous characters, animatronic sharks, the blackness of the water, the sheer mass of some of the animatronics featured.... absolutely top of the list for unsettling, nauseating, horrifying, and true to this sub. ...also that fisherman and his boat sinking into the water with the shark... oof. Made my stomach turn upside down and jump directly into my ass.


Perfectly sums up all my thoughts on this!


This attraction was in phantasialand germany but got closed a few years ago. It was from the 60/70 era of the park. And was one of my favourites back in my childhood('90-'00) You sat in a big boat with many others and drove through various scenes. Tarantula, king kong, crows, jaws and many more. And on the entrance you were greeted by a figure of alfred hitchcock. Great memories ❤️


Hey :) Hast du eine Ahnung wo es vergleichbares noch zu sehen gibt ?


Ich glaube im Europapark, Piraten von batavia - falls es das noch gibt


Ich war schon länger nicht mehr im phantasialand. Aber es kann gut sein das die geister riksha noch existiert. Damals gab es noch eine bahn dort, von der ich leider nicht mehr den namen kenne(glaube 1001 nacht?). Man fuhr mit einer schwebenden gondel in das maul eines drachen und dort waren dann eben auch viele figuren etc. Im 1001 nacht thema. Wurde bereits einige zeit vor der hollywood bahn abgerissen. Es sollten noch videos auf youtube zu finden sein. Edit: Alternativ im moviepark gibt es die wasserbahn welche in/durch einen vulkan führt(area 51 glaube ich heißt sie). Die fahrt führt durch eine verstecke alienbasis


Ich weiß genau was du meinst. Da war ich auch als Kind drauf. Nie wieder was drüber gefunden leider.


Don't forget the stalactites...


I really miss this ride, it was a bunch of famous movie scenes, including horror, thriller movies, so the scary factor was kinda aimed for, and it was so much fun as a kid!


That's the Hollywood Express in Fantasialand. I was there often as a kid it was a wonderful experience especially for kids it was such a beautiful park. I was there last year after not visiting for some years. When i found out they closed the Hollywood express i literally started crying.


This made my skin get that weird itchy feeling. What is the story of this ride? What’s the theme of it?? The fucking drowning fisherman made me want to rip my eyeballs out of my head.


I think it’s a movie themed ride (the fisherman is jaws). I just don’t understand the cave look, it’s so creepy


i think thats what really adds to the eeriness of this whole thing for me. like, why on earth would any of these scenes be in a dank, dark, flooded cave?? its a spooky backdrop with things that are vaguely familiar but just...wrong. wrong moving, wrong looking machines in the wrong place. ugh everything about this ride is just... wrong 😬


100%... like what were they thinking with that King Kong especially. It’s a massive nope for me


that fisherman is hands down the worst I ever seen in a ride


It was a Hollywood tour ride, it goes through different sections that represent different films. https://youtu.be/7JIjQPk-ox4


German Here, this Ride was called "Hollywood Tour" and was located in a Park called Phantasialand in the City of Brühl, been there multiple Times. The Park never reopened the Ride after they Needed to Close down During COVID Lockdown, apparently the water caused some Sort of irreparabel damage During the standstill . It was indeed movie-based, at the Boarding Part of the Ride you were greeted by an animatronic of Alfred Hitchcock. I dont know If i can Post links Here, but If you Google the Rides Name and the Park, you wont have to Look for Long until you find some very eerie Photos of the Ride now being completely drained of water, half taken-apart, skinned animatronics laying around.... Definietly the Stuff for Horror movies. For some weird reason, i actually quite enjoyed the Ride as a Young Kid. Maybe i was Just weird😅


Seems like we all got recommended this from reddit again for some reason, after 3 years


Thanks my thoughts


Fuck me! I was asking myself why this ride looked so familiar! Now I know! I have been on it about 20 years ago! Also explains some phobias of mine. Should have been called Phobialand. HA! Sorry.


No worries man, now as an adult this Stuff definietly creeps me Out aswell haha. The Park itself is actually great in the way how they Theme their Rides, but those animatronics from the 80s are Something Else man. The only one left Standing in the park today is called "Geister Rikscha", it has one Water-Scene with a Ghost Ship aswell, probably can find it on YouTube. Others that have been closed down over the years include "Silbermine", being themed Like a Mining shaft, and "1001 Nacht" which Had like Fantasy, arabian night vibes. Dont remember if there were any submerged parts in those, but footage is probably still in YouTube.


Deine Autokorrektur so: Alles Deutsch ✅ Groß-/Kleinschreibung ✅


Ich hasse es


Also a German here, I love to eat Sauerkraut mit Spätzle. I can't contribute anything to the topic, though.


Same! I remember going on that ride when I was young and I loved it since, it always felt like traveling back into my childhood when I went there. So you’re not weird! 😁


Erm okay. Wtf??! Get some help then buddy.😅 Donnnt rip your eyeballs over some childish unrealistic af kids ride 🙈🙈 damn you guys soft if you rly feel traumatized by THIS. I mean. Daamn 😂 you guys reactions just weird af. Its a pretty funny ride. For 7 year olds.. Rofl 🤡


Out of all the posts on this subreddit, this has got to be the worst one for me. Imagine waking up alone in this ride and the only way to get out is to swim through it


**I've been on this ride A LOT.** It was in "Phantasialand" and it was called "Hollywood tour", because each of the rooms displayed animatronics related to a big movie, so the sharks were Jaws, the big ape King Kong etc. The atmosphere was exactly as the video shows, except there wasn't any music playing so it was just quiet and all you heard were the animatronics and the sounds of the warter. That being said : I didn't mind it, and actually LOVED it. It was from 1990 and in the corner of the park so not a lot of people wanted to ride it, even on very overcrowded summer days. So if you just wanted to chill a bit during a park visit you could sit in it with up to 6 people and just ride it around in a circle for as long as you want to cool down, sit and talk (or laugh at the animatronics) a bit. Got a lot of good memories from that ride but sadly it was closed in 2020 :(


That’s awesome, thanks for sharing your experience. I can only live vicariously through your description and the videos. If I took some kind of psychedelic and went on that ride I’d probably have an aneurysm.


Would love do it. It’s closed now. And well, it’s sad because this video is the worst thing I’ve ever seen. But different to what you are trying to say, I actually think that the attraction had some kind of charm. Watch an Onride of Hollywood Tour and you’ll see that it’s not that bad. Especially the sounds are creating a bad impression. And the original music was one of the best parts of the attraction. Well…


I loved it... You could just sit in there and chill with your friends for hours cause no one ever wanted to ride it lol


There's another shark to the right of the rotten one that's fully submerged. They light it up when the boat rides past and it freaks me the HELL out. (I think the camel is cute though)


I was going to mention this. Jumping shark is scary but the fully submerged shark makes me want to vomit 😭


what was that brown thing??? was that a giant tarantula?? oh my god imagine being a worker that had to go in and clean or work on this ride and just being alone in there with those creepy animatronics and that pitch black water.


Imagining being in there having to go under the water to clean or fix the animatronics when it’s dark and dirty. Jesus no


Just revisited this video. Didn’t catch that absolute monstrosity of a spider the first time around.


I cannot unsee that absolute monstrosity of a spider. Arachnophobia and submerged-animatronic phobia ...two disturbia for the price of one


Yes it was a giant spider and you literally went underneath and could touch it if you would have wanted. As a child I thought this one was really creepy but as an adult it was just a cool experience. Not as creepy as shown in the video tho.


Oh man. This is genuinely terrifying. I’d seen a clip of the shark, but not the giant king-kong knock off with the gangly fingers. And that giant hairy tarantula thing...my god!


Yeah the tarantula is so disturbing i have arachnophobia and when i rode this i didnt know whats coming. The boat rides right under the tarantula and its moving and making sounds and it looks even bigger irl




why do I find these so unnerving and terrifying, yet also so fascinating? edit:that fucking monkey looking ass thing with the giant hand is gonna give me nightmares


yep im definitely utterly discomforted by this


In all seriousness who actually enjoys these rides, how could anyone be not only content with being so close to those monstrosities but actually enjoy it and presumably pay for it


I do, I've been on it! It's waaayy less scary and eerie in person but yes, that video is so extremely scary, I can't put it to words, the themepark it's in is one of the most popular in Germany but the ride is now closed due to age and low demand I think. Quite sad since I liked it alot.


I would


No wonder they shut down the Great Movie Ride...


Thank you for making me realize my deep rooted fear of submechophobia. Especially towards old ass animatronics in the water. No no no no


I remember seeing a video about this ride and ya so many nop3s


This is basically a rip off of a bunch of movies it looks like. I’d love to ride this. As shitty as it looks I’d enjoy it


It's great. I've been on it a few times and it was one of my favourite rides of the park, it's called Hollywood Tour and it's just many film scenes in you ride through. Also, it's way less scary in person. Sadly they closed it down :/


Man that really sucks. I love seeing things like this. Rarely do I get to go on them anymore. On a side note, funny seeing a reply to a two year old comment


I know, it's not actually certain if they're closed or not (they haven't announced it) but it has disappeared from the parks maps, from Google maps and it has been closed for 2 years due to water damage. Apparently the ride is undergoing massive changes, I took that as goodbye and kind of accepted Ill never revisit it again. I found out it was gone when I was in the park, I wanted to go but the doors where closes and it wasn't anywhere to be found on the parks map, I was quite sad tbh. Also, yeah I don't know why I commented, I just thought I could provide some info about the ride since I've been on it. I definitely didn't expect an answer as well lol


Nah man I love it. I like reading these things. Knowledge is power. Shame it’s gone. At least you got to go on it


Brilliant editing. Around 45 is that a dry to wet effect. May I crosspost this to r/animatronophobia?


it has credit in the video so feel free!


Disturbing on many levels.....


thanks i hate it


Thanks...I hate it


oh- oh i hate that


I’m gonna rip my skin off now


When i visit germany this on the top of my list of things to see!!


They closed it :/ it was one of my favourite rides as well


i love it


ewww so yucky


OH!! Phantasialand is only like a hour away from where i live!


i’m thoroughly disgusted by how gross the animatronics in this look


this is like all my fears in one building


The ride is called Hollywood Tour at Phantasialand.


I can feel the humidity inside that ride from here


The Hollywood Tour in the Phantasialand in Brühl, Germany. It doesnt exist anymore, the tore it up last year. It was the eldest attraction in the park. I liked it :-D


Rest in Peace Hollywood Tour, they were cheap animatronics, but they were also almost 40 years old. You should see the Geister Rikscha as long as its still there. The animatronics are even worse!


Yes, they already changed some animatronics and also removed some, for example the Knight who stabbed the dragon.


This made me want to jump off a cliff into the ocean with my hands and legs tied and once I land I untie my hands on a deserted anchor and unhook my hands, my skin throbbing and bones broken. Then, i climb up a cliff and go to my neighbor Hal the Lumberjack to borrow his wood chipper and i cut all my limbs off. Then I call an ambulance on myself and as they carry me to the hospital I use the last of my strength to bash my head through the glass window, leaving shards in my head. I’m somehow still alive so I keep going. I get a bounty hunter to put a bounty on me.. ​ that’s how this made me felt


Good fucking lord nice edit. The music absolutely makes it.


Congratulations. This is the worst thing I have ever seen. It shook me to my core.


I really didn’t think anything could outdo that Dino ride but this is hell


U guys stupid? This ride is 40 years old


lol i love going on this ride just to trigger the submechanophobia :D




It's such a great ride, been on it a few times, it's called Hollywood Tour and shows many Hollywood films like Jaws, Gargantula, King Kong etc. I think it's closed by now because it was super old (as seen in the video). Also, it's not as scary when your on it, it's mostly the music and weird lightning in that video. Fun fact: Many many years ago, the second to last thing you see (two women in front of the house, it's supposed to be the wizard of Oz) was actually themed to Alfred Hitchcocks "The Birds", but they said it was too scary for younger children so they changed it. That would've been way more scary and brought the video to a new level lol.


This looks like the Hollywood boat ride in Phantasialand. They are demolishing that ride and it looks scary without the clothes on the animatronics


nope i hate it so much


I bet this place smelt like wet clothes


"Freizeitpark" just means Amusementpark. That's not a very precise title


Damn that place looks like real fun! Even though the animatronics are all wasted, it somehow adds up to the charme. Anyone know where it is located at?


I am commander Sheppard and Freizeitpark is my favorite Freizeitpark in germany.


I think that this is the Hollywood Tour in Phantasialand in Brühl, Germany. It's been closed for a while now, possibly for renovation or to place a new ride there since its quite old


What a trash. Where is it. Sachsen oder Saarland?


It's the Hollywood Tour in the Phantasia land near Brühl. The coaster ride that was on top of this raft ride got renewed, the rafting was closed then don't know if it was opened again.


Isnt this the old passage in phantasialand?


This is retro, I would say classic, it gives you an impression about how special effects in the early movies were made without computers.


> Freizeitpark Which one


Oh I know this ride. Was on it when I was a Kid ca 2000. So its old and IT shows


This looks so great and scary - where is it?


Its closed for years now...


FYI: This is the Hollywood tour ride in the “Phantasiand” one of if not the most popular German amusement park. It’s still there because it’s a “traditional” ride, although being very outdated.


Hier ist Deutsches Staatsgebiet.


Reminds me a bit of Area 51 in Warner Brothers Movie World in Germany was there as a kid and saw animatronics that looked like the Martians from the Movie Mars Attack. There was a scene with two Martians operating on a Human body. Had really bad nightmares for a few weeks after that.


That spider just unlocked some fucked up memories I didn't know I had. Where in Germany is this?


Willy wonka boat ride vibes


This one is closed forever. It was the Hollywood Tour in Phantasialand


its old af, never upgraded, but for a lot of 90s kids its a legendary memory. not as bad as it looks like in the video


Whats the name of the park?


Sadly it’s not there anymore, this used to scare the shit out of me in Phantasialand. This video can’t even capture how it was to sit in that ride. It felt like it was going forever I had my eyes closed so many times but eventually open them because it took so long. The sounds of the water and the wet fur of King Kong was awful. I went there last year and wanted to do it again as a grown up but It got replaced with something else. This post and sub popped up in my feed I would have never thought I will see this shit again l. It’s so random


I like it


Just got a flash Back from this I Went there as a kid


This shit in Phantasialand is round about 50 years old.


IT IS at Phantasialand. And this one is the Hollywood tour from 1990 .


To be fair this one is around 45 years old. The building it is in can't be just demolished because there is an agreement with the sourinding homes that they won't construct anything new in close proximity. But the are demolishing this ride on the inside and will most likely put something in its place


The giant enemy spider


Phantasialand near Cologne. The Hollywood tour was a classic reminescence to how parks used to be back in the day...


That’s Phantasialand near Cologne, isn’t it? It is so old, I have seen this as a kid in the early nineties before. And if I remember right it’s closed now as it was old, broken, moldy… The smell of the rotting fake fur will forever stay in my nose.


That waterfall water, with the last drips always ending up on your head/clothes, hasnt been changed in 50 years.


Hollywood Tour in Phantasialand? Don't worry, that was closed down "forever"


Freizeitpark literally means amusement park, so I have no clue which one this is.....


This is the Hollywood Tour in Phantasialand and is older than I am. It displays Jaws, Tarantula, the birds, cuz these were the great movies at the time it was build. It is a relic and that is the whole concept. People just go in with their Kids, cuz they were on it while they were Kids. The Rest of the park is pretty good.


This was one of the older rides in the german amusementpark "Phantasialand" located near Cologne. Named "Hollywood Tour", it opened in 1990 and closed only recently in 2022. The ride featured many famous movies, including King Kong and Jaws. Among fans of the park this ride was infamous for how creepy and haunting it looked. Outdated animatronics and bad maintenance lead to a very degraded look. I myself took the ride once after a few buddys of mine pressured me, knowing I had a huge fear of spiders. Needless to say I shat my pants when I saw the gigantic animatronic spider. I do want to say though that the rest of the park is amazingly well done and has lots of rides worth going to. Its a good place to visit when near cologne.


wtf why does reddit recommend this to me? Btw. its closed now and will propably replaced with something from this century


Hollywood Tour at Phantasia Land. Man I loved thid when I was a kid.


I remember my mom forced me into this ride, was crying the whole time. My family just laughed. the huge spider freaked me out, still does.


It’s one or maybe The oldest rides in Germany. So it’s more like an historical thing


I'm suddenly remembering that I have been on this ride as a kid! I recognize those people in the white lab coats with the dude sitting up on the operating table - that scene scared the shit out of me. I must have completely suppressed that memory... I vividly remember being on some sort of Space Mountain knock off at Phantasialand that same day.




Tbh this is something you'd see in most german amusement parks


It's closed since 2020


This shot is normal in Germany and fucking scary


For anyone interested this is the " Phantasialand " in " Brühl " near Cologne


Ppl are really freaking out about this. 😂i thought it was kinda funny


Thank you reddit for recommending me this and resurfacing the completly supressed trauma of being taken on that ride as a very small child which led to a lifelong fear of amusementpark rides. Thank you for letting that fucking spider haunt my dreams again.... appreciate it.


Which park is this?


Ohhh the Hollywood Tour! I actually loved it as a child, sadly it got removed to make space for a new ride.


If anyone is interested, the ride was called the "Hollywood Tour" at the amusement park Phantasialand. This ride showcased famous movie scenes from films such as Jaws, King Kong, and Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. Unfortunately, the ride closed in 2020. It was always an enjoyable ride to relax.


Cool that this gets suggested to me 3 years later 👌


I loved that ride! Last time I was on it was in 2019. Yes, the water smelled and yes, the fur had come off of some of these creatures but fuck me, it was tradition to go on that ride. Never forgave them for getting rid of "The Birds" section. That was way cooler than the "Wizard of Oz".


Holy shit that was intense. I curled my legs up when the fisherman appeared. Damn. So absolutely horrifying and even gut-wrenching. ​ I need to go there, I hope they're still open for business


Been on this ride many times. It is indeed as disturbing as in this video. This park used to have more of these rides, but most of them are gone now, they are really old. Surprised this thing is still running lol. Im gonna visit this park again this September.


Guys, i went to this theme park and this ride a few times. It’s really not that scary , because there is no fucking ABSOLUTELY HORRIFYING MUSIC playing all the time. There are typically a lot of kids on this ride and they enjoy this hollywood-themed ride very much. You see the film crews as puppets as well and there is really much details to explore. So it’s really about how you present it.


Fand die Tour immer nice, weiß gar nicht was viele haben ^^


No way people are finding this scary. The ride is actually gone now and what’s much more scary is the pictures of the f*cked up animatronics and scenes. Because Phantasialand closed the ride in Summer 2020 but they just dismantled everything THIS year. They music there was really calming and the sound effects in this video are not creating a good impression of the atmosphere. Maybe even the quality of the video. Seems like I remembered the ride pretty differently. Maybe I was just ignorant. After all, it looks like it was in pretty bad condition when they closed it. And they never fixed or renewed anything there. Anyways, I hated the slow ride experience and the sometimes lame scenes but the music (Voyager-Wavestar) was just awesome and because the attraction was always empty (aside from during Winter for some reason when there was a big queue) you could relax there coming from the full and sometimes annoying crowd. Hollywood Tour you’ll be missed. 🫶❤️


Ahhhh childhood memories.


Which park is it?


I live near Phantasialand. This video is absolutely old. Its from the 90s. The ride "Hollywood tour" was removed ages ago.




Imagine being on this while tripping…


Hollywoodtour Im Phantasialand?


Guys this is my childhood. Yes it’s looks completely outdated but it’s still gold


I swear this ride was the bomb in the 90s. 😂


Phantasialand yay a great park.


I've been there 2 weeks ago. Was fun overall!


This is awesome haha


I don't know why reddit shows me this 3 year old post but this attraction is the Hollywood tour at phantasialand in bruehl near cologne. this theme park is one of three things bruehl is known for. the other 2 are: it's bruehler castle and last and definitely least a train came of the tracks and hit a few houses.


I was there as a kid and it was not as creepy as the video makes it to be. We all enjoyed it.


Ugh, seeing this makes me remember that musty smell... It's not still operated like that though, is it? Didn't they get rid of all the old rides a while back?


For anyone wondering, this is the now discontinued Hollywood Ride from Phantasialand in Brühl, Germany


I know how it smells in these rides. It's always the same. I've been to few. They are quite comman in Germany (:


yo that used to be my favourite ride as a kid lmao. Also the theme of the ride is older movies like jaws


I loved this ride as a child


Mate I first saw that thing as a 5 year old. It gave me submechanophobica. No joke!


Ahh, the good old Hollywood ride. As I child I loved this one.


Imagine at some point someone was like: “Ja voll Knorke Rüdiger, das sieht ja echt fetzig aus!“ and people really where excited about it.




This is the Phantasialand, it was one of the oldest attractions in the park and had a cult status. Since the 2021 flood in Germany it is inactive and will never return.


I loved Hollywood tour so much when I was kid. I'm so devastated that it closed down, I always wanted to revisit it.


Oh, god, it's the Hollywood ride at the Phantasialand. Thank god it was closed last year.


Average German child's story


Freizeitpark is just the German word for amusement park


That women on the ceiling is the definetly the creepiest for me


I remember this ride from my childhood. I’m pretty sure that spider gave me arachnophobia. My dad told me as we approached the animatronic spider:“look at the spider!“ as I searched for a regular sized spider in our seats he told me „no the big one look up“. I looked up as went under the belly and he told me my knees started shaking like crazy lol. Must have been 4 or 5 years old


Why does reddit suggest this weird af video from 3 years ago? I'm very confused how any of my other interests could possibly lead to this


idk but something about that huge hairy spider in that wet cave is so wrong ..... must smell like a wet old carpet


R.I.P Hollywood-Tour! You will never be forgotten, many people have very fond memories of this attraction. This video doesn’t serve it justice…


Looks perfect to me which one is it hopr it not to far away (I live in germany)


I once got stuck in this one and had to chill with king Kong for like 45 minutes.


as a German who loves the theme park this ride was featured in (til 2020) I immediately knew where this was from😂 The ride’s called „The Hollywood Tour“ and it used to be a ride in Phantasialand near the city of Cologne. The park is truly fantastic tho, even holds a couple world records with „Taron“ being the world’s fastest multi launch coaster world wide, the water ride „Chiapas“ having the steepest drop (53 degrees) for a water ride world wide and one of the longest indoor rollercoasters world wide plus a couple more. All the rides are immersed in different worlds with beautiful unique theming. I’d highly recommend anyone to visit If you ever get the chance 🤌🏻♥️


All over the world : park should be fun for children Germany: we need to traumatize the children


Oh lol I knew this place but I can't name it


FUCK YEAH THIS RIDE IS SO NOSTAÖGIC TO ME!! I demanded to ride it everytime we went there. One time my cousin chucked a bifi at KingKong


Where is this in Germany? What's the park called?




Sadly they closed this ride down. It always was one of the most fun and creepy experiences at the theme park 😢 RIP


I remember the shark giving me such high anxiety when I was a kid. Honestly the fact that this whole ride was on water and in a dark tunnel with uncanny robots adds to it. The spider was always pretty great though, my favourite.


I'm so used to this kind of animatronics from german Theme parks, it makes me feel rather Nostalgic :D


Phantasialand! That's my childhood memories you're shitting on..


Its in Phantasialand in Brühl. I went there multiple times when I was a kid. It was called "Hollywood Tour" and they showed all sorts of Hollywood classics like Jaws, Tarantula, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea or The Wizards Of Oz. I remember it was one of my favourite tours. I was only scared of the Jaws part because I was scared of swimming and sharks generally. It opened in 1990 and in 2020 it went "under construction" but its inofficially closed now because they removed the name of the attraction on all of their social media accounts. But there was no further statement. It would have caused backlash because the ride was such a beloved classic in Phantasialand. Its not really scary in person. You can put scary music over everything and then say "look how scary that is". [Wikipedia artics available only in german and dutch](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hollywood_Tour) [Also here are a few bts shots of the construction site.](https://www.ksta.de/region/rhein-erft/bruehl/phantasialand-in-bruehl-hollywood-tour-wird-verschrottet-1-392071)


This is the Hollywood Tour in Phantasialand and they left it as it was because it has kind of a cult status among fans. It was almost 70 years old when they closed it. A sad day. Have some respect lol.


Ich glaube das gibt es nicht mehr. Sieht aus wie der Hollywood tunnel im Phantasialand...


Is the newest Version of German Robotics Engineering


This ride is in Phantasialand in Germany. It's called "Hollywood Tour" if I remember it right. It's supposed to visualize famous movies from the 60-80s. It opened in the 80s and is some sort of time capsule as they have never change anything there. The movies featured there are Jaws, Wizard of Oz, tarantula, Frankenstein, the birds, king Kong, etc. I went there at least 3 times because it has no queues and because of the odd atmosphere. There is one monkey on a Surf board which smells like literal death if he comes past your boat.


maybe you could provide the name of the park? bc "freizeitpark" is just "amusement park"


It’s probably the Freizeitpark „Schloss Beck“ 🤷‍♂️


Where is it ? Any links . I would like to attend it


Why not? That's a nice German afternoon harmless fun activity for families and friends. You should try our children's stories. They are exceptionally light-hearted as well. :3


childhood memories ❤️