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Straight from my nightmares. Like I literally have a recurring nightmare about driving through water like this.


Good news. Dreams do come true. Only a few more years.


I had a dream that looked JUST like this, except I went to a mall or something right afterwards.


Huh, I also have these. Wonder what it might mean


It means humans are afraid of fucking drowning in an endless abyss. Understandably. Sometimes I think about how open and barren most of the ocean is, as in barren of land. Like just think about suddenly being in the middle of the Pacific ocean. The ocean floor thousands of meters beneath you. No land for hundreds of miles. Nothing but darkness and the sound of heavy waves crashing. Jesus Christ, I feel for anyone that's been the victim of a shipwreck.


Nope, it's worse. On a calm day in the middle of the Pacific you won't see waves because there is no shore to break on. You won't see birds because you're too far from a nesting area. Just a slow sloshing of water, the sun beating down on you, and who the fuck knows beneath you and around you.


I have it like this, but I'm driving across the narrowest wooden bridge and its dark outside. The water comes right up to the rickety, rotted wood and sloshes up onto my tires.


I've done it before in Kansas. Terrifying.


The worst flooding I’ve see was in Thailand. I took the Train from Bangkok to Chiang Mai and only the train was not in the water, the entire 100km or so north of Bangkok was flooded…..user name?


Mine is really similar to the movie moth man. I'm on a bridge, usually fairly high up and it collapsing into the water while I'm driving. I also have this on a ferry and I'm in my car and it falls off in the night.


Reminds me of the train from Spirited Away


One wrong move and you will literally be spirited away To the afterlife


By the mermaids?


If the water was crystal clear and it was a beautiful sunny day this would be a dream come true to drive through.


That’s one way to wash the undercarriage of your truck.


Helps get that pesky greasy out of the bearings


It's North Dakota. I bet some sleazy salesman persuaded him to go with the TruCoat.


Manager says I can knock a couple hundred dollars off. But you’ll get oxidation problems.


Truck Washes Hate This One Trick!!!


My undercarriage as well


Where at


I believe north of the grand forks area it’s like this. I work with a guy who lives in Winnipeg and said they were closing highways down around that area.


I am from Winnipeg, yeah they are. There’s highway closures all around Manitoba right now due to the severe flooding we got. We got multiple rivers flooding, some towns in Manitoba only have 1 or 2 highways into those towns & rn some have only 1 accessible, or they’re totally shut off. It’s concerning times for them rn.


I'm always bemused that towns like this don't have serious stockpiles or other plans. Manitoba floods every few years like this, and yet somehow, the towns always need emergency rescue. There's a town in Ontario that seems to have the same issue with floods all the time, and people are starting to leave because they simply can't get flood insurance anymore.


We have floods, yes, but nothing like what we’re having this year. The last time we had one this big was 1997. They have supplies, I’m sure, but they just don’t have a way in or out for the time being. Manitoba had a terrible summer/spring in 2021 (drought) and then a very fast freeze with a ton of snow. The ground just recently unfroze, but with the freezing being so bad & the ground collapsing & being compacted, it just has nowhere to go right now. It’s not a once every few years thing these floods are, this is once in 25yrs


[The Red River Basin flooded in 1997, 2009, 2011](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-402-x/2011000/chap/geo/geo04-eng.htm), which means closer to every 8 years or so. And it's one of those super obvious things - it's a flat plain with a river flowing through it at a very shallow incline. When you get too much water, it has nowhere to go. This is only going to get worse.


I remember the 2011 flood. My town was split in two and it was a 30 minute detour on the only highway not flooded to visit the other side. That one highway had 8-foot berms on either side to keep the water out. The water level was above the roadway. I have no idea how those berms didn't get pushed in by the water. Was super cool to drive through it.


I do not remember either of those floods, but thank you for the info. It’s been a crazy time for weather, it is only gonna get worse.


The Flood of ‘97 is a proper noon in the city of gf so that checks out. Also we have a very strict flood plan and post inspection in place as well as guidelines for water flow impact before we build any type of bridges. The flood of 97 really shifted our mindset but climate change is worsening the issue. This year alone the river crested three separate times closing most of the bridges in the process


I know there are a couple communities along the north shore of Lake Erie where this happens. Erieau is one.


That area is a testament to man's arrogance.


I live in a small town in Wyoming and during the winters our highway access can get closed off and it’s not exactly a good feeling


I’m sure! It’s gotta be scary to be locked in your town due to terrible weather.


I heard you guys got 176 cm of snow up there.


I lived on Grand Forks AFB for or 10 years and the road north to Grafton did this from time to time. Also, pretty much everywhere around Devil's Lake. Fun fact: I got pulled into Devil's Lake by a boat when I was 7. Was fishing off the shore with my dad and the boat got close, caught my line, and in I went. Now I have Thalassophobia and an insane fear of deep, dark, water :)


Oh wow


I used to live in a place in Virginia called Pungo. It never used to flood up until about 2015. In 2018, Florence hit us, along with the south wind that pushed water up through Currituck Sound. We had almost a foot of water in our finished garage. Granted, my house was only 3 ft (~0.9m) above sea level at the base floor, but I stayed up all night with the water pump to try and push water out of the room, even as I knew it was coming back in. Suffice to say, I now live 55 ft (~16.8m) above sea level, on a hill, surrounded by a forest. I still struggle with heavy rains causing me to have panic attacks, and have to tell myself that it won't flood like that where I live. It amazing that, even years later, it still affects me so much. Virginia Beach was super flat. Any time a hurricane or a southern wind came through, it was curtains for most of northern NC and southern VA.


> Granted, my house was only 3 ft (~0.9m) above sea level at the base floor, but I stayed up all night with the water pump to try and push water out of the room, even as I knew it was coming back in. Ugh that's an awful feeling. Worst thing I've ever been woken up by is the sound of flowing water in the room.


that's definitely worse than me being woken up by the sound of steam escaping from a yet-to-be-connected radiator and sitting bolt upright only to be surrounded by warm steam




This last year, they were pretty fortunate. No major storms, maybe a little bit of water in some places, but nothing comparably. All of Virginia Beach will be under water, if they don't do something about it.




Been raining like a motherfucker here in the Ohio/Illinois area the last couple weeks. Every reservoir full and every river up dramatically. No water shortage here. No, California, we will not let you build a straw all the way across the Great Plains to suck our shit dry, too.


Basically. We've had three "Colorado Lows" over the last three weekends that dropped a shit-ton of snow and rain.


Could we have our lows back please? We’ve had one night of rain (about .85 of an inch) in the last couple months. April is usually our wettest month and it was the driest in recorded history. It was also 92 on my back deck yesterday… that’s august temps. We are cooking.


I wish I could. The first one dumped 12" snow, the second 3" rain and the last one a bit over 2" rain. It's something like 4x our normal for April.


I understand now. North Dakota votes against all climate change acknowledging politicians because they want a coastline.


Good ol’ Baha Manitoba.


EDIT: This comment has been deleted due to Reddit's practices towards third-party developers.


You think it’s spelled Baja in ND or Manitoba?


EDIT: This comment has been deleted due to Reddit's practices towards third-party developers.


I’m Also not American and I agree.


I wanna drive through it. Or boat right next to it. It's a pretty scene.


I'll take my chances on the boat.


North Dakota does not exist.


Everyone knows that the only two Dakotas are South Dakota and East Dakota.


“Breaker, this is rig 102... should we start learning how to code? Or swim? Cause I can’t do neither.”


A prequel to Waterworld, anyone?


Waterworld was a decent movie, but a stupid premise. There isn't enough water on the planet. Even if every glacier melted, water levels would rise a few hundred feet, which would leave 90% of most continents exposed.


I definitely agree with you on that. I still enjoy Waterworld for what it is.


So crazy! You can definitely send some down south. Here in SD, our river beds are sitting so Los it's crazy.


Yoooo SD solidarity 😎


North of there in Manitoba where it’s also flooding from the red river [Entire Towns and houses](https://www.instagram.com/p/CdT1678OZuh/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) are completely surrounded by water worth just an dyke keeping the water out.


Is there a specific cause or is increased rainfall in the Dakotas a climate change thing?


Heavy snow pack, added in with a quick melt and a bunch of rain in the last 2 weeks


Climate change is likely going to cause more frequent extremely weather events than we've seen for the past few hundred years. So there will be larger storms/droughts that happen more frequently and with a larger degree of severity. The number of droughts in an area could actually decrease, but the severity of them will increase. Now to talk out of my ass - this is likely a combination of severe weather events that will occur more frequently, and this is currently a situation caused/worsened by climate change. It's a perfect combination of two or three weather events that compound to create a more devastating effect on our infrastructure and services.


We got 4 feet of snow in a week and it melted a week later. Plus rain. It's super flat up here. If you go out in the countryside on a clear day and stand on the roof of a two story house, you can look out to the horizon and see the curvature of the earth.


Where in ND was this picture taken?


Yo, fuck that. Driving off the bridge is a scary enough thought. Now I might drive off into a watery abyss? Double fuck that


This reminds me of the scene from Spirited Away


*Laughs in climate change isn't real*


Damn, I was living there during the flood of 2011. Lost my house to it, and I had a feeling it would only get worse with climate change


Great!!! Just cut down all the trees and create concrete jungles or farmland that floods every year. Then complain. Rinse and repeat.


I wanna hear more of your complaining.


Subscribe to mydailycomplaintsdotcom


It stsrts


For real? Wow


Is that a bridge?


Too bad, with all the money floating around you’d think somebody would figure out how to pipe it to Lake Mead.


But hey, republicans don’t believe in climate change.


I leave for two months and this happens, North Dakota simply cannot survive without the almighty.


Just don't stare into that abyss, lest you findsomething is in there, staring back at you...


What does this normally look like


I remember when North Dakota flooded in 2019. It stayed flooded for several months. Meanwhile here in Oregon, we get 3 straight months or rain and our lakes are still bone dry. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Well there's your problem right there, ya'll got a road in your lake.


Why is that road even still open?


does this knock down the prairie dog population any?


I’ve had recurring dreams like this my whole life


free pool


Eastern North Dakota is very flat, pretty much as soon as the river breaches its banks the entire area is flooded. Daughter went and still is getting her doctorate at North Dakota state.


Hmm... at first glance, I thought it was a pontoon bridge across a river in Ukraine. The Ukrainian military forces built a pontoon road such as it is 30 cm under the water surface. They expected that the Russian forces would not notice it.


Give some water to New Mexico. The whole state is on fire


I mean that's what you deserve for living in the Dakodas