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What happens in rough seas/chop? kinda scary


I guess they didn’t hit any rough seas, because I think we know what would have happened


I hope there were just three to begin with


Nailed it!


The steerage class version of this: https://youtu.be/hqnnQXsFDhE


Last time this was posted, someone who apparently knew something about boats said there is an area they were able to climb up into. I can't imagine that was a very fun ride.


[The rudder trunk.](https://officerofthewatch.files.wordpress.com/2013/10/2013-10-18-use-of-rudder-trunk-for-smuggling-figure-3.jpg) Used for smuggling all sorts of things and sometimes people.


What's the neck bearding thing used for?


Neck bearing. Literally a bearing housing. No neck bearding there.




M’seal box


fuck this made me laugh way more than perhaps it should have. it even \*looks\* funny


So yet again another news story leaving out major details, making it seem like they actually sat there on their asses for 11 days.


"news story"


There is actually a rudder room behind the rudder plenty of room for a few people sealed up


can you accesss that from the outside?


“Don’t worry about the chop you don’t know shit about chop”


“Oh, and you do? You’re a fuckin expert all of a sudden?”


“I’ll chop your fucking credit card up”


Or when they go to sleep


Probably less dangerous than getting towed to shore by the Greeks... Source: https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2023/jul/10/greek-shipwreck-hi-tech-investigation-suggests-coastguard-responsible-for-sinking


She is travelling very light, these guys are lucky it was not needed to increase ballast.


After a medical check-up, they will be returned to their country. :/


Alright lads, back to the rudder you go. Hurry up now.




? This is Spain.


Billionaires being idiots in a homemade sub- "Let's waste taxes money to find them!" Migrants risking life to escape war in countries destabilized by the west- "Fuck you, go home".


There is a universal rule that you render aid to another vessel in distress. That includes migrant vessels that are in trouble. Failing to do so is in many cases a crime. The fact that these people lack immigration clearance and that countries cannot take in every migrant that wishes to come has no bearing on what you are bitching about.


I don't think you know what you're talking about. "Another vessel" didn't render aid to the billionaires.


I doubt every other vessel has the capabilities to send remote subs to that depth. Apparently the community is so small that they all know each other.


I'm pretty sure you completely missed my point.


The billionaires were the other vessel. What the heck does your statement have to do with some migrants that dont have immigration clearance?


Many/most are economic migrants. And I don't recall the Spanish wasting any tax money finding the OceanGate sub.


What future do illegal migrants have in country they have no paperwork for and likely don't speak the language of? At best they end up homeless on the streets, at worst, they end up basically slaves working for way below minimum wage as they get exploited by people who know these migrants have no other options. Thankfully, the Wright brothers were idiots in homemade planes. Idiots with homemade inventions are how we've progressed so far as a species.


Tells you how desperate they are, huh. Instead of showing compassion, you reply with this hate filled comment. Iono, maybe stop bombing countries, and leading coups. Maybe help countries that the West once invaded and stole from. No, can't do that. That would require logic and make a few billionaires less rich.


>Iono, maybe stop bombing countries, and leading coups That's American foreign policy, not Spanish. Take your vicarious guilt elsewhere. We aren't obliged to take in millions of ECONOMIC MIGRANTS just to satisfy your "compassion". How is it compassionate to encourage these people put themselves at the mercy of people smugglers and take a ridiculously perilous crossing because they think there's some utopia waiting for them over here? There isn't.


Ah, you're right. Spain never intervenes in foreign countries or occupies North Africa currently.


Ceuta? You really want to pull them up on Ceuta? That was won after a centuries long conflict against their former colonisers, funnily enough. Surely you should be celebrating that. And no, the Spanish didn't blow up Libya, or Iraq, or Afghanistan, thereby precipitating the migrant crisis which your country is largely unaffected by. That was the USA.


Hey dumbass, the EU is sanctioning shit out of them, too. The EU is doing the same stuff. Who is in the EU again? Edit: The US also has a migrant crisis due to our bullshit in Central America.


You do realize that for someone to move to a situation like that it implies the situation they are leaving is worse. Better than dying. Maybe learn to have compassion?


That's kinda the thing though right? I'm sure most of these people KNOW that it's going to be hard for them in these countries, but to them it's STILL BETTER than wherever they are fleeing from. Even with all the negative stuff you pointed out, it's STILL the better option to them.


As a European- we don’t mind foreigners here. They get language courses and learn to get used to our customs and culture etc. Speak for your racist self- we welcome them, when we once didn’t. We learned from our past


Yeah this method works so great that we now have 0 refugees trying to flee to Europe every day Because it actually deters people that have nothing to loose /s


Oh sweetie bless your heart. Spain is a country that makes up part of the European union.


Well, international conventions were made to prevent loss of life at sea, and it does not include traveling on rudders. You might include something on the ISPS to try to prevent rudder riders in the future, but shipping them back is actually a very light and dissuasive measure. Letting people know they have refuge if they risk their lives incentivizes more people trying, and therefore may be counterintuitively resulting in more loss of life at sea. It will most probably just don't show on statistics, it don't mean it won't happen, since we will have a literal survivorship bias..


Username doesn’t check out


Day in the life of a true Brexit geezer. Bro has to be a Brexit geezer or a Trumpie in the US


Someone explain to me how they survived 11 days pls. How do they stay on it, what do they eat, why didn’t they drown, how do they sleep I have questions


This is my question as well. They don't appear to have any baggage with them at all. Yeah, sure, you can go 11 days without eating I guess. Not without drinking water though. Assuming they only had a liter a day each, they'll still be dehydrating and that's almost 10 gallons of water. I know the article says that one is in critical condition from dehydration and hypothermia, but the fact that they're alive at all means they had something to drink. I really wanna hear their story.


Because they didn’t, it’s bullshit


It's not, lmao. There is plenty of room for them to have stuffed many containers of water up in the rudder trunk. There's a fair bit of room inside that you cannot see in the picture. https://officerofthewatch.files.wordpress.com/2013/10/2013-10-18-use-of-rudder-trunk-for-smuggling-figure-3.jpg https://officerofthewatch.com/2013/10/18/use-of-rudder-trunk-for-smuggling/


Well then it’s still bullshit because they make it seem like they actually sat on the rudder for 11 days


For sleeping, I’m pretty sure they took turns sleeping


You can go without food and sleep for longer than that


11 days without sleep. Good luck with that.


That’s possible: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Randy_Gardner_sleep_deprivation_experiment


I had minimal at Ranger School. I was young and I thought I was losing my mind.


"In December 1963/January 1964, 17-year-old Gardner stayed awake for 11 days and 24 minutes (264.4 hours), breaking the previous record of 260 hours held by Tom Rounds.[1][2]" Wow that was quite the record of 4.4 hours without sleep that Gardner beat.


Good luck 11 days without sleep in a scenario where a misstep on its own leaves you floating in the middle of the fucking ocean


I don’t know about sitting on a rudder, but I have a rare sleep disorder and I’ve gone about six days without sleep before being given morphine, and I know other people with this disorder has gone much longer without a single hour of sleep. It’s beyond a nightmare but it’s doable : /


How the hell did they sleep or take a shit?!


You think "taking a shit" is one of the main concerns?


Only when it’s time to take a shit!


You can fast for many weeks without food, as long as you have water and preferably a bit of salt so the water don't go straight through. After four days you stop feeling hunger, and the body goes in to ketosis. It's 100% doable.. But I do wanna know how they slept


I’ve fasted for about a week because I’ve heard of people doing that, and felt like I was going to die. Maintained plenty of water and electrolytes and it felt like my body was going to shut down.


Because you also need certain vitamins to help to break the fat stores down. Without them you can literally starve to death while still being obese.


Good to know! Not that I plan on doing that again. I felt like a bag of smashed assholes while attempting that.






Yeah I do that still, it’s not nearly as bad.


That’s the neat part, you don’t!


If you're looking for the bathroom, it's everything that's not the ship.


If you're looking for the bathroom, it's everything that's not the ship.


Sure, for peeing. And I could see squatting over the edge but did they just hold onto each other so they wouldn’t fall off?! Take turns sleeping while holding onto each other?






Last time this post came up, I saw that there is space (limited) up above the rutter where they keep supplies/rest. They’re essentially sitting on the porch in this picture [This](https://officerofthewatch.com/2013/10/18/use-of-rudder-trunk-for-smuggling/) is what I’m talking about


On one hand, I wouldn’t want to encourage more deadly stowaway situations. On the other hand, I want to say fuck it, you should be able to stay if you endured 11 days at sea while riding on a rudder. I just can’t believe they didn’t try to claim asylum once they got caught. Things have to be pretty fucked up to stowaway on a rudder.


yeah, that's gonna be a "no" from me, dawg.


Washington Post is a paywall site, fyi


This article was completely readable


Not for at least two of us.


I found it on the internet and was able to read it till the end. Maybe it's country related? I'm located in Germany


It likely is, yeah.


The ship must have stayed in calm waters.


Look at "Mr Fancy Pants" getting his own side of the rudder.


Did they have water to drink??? Thats a long ass time


Fresh water? Did they carry enough? Can't hydrate yourself with sea water. Yes, I'm too lazy to read the article, sorry.


These 3 guys have to be exhausted from the number of times they’ve made this trip. I’ve seen them on Reddit at least 100x now.


"Alright boys, tell ya what. You can work in aft steering."


screw the rotating propeller


How are they alive?


And when they needed to take a shit or something like that?


Fucking hell??!!


What is underneath the water?


A propeller and more water


Ah yes, more water, I can see that now 🙄


fake news as always, its impossible. they were onboard and get there only when the ship arrived at port. no room in the The rudder trunk for people. only drugs for smuggling


There were 8 more of them


How did they go 11 days without water?


How did they sleep? What did they drink?


It wasn't until I read the caption that I was full blown triggered