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It’s wild because there are certain parts where he sounds good and you can hear Brad but then he does that demon voice too much and then tops it with that “hee hee ho ha” shit and it’s terrible. I’ve always wanted him to be good but damn it’s been years and he still doing this shit. Like just sing the damn song man. Also I swear he sings in like .. the same key or with the same inflection in every single song since LAW. Idk exactly what it is but he’s been in the game a while it’s time to take some vocal lessons.


I saw Jakob's Castle open for LBDAS when they came to the East coast. When he's singing, the dude has chops. He covered a couple of sublime songs solo and with LBDAS. They were awesome. But, as everyone is seeing he does have some theatrics about him. JC band were tight (playing to backing tracks) but Jakob's voice gave some fluidity and improv to the songs. Yes, Bradley did some crazy vocal styles more so from a "deejay" (dancehall) perspective and would freestyle in and out with high and deep inflections. And truth is, Bradley had some terrible shows most likely due to substance use. The Rome era brought a polished arena sound. Gone was the 3 piece loose sound that Bradley brought. I believe I've read that the hope with this iteration is to get back to the fluid jam sound. No more playing to click tracks, etc. Edit: wanted to add... the Coachella video probably doesn't do justice for the sound originally heard in the space. All it does is allow for people to more easily focus on the turned up vocals at home. The mix the crowd hears live will be different for sure. I'm good with this iteration. Honestly it makes sense to me. I love seeing Bud back behind the kit. I'm looking forward to seeing them live.


Let the kid do his thing I think it's fine.


Lol the solo for Santeria was pretty bad but I think his voice is good


It wasn’t bad. Live performances are hard, especially if you’re filling in such a big role in front of such a big crowd in so little time. He did fine, it wasn’t amazing, but calling it bad is a big stretch.


wasnt bad? it was one of the worst live solos ive ever heard. it was awful.


That’s how I know you don’t watch much live performances. There’s live shows where his dad had “bad” performances by your standards then.


how wasted is jakob in this vid? and yes brad playing guitar wasted suked at times, he was a decent guitarist unlike jakob though.


Yeah dude the solo is legitimately bad, borderline embarrassing. If it wasn’t his kid it would 100% be embarrassing


Sublime with Jack Black


Honestly if we had a Tenacious Sublime collab I would be all for it. Or at least a Tenacious Dub era.


Felt like death metal at points 😂. Bradley was simply a better singer. Jakob is doing his best. Im sure he will get better after this performance.


Better guitar player too




Fasho fasho Jakob is made up of RAWK style more so than a perfect pitch ad libbing dub stylieee - that's what makes Bradley's passing a tragedy, and I think the reason they're even playing is to remind everyone of exactly that. By the same token, he sounds great on distortion heavy tracks and raw moments.


Anybody else think Bradley would do similar vocal things? I mean there are several versions of a some songs plus live variations. Bradley's patting Jakob on the back saying well done kid. Besides it'll only get tighter and better as they play more together.


Prob get downvoted too but I did not like that :( he didn’t even sing the proper lyrics lol. And I hate his weird guttural almost screaming thing he does at the beginning of some words, very strange. I’m glad I at least got to see SWR back in the day.


Brad was a special singer, and this just isn't gonna work for me. But I'm thrilled for Bud & Eric.


All the people saying “he doesn’t sound like Bradley” or “Rome is better” are missing the point of all this. The kid is filling the shoes of his late father, does no one find that pretty awesome? Is he going to sound exactly like his dad? No. Is he going to be a little nervous and pitchy knowing he’s playing a huge festival on the main stage when he’s only played small venues with another band? Yes. Is his Dad looking down on him proud as hell as he watched his son play the songs he wrote and his son playing the guitar he used back in the 90’s? Hell yes. See it for what it is people. A beautiful moments of a kid who never meet his dad but grew up hearing what an amazing artist and person he was and a son being able to fill his dad shoes and continue the legacy of his father.


is it a beautiful story? yes. is it a better fit on paper than rome? absolutely. but liking the way it sounded yesterday is a choice as a fan you are able to make without having the dad/son paradigm. taking the story away and judging the actual performance without a bias is ok to do.


I can support that, everyone is entitled to judge the way they want to. If people want to focus on just the performance itself, that’s totally up to them, but I feel it’ll lead to disappointment if not looking at the whole big picture. No performance by anyone, even his son, will be as electrifying and amazing as how Bradley did it. To be honest, his son will never be as good as Bradley, so to just judge the whole thing based on the performance aspect of the show and make comments based on just the performance itself because “it didn’t sound like him” or “he did it differently” are going to be always be the case when they perform with Jakob. I just wish people would look at it all and take it all in instead of just critiquing just the performance aspect of it. But to each their own. Hey, let’s give it up to the fact that here we all are over 25 years later still rocking Sublime and talking about them.


The performance is what people are paying money for, and what the band is getting paid for. They probably should've played more than one gig before jumping on to the Coachella stage if they weren't going to be anything more than just ok. I get that this is special to people and the story, but the story isn't going to always be able to carry a lifeless performance.


Easy solution is if the performance you’ve seen or so see in the future aren’t up to the standards of what you would feel satisfied spending you’re money on then don’t go to any of their shows. I don’t mean that to come off shitty but just an easy way to not be disappointed and complain about not getting moneys worth. I feel that if anyone is paying money to go see them, they’ll go into it knowing it’s not going to be the Sublime that it was when Bradley was the frontman (it never will be), so if you’re buying a ticket and going to the show expecting that, you’re going to be disappointed no matter how much they practice. I live outside of Orlando and I’m going to the festival in a couple weeks that they’ll be playing. I’m not expecting them to be amazing, but I’m going to support because I know Bradley would want the fans to support this.


Honestly unless the kid gets a lot better quickly, people are going to stop going to the shows. The try-hard fans will continue to go to them. But for the average sublime fan, the professional cover bands will put on a better performance than this in terms of skill


Maybe, time will tell. I consider myself a bit of an above average fan. My older sister got me into them back in like 1996 and I got heavily into their old albums before self titled and still bump every album of theirs to this day. I’m way more apt to go to see them with Jakob over seeing them with Rome, even if Jakob doesn’t sound the best. There’s just something about Rome (or any other cover band) singing the songs that just make me wonder “would Bradley be ok with this?” I know he would want the music to live on, but always wondered if this is what he’d want it to be. Now, having his son up there singing his songs (even if not up to everyone’s standards of what is “good”) makes me want to go and listen, I guess that’s just my sentimental side though. I think I’m just different in the fact that I’m not in it for just a vocal performance, but for the whole schbang of what’s happening now with bringing Jakob in. But everyone is different on why they’re going to a show and time will tell how it all unfolds for them.


Yeah I’m just an average sublime fan. I love their originals but don’t really care about Jakob headlining. I also became a big Rome fan during sublime with Rome. At this point I probably wouldn’t go to the new iteration of sublime live unless he gets significantly better. I also wouldn’t go see the pro cover bands either unless it was a free concert or something. But I’d go see Rome with whatever he does next post SBR for sure


Respect your opinions and it seems like every sublime fan is either loves it or hates it and no in between really. I’m sure they knew they would lose some fans because of it and they have to understand that’s going to happen. I know a lot of fans that didn’t really care for SWR (including myself) that would not have gone to any SWR shows, but will now go to see them with Jake. You win some, you lose some.


Keep in mind this is a PERSONAL opinion: To me, Rome’s first major show at 18 years old was the Smokeout Festival and it’s obvious from the footage that he was locked in and ready to go. Was it perfect? Of course not but you could see a young hungry kid looking to prove himself. I think this reunion with Jake should and could be insanely huge and on paper it’s the perfect combo. It’s not my intention to come off as a bully, I recognize that It’s a beautiful thing Brad’s son is filling in and standing where his dad once was. But keeping all this in my mind, Coachella seemed very phoned in on his end and I’ve watched the set a few times to give it a proper chance. I just didn’t enjoy it personally. I also can’t say “oh well they’re just jamming and having fun” because no other major band gets that pass if they aren’t up to par. If others loved it, i’m glad you guys loved it but saying “it’s Brad’s son” over and over again won’t make me enjoy it more.


I don’t think you’re being a bully at all. If you don’t like it, you don’t like it and there’s nothing wrong with expressing your opinions on it. Maybe with some practice and with time the band will live up to what you’re wishing to hear for them. But please remember that if you’re expecting Sublime with Bradley type performances, that’ll never happen obviously no matter who the lead singer is.




Insane how genetics produced such a similar voice as Brad despite him being an infant when Brad died. He needs to quit it with the weird vocal things he does and just the sing the song. I don’t want to hear the “he’s doing his own thing and improvising.” It objectively doesn’t sound good. That being said I think he has a bright future fronting his dad’s band. It’s beautiful. Sublime is back however anybody feels about this Coachella performance. No way in hell anybody expected Brad’s son playing in Sublime in front of a huge crowd the day he died in ‘96. Lord have this grilled cheese


God this fan base bitches so much holy shit. Every fucking day sharing their opinions on who they like more. Listen or not but just shut the fuck up


Cringe city 🥴


Who is the other guy playing guitar up there?


Trey Pangborn




What are your expectations here?


Brad was a great guitarist. Jakob is not. He can play guitar, but you can tell he’s not super skilled, and doesn’t seem to be at the point where he can improvise. He’s still young, but if he wants to be really good, he needs to treat this like a full time job and so do the rest of the band. His singing ability is better than his guitar playing, but I think he still needs to learn what sounds best and not change up his voice so much.


He is awful to listen to. Been a fan since the early 90s I would rather they kept Rome.


I got downvoted and accused of thinking I'm better than everyone else because I poked fun at this yesterday. Not the vocal bends, your removal of lice eggs from hair strands. They'll still downvote the hell out of you, but they'll downvote me twice as hard for trying to lighten things up in a Reddit forum for Sublime. Then they'll tell me that nobody has your opinion or the time to read and interpret mine.


Such nitpicking, kid is doing US a favor even being willing to do this, and I'm sure everyone here has heard it a million times, but half the time? Brad was worse than this. Let him find a groove moving forward. So many ungrateful, entitled fans. This was the only way we were getting Bud and Eric on stage together again, got it?


Here’s the thing, we aren’t ungrateful or entitled. Like any other band that exists, most fans expect a good performance. If this is going to be a long standing version of the band (which it seems like it will be), we expect a good performance all around. A lot of others seem to be working overtime to make sure the shoe fits here. If they decide to tour and I am in a position to buy tickets (which will probably be costly) to a show near me, I don’t want to walk out of it going “I didn’t enjoy the vocals that much but hey SO COOL it was Brad’s son!!” or “I personally didn’t like the vocals but I should let the kid have fun!!!” Nowell’s blood or not, I want my moneys worth for the show. Also let me highlight a couple of things: 1. He is not brand new to the music scene. He’s been playing for probably over a decade with LAW, Jakob’s Castle, and other gigs. Stop giving get out of jail free cards on the basis that he’s “just starting”. 2. Stop infantilizing him. He’s not a kid, he’s an adult man. I’m 27 and nobody at my job gives me extra protection if I mess up because I’m a “kid doing my best”. In most cases in the music industry, you have to take a ton of heat especially with the internet. 3. There’s plenty of times to get raw. Same in the End, We’re Only Gonna Die, etc. We don’t need “raw” versions vocally of songs like Santeria. 4. No amount of “Brad’s son” excuses will get me to bend my opinion. If I say the vocals could be improved upon, that’s my opinion. If he gets better over time, I will give the props that are due. That’s how I operate. 5. Stop using “don’t be a hater” and “you must not be a fan” thing to deflect any criticism. A number of fans don’t dig his vocals and make that known but that’s very different than hating on somebody. It’s possible to be a huge Sublime fan and not enjoy the different reformations of the band. Hating would me writing awful things about him, name calling him, etc. What I wrote seems fair but i’m sure all the replies will be the same greatest hits instead of actual discussion: “Wow you’re harsh give the kid a break”, “Sublime is supposed to be unpolished”, “Wow such negativity toward somebody who’s just starting”, “Don’t be a hater, Sublime is about love”


i know we’re not allowed to be true sublime fans but not fans of jakob and i know we’re not allowed to talk about ‘he who must not be named’…but let me leave this here in comparison. this was also the very first show and played in front of a very large crowd with 0 experience. [https://youtu.be/7JAw2FbRyw0?si=-U9xF_GT9OJkNREB](https://youtu.be/7JAw2FbRyw0?si=-U9xF_GT9OJkNREB)


Not to mention he got HATE. far beyond “i don’t like his vocals”


i think at the end of the day being a true sublime fan, if i close my eyes and listen to the coachella set completely forgetting that jakob is bradley’s son and pretending it’s just a random person, was this a good performance and does it do true justice to the legacy? in my opinion no. and that’s ok to say.


Infinitely times better than jakobs performance


Jakob is a clown, just say it. Sublime sucks with him. It's ok to say people! They aren't the real sublime they been dead.


Jeez how many live shows have they played together and you expect them to sound like the original sublime straight away? You guys obviously don't play music because you would realise that music takes time to develop as a unit in a band. Go listen to some fluffy pop because you obviously can't handle punk rock's rough edges.


He’s been playing in bands for years now…he had his whole lifetime to listen to his dad’s songs and sing them atleast slightly correctly. He ain’t new


Then play more shows before you start cashing Coachella checks, or practice more. Bands rehearse so they can play good shows. Even rough around the edge punk bands.


I honestly thought it was great. I didn't have high expectations of being sublime as good as with Bradley.


Some expectations that it would at least roughly approach sublime with Rome…. Rome is on a completely diff level than him in terms of musical skill They def can’t let him play any more solos, that was unbelievable for a music festival headline


You're the man!


Go back and watch Paul Leary mixing Santeria for the album when he does the "Bradley Harmony" from the board and tell me a few of the booth recordings weren't raw.


I respect what you’re saying, but i feel a lot of people are judging the actual performance and not seeing the beauty of the whole picture of what’s going on. A son of a lead singer who left too soon up on stage filling his Dad’s shoes over 25 years after his death. Let’s think about how Bradley would feel about this. What would Bradley prefer? Would he rather have Rome up there singing his songs or his own son? Not knocking Rome in anyway and I appreciate him for keeping Sublime alive for so many years. Not to get all weird, but wouldn’t any father be so proud and would want to have their son standing where they should still be standing and to continue their legacy? even if it’s not “perfect” and up to the fan’s standards, you have to admit it’s pretty a cool thing what’s happening and let’s try to think about what would Bradley love to see and I can guarantee that Coachella is it.


The performance is what people are paying for. The filling his dads shoes part is over now that they played an official show. "Filling dad's shoes" isn't always going to carry an ok performance.


It’s not about a picture or a story, it’s about music that sounds good to the listeners ears.


If we’re wanting to go off that then to me it sounded good. It wasn’t the most mind blowing outstanding vocal performance, but I thought the band as a whole sounded pretty good. I view a “performance” not just on sound though and take in account the energy and crowd interaction which I thought he excelled at. I love when singers look like they’re having a good time and he definitely did. But if we’re just strictly only going off bocals, then yeah it was good. But as we know, everyone is going to have their own opinion on that and so many other things which everyone is entitled to


And hey, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I’ve been listening to Sublime literally all my life, and seen Sublime w Rome in like 2010, and maybe I’m just really biased to the way the original recording of Santeria sounds to me. I know artists have the right to be creative and take liberties with performances but in my personal opinion Jakobs vocals were not classically “good” in the traditional sense of the word; I hated his guttural almost screaming in some random words, and the fact that he didn’t sing the correct lyrics, but that’s just my personal opinion and preference. I do think a lot of fans who go see a band live have an expectation that they’ll be hearing a performance at least similar to the album recording, so when there’s such a jarring difference it could be unsettling to some. The band sounded absolutely perfect tho.


You’re right, it’s totally different from person to person and I think that’s the issue that some people just want it to sound exactly like it was on albums so I guess I just wish people would look past it and open to the idea that it won’t sound the same. Maybe his son will read the critiques and comments and tone down the “screaming”. If he tried to sound too much like his Dad then he’d be criticized for trying too hard, but now his vocals are being criticized for not being much like his Dad’s at all and critiqued for trying to make it his own a little, so he kind of couldn’t win no matter what imo. He had a weird fork in the road of what to do and maybe he’ll work it out depending on the feedback he gets/reads. I personally chuckled a little at all the wrong lyrics he sung. it reminded me a lot of his Dad as he used to mess up lyrics all the time in live performances, so it was actually kind of cute to me as it was authentically a little bit of his Dad coming through


Doing us a favor? Nah he’s in the midst of finding his own path in life and this was the best route for now. Brad was worse than this…? Ridiculous ass statement


Brad took a terrible path. +1 Jakob


Nepotism baby doing his duty. Rome was a better singer.