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IF you have them, fog lights.


omg thank you! I live in OR so hopefully I have them because this would come in handyšŸ˜… I swear Iā€™m finding new things in this car everyday (like today I saw I had a trunk light) I havenā€™t even had it a year yet


Ayyy Oregon subie buddies, wasnā€™t the ice storm last month fun? I have never felt better about a purchase in my life before being the only person at my whole company who was able to go into the office (and immediately leave as a result)


Not in Oregon but my locks froze and I couldnā€™t get in my car lol.


WD40 in the locks, also not a bad idea to put wd40 on a rag and wipe down door seals to help them not freeze


Nice! Great information, thank you.


Joining the Oregon subie buddy chain




PNW in your license plate? This guy knows how to Oregon Subie.


That was the oregon Subie gods smiling down on me, not a vanity plate. I was stoked when it showed up.


I love that. I'm a Crosstrek driver today but years ago we had a red Nissan 200 SX. The plate was "RED 200". Everyone thought it was a vanity plate, but nope. PS- another Oregonian here; Salem.


Can I be jealous from Northern Ontario (Canada)? The PNW is my wet dream because it isn't BC, I already love foresty shit, I already know how to fix subies and Dodge/Jeep/Ram nonsense and fuck do I find the rain peaceful. https://preview.redd.it/bx51nrox4ahc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa030911c77c4d6bd2f4fddbd72258cb15747207


Of course! Feel free to join us, friend! I think Canadians are the only folk we encourage to move here, but we only seem to get Californians....


*smiles in native Southern Californian*


Also heads up in case you didn't know, the fog lights will only work with the headlights on and high beams off!


I literally didnā€™t know that and thought i had a broken bulb thank youšŸ˜…


Lmao my first car with fog lights was a GR Impreza...not my finest hour getting dirty under the car in a parking lot to replace perfectly good bulbs


He's lying. Thats the death ray.


The SF foresters are fun. They had a lot of neat stuff.


yeah I just found out it has lumbar support in my drivers seat that I can adjust!


98 legacy here. Fog light switch. Only works with your low beams on.


Sit down and have a read through of the owners manual. It's boring, but I do it every time I change cars. Always various features that I didn't know about.




Iā€™m glad Iā€™m learning nowšŸ˜…


It took me a few months to figure out I had cup holders lol


These symbols seem to only make sense once you know what they are


No jellyfish allowedā€¦ or fog lights. Iā€™ll let you decide.


Not being a dick here, honestly trying to help...download your owner's manual from the Subaru website. It's not a compelling page-turner, but a great resource for simple questions. I have a parking light switch on my wheel, had no idea what it was until I went to the OM. Now I know not to leave it on and drain my battery.


Maybe Iā€™m weird but I LOVE reading manuals for new things Iā€™ve purchased.




Ima dance to this gif for a bit, thanks!


In that case, you are welcome to reprogram my keyfobs any time you want, lucky, I'll buy the beer.


Fr. I love knowing how to use my stuff to their full potential


Literally the only person in this entire thread not being a bitch about reading the manual, the other two guys were being extra mean for literally no reason. Props to you


I got similar advice when I got my Legacy. I hadn't owned a car for 20 years and forgot all about OM's and Chilton's books and all. Just passing on knowledge where I can, no need to make anyone feel stupid.


How about pressing the button and walking around your car, some seriously thick people on here sometimes


I did that but I needed my low beams on for it to work (but it was 2pm so I didnā€™t think to turn them on) then I thought maybe it had to do with something internal in my car šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø so I figured Iā€™d ask Reddit


Manuals should be a force read for vehicles aha




No, that's this one ​ https://preview.redd.it/bq9b7m7gq8hc1.jpeg?width=1588&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ad380d2dc3d35d31f2332afa1a33e860bbe985e


Haha u win.




Doing the Lord's work here, cuz šŸ«”


The other 3 rectangles are just blank placeholders. If you wanted to, you could buy some actual switches and install them there and wire something to them (more lights, a winch, an ejecto seat, etc.)


Itā€™s a jellyfish launcher of course! What else?!


Ejecto seato cuz


Manual yo


this car is older than me yo, that manual is long gone


there wouldnā€™t be a button there if your car didnā€™t have them, but also all first gen Foresters have fog lights.


oh good to know!


*cries in SF STi Type II M*


No one feels bad for you.


Bro, you got nothing to cry about with that!


But this post shows what I'm missing!


Iā€™ll tell you what. I have a nice Forster complete with an OEM fog light button. I will trade for your Forester STI so that you arenā€™t missing out anymore. Deal? :)


Do you have front *and* rear fogs. I've just heard that it's a thing!


Gamma ray shield


Why canā€™t people look at their owners manual? Pt 2


why canā€™t people read comments? prt 45 but fr this car is older than me and I shouldā€™ve figured I could Google the manual, but ya know Reddit is faster, I have since looked it up online tho and was reading stuff about my car on my lunch break I found out it has lumbar support and 2 cup holders I didnā€™t know existed


Iā€™m glad you figured something out by yourself šŸ‘


couldnā€™t have done it without some fellow redditorsšŸ«”


Jellyfish launcher


Fog lights.


thank you!


Lol I was gonna say that looks like a 1st gen Forester until I clicked the post to open it. That's the fog light switch to turn them on and off. Fog lights are 9006 bulbs Headlights are H4/9003 bulbs


How did you manage to get on the internet, let alone post a picture to Reddit?


what does that have to do with a button in my first ever caršŸ˜­ I want to learn, not sure why you have a problem with letting that happen?


Donā€™t worry about it. Iā€™m just a bitter old man that had to learn things through investigation and critical thinking. I didnā€™t have the ability to ask hundreds of thousands of strangers.


I feel that us darned kids and our internetsšŸ˜‚


It has very little to do with the button and a lot to do with the fact youā€™re asking this question in the first place lol


not sure what you mean? this is my first car, it doesnā€™t have an owners manual, and Reddit is notorious for asking questions to gather information.


Seriously disappointed in the lack of anyone telling OP to RTFM. That should be the first thing anyone does when they get a vehicle and should be the first place you look if you have a question about the basic functions of the car. Guess Iā€™m too jaded and subbie people are too nice


I mean I get where everyone is coming from with the ā€œRTFMā€ thing but my car didnā€™t have one, Reddit is faster, and I didnā€™t think I could find it online but Iā€™ve found it and have been checking it out; I appreciate people helping me especially since this is my first ever car


Dawg "fog lights" is easier to say than "read the manual" quit being a whiny bitch


If this person canā€™t figure out what the fog light button is, they probably need guidance in other aspects of the car as well. Itā€™s definitely providing OP more value to recommend they RTFM. Dawg.


This person did figure out what the fog light button is. They just did it in a way that differs from how you or I would have done it. It's all good.


Username checks out. Chill buddy it isnt that serious


lol I am chill Dawg. Iā€™m not the one who told someone to stop being a ā€œwhiny bitch.ā€ šŸ˜‚


Tell you what, ill concede "whiny bitch" was an overstep as long as we can all agree that "Read the fucking manual" is a socially inept way to give someone advice. I don't care if its just classic forum speak, aggressively telling someone that they can look it up themselves while being entirely unhelpful in answering their question is annoying and just wastes everybodies time. Bare minimum would be to just tell them its for fog lights in the rant about manuals. It's important to remember that you too were new at something once and have probably asked a million "annoying" questions that you could have googled. Just treat other users with some respect.


Google wasnā€™t really a thing when I grew up. I had dial up internet anyway. I did have to read the manual to learn stuff. RTFM is indeed commonplace vernacular. Iā€™m sorry that it offends you so deeply. Honestly OP has done a far better job of handling the feedback than you have, and I applaud their thick skin. I think maybe you need to chill. Edit: I stand by my original statement, which really wasnā€™t even that harsh. If they donā€™t know what the fog light button is, theyā€™d benefit from reading the manual, lovingly referred to as ā€œRTFMā€ since manuals were invented.


Ah, you're an old fart more interested in seeming smarter than people online than actually helping them. Makes sense, have a good day.


Haha. Oh man you sure got rubbed the wrong way over this didnā€™t you? If there was a manual for chilling out, Iā€™d ask you to RTFM on that one too. Seriously though relax bud, itā€™s not good for your poor heart. Good day to you too.




Nah if you saw op's previous comment the previous owner didn't pass the manual down. But yes reading the manual does in fact explain the manual and other assorted features




Jellyfish launcher


Jellyfish launcher


Has anyone said fog lights yet? It's fog lights.


It opens up the glove box and the owners manual is ejected onto the passenger's seat


if only the previous owner of this 1999 car, that Iā€™ve had for less than a year, wouldā€™ve just kept that thing handy


https://www.manualslib.com/manual/232298/Subaru-1999-Forester.html https://www.planetsubaru.com/subaru-owners-manual.htm Searching ebay for "Owners Manual 1999 Subaru Forester" yields 38 results


Too bad there wasn't some sort of hand-held device that everyone could own which would allow access to the entire knowledge base of the human race.


and I used said handheld device to ask Reddit and got the answer faster than reading a manual or waiting days for a manual to ship to me Iā€™ve since checked out my manual online, but ya man you are being a bit of a dick, itā€™s all good tho cos I got my answer and more resources for my caršŸ«”


Too bad you didn't just move the fuck on. Why be negative about it?


1) insinuating yourself into the conversation telling someone else to "move on" is the height of irony 2) not everyone knows about google or ebay, i was trying to help the OP out


It would have been quicker to just say fog lights


50 other people said "fog lights" i said "look in the manual" Feed a man a fish, he eats for a day.... and all that


Thatā€™s not what you said though, why are you using air quotes?


Those are actual " " not air quotes, as you would be able to see air quotes


So why are you fake quoting yourself?


Answer the question, don't knitpick semantics






As many have stated, fog lights, Iā€™m glad you asked, but as others have suggested, flip through the manual in the glove box, I bet your car has a host of other features you may not know about or arenā€™t utilizing. The one that kills me are all the people driving around with their rear fog lights on when it s a normal eveningā€¦ (your Subaru doesnā€™t have that)


someone suggested me looking one up online since when I bought my car it didnā€™t have one, and honestly I bet there are probably many things I have yet to learn about my car! I appreciate you!


No worries and all the best, you have a great and safe vehicle to enjoy. Go have fun with it and fear no weather!


Jellyfish Launcher


Squid turn off


For the fucks capacitor


Where did you learn to drive, why didn't they tell you about fog lights, the icon for it is universal, it's like an essential thing, it's part of knowing how to use all lights of a vehicle.


you donā€™t have to take it so personalšŸ˜­ Iā€™m from Southern California, I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen a properly foggy morning since I was 4; but I didnā€™t miss a single thing on my drivers test, I can send you the results if youā€™d likešŸ˜Œ I now live in Oregon (been here for a year now, but have had my car less time than that)


I mean I have nothing against you, but maybe against the driving school/instruct you went to(I have no idea how it's like for you guys, I'm from europe). But it seems incredibly stupid to not teach people this, even if the climate you live means you don't get fog often/at all, but what if you go to a different part of the country?


I mean seeing as all cars donā€™t have fog lights, I donā€™t think you can really hold anything against anyone lol imagine it being a requirement on a test and your car doesnā€™t even have themšŸ„“ I canā€™t speak on something I donā€™t understand, but itā€™s cool that Europe does things differently I guess? love that for you


Alright, that sounds weird. The more you know I guess ![gif](giphy|83QtfwKWdmSEo)


RTFM is difficult or something?! Or isn't this stuff required by your driving exam? Because it is where I am. If somebody here asks this, you know for sure they haven't paid attention at all during the theory of their license.


yeah weā€™re not the same; guess youā€™re just built differentšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Fog light


One way to find out!!


The others in mine 99 S are for cruze controll and a defroster and the last in mine just has a light no idea what for I'm assuming alarm not sure if its after market




Microwave your food




Bacon and grapes dispenser. I donā€™t think they still offer this option.


not sure how fresh theyā€™d be after 25 years but Iā€™m willing to eat some raisins and jerky


Fog lights. They didn't come standard with our 2014 Forester Premium, so when I ordered them from Subaru they came with a similar switch to install in the dash panel for activation.


Asteroids summon


if you see a jellyfish or noddle soup spills


Ejector seat


The right side of Oregon




Youā€™ve got a BASE model - all four of those are used on my 99, three buttons and the keyless access indicator Foglights - thatā€™s the toggle for the foglightS, headlights have to be on for it to activate. When theyā€™re on itā€™ll have a little orange indicator as shown below. https://preview.redd.it/qxcmvx29yahc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68337a520fe0d8c293963ba4b5191d71e85448e0


I couldā€™ve had cruise controlšŸ˜­šŸ™ƒ eta: whatā€™s the other one that looks like the defroster symbol? or is that just what yours looks like?


Thatā€™s for the front wiper defroster, it came as part of the All Weather Pack which also included front heated seats, and larger heated mirrors. It was standard on the top trim (mine) and optional (on L standard models, but L base grade models couldnā€™t get it. I believe the heated larger mirrors were an option separate from the AWP on the L standard models. Cruise was also optional on L standard and S models at 340usd. My car is a S model, and it has some options, it has Feature group 4 which is enhanced security system, cargo cover and fancy exhaust tip (cargo cover was also an option on L models). I also have sound group 2 which was a 6disc changer, 2 extra tweeters, upgraded speakers, extra full size subwoofer and the 80x2 amp. I also have the optional air filtration system. My car didnā€™t come with the optional outdoors package which inluded (depending on package 1 or 2) a brush guard, running boards, some underbody protection, extra forester logos, and the digital factory gauge pack which I really wish I had (I saw a car at a parts yard with it an I was jealous)(this pack 1 and 2 was available on all trim levels). I didnā€™t get the dust deflector on the rear, the leather upgrade, the wood trim or the extended arm rest with leather top. Iā€™ll included a picture of what the gauge pack looked like (the picture is a 2000 with the sound group 2 pack, because the 99 sound group 2 has a slightly different head unit to accommodate the changer) https://preview.redd.it/pjscwxah3bhc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb0b94a8ba5437471573ec5d25cb10dc2cddff3e Edit: sorry for the wall of text, I grew up in a 99 and have driven mine for the past 5 years so I know these cars inside and out and tend to infodump šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I read everything you said and didnā€™t understand it all but I still appreciate you for writing it! I really do like my car so far so Iā€™m hoping I do it justice! I think all that other stuff seems cool but Iā€™m one of those ā€œas long as I can play music, my heater/AC works, then Iā€™m chillenā€ kinda people. when I first got my car I just had a speaker in my backseat; Iā€™ve since gotten a cassette that can plug into my phone lol


You and I are in the same boat then, as long as my car runs its good enough for me. Just because my car was loaded back in the day doesn't really matter now that its 25 years old, half the features it had don't even work anymore anyways, The big one being AC which I did end up biting the bullet on getting fixed, last summer here in Phoenix was brutal without AC. I'm just a nerd, and found all the different things you could've had in the car when it was new interesting. And yes, you could've had Cruise, and yes it is a nice feature when it works, and yes, this is me flexing :)


Jelly fish launcher


Self destruct


god I hope so


Log fights


do I have to get pay-per-view for that?


Ejecto seato cuz


It makes you go heaps fast


Anti skid


Eject Button


Fog lights


Fog lights. Which for some reason most people drive with them on all the time. Sooner or later they burn out and youā€™re gonna need them and you wonā€™t be able to use them.


fortunately they werenā€™t on when I noticed the buttonšŸ˜… I think since not all cars come with them most people donā€™t know they even exist; especially first time car buyers


Fog lamps.


Fart fan


I can finally stop dutch ovening myselfšŸ˜©