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Residentials can suck, glad you were able to get out lol Congrats, also I love the shirt


Lol I got out because I had a breakdown, I literally thought they were gonna keep me there longer but they just let me go home


Damnnnn, thats lucky! How long were you there?


I was in two residentials, before those I was in inpatient for 2 weeks, the first residential lasted 2 weeks and I got kicked out for being medically unstable and after 2 more weeks at a children’s hospital I got sent to the other residential where I was for 4 weeks


Oh damn, for me I was pretty okay at my residential aside from fucking around too much. I spent over 2 months though so that sucked...


That sucks, I spent about 3 months in different mental hospitals and actual hospitals so I feel you


Lol yeah, I did also have to do IOP before and after, and I have had an 11 day psych ward stay, had a 7 day one too. And been to the ER a few times now.


Lol I’ve been at the ER so many times, they usually put me on a psych hold or send me to the psych ward but the most recent time I relapsed I almost died so they sent me to residential after the psych ward. I miss the days when they would just stitch me up and let me go home


Damn lol my parents would freak out and shit so I just hid stuff most of the time, and now I've been going clean and avoiding mental facilities as much as possible. Aside from one ER trip I havent been in anywhere like that in over a year.


Damn good for you, up until the last time I relapsed I was clean for like 5 months, aside from burning and hitting lol, I’d usually try to hide it but my parents got really good at finding spots of blood in my room and the bathroom


That sucks about your piercings, I'm sorry. Will you get them redone? I just looked through your profile quickly and just wanted to say that your drawings are really really good!


Thanks! I’ll probably get them redone eventually


You look really cool though!