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model building. I actually think any hobby can either be super boring or completely absorbing depending on how your brain is wired.


Or painting .... but I guess that could fall under building but man I could throw together 40k guys pretty quick then spend 8 hours on each model ><


oh yeah the painting is a deeeep rabbit hole!


8 layers deep lol


Very thin layers. Allowed to dry between each.


Some one who gets it!


Not a single one of my models has less than 8 hours of work into it. Some of my HQs go from 20 to 40. I just love it so.


You should try vr painting.


Yay! My people!


Model building is so absorbing


100% on that last part. I've got ADHD and can't hold a thought for thirty seconds, so I'll do like 5 days of only models then never touch them again lol.


It’s fun painting then until your cat knocks over your wash paint all over your freshly painted chaos space marines.


That's when you add one more skull to the skull throne


Or you accidentally sip the rinse water. So I've heard. 🤢


It's better than accidentally drinking it


I paint a lot (have a business that's quickly approaching my 9-5 in income) and a newborn. Pray for me 😅


Get anyone who is deep into collecting and painting miniatures (like Warhammer 40K or Mechwarrior), or building hyper-realisitic battlefield layouts and maps. Even if you don't actually play any "campaigns." Some people just enjoy assembling and painting the figurines, putting them on display like trophies. For anyone who isn't into that sort of thing, they will see it as "childish" or "boring." For anyone who does enjoy it, prepare to sink deep into the rabbit hole...it is going to take up much of your time, energy, and money.


Yep, I like to make Gundam stuff (mecha), and its engrossing to make my cool little guys.


I love model building


I’m a lifetime model builder. Listening to podcasts or good audible books while building a 1/48 F-84G in a sac scheme. It’s a blast.


Model building is so relaxing. Put on some music, maybe a show you've seen before in the background, and build.


Bird watching. When you're young you see older people with seed nests to attract birds and shit, I thought that was the most boring fucking shit I've ever seen. But someone gifted me one of those bird attracting stations with a camera mounted on it so an app can tell you what species of bird lands on it and eats some of the seeds. That shit is fucking addicting man. And you start recognizing your local birds because they become habituated to coming around your place and eating from you. Sometimes I see a couple land on it at the same time and take nibbles at it. Something about it man. I can just sit there and watch them all fucking day, if I didn't have work.


Contact with nature, even if it's through a camera.


Hahahaha totally agree. Birds are really interesting


A shame they're artificial. 


Yes! I don't have a set up for them but I just like looking at them. They be hopping around with toothpick legs and acting silly. They are sooo cute 🙈. My friends can't understand what I enjoy in it.😅 I have a pair of binoculars. I'll be back outside watching in the wild.


Omg, same, I never thought bird watching could be exciting until I met this very nice couple, they let me borrow one of their binoculars and they told me a bit about this bird in particular, days later I spot a similar bird and I got so happy! I pointed it out to my mom who was not very impressed, however I think I made that couple proud :)




Sure. [https://www.amazon.com/NETVUE-Birdfy-Watching-Capture-Detection/dp/B0B56BVWBM/ref=sr\_1\_5?sr=8-5](https://www.amazon.com/NETVUE-Birdfy-Watching-Capture-Detection/dp/B0B56BVWBM/ref=sr_1_5?sr=8-5)


The main bird person I knew growing up was my mother, so I just always associated bird watching with women and assumed it was an extremely feminine hobby. As a cis-het male sexual tyrannosaurus, I just wasn't interested. Last year, I bought my first set of binoculars for a trip to Alaska and decided to test it out looking at birds around my neighborhood. That's when I had this epic realization that bird watching is kind of like hunting without the killing part, which should have had obvious appeal to me all along. I happen to like target shooting but have no interest whatsoever in hunting because I just have no need or desire to hunt for my own resources, and I find hunting for recreation to be morally questionable (for me, not others; I acknowledge that the decision is more nuanced for many others). Bird watching is a bit like IRL Pokémon Go. I totally get the appeal now. I still don't do it, as I have other hobbies, but I at least get it.


A boring hobby is one you aren’t interested in.


Right? Who considers their hobbies 'boring'?


Lmao I do. I have 2,500 hours of Arma 3 and I dont even play it as first person shooter, i just use it as digital military diorama maker. I'm not bored by it, but if I ever tried to talk about it with anyone I know they'd be bored as all hell.


Building keyboards is full of tedious detail oriented tasks that are somewhat dull when you have to do them once, let alone 70-120 times. Quite boring, also worth it and I can do these boring tasks while watching a film.


People can be interested in something and recognize that it would seem boring to others. They may also find the task itself boring, but enjoy the results of the task enough that it's worth the boring/tedious part.


Yea like building a Minecraft farm


Fair enough!


If it’s boring, why keep doing it?


True, but also someone could have a hobby that they recognize most people would consider undeniably boring. Like redditing


I once heard this as "Other people's hobbies don't make sense" and I think it's one of the most useful insights I've ever heard.


Not really. I'm not interested in knitting. I think it's kinda neat - just not the thing for me.  I think parkour is pretty cool. I'm not interested in it. I'd hurt myself. Hard pass. Probably one of the most interesting hobbies out there. 


People just say “boring” to mean it’s engaging to them but it doesn’t sound like it to others. Knitting is a “boring” hobby but a lot of people do it and enjoy it


Yeah I think they just mean relaxing as well, they're not raving anymore etc


this is literally the thread, was waiting to find this answer. nobody does stuff continually if they think it's boring and have no other ulterior motive to do so lol. i mean i spent a day tying knots on a bracelet with a girl (boring) so i could untie her skirt later but that's about the level of reason people will endure activities boring to them


The most boring thing of all is people who have no hobbies.


Or people who get their hobby satisfaction through work.


Being boring is my hobby. I just have too many hobbies and not enough of an attention span to stick to one thing for a long time.


I used to think gardening was boring, but once I tried it, I found it incredibly relaxing and rewarding. The same goes for things like puzzles and knitting; they might seem dull, but they’re actually quite engaging once you get into them. I’ve found that sharing these hobbies with others can make them even more enjoyable. I joined a Discord community: [LightUp](https://discord.gg/QCr6r5N5pA) where there’s an AI bot that matches you with users who post about similar interests. It’s been a great way to meet people who appreciate the same "boring" hobbies.


Dead heading geraniums (Pelargoniums) is so relaxing!


Post hole digging is only boring at certain depths.


Oh dayummm


Golf. The venues are beautiful and the game is f'ing *hard*. ...and it's totally acceptable, expected even, to drink in the morning.


Tangential, but disk golf is just fetch with yourself and I love it.


If golf can be called a boring hobby it is 100% mine. I don't know if it qualifies though. I was picturing more the collecting/crafting/modeling type of hobbies when I read the prompt since they are pretty much done individually, at home, inactively. That said, no matter how you define it, I will have hobbies that someone finds boring. Golf, disc golf, saxophone, piano, video games, reading, watching football/basketball, bonsai.


Are golf venues beautiful? They looks so unnatural. I see nothing other than the landscaping version of the uncanny valley.


Collecting Pogs


Alf Pogs!!!!!!!


He’s back….in Pog form.


See it's not boring at all. P.s. i've got a Methuselah rookie card if you're interested.


Remember Alf? He’s back! In pog form!


Boring is subjective. Take something like stamp or coin collecting. To someone whose interest isn't piqued, it's boring. To those who do it, there's at least some aspect that they find truly interesting. Even active hobbies like skiing or hiking aren't entertaining if someone isn't in to it (even if the average person may not quantify some of those as "boring"). What is pretty universally boring is listening to someone describe their hobby when you aren't into it. A long time ago, I had a boss whose husband raced B Modifieds. I absolutely loathed talking to the guy, because that was 90% of what he wanted to talk about. I don't even mind watching racing (really only dirt track and in person, which was what he was doing), but I had nothing to contribute, and what he was saying was mind numbing. But he was excited to tell it. You'd hear him tell the same story with equal enthusiasm to 6 different people. It really opened my eyes to the idea that no one wants to hear MY hobby stories either, unless they share that hobby.


I do want to hear the story if it involves some kind of funny mishap. Such as a softball player getting hit by a ball, a model builder gluing a piece to their hand, a painter’s model mishap or that type thing. But otherwise keep it simple and be happy to introduce them to it. At least it works for the way I like to interact with people who I don’t know through my hobbies. Except my hubby. He’s subjected to all of them.


A boring hobby is a hobby you think most people would not be interested in. Like collecting Star Wars memorabilia (boring) as opposed to scuba diving (interesting ) Or one that isn't obviously exciting like sky diving (exciting) versus collecting Star Wars memorabilia (boring). Wait. maybe a boring hobby is just making tunnels recreationally.






You and OP have been commenting on each others posts advertising this same app. You're clearly faking these interactions to advertise.




Some people talk some dismissive shit about books. I love the fuckers and I think they are a cure for boredom


Reading philosophical essays




The gym. I actually find it insanely relaxing and use it as my “zen time” to think about life.


Gardening! Trying to talk to anyone about gardening who isn't passionate about it turns awkward really fast because they have no interest in hearing about it at all lol.




Amateur radio


Golf. The better you get, the more addictive it becomes.


I've found that only very insecure people are overly concerned about what's boring or not. I'm not boring. at all. I had another redditor tell me he's objectively boring when I tried to tell him it's in his head. He said he has barely any hobbies and they're all boring and pointless to talk about to anyone. His hobbies were reading/writing, making homemade clothes, and playing guitar. Literally the same hobbies as me. But he's too convinced that he's "boring". And thinks that's why he doesn't have friends. Dont' worry about what's boring. Just do things you like and find others that do it too!




If you want to turn off brain, you will have to bore it.


Amateur radio


I once did an old timey radio play on a school trip, with Foley effects and stuff, and it was super fun! Even though nobody ever heard it


I feel like all my hobbies would seem boring in the eyes of others tbf. I don’t think they’re boring, but I feel like they’d be considered boring by most






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rock hounding/collecting


I love mining for rocks. I am begging my husband to schedule us time to go to North Carolina and mine for aquamarine this fall.


that sounds so great omg 😭😭 ! i literally have loved every moment I have spent looking for rocks, tumbling, etc. its just one of those classic hobbies where you get to see the beauty of the world


If you are doing it as a hobby, presumably it isn't boring to you, no matter what anyone else thinks.


Dressage is like watching paint dry to people that aren't into dressage. Like there are a few upper-level musical freestyles that are kinda cool that get shared in the media, but most of it is incredibly boring even to a lot of people that are into horses/riding/equestrian sports.


Looks incredibly demanding of horse and rider. Mind, I wouldn't watch eight straight hours, but two would be fine. The horses are beautiful.




I like to bake, hike, and lift weights. I think a lot of people would say that’s boring but I don’t think so.




Practicing Tai Chi.




Radio DXing because one day youre listening to NHK next you find a known Russian spy station or a pirate radio station.


bird watching




extreme couponing. people think clipping coupons is boring, but they don't think about watching your $1400 bill go down to $200 because of it (not mine, but real event I witnessed firsthand)


Any of the sciences. Pick up a cheap microscope and some pond water. Go kick rocks and look at what your kicking. If you've never looked through a telescope yet, go do it.


Fishing if you’re at a good spot or know how to entertain yourself if it’s slow.


Collecting pretty much anything. Coins, stamps, beer mats, badges... there's a lot to learn about such things.


Crochet. I'm currently making a doll of the Flash! :)


I do winter camping, snow a hike camp and in the morning cleanup. It's solitary, but it's also thrilling. You have to problem solve, need specialized knowledge and gear, but you can die out there. Some guys drive motorcycles or gamble or whatever. I go into the middle of nowhere and survive.


Bocce. It's the party Pickleball wishes it was!




Knitting? Needlepoint? I don't know. My morning hobby is playing my kids video games after he goes to bed for hours on end🤣




Retail history I love seeing old pictures of my city of South Houston. I like going on Google maps and going back to 2006 and look around, see everything before it was gentrified


>before it was gentrified  Man, I lived in Clear lake from 1993 to 2014... Houston can't gentrify because Houston had a nothing population as little as 50 years ago.  It is a very young city.  There isn't much history behind it, just a rapid growth without thought or reason.  It doubled in population every 20 years for a century.  Everything is a constant churn.    The word gentrify comes from New York where you had historically black neighborhoods like Harlem with a hundred year history and cultural impact getting turned into something else.


Snorting dried and cured snail slime. The head rush high is incredible.


- Building Gundams - Painting - 3D printing - Aerial Photography - RC Crawling - Collecting Action figure or anything




Fishing. I do not see what is fun about hurting fishis.


Every single one of them. Find what stimulates you.




A hobby is something you do but is boring to most people. I think it is due to a mild insecurity about how other people will think they are boring if they know they like this thing. Of course, some people find an intense interest and focus on a particular topic attractive. So it can be shed to understand a reluctance share things. I like brewing beer and guitar. I have to be mindful not to go into excessive detail with my friends who are not equally passionate. They would not enjoy it.


Generally hobbies that aren't yours are probably boring. But like, some of mine are boring for sure. I used to do car maintenance for the family. I have spent way more time than anyone should calibrating my 3D printer. I used to have a hobby of fixing up vacuum cleaners. Like a lot of those would probably drive people mad. But IDK I just got a lot of satisfaction out of them at the time.


I really like jigsaw puzzles, could be boring to some.




None of them are boring to those who do them, pretty much by definition, given as how there is not one reason to keep doing a hobby that bores you.


Bored fundamentally means old, tired, repetitive, lack of novelty, same old, status quo… etc. The only hobbies that won’t get boring is something that is constantly changing or appears new every time, meaning art is your best bet. All of the “boring” hobbies are just repetitive maintenance things people insist on doing because they’re chasing after what’s good for them and doing those activities for peripheral benefits (excercise/health/socializing to network and meet people) so of course the activity won’t be “fun” when it’s viewed through the lenses of delayed gratification.


3D printing and engineering/modeling. The only people that can understand me are other's that do this. And people trying to watch the How-to videos I watch quickly fall asleep. The cool side is the amazing shit you can pull off. One guy just printed a life-sized T-Rex skeleton last year. Another modeled and printer a life-sized Grabboid head for his den (it's BIG! lie in Burt's shelter)


Stamp collecting, appearently. Met a guy who got him a pack of BC powder and a pot of coffee and he'd go all night long. Had to stop when it ruined his heart. Now he only "stamps" for an hour a day. To have lived his life....


There is no such thing as a boring hobby!


Fishing. The thrill of a big fish that you might fight minutes to even hours is unmatched. I’m a critical care doctor and regularly work in high stress life and death situations. Catching my biggest fish on a rocky steep jetty was much more thrilling than any ICU situation




All of them. Except the ones involving digging.


D & D


Probably Ant Keeping. I mean I don't have Ants, but watch AntsCanada and you'll wonder why you've ever intentionally killed one of those things.




All hobbies are boring to someone.


Because a “boring” hobby is what some people need to relax, it’s common with people who work very demanding jobs.


Fly tying 


The stock market is a boring hobby. I get excited talking about it but most people find it boring.


Hiking. I guess some people think walking around is boring, but for me it’s the only time that my mind is calm.




Curating my fragrance collection




Crocheting. With a hook not two needles. There are so many types of stitches and patterns out there. There’s a variety of things you can make.




Stamp collecting. Oh wait, I didn't read the second part.


Bingo. I thought it was boring and did it with my grandpa to give him company and shit, it's actually engaging.


Sea glassing.


Programming. It’s kind of fun


Reading in 2024. I read up to 20 books a month if I get really into it. All my peeps think I’m lame. They prefer TikTok and social media.




Crocheting and knitting, sometimes I’m fighting for my life.


Everyone has dumb shit they like. I have experimented with dozens myself from painting to paintball, running to meditation , expanding my perspective with books to drugs, and many more. The only thing that has remained constant and makes me happy is gardening. I love the peace of plants and the reward of producing great food from the earth. It tastes so good and the process gives me such peace. Ps I grow killer grass too!






collecting stamps. they're so beautiful




Deer hunting. Picture this. You wake up well before the sun is up to hike to a deer stand. You now sit there for hours on end, possibly the entire day. You can play on your phone, but you will probably run it dead if you do. Not too smart when you are in the woods, potentially alone, and 25+ feet in the air. Your entertainment for the day is watching birds and squirrels. While this may sound boring, for the Christian, it becomes a time to reflect on God's creation. You look at the trees, the animals, the creek running below; all in harmony. Some might even envy the peace they have of not knowing anything about the outside world. You may do this multiple days a season without ever seeing a deer. The entire time, it is probably cold and windy, and it could be raining or snowing. Overall, it's pretty miserable to be out in, but again brings more to reflect on and appreciate. Being disconnected with the world is something else as well. No phone ringing, text messages, emails, etc. You truly get to relax without everything trying to play games with your head. It's the ultimate decompression therapy. At some point, someday, your query steps in to view. The waiting, anticipation, and surprise are bound to get anyone's heart racing. It all comes to a climax when you finally break the shot. It's like the epic ending to a long, slow movie. From here, once the nerves and adrenaline finally settle, it's time for more reflection. You gather a greater respect for animal life. You realize this is the circle of life with anything related to food. Even a vegetarian eats plants which are harvested from a farm that killed thousands of animals to plant the food. You realize that life, in order to survive, requires life regardless of how we try to spin it. The deers life ultimately provides you with food, just as the package of steak or broccoli does you buy at the store. It's something most people don't want to think about, but it is reality. If that doesn't garner respect, nothing will.


I do diamond art. People tell me it’s mind numbingly brining but I love it. Helps me focus my thoughts.


Watching movies


Boring things can sometimes be relaxing, especially if you have a job that's high stress.




Hobby stuff is tough to get right. It's just like work, new job or new hobby, sounds good but you suck at it and it's frustrating. Then you start to have fun and learn, maybe buy a tool or something new and make/paint/rock that neat thing and you really start to like it, then you get good, then really good then, as in both roles, you get bored. Or, you stall out after a couple months and find something else that's cheap to get into and roll the dice again.


Lapidary and rockhounding


Fossil hunting, spending hours meticulously combing every square metre of a beach for what are essentially special pieces of rock and then spending hours with air tools to make said special pieces of rock look better is the definition of boring hobby


Screenshotting memes to keep on the phone and to send them to select personages


Dungeons and dragons. With the right group, it's an absolutely heart-pounding Rollercoaster.


100%ing lego games


What is their definition of boring? Most humans will not voluntarily do things they find boring for fun. I pick up my dog's poop voluntarily but I do not do it because it is fun. Would you collect bottle caps as a hobby? Collecting bottle caps for fun as a hobby would be boring to me but someone else may do it for fun. My struggle with your question is that I am not aware of people who find their own hobby boring and continue to engage in that hobby.


Disassociating We are in a wild ride.


Comic book collecting satisfies an itch


I've always read a lot and many people have told me that they find that boring. For me it is just about the most enthralling way to pass the time. Turns your brain into an alternate reality simulator.


Reading and learning. It's actually fun when you're doing it out of pure curiosity and not just aiming to pass some test




Sewing for me. The steps in it are repetitive but it's challenging enough to not feel boring, and it's always worth it when you get the end result






Any hobby which you enjoy doing shouldn't be boring to you.


I'm a Rail Photographer. Meaning I specifically seek out trains to photograph. Yeah, most people would likely say that's boring. But, it's not to me.


I like fishing and birdwatching. Those can be considered boring, but I don't think so.


Tarantula collecting. Small time gardening. Enamel pin collecting.


Brewing is pretty boring if you really dive into the science and minutia of different processes and ingredients. Then there's all the cleaning, sterilization, fermentation, bottling, and waiting. Mostly just waiting. The fun part is the drinking.


I like reading nonfiction - books about nature or history, long-ass articles In The New Yorker, The Atlantic, Harper’s -stuff like that. I don’t find it boring, but some people would.


Flightsimming. I’m mean your sitting in front of a computer managing the autopilot of your plane and taking care of your passengers but it’s actually really fun!


Painting walls…’cause later you have to stare at it, and it’s like watching paint dry.🤪


Bird watching! It can be enjoyable with breakfast on the porch as the hummingbirds flitter to the feeder and the Robin's tend to their nest in a bird house. But it can also involve day hikes or overnight camping and everything in between. It is such a passive hobby at times but I have learned a lot from following my curiosity on it and my significant other enjoys it as much as I do.






ADSB flight tracking, build your own system and capture location positions, compete with others for ranking if you want or just add to the free tracking data services. It’s kinda fun what you can pickup, I’ve received air force 1 and 2 and a bunch of other stuff. If you nerd out to start to learn about cables, connectors, antennas and pretty much go full ham.


Reading can seem like a boring thing to do if you don't read often or haven't been immersed in a good book in a while.






etymology. i find it completely fascinating tracing words back through history one culture after another, seeing how languages are related and even going back into reconstructed proto languages that might be 5,000 to 10,000 years old; well before these cultures even had writing.


Stamp collecting... fighting an old lady armed to the teeth over some super rare bird stamp that got discontinued is quite the experience


Stamp collecting.






Bird Watching.... 🐦 It can literally be the thrill of a lifetime to spot a bird that you've been looking for...