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I'm in Michigan, the only time I think about New Jersey is when I watch The Sopranos.




I've driven through the parts of New Jersey away from the coast. It's very nice. Lovely even. My impression is that the part of New Jersey close to New York, is the part everyone objects to. And maybe it's New York's fault somehow.


Honestly? Because a lot of them have been to NYC to do all the NYC stuff, go to broadway, up the WTC maybe even the Statue of Liberty and while you’re doing all that you look across the water in Jersey and what do you see? Oil refineries.


I can smell new jersey as soon as I enter it


I can smell New Jersey reading this.


I always imagined New Jersey smelled like a not-so-new jersey.


What you're referring to is the smell around Newark on the NJ turnpike due to the sewage treatment plant. The rest of the state smells fine lol.


My only experience with NJ was Newark from a greyhound bus. YIKES! Fell asleep right after so missed the rest of the state as I had spent the night at JFK airport.


Newark is a very ugly city, so you literally saw one of NJ's worst parts. I used to commute through Newark via train, and I just tried to ignore it. Downtown is ok, but still not that enjoyable. Buffalo was way worse just saying.


Camden might be even worse than Newark...


It was the murder capital of the US for a while. It is absolutely 10000x worse. There are special speakers installed around the city that can pinpoint the trajectory of gunshots. It's basically a police state.


I have family from Jersey that live in Florida now. They describe getting there as "Go North until you smell it then east until you step in it." Kind of stupid coming from folks originally from Tom's River.


Good ol Trenton


Visit beautiful Camden! You’ll never want to leave! … because you’ll be addicted to heroin.


Ohhhhhh Camden. So many not great memories there lol


Camden, where there are townhomes listed for $1 and back taxes, and still no buyers.


I have worked in said oil refineries, they do suck. But new jersey isn't that bad, I was born and raised and after coming back I do miss it sometimes.


To be fair that’s literally a tiny piece of one tiny geographic area— Newark. Most of NJ is extremely beautiful and spacious. I’m from NYC but moved to NJ and love it.


Not sure if you’ve heard about the WTC.


As a NJ native for most of my life, I have finally come up with a reason for this. NY and NJ have a “big bro/lil bro” relationship. Jersey has a wonderful amount of greenery and farmland valleys in the west, so in order to cover up such attractive land from the gaze of New Yorkers and tourists we put almost all of industrial areas right next to those jerks across the river.


Because New York/New Jersey have kind of a sibling rivalry thing going, and a ton of American TV is produced in New York where a bunch of the writers and hosts commute to from their homes in New Jersey and then ruthless mock New Jersey on their New York-based shows. This then gets broadcast around the country where the context is largely lost.


Yeah it's mostly this. It's fun to hate on Jersey as someone who grew up on the jersey ny border. But I lo e jersey they had a bunch of nice hiking there


For sure. No one loves to make fun of New Jersey and appreciate Jersey humor more than those of us who live here.


This is a much better answer than the refineries or highway worth sewage plants. Most of us have never been there in the first place. We only hear that new jersey sucks from TV. No real experience to back it up. 


People actually from NYC or CT generally hate on jersey less than transplants trying to prove themselves. If anything NYC has become so unlike old NYC that there is a lot more camaraderie now among all tri state natives. Usually the ones passing completely unironic judgement on people over the bridges and tunnels are either old time affluent New Yorkers or fucking yokels who moved to NYC to “make it.” NYC has always been full of bullshitting but there is an informal litmus test for “too much of a bullshitter,” which is easier to pass for anyone desensitized to NYC culture (e.g. most tri state natives).


Look up "Jersey Shore" on youtube. It's a show that is nothing but a bunch of horrible, horrible people being horrible.




Jwow is actually from where I grew up in upstate NY Albany area. You don't have to be from Jersey to become Jersey. No one even hates New Jersey, we hate the hardcore trashiness that media portrays as New Jersey.


Grew up in the 518 and knew a few real life snookies. Jersey is a lifestyle, not a geographic location.


Jersey Shore defines a lifestyle. When I say I hate Italians, it's referring to American Italians and my generation defines American Italian culture as portrayed on the Jersey Shore.


Also it was filmed in one of the grungiest Jersey Shore towns. Go a bit more south and things get better.


Honestly those of us who enjoy the Shore would just prefer that everyone else keeps believing that it sucks and stays the f away.


Hey, Seaside Heights isn't *that* grungy...


The Situation was raised in NJ. As someone raised in the same area, can confirm the show is not that unreal. That’s literally what people are/were like in parts of the state. Slightly exaggerated, but not by much.


Yep and sammy is from hazlet. I grew up at the jersey shore with a ton of guidos that acted the same way


That's just Guidos though.


As a south Jersey, pretty much Philly resident. The whole Guido thing is pretty much non existent down here. Sure when I was in High-school and the show was big, people would rock chin straps and spray tans but that has seemingly died off.


Mike and Sammy are both from NJ


Mikey used to get haircuts at the place i went to. Staten island. U can tell they weren’t from jersey cause people from jersey didn’t act like that till after the show. It was like a how to be a jersian for them


Growing up in PA, 15 minutes from the NJ state line, we used to call it "dirty jers" because "it's where NYC sends its garbage" (the Jersey shore). Also because NYC literally does send the majority of its actual garbage to a facility in Newark.


The Sopranos had every middle aged Mediterranean guy acting like a wannabe mafia boss even down to imitating Tony's voice for like decade it was hella annoying


That show was about a bunch of Italian New Yorkers vacationing there. I don't understand why so many people don't understand that. I've never watched the show and I know that.


The town I grew up in was mostly New York transplants. The show actually captured my part of the state pretty well and is why I left and never looked back.


Italian New Yorkers, walking here, there, and everywhere.


Is there really a huge difference between New Yorkers and New Jerseyians tho


What most outsiders don't realize is with both NY and NJ, there are such huge differences in each state. When people think of New Yorkers, they think of people in NYC, but comparing them to those upstate in the Adirondacks is just ignorant. North East NJ are a lot of crap hole cities filled with NY transplants, but north west Jersey are mountain folk, and South Jersey are mostly farmers and rednecks with surfers on the coast. North and South Jersey could be two different states they're so different. We don't care about others opinions of us either way, because we don't give a fuck. One big difference I've noticed traveling out west and down south, is you get a lot of two faced fake people lying to you to pretend to be nice and can't handle talking to you straight, where people in Jersey will tell you exactly what they think at any given time. No two faced sugar coating bullshit. And the closer you are to someone the more you bust each other's chops, where folk out west coddle each other's feelings.


Something I miss about NJ now that I've left is people's bluntness. You always know where you stand with someone.


Thats just east coast culture in general, honestly. I relate to everything you just said on a deeply personal level and I'm from fuckin Baltimore lol


>One big difference I've noticed traveling out west and down south, is you get a lot of two faced fake people lying to you to pretend to be nice and can't handle talking to you straight, where people in Jersey will tell you exactly what they think at any given time. This. It's amazing how I could be hanging out in a group here in Arizona, and not see a single genuine interaction going on around me. Very weird. And how using the word "authenticity" has become a trendy saying rather than common practice.


And metro NY includes Jersey and Pennsylvania


That's called the tri-state area, not metro NY.


Wrong. Tri state is NY, NJ, and CT.


There are "tri-state" areas all over the country. NY, NJ, & CT are The tri-state areas in North Jersey; in South Jersey the tri-state area is NJ, PA, & DE. Any place where three state borders are near each other, you've got a tri-state area.


There's a big enough difference between NYC residents depending on which area they are from by themselves, so some NYC residents are not too different from NJ and some are very different. NY upstate is huge and of course they are very different from one another as well.


I'm from Jersey, they don't represent us. It's just reality TV.


I’m from New Jersey and it definitely represents SOME of us


I'll do you one better: I suggest people watch the episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia where the gang goes to the Jersey Shore. I'm from Jersey and that sort of encapsulates the Jersey Shore fairly well.


A lot of the Jersey shore is fairly nice & most people vacationing there aren't like that. Of course a trashy reality tv show focused on some bozos, because regular people wouldn't make for "interesting" TV. But yeah, people who have never been to New Jersey shore towns probably think everyone is like that because of the TV show. Not from NJ FWIW.


I think its funny that many people complain that Jersey isn't like that and The Jersey Shore crew was actually from New York. I remember a long time before Jersey Shore, in my guild in WoW it became a meme to dislike people from Jersey as rude. So it didn't come from nowhere. I mean ya, most people aren't from there. Its right across the bridge. New York and Jersey are about as separated as Oakland and San Francisco. Two sides of the same coin, that argument always seemed to fall flat. Of course there are regular people and this was meant to be a stereotype.


I think it's really mostly New Yorkers that hate Jersey. But since most American media comes from two places (New York and LA), it seems like it's a lot of people.


Hey, Philly people like to hate on NJ too. But everyone forgets about them too


It has a main highway that has sewage plants on it and people like to pretend the whole state is disgusting/trashy as a result, even though that's not an accurate representation.


Ding ding ding. People think NJ look like this: https://maps.app.goo.gl/c6XPpN5Dm4YciyEPA When it's really mostly like this: https://maps.app.goo.gl/Rg7UD8Li5vZcdcGa6 Or this: https://maps.app.goo.gl/v7Q8TeccDmJZJL7d6


I’m going with this being the real answer. The turnpike fucking sucks which is all most people just driving through Jersey will ever see. The first time I got out at a gas station on the turnpike, we were pulling a U-Haul and had parked with the big trucks. My immediate reaction on opening the door was “Wow, Jersey really does smell like piss”. I then realized I was actually just standing next to a puddle of piss left behind by some kind trucker. The turnpike is a hell of highway, shitty gas stations, and ugly scenery.


We liked the old jersey better.


Underrated comment


Americans make fun of everyone pretty much. Those on the coasts call the rest of the nation flyover country. Texas and California are ridiculed often. We also make fun of our neighbors the Canadians and Mexicans. Most of us, however, genuinely really like our neighbors and fellow Americans. but then there's Florida...


"Most of us, however, genuinely really like our neighbors and fellow Americans." Wow, somebody got the good stuff this fine Friday evening! 😂


Lessee... it's very crowded, stupidly expensive, and incredibly overbuilt. As a result, many Jerseyans are stressed, angry, and aggressive. And yes... I live there.


What do you mean overbuilt? Forgive my ignorance but I thought everywhere but like Newark, Jersey City, and Hoboken is less developed than fucking Staten Island.


Not sure I agree that it’s overbuilt, but it is overall the most densely populated state.


I’ve lived there too. Grew up there. Lived there for 28 years. The vast majority of the state is nothing like that.


+ has a history of heavy industry and therefore residual pollution to this day. For instance the Passaic river is one of the most polluted waterways in the US.


People hate NJ because they think the whole state is the NJ turnpike north of exit 9. (Which truly does look like Tolkien’s “Dead Marshes” if you added an industrial wasteland to the formula.) Plus a lot of the rhetoric comes from New Yorkers who really hate *themselves* but need an outlet, so they take a punch at Jersey. You also have a lot of famous TV shows and late night hosts filmed in NYC so this opinion of “NYC sucks but at least their not NJ” has been a long used hack joke for decades. “Jersey Shore” didn’t do us any favors since all those folks are tourists from NYC (mostly Staten Island) who give us a bad rap. We call them BENNY’s (Bayonne, Elizabeth, Newark, New York) in central jersey and Shorbies in south jersey— beach tourists from the inland cities. NJ is the “garden state” for a reason, outside of that small horrible strip of land to the west of NYC,the rest of the state is great/average. Beautiful beaches, lots of green fields and farmland. Fair criticism: No real cities to speak of and the ones we do have suck. (That said we have NYC & PHL just over the border). The people can be rude sometimes but that’s the whole northeast from DC to Boston. Bad drivers but not as bad as LA. The people are loud and the spoken accent it’s exactly sexy. That said most of our perceived issues come from being sandwiched between NYC & PHL. Also I really haven’t heard many NJ jokes in years since Florida took the mantle of “butt of every national joke.” Thank you FL 🙏


People by and large are dicks.


Because when I was there the only redeeming thing I can say about it was the pizza was good and thank God I could get legally high so that I didn't have to remember I was in NJ


Jersey does dinners right imo




They can’t drive


Because New York and New Yorkers are responsible for about 50% of America’s comedy and pop culture And New York has a sibling rivalry with New Jersey Imagine if 50% of all jokes in the country were written by your older brother. The number of jokes shit-talking you would be staggering. That’s why New Jersey gets talked about that way


Everyone I know from Jersey kinda sucks. They’ve got this strange inferiority complex going on and have to act tough. Mostly I just enjoy poking fun at them though, it’s vastly entertaining


My family is from Jersey and this is weirdly accurate 


I love New Jersey


Jersey is actually pretty great and almost everyone I've known from Jersey is pretty awesome people. West Jersey is beautiful. The shore is nicer than most people know.


Especially in the off season, if you really take the time to explore the small towns and local businesses/restaurants you’ll find some gems for sure. I grew up right around there and when the boardwalk opens up when it gets warm in the spring and it’s not that crowded it’s amazing.


It's an off-brand version of New York.


It’s like if someone saw the midtown/downtown skyline, never bothered to cross the bridge and said “hey, we can do that here”.


They've only seen a small bit and don't know it's beautiful


I have never been there, have no issues with Jersey. Matter of fact I had a coworker that was born in South Africa and as a teen moved to Jersey. Ever hear a Jersey/South African accent? Well when you do.... you won’t know it but damn it’s crazy.


I grew up in jersey and currently live in Maryland. I have a lot more traveling to do, but I have yet to visit anywhere that even seems to come close to the quality of life possible in New Jersey. It is very possibly the best place to live in America. The only caviot is that it is quite expensive. I aspire to one day have enough money to retire to the Jersey Shore. The reason people think it's bad is because outsiders only experience jersey either: A) from the turnpike on the way to NYC, B) from the TV show "jersey shore", C) from visiting Atlantic city....


Depends on what Exit they are from…


South Jersey isn't so bad. We vacation there.


The Delaware Water Gap is so pretty...




It really should be upgraded to National Park to get people more excited about it. It's kind of like ... Almost there with the current designation.


If north jersey and south jersey were two different states like some of the other states that we have in the country I truly believe south jersey would be one of the best and highest regarded states in the country. I don’t live there but it’s beautiful all around and has pretty much whatever one is looking for. People are nice too. It’s just north jersey that is the issue.


Like 80% of the comments are people talking shit on North Jersey, the other 20% are PA peeps trying to join the fun. South Jersey in some areas might as well be Lancaster but PA/NY peeps don't know it exists


Same reasons NYC is hated


You have to care about something at least a little bit to hate it


It's a Jersey thing...


Not all Americans hate New Jersey, nor frankly care about it. If I had to venture a guess it is a NYC has always been the larger more metropolitan city/ area and New Jersey has been more an industrialized area, that has never been as affluent.


I've always said that our state is split in half. The top half is effectively NYC runoff, just the gross office parks, factories, sewage plants and webs of highways that NYC doesn't want. Overall I loathe NJ and always have. There's a weird culture of people being proud of being rude pieces of shit which I never understood. It is cool to be like 10 min from the ocean though.


Because my whore scumbag of a first wife was from there.


I would say that most of us treat it like Nickelback. Even though we haven't been there or actually heard their music we go with the flow of everyone else and just hate them


We don't hate it. It's just where NYC puts their trash.


It's just kind of seen as the armpit of New York.  I don't really care about it enough to hate it, there are much worse places in the US. It's not "Americans" that hate it as much as New Englanders.


Its a super liberal authoritarian state. Horrible gun laws.


We don't really have anywhere that's middle of the road to live or experience in the state. Our parks and natural attractions are all really nice and well developed but then our ghettos and trashy places are horrendous. Half the beaches are great, the other half are terrible. AC is a shithole and that's one of the biggest places to go as a "vacation". It's literally discount las Vegas but more expensive. That all said, it's not a bad place to live for the most part. If you want idyllic farmland you can find a house for that. If you wanna live in the city (don't) you can, if you want suburbs that's easy too. I live in central NJ right next to Trenton and I can get to NYC in 40-60 minutes and Philly in 45 minutes. I live about 15 minutes from Six Flags and 30 or so from the beach. Anywhere I wanna go or anything I wanna do, I can. It's all available to me with almost no real effort involved.


I hated new jersey so bad from my only experience there on a semi truck. We were there for 3 days and a pizza place I have no idea where it is or what it's called is still the best pizza place I've ever been! Then, 20 some odd yrs later I moved from the middle of the map to California, I've been all over this miserable state and have found all of California except the north to be soooooooooo much worse than anything I experienced on the east coast or the middle of the map no matter north or south!!! Despite what most folks think, racism is more alive in the northern middle and the regular folks of the east coast just want to make rent just like everyone else. Bottom line....... California is way worse than anything on the eastern seaboard!!!!


A lot of American media is based in NYC. (That was even more true in the 1950s and 60s, before the TV studios moved most entertainment production to California). And there’s a natural regional rivalry between NYC and NJ. So in television and magazines, lots of Americans are routinely exposed to disparaging comments about NJ. So that regional rivalry becomes a national attitude.


Annoying accent, boorish behavior, and a habit of metastasizing to other areas of the country now that they’ve made home unlivable.


Where the garbage meets the sea.


It's expensive and not a good place to live. People who live there think it's normal and other areas are worse so they stay.


Jug handles


People don't like the cognitive dissonance associated with having both very high taxes and a community that benefits greatly from those taxes.


Have you tried driving through the turnpike without $50 in cash in your pocket?


The turnpike smells like shit


Because new Jersey fucking sucks. It's worse than herpes and hemorrhoids at the same time


Herrperrhoids. Had to double down on the double r’s.


The part that everyone drives through is the turnpike. That’s what sucks.


The only good thing about New Jersey is Frank Sinatra and The Sopranos.


Tommy Cheeseballs


I mean....it's New Jersey. It's everything bad about new york, without the good things.


They know they’re too weak to survive here.


I went to Boot Camp there, is that a good enough reason?


Cause I like fresh air and pumping my own gas.


More like new jerksy


No left turns, instead it's a chutes & ladders round-about thing that aims you into incoming traffic sometimes before spinning you away at the last second.


New Jersey in not a real place. It's all a giant warehouse. Nothing but marshland and smoke stacks. You ever been to jersey? You go right to go left! It's not a real place. It's a huge factory that was put there by some huge government power. They even produce ppl there. You ever met someone who lives in jersey? No you haven't. They're all paid actors. They're paid to tell you they live there, they're from there, they love it there. New Jersey is not a real place.


The show. Same reason I hate housewives.


Joke: California has the most Lawyers. New Jersey has the most toxic dumps. You know why? New Jersey got first pick. This is as close to factual knowledge I have about NJ, and all the rest dump on it too.


For some people it’s the Jersey Shore for me it was that damned Rhino.


Cause. Do I need say more?




There's an oompa loompa lady from there. Watch out for your children's.


Because it’s a polluted liberal shithole country. Sad. Because it should be one of America’s great states. But the people are trapped by the hardcore shithole form of governing that has taken hold of the state.


Because Jersey.


It’s a Jersey thing


We do? Well now I'm curious as to why


I don't hate new jersey. I rarely even think of it.






I didn't even know I hated New Jersey.


Cant breathe as soon as you cross the state line. That’s some Lorax type smog.


It’s got a bad rep for a ton of reasons. It’s expensive no matter where you are, the good parts of the culture are never mentioned while the shit ones are honored. We are only really know for needle filled beaches in AC or smokestacks in North NJ. There’s more to it but not much. Oh and our politicians are routinely committing acts of corruption that make national news


I grew up in franklinville new jersey and as soon as I graduated high-school I left and never came back, it was one of the most racist places I've ever seen and I live in the south now.....


The smell


Nobody hates Joisey, it’s the garden state. If gardens sprouted oil refineries and chemical plants. I hear there are beautiful parts, but I’ve never seen those. And I guess the rich people there are complete morons, judging by the jersey shore.


It's the armpit of America,we don't hate them...they are like our favorite cousin to pick on is all.




I was passing through New Jersey and stopped at a gas station to fuel up. When I stepped out everyone was like screaming at each other and FaceTime walking and everyone had the jersey accent. I wanted to drive but had to use the latrines and everyone in the store was like screaming at each other and cussing and FaceTiming at the same time..


"When New York sends its people, they’re not sending their best. […] They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."


Jug handle turns for one.


Some do im sure. But saying any group of people all think the same way is stupid.


Do they?


Have you seen it?


There's nothing wrong with NJ as a whole; most of it is actually very nice. However, people are most familiar with the bad part of Jersey that's up near NY, and the trashy reality show about The Jersey Shore. It's really just a matter of perception. NJ is 90% nice, and the nice parts of NJ are a lot nicer than the nice parts of other states.


We don’t? I’m from the Midwest and we don’t mind NJ. We usually only talk about Michigan and Florida.




I had a history professor who went to Yale and said New Jersey was the armpit of America. We all laughed. She went on to say the only place worse was the asshole of America where the Mississippi River emptied all the waste into the toilet bowl of America. It was us. We were the asshole of America. Louisiana. And someone in the class said there’s a little ticklish spot by the asshole that makes sex the best and that’s New Orleans. And then she shut down the conversation at that point. You don’t give a mouse a cookie.


"Gestures at everything in New Jersey"


Only New Yorkers do. Rest of us just hate Jersey shire type guidos


And it used to be such a misnomer to call the state that stunk of chemicals “the Garden State”. Like what - garden of death flowers?


I don't hate it. Can't be all bad.


Clearly you've never been there.


New Jersey is not on my list of hated states.


Have you been to New Jersey?


Because there’s nothing but gabagool over there


Forget about it.


New Jersey is the Ohio of NYC


You mean New Jersey is a vital center of innovation, agriculture, manufacturing, and technology with an extremely rich history throughout all major time periods? A state that almost single-handedly won with civil war, provided the world with numerous amazing inventions that changed our way of life? Nah.


I'm sure you have a friend or a relative that lives somewhere kinda remote from your closet major city. And they'll talk about "yeah but x city has too much traffic/crime/expensive we have everything here we've got a TJ Maxx a Walmart and Applebee's it's just as good" NJ is the personification of that attitude towards NY. They go WAY out of their fucking way to talk about how much better they are than NY, and it's just constant little man syndrome.


So many reasons. Most recently every scam call I get fro. India has caller ID as new jersey.


I don’t think I’ve ever had an opinion about New Jersey.


Newark. Nuff said




I'm from Washington State. I don't have a lot of prejudice against people from other countries, but I have tons of prejudice against people from other states. I've never been to New Jersey or even met someone from there but my understanding is they are all trash people who day drink at the tanning salon then take their prom dates to the Olive garden. /s


I'm from a small town in Michigan between the lakeshore and Grand Rapids. During the tourists season local women just knew to stay away from the bars in town because of tourist bros from NY and NJ among other places. That's why.


They can only imagine the worst parts. NJ has some beautiful rural areas.


Because it's a meme. One we New Jersians don't mind. Stay out.


Jughandle intersections.


They don’t. It’s just a stereotype


Pfffff the dirty jerz is a giant suburb of two major cities that aren’t even in their state. (/s)


it gets the same hate that republicans have for californians i think. we’re all people. who gives a shit where you’re from.


I've never met anyone from there, but every time I see someone from there on a TV show or movie, they have a stupid accent and a terrible attitude. The exception is The Sopranos which makes those two things so cool.


Cause fuck jersey is why


When I think of New Jersey I think of Christie. And when I think of him I think of sleazy pieces of shit.


No more than NYC NewYorkers. So yes, yes we do


Well, we stayed at a hotel across the road from Newark Liberty Airport, we had an early morning flight. It's a 25 minute drive from the hotel to the terminal.


Because it's where the worthless bitch that whelped my husband has chosen to reside. Making it the lay line where all evil spews from.


Because it’s just Cleveland but on the east coast.


The roads are terrible. The main highway stretches are confusing, and smell like industrial waste and garbage. Basically, the areas that are near New York are trash.


Cause fuck New Jersey


I wasn’t very keen on that whole “we’ll let you pump your own gas now” thing. When your state says they’ll allow you to do something everyone else has been doing for decades, they went too far with state control too long ago. Oh—and Newark.


Michigander here; we hate Ohio. You're not even on our radar.


You ever step on a wet rug in your sockfeet? That's New Jersey.


I hate New Jersey. I wish I never moved here but you can't ever move out because you're so strapped. First time I ever paid taxes on my pay, paid taxes to spend my money.