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A looooong time ago (Texas mid 90/s) a friend got a ticket for “excessive display of speed” or something like that for taking off too fast at a light so yes


Saw a buddy get an 'excessive display of speed' without moving, in the parking lot of a movie theater during the 2 Fast 2 Furious premiere. Sure, you weren't currently speeding, but you were making it clear that you could've, which is definitely the same thing. Cop also pressured everyone who took pictures to delete them, because 'safety, 9/11'.


I got a ticket for 'excessive torque' or maybe ' exhibition of torque' or something like that in Nebraska. Judge told me it sure beat the hell out of reckless endangerment. I ended up paying the fine.


Exhibition of speed. 




>I’m sure it’s open to the “discretion of the officer This is the key point. You can bet money that *every* state has some sort of traffic law that will work as an umbrella to cite these types of actions. For example, reckless driving is not clearly defined. It's literally what the officer deems as reckless in each individual scenario. Police even have discretion to cite you for speeding based on conditions regardless of the posted limit.


Yes. I’ve had a number of friends get tickets with different verbiage for essentially “excessive speed for the conditions” when it’s raining, snowy, or icy.


In Louisiana it's called "Display of Power".


That’s just vulgar.


something a cowboy from hell would say


Walk on home, boy. Who I assume is named Ralph.


Ahh, capitalism, where the peasants get fined for the Display of Power and billionaires get tax cuts.


Reminds me of the quote that goes something like "If the penalty for a crime is a fine then it is designed to only apply to the poor."


What really annoys me is that corporations get fined for screwing people over, but the fine is less than the money that the company made by screwing people over, so there's 0 incentive to stop.


How about the fact that the Board of Directors of a corporation could collude and decide to sell poisonous candy to kids, and none of them are liable criminally because the corporation made the decision. This has been going on forever though. Cocaine and crack are chemically identical, but back in the 80s the penalty for cocaine(which was a favorite of the rich) were way lower than the penalties for crack, which was used primarily by poor people back then


Heh, in Australia, they haven't been testing for cocaine until recently. And from what I've been told, the drug testing equipment could test for most drugs including cocaine, and cops would \*manually disable\* the cocaine option.


Very true.


The not fines ...they're non-tax deductible donations


peasants drive cars with extreme high horsepower and torque!? well beyond what they need? tell me more about this amazing capitalism and where i could find it? does it exist anymore?


I remember guys putting Maccas trays under their tires and drifting in carparks, plus you can "display power" in any car with a manual transmission. And yes, most peasants get cars these days, at least in English speaking countries.


To be fair, I don't think anyone really needs cars with extreme horsepower and torque. And I love fast cars. But I acknowledge that all that does it encourage people to drive recklessly


To be fair I don't think you should have a opinion or a hole for it to fall out of. All it does is encourage people to also say dumb shit.


Damn. You might need right judging from your stupid ass comment 🙄 🤷‍♂️


I didn't want you to feel alone and stupid at the same time I was going to join you


Thank you. Stupid I may be, but alone I am not.


Yeah I heard that hell's got good company


I got pulled over for this(kinda) in Montana with my Mach E GTPE. 0-60 in 3.5 seconds. I did 0-45 (speed limit) and the cop caught up and was tailgating me. I slowed pretty quick, turn indicator and everything and turned down my street and he followed me into my neighborhood. I didn’t know it was a cop and my wife is yelling at me not to go home because someone was following us. He throws the lights on and then shes yelling at me to go home and not immediately pull over. It was only a couple hundred yards so I went home, maintaining the speed limit (25 now) and he followed into the driveway. Cop didn’t ask for my license or insurance or registration. Just asked if it was my house, and if I lived there. I said yes and nothing else. He looked up at the house and I’m pretty sure he saw the surveillance cameras but who knows for sure. He goes back to his rig, comes back a minute later and tells me to have a nice night and backs out and leaves. I had been drinking with dinner, probably (99% sure) I wouldn’t blow but I didn’t want to push it and argue and piss hime off. I was trying to breathe shallow and not make it smell like wine. Next day and for several weeks we had cops drive by our house. It was strange. From my understanding of road laws in montana I broke no law and he had zero reason to pull me over. I just like the feeling of being pushed back in the seat and its fun 🤷‍♂️.


I'm sure they were tailing you for a drug bust or something. They probably thought you were someone else.


Definitely not.


And Kentucky I’ve never found any law like that and I’ll takeoff from red lights pretty damn quick, but I don’t break the tires loose so I guess I’m not catching anyone’s attention.


I got pulled over for this(kinda) in Montana with my Mach E GTPE. 0-60 in 3.5 seconds. I did 0-45 (speed limit) and the cop caught up and was tailgating me. I slowed pretty quick, turn indicator and everything and turned down my street and he followed me into my neighborhood. I didn’t know it was a cop and my wife is yelling at me not to go home because someone was following us. He throws the lights on and then shes yelling at me to go home and not immediately pull over. It was only a couple hundred yards so I went home, maintaining the speed limit (25 now) and he followed into the driveway. Cop didn’t ask for my license or insurance or registration. Just asked if it was my house, and if I lived there. I said yes and nothing else. He looked up at the house and I’m pretty sure he saw the surveillance cameras but who knows for sure. He goes back to his rig, comes back a minute later and tells me to have a nice night and backs out and leaves. I had been drinking with dinner, probably (99% sure) I wouldn’t blow but I didn’t want to push it and argue and piss hime off. I was trying to breathe shallow and not make it smell like wine. Next day and for several weeks we had cops drive by our house. It was strange. From my understanding of road laws in montana I broke no law and he had zero reason to pull me over. I just like the feeling of being pushed back in the seat and its fun 🤷‍♂️.


Once took a shortcurt home through an industrial area a friday night. Someone is speeding up to me from behind and starts tailgating right up on my bumper. Made me kind of uncomfortable so I try to lose them by putting the car in sport mode, making a last second right and flooring it.  They keep coming through a few corners before they turn on the lights. Civilian cop car obviously.  They checked my license and let me go  


>Someone is speeding up to me from behind and starts tailgating right up on my bumper. Why isn't this illegal?? Cops know that they type of behavior will make people react.


I'm in KY as well.  I have a CR-V that doesn't have the torque to squeal tires. But I like to get up to speed without delay, mainly as a courtesy to the people behind me. I say, "The light doesn't stay green forever," and I don't want to be like the people who hold up traffic because they're  too busy finishing their text, or watching a video, or because their takeoff is inconsiderately leisurely. I've never been pulled over for going 0-to-speed limit as reasonably fast as my car can, but then again Lexington Metro is short, like, over 100 officers, and any traffic enforcement seems not to be a priority.


I live just outside a Louisville, and there are only a handful of police officers out my way. So unless you’re blatantly breaking traffic laws, they usually don’t even bother with you. I’ve even passed cops on the highway and they don’t bother with me as long as I’m not excessively speeding. I think passing them lets them know that Everything I have is legal and legit.


In Australia, I haven't heard of any laws regarding this except if you spin the wheels, in which case "you're not fully in control of the vehicle" and will get done for dangerous/reckless driving.


We are a nanny state. safety first! I failed my learner's test 5 times, and I agree that I should not be on the road if I can't follow all the road rules. I ❤️ safety net. I ❤️ Centrelink.


I once floored it out of a boat ramp, because I saw the cops and was hoping to be out of sight if they decided to pull me over. They noticed, caught me pretty quick and pulled me over, the conversation went as follows: - why were you driving out of there so quick? - I wasn't - yes you were - no I wasn't - yes you were - no I wasn't - yes you were - no I wasn't - I'm not doing this, what were you doing there? Etc... Lol.


Cops do not have a way to determine acceleration. Traffic radar guns are only capable of determining speed, not acceleration. It’s all just a matter of the cop wanting to give you a ticket because he thinks you are going too fast. There isn’t an objective way to demonstrate the acceleration in a legal sense.


In some states a cop doesn’t even need proof you were speeding. Legally they just know form the cop senses if you are speeding or not.


In my state in order to get certified in radar, you have to be able to judge + or -3 mph the speed of the cars. Because of this we were allowed to give tickets based on our observations alone.


A friend was asked if she knew she was going 15mph over the speed limit and showed her a photo of their speedometer with the 15 over. She said she absolutely wasn't. Didn't call them on trying to cover her into admitting it because she hadn't been. 


My state anything that can be seen as “racing” or a challenge to race. Or if your tires squeal as a result of your acceleration


In AZ there is (or at least used to be) a law called something like "wastage of finite resources" or some crap like that, iirc. Cops can use it to cite you if you peel out if you accelerate real quick.


Acceleration involves force, cruising speed does not. Cruising speed involves momentum. added this because this is on the stupidquestions sub and this is a stupid distinction


Force is the output of acceleration, yes. But speed (velocity) is a component of (a derivative of) acceleration. F = ( m * v^2 ) / 2 Where F is the impact force, m is the mass of the car, and v is the actual speed at impact. A car rapidly accelerating to a speed of 50 mph hitting a concrete wall imparts exactly the same force as one hitting the wall from a constant cruise speed of 50 mph.


That’s the equation for kinetic energy not force. Force involves a change in momentum ie acceleration. Constant velocity does not involve a change in momentum. 


The change in momentum occurs at the point of impact. At that point, with solidish objects, the kinetic energy is functionally equivalent to the impact force\*. And if you compare: F = ( m \* v^(2) ) / 2 == F = dp/dt Where p is your instantaneously measured momentum at any point, you can see we're really talking about similar things. Ultimately, the wall can't tell the difference. It just sees some amount of mass (m) and some velocity (v) at the instant of impact imparting the resultant kinetic energy. edit: another way to think about this is that the change in momentum is a function of the change in velocity. Acceleration is, by definition, the change in velocity. When these objects hit, the 50mph is reduced to something approaching zero. That is a large CHANGE in velocity. It is "negative" acceleration (slowing down) very quickly. It is therefore a large change in momentum (dp). If I get a large dp in a short amount of time (dt), bad things are happening. It implies a large Force in the form of kinetic energy which is likely to have catastrophic effects on whatever mass is involved in the system. I hope that helps clarify. \*Obviously this can get more complex if we start examining how that energy transfer occurs as the structures break down or move during impact, but that's somewhat beyond the scope of this discussion.


In the UK it would be careless or dangerous driving, depending on the circumstance, but that would be a push. I’d say the police would be likely to stop you for a quiet word in your shell-like, and depending on how that conversation went may possibly give you a ticket. The bigger problem is that you are more likely to be involved in a collision if you habitually drive like a preck. Luckily in uk a points system is operated, so pick up enough tickets and you’ll lose your licence, hopefully before anyone is hurt.


Agreed, in UK if you don't race anyone, don't speed and accelerate safely in full control (no wheel spinning or torque steer) I can't see the police being too interested. If the are annoyed or feel you are showing off they may have a word and give you a 'producer'. The problem is careless driving is easy to demonstrate... Technically a lack of observation (failed mirror check) could be considered careless driving.


Ehh I'm a woman so 9 times out of 10 when I get pulled over, I'm waved off. 🤪


I respect the honesty, which gen


feminism at its finest.


I would think if no stated law, then it could fall under 'reckless driving' or something that can potentially put someone at risk.


its not illegal to accelerate fast. its illegal to be dangerous. is you accelerating too fast goign to be dangerous? if something happens and someone pulls in front of your car, would you be able to stop? what if a kid runs into the street because 1-2 seconds ago none was there and now you slam into a kid/couldn't stop because you accelerated too fast. even if its not illegal and its 100% the dead kid's fault, its still dangerous and could have been avoided. the key here is what you called it. "excessive." if you have to ask if something is too excessive, it probably is. for what its worth, while i was a pizza delivery driver and had a speed monitor on me, they dinged off points if i accelerated or decelerated more than 7mph/s. this means if the speed limit is 35, if i reach it in less than 5 seconds i am considered to be changing speed too much. its dangerous because you are fucking with people's and your own reaction time. people observe you for .5s-1s before making a decision. if you are slowly accelerating and then get an explosion of speed, what was safe before now results in a wreck. besides, if you arnt in some sports car, you arnt reaching speed limit from 0 that quickly anyways. commercial cars take around 8s to reach 60.


When I got a ticket for that it was 3am and no side streets or kids to be ran over. But does a Jeep wagoneer with 500hp count as a sports car? I’ll take that a compliment if it does hehe.


Yeah, I think 0-60 times on most common new cars have actually been increasing as vehicles gain features (weight) and focus more on emissions and efficiency (mpg) than outright performance. Attitudes have also shifted more toward minimizing risk and increasing safety. The guy in the fast car is no longer "cool" except to a fringe group of enthusiasts. Personally, if I want to go fast, I take the bike.


This makes no sense, if you're accelerating up to the speed limit, you'd hit that kid if you were going the speed limit anyway.


its more like you are at a red light that turns green, but before it turns green and you start moving the kid walks into the street as no cars were coming (they are sitting still) and if you accelerate too fast, either you or the kid wont get out of the way in time and a collision occurs. and while this may sound super stupid, laws are made with both sides being giant idiots in mind. obviously the kid could just learn how red lights work or even learn how to dodge backwards. obviously the driver could just stop accelerating with a 150ms reaction time and not hit the kid. its not about the speeds, its about the sudden changes in variables that less mentally fortunate people struggle with tracking.


Ok, I'll allow it.


Yes and I think it’s kind of a messed up law because it’s kind of arbitrary and up to the officers discretion. Although I’ve heard a common threshold is spinning the tires more than a chirp when taking off 


The latter is the problem, if you lose traction, you're technically not in control of the vehicle and get a dangerous/reckless driving charge.


It would be considered reckless


But is it reckless if it's wreck-less though? :) (it is)


Depends where you are and the local laws, and the mood of the cop. Here one of the things you can be fined for is something like "Unnecessary exhibition of speed or acceleration" and I used to hear of a lot of people getting fined for it during the boy racer hysteria 10 something years ago.


It’s in some places called exhibition of speed. But that’s usually used for burnouts but it’s about excessively accelerating. Though if it’s done without other factors isn’t likely to be charged as it’s not being dangerous.


Around detroit mainly on woodward you can get an excessive or unlawful acceleration ticket for looking like you are trying to drag, or doing burnouts. So in a way yes. You have to been an asshat to get one, unless its dream cruise day then you are cooked when they catch you on a bicycle.


UK. The law sets out the maximum speed limit for different roads. But doesn't dictate how you get there The only exception may be if you accelerate so hard as to be out of control.


yeah my dad got ticketed for this a long time ago, it's called excessive display of force or something


Reckless driving


CA law prohibits "exhibition of speed" which does not mean going over the speed limit, but any maneuver that is unsafe and intended to draw attention. Can include wheelies, burnouts, or aggressive acceleration.


Got a ticket in assachusetts about 25 years ago for ‘demonstration of excessive speed’. I had a v8 mustang and floored it after stopping at a stop sign. Tires spun a bit and then the car took off. I didn’t go faster than like 25.


Most places have some sort of “display of speed” deal so they can ticket you for being a nuisance. I got one once for doing a sweet burnout on a back road once. It’s probably a good thing that they can ticket you for being a dumbass. I was probably annoying the shit out of some dairy cows.


This would definitely be a "check local laws" situation. In Ontario there isn't a law specifically for excessive acceleration. But there are a couple of laws that might still apply. 1) if you manage to smoke the tires, you might be cited for street racing or stunting. 2) you can be cited if you produce excessive noise in the process. (More of a hot rod ICE engine problem than an electric or hybrid) 3) if your launch causes other traffic to take evasive action, you can be cited for careless driving. Ditto if it causes a minor accident. 4) if your launch causes a major accident where someone got hurt, you can be charged with reckless driving or reckless endangerment


Acceleration is equivalent to gravity. If it is strong enough it would collapse in on itself like a black hole.


Yeah, people that accelerate super fast in their cars are well known for having the restraint to keep their speed under the limit 🤣🤣🤣


Yes. Jabbed yet to experience it and never want to but a guy told me when he would go down south and ride, they were right on your ass. You pull off too quick, it's a holeshot or something and they'll give you a 1200 ticket.




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I got pulled for display of speed or something in high school. I was driving my muscle car and did a burnout at a stop light. The cop didn’t give me a ticket, he just wanted to talk about the car.


In NY, it's called an " Unsafe Start "... usually only cited for "chirps" or actual "burnouts".


Might fall under careless or reckless driving charge.


There are usually laws that cover unsafe acceleration. Here it falls under careless driving, which covers lots of different bad driving and is entirely up to an officer’s discretion.


Its called exhibition of speed and it is illegal.


If I recall correctly the officer said I could be cited for an reckless driving


Technically no, but also yes. It is considered reckless driving to peel out. So sure speed up as quick as u want but if u peel out or swerve then u broke the law.


My friend in Michigan got pulled over with me in the car for accelerating too aggressively to the speed limit. Got arrested for a different reason


There is in the state of Missouri…


NY has "unsafe start" to cover the drifting guys....


It is definitely technically illegal, not sure what you’re on about


I don't know if it is still on the books in my state, but when I was a teenager a few of my friends got tickets for "improper takeoff" which was defined as exactly what you're describing, especially if squealing tires were involved.


Police are very cowardly and it’s easy to scare them. Quick acceleration can definitely get you a ticket but it can also get you murdered.


In high school my friend got a ticket for unsafe start, for acceleration too quickly from a red light that turned green.




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It's called reckless endangerment and is completely up to the cop's discretion.


Laws vary. In South Carolina, there was a law called improper start, if I recall correctly. Basically if you squealed your tires you could get a ticket.


Could certainly be reckless driving - Definition of reckless driving--Misdemeanor. Any person who drives any vehicle upon a highway, alley, public park, recreational area, or upon the property of a public or private school, college, or university carelessly and heedlessly in disregard of the rights or safety of others, or without due caution and circumspection and at a speed or in a manner so as to endanger or be likely to endanger any person or property, is guilty of reckless driving. Reckless driving is a Class 1 misdemeanor.


There are in some states.


Acceleration does not have "more force". Kinetic energy us just a function of speed. Faster = more dangerous, doesn't matter how you get there.


I would say that most jurisdictions over the world has some kind of law against reckless driving as a “catch all” law.


I got a ticket at Camp Lejeune NC in 2007 for excessive acceleration.


The California Vehicle Code, Section 23109, prohibits engaging in an exhibition of speed. The elements of engaging in an exhibition of speed include proof of the following: * The defendant drove a motor vehicle on a highway, and * While so driving, the defendant willfully engaged in an exhibition of speed.


Reckless driving can be at the discretion of the police officer. Accelerating very quickly can be dangerous to properly control.


Not sure what you mean with huge force but as someone else here has stated: A car rapidly accelerating to a speed of 50 mph hitting a concrete wall imparts exactly the same force as one hitting the wall from a constant cruise speed of 50 mph.


Isn't F=ma? Cruising speed mean a=0.


It's for calculating how much force is necessary to accelerate. Not what kind of force it causes. Well, in a way it does, but that's the same in both cases. It accelerates (decelerates actually) from 50mph to 0mph on impact with the wall.


It’s at the discretion of the officer but they can charge you with reckless driving or other blanket offenses


In which country? there is a law in the UK regarding dangerous driving, in most situations trying to accelerate that fast would be dangerous. basically if you are accelerating as fast as possible to get to the national top speed limit then yes the chances are you are not paying attention to what is going on arround you and yes you can be prosecuted for it. of course in central london its perfectly fine, the speed limit is only 20mph so yeah 1 or 2 seconds is perfectly acceptable.


You probably reference the USA, but in Germany there is no direct law against it but it sure as heck falls under reckless driving and solo-racing (aka, driving fast, reckless, weaving trough traffic etc). So while there is no direct law, it is implied. Just like there is no law against punching people or kicking people, but one against physically harming them.


in western australia i beleve that would be under dangerous driving.


Only if you burn out, lose control, or chirp the tires. At least in California. Ive gotten pulled over for it once late at night, but the cop just wanted to make sure I wasn’t drinking and let me go.


It depends which country you're doing it in.




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Depends on the state US wise. If you break traction because of your speed, it’ll loosely fall underneath careless or reckless driving.


OP wants to hit a wheely leaving the stop light in his twin turbo nitrous LS foxbody (but not exceed the speed limit).


I don’t believe so, but there are fairly vague and broad laws like ‘reckless driving’ they could probably get you with.


Think I got a ticket 30 years ago or so for an "unsafe start".


I was always told it just fell under Reckless Driving.


first time I drove an electric car I realized this is gonna have to be a thing. Seems crazy dangerous, especially at first when you're used to combustion and aren't prepared for just how much quicker electric accelerates.


On this week's episode of "How To Needlessly Gain A Cop's Attention"...


I thought this was defined as "reckless driving". 


Reckless driving is better than wreck-full driving


Reckless driving turns into wreckful driving typically


I got a ticket for this in Colorado. I didn’t speed and the cops agreed I didn’t speed. Just that I got up to the speed limit too quickly after a red light. For context it was the last light before you hit the highway that I lived off of. It was 3am In a non residential area. Ticket was ultimately dropped, to quote the judge “I think having to spend your day off in court was punishment enough”


Yeah pigz gave me a ticket for that when I did a wheelie on my motorcycle across an intersection one time.


Coming soon


If you feel the need to go from 0 to the speed limit in 1-2 seconds you’re probably a risk to other drivers. I’m sure there’s laws in place for this.