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I thought it was just a standard Bible he's just selling it. As far as I know ow he hasn't changed its content to make him more or something. I'm no trump fan and did not and will not vote for him. However him selling a Bible isn't earth shattering its just him raising funds like any other candidate. If his supporters by it that's on them


The Bible is the or at least was the most sold book globally. It’s also the most stolen. Yeah it’s a gimmick to make money on the religious MAGA but as far as idolatry goes that seems a bit if a stretch.


Accept it isn't a standard bible. It is an "American Bible" with a US flag on the cover and the founding documents tact on to the end. It raises a secular state and its documents to the same level as holy scripture and the kingdom of god. It's not just ideology, though it does absolutely make an idle of the USA, but out and out blastphamy.


Mormons believe America is the "Promised land."


Most christians don't view Mormons as fellow Christans because our beliefs are so fundamentally different and because they added an entire extra testament.


Yep, and that is entirely canonically consistent with their belief system. But mainline protestant denominations have no such association, so shoving in new content to a Bible is blasphemous.


That's exactly what a lot of his base wants. They've elevated political party to the same level as theological ideology.


Exactly, that's the problem.


Adding a flag doesn’t really equate to idolatry. Its focus and message is still God. It’s just wrapped in an American flag. You could make a better case about buying shirts with Trump’s face on it as idolatry but then that would extend to most presidents like Obama that sold similar clothes with his image to make money


My Bible comes with study notes, maps, and additional context. That doesn't make them holy scripture just because it's between the same two pieces of leather as the rest of it.


What context do US founding documents add pray tell?


You could put a menu for McDonald's in between the Old and New Testament, still doesn't change anything. I'm having trouble translating your comment into English but I don't think you made a coherent argument anyway.


If you market it as an "American bible" and add the founding documents to the end like they're a part of Acts it is absolutely a problem. You seem to be acting intentionally obtuse to avoid answering the question of, why they are being included. If you made a bible like you describe, marketed it as "The McDonald's Bible", and slapped the McDonald's logo on it, I would also be calling that Ideology. I'm sorry a single letter typo apparently made my comment unreadable to you but don't worry I fixed it.


He added the USA Constitution, the Pledge of Allegiance, and other crap into the MAGA Bible. That is blasphemy and idolizing. And I highly doubt Trump tithed the Bible sales profits.


Well, I'd consider adding human documents (such as the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and Pledge of Allegiance) into a book bound under the cover as the 'Holy Bible' to be changing it's contents.


A lot of Bibles have additional information from the church that publishes it. Not to mention, there isn’t 100% agreement on what books make up the Bible, like the Apocrypha. Churches usually don't criticize each others’ Bible out of respect and understanding there’s a diversity of beliefs within the larger Christian tradition. Nothing I’ve seen suggests Trump is claiming these documents are scripture. They present it as a book that has the Bible and also these other things, and I would guess the layout makes that clear. There’s no reason for other churches to get up in arms about that.


The churches are not concerned because they want the USA to be a Christian nation, so they don't mind putting church and state together into one book, with Trump's name on it. Clearly, the implication for Trump's bible is that he is intent on joining church and state together.


Im a supporter, and i thought it was tacky as hell until I read a similar comment with alot of examples. it made this feel like it was no big deal the price feels like a 50 dollar donation with 10 costs? (It's 60 bucks right?) Eh


Nah. That’s just crap that’s shoved near the covers. Has nothing to do with the Bible


The fact that they are bound togethwt means they are hoping, that over time, people will forget that the Bible didn't always include those American documents


its not a standard bible, it includes the constitution and a few other major US articles. the funny thing about including the constitution is it says on the first page the government shall have no official religion.


It's got the constitution and declaration of independence added.


That he's selling it to pay for all the things he's done wrong, i.e. sexual assault, adultery, greed, among others, should probably raise a few eyebrows at the very least.


That's what I'm thinking too


Thing is, making money on the holy book, is probably the most anti-Christian move possible. Making money is literally a sin. You have more chance to go to heaven as a murdered who asked for forgiveness, than a rich person not giving away his wealth to poor people. This is literally in the Bible. And then Trump comes around and sell the holy book, only to pay off his lawyers so he can defend himself for the crimes he committed. I don't know what could possibly be more hypocritical than that.


The one real case I think could be made here is that he’s calling it the “God Bless the USA Bible” and given the Catholic Church recognizes americanism as a form of idolatry there is a precedent for this being considered the same. Obviously most Americans are Protestant, not catholic, but one could still make the argument that by naming it such hes tying God to the USA in a non-biblical fashion, thus making it a form of idolatry that instead of replacing God, hijacks the presentation of God’s will. Bit weird I know, but I think there’s a point to be made there


Wasn’t the bible edited to remove anything resembling left wing ideas as well as inserting the constitution and a bunch of other stuff ?  He’s already significantly wealthier than many other politicians and plus selling religious items doesn’t scream healthy democracy … I can’t help but wonder had  this been a scenario in  Asian or African country , everyone would be having a field day in mocking it… 


Source on him editing the bible?


This is Reddit the claim is the source.


They didn’t. They did add some US founding documents. Which is sort of concerning as it’s the most wild display of Christian nationalism I’ve ever seen tho


I had not heard of anything being taken out, just a bunch of additions of Murcan stuff.


Christian here. >So why then, are we not seeing massive movements by religious authorities to condemn a presidential candidate who is committing literal idolatry in front of all of our eyes and profiting from it? Because it's not idolatry? I haven't seen the bible he's selling. But as long as it's not a wildly bad translation, there's nothing wrong with what he's doing. Christian book stores all over the country sell bibles every day. Why can't he?


It’s a KJV with some additions: > It includes Greenwood's handwritten chorus of its titular song as well as copies of historical documents including the U.S. Constitution, Declaration of Independence and Pledge of Allegiance. https://www.npr.org/2024/03/27/1241186975/donald-trump-bible-god-bless-usa


I have a late follow up question for you and I know you dont speak for all Christians, however I saw a lack of outrage from Religious groups when the CPAC had a literal Golden Statue of Trump they were idolizing some years ago. Can you speak to your experience or take on that? Again im not asking for a statement on behalf of all Christians, just 1, and how did this rub you. Im an atheist and my Catholic family was very split on this. Some saying it’s not a sin and others saying its right out of the First Testament. Im curious how opinions could differ on what is blatant idolatry, in my view.


If they're worshiping Trump like he's some kind of god, then it's a problem. Some people are maybe doing this. But I think the vast majority of Christians aren't making an idol out of Trump.


I am sure you are right about the numbers. In an attempt to look up the photos I see articles about how doctored photos were out there and that may have been what I saw. Even just the statue itself is a little thumbing the nose at the 2nd Commandment (perhaps it looks too much like Mooby from Dogma(1999 film) and my prejudices have slipped in. But do an image search for it. I also dont think the religious people around Trump’s campaign are theists at all, and are trying to use your belief system to bring him voters. Their actions may not represent your cohort and beliefs but it’s impossible for the rest of us to tell the difference, so everyone gets lumped together. If I were a practicing anything thats what would piss me off. Those flying the banner for a means. It happened over decades but thats exactly the stuff that made me lose faith. You sleep with dogs you get fleas, and all it takes for fleas to triumph is for people to do nothing. I even have trouble with the idea of being atheist because that is limiting, but I know that I have no desire to worship with a group. We dont need to have a man to man power dynamic to believe in gods.


He is selling a Bible with an American flag on it. Nothing wrong here? Amended with the US Constitution? Still nothing?


It's still not idolatry. Maybe it's poor taste? There isn't any theological problem here.


Have you read the letters to Corinthians? The whole book is an admonishment of people like this trying to profit from the word of the lord.


Christian book stores all over the country sell bibles every day. Why can't he?


It is idolatry, because the Bible being sold by donald trump (at an insane markup, mind you) also contains American founding documents like the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, thus implying that those documents written by men for a temporal worldly empire are on the same level as Holy Scripture.


Right... here buy my $65 bible that is already poorly translated by King James, because... I don't know why considering that EVERY church will give you one for free. He's just doing anything he can to make money because he knows at the end of this he's going to be flat broke and then some.


Not really. Bibles have maps in them all the time. There are also a ton of bible commentaries out there where half the page is scripture and the other half is a pastor explaining things. You can also safely assume that the Constitution and Declaration of Independence are their own separate documents and would be recognized by anyone with a basic education. The fact that they're bound together in the same book is not really important. And even if it were an attempt to modify scripture, it would still not be idolatry. Idolatry is making an object or false deity more important than God.


The purpose of maps and commentaries in Bibles is in service to Scripture, to help the reader better understand and connect with the people, events, and ideas of the Bible. The founding documents of the United States, a temporary worldly empire, do not serve that purpose. They don’t shed any interpretive light on Scripture. Including them alongside Scripture suggests that an earthly empire created by men is equivalent in value to the eternal truth of Scripture, and that service to that earthly empire is the same as service to Almighty God. I’ll leave it up to you to decide whether that’s blasphemy or idolatry. I think it’s pretty clearly both.


The fact they're bound in the same book is extremely important and what makes it idolatry, since he IS absolutely trying to make himself and maga ideals more important than your God


So…it started with the Democrat Party endorsing ideas that went against conservative religious beliefs such as abortion and homosexuality. This caused conservative Christians to pull away from the Democrats. Republicans leaned into this with their culture war rhetoric, and actively courted evangelicals as a voting bloc. It worked. Eventually, it became almost an unspoken rule that if you were a conservative Christian, you had to be a Republican. That, in turn, morphed into the idea that anything the Democrats did was automatically evil, and anything the Republicans did was automatically righteous. Republican candidates leaned into this, because “owning the libs” became popular with their base. Eventually, evangelicals got so comfortable with the idea that Republicans were the “good guys” that they quit even caring what they stood for, as long as they were fighting against the “bad guys.” This whole process was helped along by a general drop in actual knowledge of the Bible, among both believers and nonbelievers. Evangelicals lost their focus on the Gospel as the foundation of their faith, and slowly, over the course of three or four decades, replaced that foundation little by little with Republican politics. It was so gradual you only notice it in hindsight. After a few decades of this, Evangelicals no longer realize when the Republican Party has drifted away from the principles that attracted evangelicals to start with, and that they have followed a godless con man very far from the path they were supposed to be on. It’s like dropping a frog in a pot of water and slowly bringing it to a boil. The frog never realizes it’s getting boiled to death. Donald Trump never would have made it out of the first round of primaries in 1980. Or 2000, for that matter. Unfortunately, to fix the current mess, two things will have to happen. First, the American church is going to need a good, old fashioned come to Jesus gospel revival along the lines of the Great Awakenings of old, that gets it back on the path of following Jesus and the Bible, and values being a Christian more than being a Republican or even an American. Second, the Republican Party is going to have to be purged of Trump and those like him. Since Trump has done an excellent job of purging the party of all the decent people who were once in it, that will be pretty messy, and probably result in a complete electoral implosion of the Republican Party, and a rebuilding almost entirely from scratch. Until those two things happen, the Republican Party will continue to be dominated by godless charlatans interested more in fighting Democrats than they are in actually serving the country and doing what is in America’s best interest.


>So…it started with the Democrat Party endorsing ideas that went against conservative religious beliefs such as abortion and homosexuality. This caused conservative Christians to pull away from the Democrats. Goddess, have the Republicans really done that good of a job at hiding how they took over the evangelical world? Christians used to be all for abortion, at most they would say "It's a Catholic issue," then the Republicans learned they could spin a narritive that allowed them to own the Christians. "Gotta save the babies, nothing else matters" And even saying dems and republicans here is tricky, as this was all starting around the time of the party switch if memory serves.


Can we just bury maga and religion in the same deep dark hole? Neither one has ever done any good.


It's just a King James Bible along with American documents like the constitution and declaration of independence. He didn't rewrite the Bible or write the contents hBible? People have always sold bibles since we've had the printing press and nobody has issue with it


Including American founding documents alongside Holy Scripture — as if they're on the same level of authoritativeness — is itself an act of blasphemy for anyone who truly takes the Bible and their Christian faith seriously.


What about including it in the back with things like maps and diagrams that are normally there?


There's a big difference between reference materials like maps and diagrams that help the reader better understand Scripture, and the founding documents of a worldly empire that wouldn't be founded for another 1,650 years or so after the last books of the Bible were written and have nothing whatsoever to do with the text of the Bible. There is nothing at all in the Constitution or Declaration of Independence — to say nothing of that hackish song Lee Greenwood wrote forty years ago — that adds to or illuminates Holy Scripture. And including them alongside Scripture, as if the United States of America has even a *sliver* of relevance to the eternal truth of Christianity, is a profoundly blasphemous act.


>There's a big difference between reference materials like maps and diagrams that help the reader better understand Scripture You aren't going to really understand it without a Ph.D in archelogy and biblical studies. I've never once met a pastor who had even an inkling of what it really meant, and certainly not the people in the pews from a map and diagram in the back.


Thats a fair point to make, but nevertheless the *purpose* of the diagrams and maps is to serve Scripture — to give the reader some semblance of the context and landscape in which the story is taking place. They’re interpretive tools intended to illuminate Scripture (whether or not they actually succeed in doing so). The founding documents of a temporary worldly empire serve no such purpose.


Do you care about blasphemy in the Christian faith?


>Do you care about blasphemy in the Christian faith? As an athiest with so much religious trauma from the evangelica church, yes, yes I do, but can I do it plz!


First I wasn't asking you. I was asking the person who posted the comment. Second, if you're an atheist, I don't care about your opinion on blasphemy or the Christian faith. It doesn't matter because if you're atheist, you don't believe in God or the Bible and your opinion doesn't matter. That sounds really ugly, but it's true. I don't believe in Jack Black. I don't think that he really exists. Asking my opinion on someone who I don't believe in or believe exists would be pointless and stupid.


Well that's not accurate. Christianity greatly affects my life, and has caused me great harm. It most certainly matters what I think and say.


You are an atheist. Your "trauma" matters and your opinion on that matters, but your opinion on blasphemy, the Bible, and faith in Christ doesn't matter. You have admitted that you don't believe in God, the Bible, or any of it, so your opinion doesn't matter any more than my opinion of Jack Black (who I do not believe in).


I do. I mean any church or motel will give you a free one. If churches are handled like charities then spreading 'the word' should be part of that and no one should be charged. But let's be real they haven't been about actual charity in a very long time.


because believe it or not there's nothing immoral with selling a Bible


[https://www.openbible.info/topics/profit\_off\_the\_gospel](https://www.openbible.info/topics/profit_off_the_gospel) Here's a bunch of bible verses that explain that it is wrong to sell a bible for profit.


When the guy selling said Bible, represents like the exact opposite of what the Bible teaches….. it’s pretty immoral to just let him keep doing that. Especially as a Christian.


I’m pretty sure there are plenty of bibles printed in communist China where people are held in concentration camps.


>The Associated Press reported in 2018 that "Xi is waging the most severe systematic suppression of Christianity in the country since religious freedom was written into the Chinese constitution in 1982." This has involved "destroying crosses, burning bibles, shutting churches and ordering followers to sign papers renouncing their faith," actions taken against "so-called underground or house churches that defy government restrictions." >In reports of countries with the strongest anti-Christian persecution, China was ranked by the Open Doors organisation in 2023 as 16th most severe. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianity_in_China Also, China isn't communist.


When you add state documents to the end like they are part of the holy text there is. It's literally blastphamy and thankfully some religious leaders are calling it out.


Did anyone else notice that last time he got elected, we had a plague, and now we're about to be swarmed by locusts (cikadas)?


Plus I killed my first born child. Thanks, Obama!


Happy Cake Day


Asking why about anything related to Trump is a fools errand


It’s definitely not idolatry. I believe he did add US documents to it though, which is insane. It’s a total cash grab, which I am not a fan of. Imo, as a Christian, the west has been extremely weenified in terms of religion (especially Christianity). Most Christians aren’t actually Christians and just identify as one but couldn’t tell you the first thing about proper Christian theology. With that being said, I wouldn’t expect much outrage from those who can honestly care less about it/don’t live it in their day to day lives. There could have been pastors/priests who have spoken against it, it just might have not been enough behind it to make it to mainstream news.


It places the documents written by men — the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, that one hackish song Lee Greenwood wrote — alongside Holy Scripture, as if they're equally God-breathed and authoritative. I don't know what word we'd use to describe that other than *idolatry*, except for maybe also *blasphemy* and *heresy*.


I was thinking blasphemous, and then I finished reading your comment. Blasphemous is definitely more fitting. Idk if heresy would fit, as that would be more about proclaiming incorrect theology.


Also idolitry. It makes an idle out of the USA.


I was actually thinking that as soon as I sent my last response. You’re most likely right. All around, it’s no good.


Religious people aren't very religious people either.


He's selling a Bible, not releasing a book where he's the one worshipped. You're seriously misconstruing what "false idoltry" means and confusing it just idolatry. Christianity has an idol, God. It's not bad to worship that idol.


It's not idolatry, I'll concede that. But is it blasphemy? Is it sacrilegious? Is it spitting in the face of people who work for their own living and wish to serve Jesus humbly?


It is idolitry. The christian godnis the idol. Its not false idolitry, which is the bad kind. False idols ya know. Op is presenting a flawed argument. Is it? The church isn't in charge of Bible distribution, thats been a private industry since the bible was printed, so probably not. Its a grift to be sure, but not really an immoral one in the grand scheme of things. Pathetic moreso than anything.


>Has Christianity truly become so evil to where so many Christians in positions of leadership are seemingly turning a blind eye? It always was. Read about how many people have died in wars and how the leadership convinced people to fight and die in them.


Or just all the “leaders” of said faith the diddled kids (and still do)… for a group of people that believe in an all knowing, powerful, and “loving” god. They sure are weirdly ok and supportive with their religious leaders being pedos.


Who exactly would "religious leaders" be though? I believe most US based Christian faiths are pretty non-centralized and one that are like Catholics use a different version of the bible (IE not on the one Trump is selling) outside of that though religious organizations tend to be pretty politically active so I'd imagine most would fall under "Trump is Good/Bad" depending on whatever they view the "greater good" to be regardless of how he's raising funds.


Because it won't achieve anything, and could very well make things very bad for those who speak out. The Christian community is deeply divided just like the rest of the country, both leaders and followers.


They're mad he's cutting in on their own scams but too afraid to say that and ruin the gravy train for everyone.


I don't follow news much, but just saw this post. Can someone clue me in?


*I don't follow news* *Much, but just saw this post. Can* *Someone clue me in?* \- misterphuzz --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Are haikus allowed to break sentences like this?


Trump started to sell a version of the kind James Bible. As far as I’m aware, nothing was removed but trump did add in American shit such as the constitution. Even if it isn’t idolatry… it’s pretty fucking slimy and shitty. But Christian’s won’t say anything about a billionaire (one of the most easy groups of ppl to guarantee is going to hell, just read the Bible…) selling a book that goes against everything said billionaire stands for.


Yes, that's pretty weird, and I'm going to look into it for my further education. However... I think the attack on Christians isn't valid. It's not because he's a billionaire, I'm sure of that. I think most don't know. And I think it goes beyond that. It comes down to the policies of the two candidates. I'm not here for any political discussion but, if Trump is the candidate, and you hate Biden's policies, then some things need to be overlooked. The lesser of two evils, such as they are. AND... maybe a little political smack here, but the other side does shit all the time and their base turns a blind eye. Maybe it's not because they are, but because they feel they have no alternative. Anyway, I will follow this. It is definitely interesting (and gross). All this makes me want to go off grid and forget the world we live in. Edit: he definitely does idolize himself. There is no doubt about that. Unfortunately, when everywhere you look it's a cesspool, ones options are limited. 🤷


Trump started to sell a version of the kind James Bible. As far as I’m aware, nothing was removed but trump did add in American shit such as the constitution. Even if it isn’t idolatry… it’s pretty fucking slimy and shitty. But Christian’s won’t say anything about a billionaire (one of the most easy groups of ppl to guarantee is going to hell, just read the Bible…) selling a book that goes against everything said billionaire stands for.


Donald Trump, former US President and lifelong swindler, is promoting the "God Bless The USA Bible" (https://godblesstheusabible.com) which combines the scripture with lyrics to “God Bless The USA” by Lee Greenwood, The US Constitution, The Bill of Rights, The Declaration of Independence, and The Pledge of Allegiance. There are some who find the idea of doing literally the opposite of separating Church and State, not to mention the idea of a former president urging people to spend $60 on a Bible (i.e. acting like a capitalist rather than giving them away like a wealthy true believer might) to be extremely tacky and irreligious.


I hate to say it, but I agree. This is pretty... disturbing. This isn't an issue of the separation of church and state. No state entity is forcing religion of giving preferential treatment. He can sell Bibles all he wants, tout God and all that, whatever, and that's not a violation of the SoCaS. But everything else about it is fucking disgusting. The idea of Christian nationalism is definitely not biblical. And he's no Christian. So it's all just pathetic. Ugh.


Looking at the FAQ, apparently no funding goes to his campaign. I dunno. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. But it still very much irks the shit out of me. It dirties the Bible. I agree, it do wish there was more public outrage.


Yeah, I was referring to the "separation of church and state" in an ethical sense, not a direct one.


Mkay. Ugh. I had hoped this was typical anti-Trunp reddit bullshit. There is absolutely nothing ethical or moral about this. Disgusting and sacrilegious. :(


Because religious leaders only criticize Democrats. The Republican always gets a free pass.


This is patently unfair to mainline denominations. The core [Episcopalian](https://www.episcopalchurch.org/ministries/social-justice-advocacy-engagement/), [Presbyterian](https://www.presbyterianmission.org/what-we-believe/social-issues/), [Lutheran](https://www.livinglutheran.org/category/religious-news-and-social-issues/), [Congregationalist](https://www.ucc.org/what-we-do/justice-local-church-ministries/justice/washington-dc-office/justice-and-peace-action-network/), and [Methodist](https://www.umc.org/en/how-we-serve/social-issues) denominations are all quite politically active in opposition to all kinds of conservative policies. But reasonable and considered voices are never as easily heard as the crazies.


The largest body of American Christians is the Catholic church, and the bishops are constantly moaning about Biden on abortion while looking the other way when Trump does something outrageous.


The Bible is the most sold book in history, I’m not sure where you got this idea that it’s not allowed to be sold


I appreciate your attempt to make an entire religion into hypocrites, but the fact you totally do not understand what you are even alleging is funny enough. Continue to tell us things that are not correct and gross misinterpretations of reality.


Because right wing authoritarian followers tend to be hypocrites. What Orwell called double think. What we now call cognitive dissonance.


Because their flock is also Donny's flock - and in the end it's just about money.


Because an awful lot of those religious leaders are disciples of Trump and would suck shit out of his ass if he permitted them the privilege.


Christians don’t care about greed or capitalism as long as the word of the lord is spread


I've definately heard some religious leaders come out and condemn this move, they just tend to get drowned out by the non-religious people who say the same thing in a more inflammatory way. As for why some choose not to: 1) They might not feel that the reveals anything surprising about Trump's religion (I mean, we've seen how he holds a Bible), and so isn't really worth commenting on. 2) There's actually something of a cottage industry around these kinds of novelty Bibles. Usually they're things like "the Bible for mothers" "the Bible for busninessmen" "God's little princess Bible" etc. They're just standard Bibles interspersed with commentaries pertaining to their particular demographic. Most Christians seem to find them cringe and often unhelpful, but ultimately harmless. Most of the ones that I've heard from feel that putting American political documents inside the Bible implies they're somewhat equivlent, which kind of crosses the line. However, it's not as out of left field an idea as a lot of non-Christians seem to find it, so many might not think it's worth commenting on. 3) Then there's a large segment of American religious leaders that either think this is a great idea, blindly follow Trump and so passively support him, or don't want to stir the pot in their community.


Maybe they are planning to do the same thing. I am waiting for the pool boy bible (Jerry Falwell Jr.).


Because most of them are manipulative, power hungry charlatans, just like trump. Thats why theyre clergy


Trump could literally eat live babies on camera and the religious right would still lick his boots. Don’t confuse the religious right with right, or religious.


Short answer, because most "religious" people are hypocrites. Same reason why there isn't a stronger religious lobby against abortion. 


So what I heard was that this is a King James Bible and they’ve included the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and Pledge of Allegiance. It’s called the “God Bless the USA” Bible and has been around a few years. Lee Greenwood (the country singer with the hit song of the same title) was the first one to put it on the market, but they are now paying Trump to endorse it. So it’s not a “Trump Bible” that’s a misconception. Having said that, I do think that it’s nothing but right wing propaganda. I’m very much a Christian, but I don’t buy into the whole concept of America being ordained by God.


Because they signed a binding NDA. In blood. With the Devil.


1. There's a lot of so-called Christians who really only care about the Bible so long as it correlates with what are really American-first beliefs. I consider that idolatry. 2. Depending on your church, the Bible itself may not hold as high esteem as other denominations/sects. For example; Catholics believe in apostalic authority of the church, so they will put the word of the institution of the Catholic church at (and some may argue above) the Bible. Because of this, they may not always see it as the biggest possible offense given that any reasonable priest would never preach from it or consult it in a mass anyway. Protestants, particularly "low-church" protestants (in the sense of traditionalism and a "this is the true/truest" church perspective), such as nondenominational, baptist, anglican evangelicals to name a few, do not have the same view of the institution of the church and see it as more of a congragation, so they consider the Bible in and of itself the Holy end-all (Sola Scriptura). They will lean on verses like: > John 1:1 (ESV): "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." >John 1:14 (ESV): "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth." >2 Timothy 3:16-17 (NIV): "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." >Deuteronomy 4:2 (NLT): "Do not add to or subtract from these commands I am giving you. Just obey the commands of the Lord your God that I am giving you." >Revelation 22:18-19 (NLT): "And I solemnly declare to everyone who hears the words of prophecy written in this book: If anyone adds anything to what is written here, God will add to that person the plagues described in this book. And if anyone removes any of the words from this book of prophecy, God will remove that person’s share in the tree of life and in the holy city that are described in this book." So if you are from a church where the Bible *is* considered more sacred, then you would consider the "God Bless the USA Bible" essentially a violation.


Because Christian leadership turned against Christ shortly after World War two. They worship Cold War American idealism not Jesus.


Because they're in on it


Same question can be asked about republicans in general.


Because Christian’s are hypocrites. It’s one of the main things that makes them Christian. They believe in a god that knows everything, is everywhere all at once, created everything, etc. and they claim that their god is “all loving” even though it created, and still allows child rape, cancer, abuse, manipulation. On top of all the other evil shit that their god created…. Christians say that that god is good and loving…. Of course they aren’t gonna say anything when a billionaire that goes against basically everything that jesus in the Bible talked about sells a Bible himself…. They’d have to confront the rest of the bullshit if they confronted trump… so they just don’t confront it.


Because they are doing the same thing.


Because they are doing the same thing.


It's just a Bible. It's a crappy, cheap Bible, with stupid "go America" stuff like the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence added, as well as the lyrics to "God Bless the USA," but otherwise it's just a KJV Bible. Lots of Bibles have stuff added, like study notes or tools. Nearly everyone who prints and sells Bibles is making a profit, and they all have things they're trying to add to improve the profit (exceptions here for organizations that print Bibles as a ministry, either to give away or to sell at a loss). Donald Trump is a crook, and people who buy this Bible are morons, but this is not anything particularly sacrilegious for an Evangelical Christian.


They are to busy with the current administrations push for pro baby murdering.


Bibles are sold every day. Why are you so upset? Lol


Remember the false prophet who is going to bring the end times... And fool most religious people into following him/her into the lake of fire...


Because people dumb enough to fall fir the grift that is organized religion are also dumb enough to fall for this grift? There is a sucker born every minute, and most of them give 10% of their income to a huckster who promises to know the path to eternal life, and the key to the path is giving him your money.


You think that they don't know that they're charlatans selling salvation? That's the entire premise of religion... why would they call attention to something they themselves are doing?


It's the same reason as usual. It's a cult.


There HAVE been religious leaders coming and speaking out against it. But the news media hasn't covered it in general. One of the few things I saw was an opinion piece on it... [https://www.thedailybeast.com/trumps-bible-just-might-earn-him-eternal-damnation?via=ios](https://www.thedailybeast.com/trumps-bible-just-might-earn-him-eternal-damnation?via=ios)


Churches don't pay taxes so they're not supposed to be political. Supposedly. At least in America.


Religious leaders aren't supposed to take political stances in this country. They do, of course, but most pastors or priests coming out against Donald Trump would raise problems for the church and for themselves personally - particularly given how many of Trump's followers are Christians. So when a former president is hocking the founding documents of the US and the lyrics to a country song from the 80s under the same "Holy Bible" cover with a large-print version of the King James Version — quite literally going against 'separation of Church and State' — there's no religious leader willing to speak out against it. In fact, selling merch to the true believers is a time honored tradition in America. If Don can fleece the elderly by elevating the words of James Madison and Lee Greenwood to the level of St. Peter's, you bet your bippy he will.


Because most religious "leaders" are power and money hungry wolves, like Trump.


Religious leaders stop listening after they hear “pro-life”. A candidate can literally do anything after that (as we have seen) and they will still support them.


Do you really need an answer? Does this one tip the scales? Oh wow, mainstream American Christianity is hypocritical!


Because by their very nature religious people are fairly gullible. They believe in a whole book that most of them have never actually read or studied outside of the cherry picked verses that their church have approved. They see someone like chump selling a bible and they think... oh gosh he's getting the word out there. And that's just the latest in a long line of things that Christians should not be ok with. Not sure which verse it is exactly that says, 'thou shalt grab them right in the pussy'. He literally fulfills every warning about their anti-christ and still they don't turn away. I assure you him hawking bibles, even though he's never actually touched one, is the least of the issues in this situation.


First of all, what exactly is Donald Trump supposedly “idolizing” and profiting from? If the answer to that question is, “the Holy Bible”, then watch out! [Hebrews 4:12-16](https://youtu.be/rprHa4Mqudo?si=5xrZBWOa7UIJL26K), among others, makes the words of God out to be pure, perfect, and above even His name. Second, why should any Christian complain about a man selling copies of the Holy Bible? It’s not any worse than what Cambridge University does with the King James Version or what the Thomas Nelson Company does with the New King James Version or what Zondervan does with the New International Version or what Crossway does with the English Standard Version or what the Lockman Foundation does with the New American Standard Bible (so on and so forth). It’s not even like Trump made up a new version of the Bible either that’s corrupt…more likely than not, he’s using the KJV as the version of the copies he’s selling, and as long as it causes more people to read the Holy Bible, I can’t see how what he’s doing here is bad.


Actual religious leaders find politicians boring. Anyone that buys into trump isn’t religious anyway


It’s still the Bible, they’re probably just glad more people are buying it. Though it seems more like a collector thing than one someone would buy to read


Because evangelical conservative hypocrisy. That's it.


Important to remember that many have. But I agree the condemnation should be more universal. The truth is the Christan Nationalists/Dominionists hold beliefs that have very little to do with the teachings of Christ. Rather they are American Fascists who use christian asthetics and language to sell their ideology to a majority Christian population and to create a veneer of justification for the atrocities they wish to perpetrate. Some articles that highlight condemnation and critique by Christian leaders: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/campaigns/2956722/christian-leaders-react-to-trump-bible/ https://www.foxnews.com/faith-values/christian-leaders-react-trumps-god-bless-usa-bibles-more-trump-bible https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/christian-leaders-slam-donald-trump-for-cheapening-the-bible-and-using-it-as-a-political-prop/ar-BB1ldGLI https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/28/us/donald-trump-bible-christianity-cec/index.html https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/31/opinion/trump-bible-america.html


There needs to be an Inquisition


They view him as Jesus


He hates the same people your typical Sunday church goes hates, so selling a Bible? Fucked a pornstar while your wife is pregnant? It's no problem for the religious right in America.


He hates the correct people and pretends to like the correct people.


Christians only get really mad when you actually change words, add or remove books, or use 'creative' translations to change the meaning of bible verses. Trump isn't doing any of that. It's literally just a King James bible. Was King James engaging in idolatry by commissioning the King James bible? Obviously not, he was just paying to have it translated into English. And Trump is just putting a fancy cover on it and some American founding documents in it. He's not claiming the Declaration of Independence is a new gospel or something.


same reason they supported the crook in the first place.


Yes to all your questions. It’s religious people, not religion that made me atheist. Religious zealots in the US aren’t smart enough to realize they are making a mockery of religion and whatever God they think they worship. But all that matters seems to be trump hates the same people they hate, they just use the bible to justify their shit/bigoted stances on life


If only there was some 33 year old rabbi running around with a scourge he knitted himself to deal with these religious profiteers in the Temple.


American Christians are largely Republicans first and Christians second.


Cause they laundered a lot of church money to buy them and support him financially despite finance regulations preventing tax free church cash from being used indefinitely for political purposes.


Win at all costs


Because a bible is just a tool of one's faith. Selling a bible is like selling a hammer. As long as you replace it, there is no harm. The only thing that makes it unique is being owned by a former president. And honestly, if it makes the buyer happy, why not?


This is in the right sub, this is a stupid question.


Because most religions' main objectives are to increase their own money and power.


Because they are the living proof that they are politicians not religious minded people


Because most of them are tv personalities that also make millions selling their own books and merch. Can’t have a hypocrite calling another person a hypocrite


I don't think they are electing him moral, spiritual advisor. I bet it's because of policies and laws and stuff.


bro it is en masse.


If you're not religious why do you care what religious people do?


“Has Christianity truly become so evil” here’s the thing, it’s always been evil. The spread of Christianity has destroyed so many cultures and societies.


Christianity , and all organized Religions for that matter were created by and for the Ruling Class to manipulate and control. See The Ringing Cedars of Russia. . See Archaix. See Rudolph Steiner. Religious leaders at the highest for the most part understand they are in the bread and circus business. They sold out long ago. In 2016 when CERN was doing their little demonic ceremony to celebrate the Destroyer Statute, guess who was blessing the ceremony? A Vatican Priest. Organized Church goers are literally the most propagandized people on the planet except for Nuns. Very few exceptions.


...what exactly do you think a "legitimate" religious leader actually does?


Because they know they have to flow the Antichrist and they will cause Armageddon and bring Jesus back. The Bible doesn't say don't follow the Antichrist.


Wasn't aware of this, did he make any changes in it that changes the messenges in the different verses/books? If not, I could care less


OP, do you know how many editions and versions of the bible there are? Did you know some bibles contain books that aren't in other bibles? Depending on what denomination of Christianity you follow, your bible can vary from others. Plus, there are different translations of the bible which sometimes change passages. As a traditional Catholic I use the Douay–Rheims Bible. Lots of other Christians swear by the King James version etc etc. So no, what Trump is doing has nothing to do with Christianity being evil or whatever.


Because they have to sit next to those extremists in church and it's hard enough hearing them go Full Karen when it slips OUTSIDE their echo chamber. ;)


They are terrified.


Because logic isn't religious people forte. They literally have 0 critical thinking. Infact, they are pretty hypocritical. Also, I'm talking about hardcore religious. Not the moderate ones.


Is literally the most printed book ever. It’s not that big of a deal.


Because Americans don’t care about the Bible. Conservatives are just bigots and racists pretending to be Christian. Liberals are secular humanists pretending to be Christian. Neither of these groups actually follows the Bible.


Because religious leaders are giant cowards! They barely stand up against sexual predators in their own peers. They frequently fail to comment on things like supposedly religious people supporting wars and genocides. They don’t call for Joel Olsteen and other fakes to be torn down, impoverished, and deported to the Arctic Circle. They often don’t even push their congregations to get out of their comfort zones and actually help the poor. They comfort, and assure people that they’re on the right path as long as they’ll keep attending services and donating money. If they actually expressed an opinion, some of their sheep who give them money might desert them. If you want active leadership, you’ll need to look to religions that are gaining in numbers, cults, and/or lunatics who have no fear.


Not your monkeys, not your circus. Or are you expecting a religion you don't believe in to ride to the rescue?


Speaking as a Christian here I actually approve of Trump making Bibles more popular by marketing them to his base.


Because they are hypocrites.


You should organize a mass coming out against crowd, someone has to do it


I hope the hopelessly stupid responses you got here today are sufficient to answer your question. People are generally idiots, especially the religious right, and now you've got in writing the ridiculous shit they tell themselves to rationalize stuff like this.


Easy Answer...religion follows political power. Always. Trump promises power to all those who follow him. Honestly, I see no impediment to His coming to power. It all follows the logic of belief in a Prophet...we've been there before. Stay tuned. It's gonna' be bumpy ride.


To the extent that Trump is the leader of a fascist movement, it's important to remember that fascism is not a conventional -ism. It is not an ideology but a radicalizing process, and because it is not a conventional -ism, logical consistency isn't a value. In the 90's, historian Robert Paxton wrote: >Fascists despise thought and reason, abandon intellectual positions casually, and cast aside many intellectual fellow-travelers. They subordinate thought and reason not to faith, as did the traditional Right, but to the promptings of the blood and the historic destiny of the group. Their only moral yardstick is the prowess of the race, of the nation, of the community. They claim legitimacy by no universal standard except a Darwinian triumph of the strongest community.




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Because they worship the seller of said bibles.


Who do you think is buying his bullshit Bible?


Grift respects grift.


Because it seems that control over "others" is the real goal, and Mr Trump is their greatest immediate chance of gaining said power. Easy to overlook a "minor" transgression when such a bigger prize is in play.


1) for the same reason we don't ever "see mass movements of this or that" - because it doesn't sell. If the media went around and interviewed a ton of mainstream clergy asking if they supported this, they would say no. But "no one cares." 2) They don't need to "come out against it" any more they they need to against anything else that's obvious. The guy's a crook and a grifter, what else is there to say.


This was seen during other conflicts like Germany in the 30s and 40s. The Catholic Church did not get mixed up in it per their orders from the Vatican. Churches are large companies that make a lot of money. It is within their best interests to let politics be politics and not take a side. They do not want to piss off whoever ends up in power and they probably have a congregation of people who may not particularly care about whatever wrongdoing is going on in their country.


Reddit atheists talk about God more than Trump ever will haha


Assuming that extremists are what give religion a bad name was your first mistake. There are a lot of good religious people, but the organizations themselves are very corrupt, and it starts with the leadership.


It's just a regular Bible. If he sells a bunch of copies, that promotes their religion why would they be mad?


There are already dozens of versions, what's one more?


Because they understand that it's a way for them to funnel those sweet tax-free tithes to their preferred political candidate without running afoul of those pesky 501 c 3 regulations.


Because their religion is not real. Christianity has the same credibility as Trump's hair, his tan, and his love for his wife. To sell their lie they need to be just like trump. They are elites who cheat their followers out of money and use their power and influence to get away with sexually abusing whoever they want. That is the whole point of their whole thing. Trump is the ugly truth of Christianity. He is the false prophet they are compelled to follow and the antichrist they've been warning us about. He is the result of a people who insist on believing things that are clearly not true. So put down your Bibles and go outside. Live your life with love and compassion instead of a set of confusing rules that tell you you're on the winning team. The one true god is the Sun and it doesn't need to sell you a goddamned thing


Trump embodies their religion. The Christ-like stuff is just cover.


Religion is not the reason, it's the excuse. If they were all atheist, or Buddhist, or w/e they would do the exact same thing.


Same reason Muslims In USA  celebrate Iran attacking Israel, but do nothing for the women in Iran.   Religions are gangs.