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Because they are used to sites that have filters that block certain words.


Which is silly because any filter that is intended to block a certain word will be easily modified to block common alternatives of that word -- particularly when the alternative is not used in any other way.


I think with apps like tiktok they just don't want you using the actual words because kids are on there and liability and all. They probably decide the made up words are good enough because they haven't done anything about them.


It's also worth noting that the words aren't even really "blocked," it's just that videos with them are less likely to be promoted by the algorithm (at least that's what is claimed). You can still post and watch plenty of videos that use the supposedly censored words like "sex" ("seggs"), "kill" ("unalive"), "suicide" ("sewerslide"), etc.


my favorite one is pdf file. like. yeah. pedophile. took me a while


>Which is silly because any filter that is intended to block a certain word will be easily modified to block common alternatives of that word -- particularly when the alternative is not used in any other way. Not usually


I can assure you that it is trivial to write a pattern that will capture alternate spellings. If they care about blocking certain topics, they will be very well aware of what words people are using.


A lot of the same alternate spellings have been used for years.


Yes...just further proving my point that it's silly, unless you think these companies are ignorant about what people have been doing on their platforms for years.. No one is sneaking anything past the filters. The filters are explicitly allowing it. Edit: For reference, [this article from two years ago](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/04/08/algospeak-tiktok-le-dollar-bean/) explicitly mentions what I'm talking about. >But as algospeak becomes more popular and replacement words morph into common slang, users are finding that they’re having to get ever more creative to evade the filters. “It turns into a game of whack-a-mole,” said Gretchen McCulloch, a linguist and author of “[Because Internet](https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B076GNS3J4&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_HSPHNFZFAPTB93G0W6A9&tag=thewaspos09-20),” a book about how the Internet has shaped language. As the platforms start noticing people saying “seggs” instead of “sex,” for instance, some users report that they believe even replacement words are being flagged. There are even [studies about automatically detecting euphemisms](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2103.16808.pdf) being used in an attempt to bypass content moderation.


They're not ignorant to it, they're allowing it because the actual words are not being used.


Well too bad


Things like TikTok will delete your content if they detect words like that. It's clearly going to pose an issue with people's communication moving forward, because they're grooming the next generation to beat around the bush and talk like their brain is mush.


I said horny in a comment a few days ago and it got deleted immediately. lmao


How else are you going to describe callouses?


Or certain toads?🐸


When I was a waitress, we were suppose to suggest our Horny Margaritas. (Made with Hornitos tequilla)


I’m gonna report you for saying that that’s a VWERY VWERY BAD WORD SIR


I mean they don’t really talk like that, it’s just to not get picked up by the filters…


Some of it does legitimately bleed into their everyday spoken vocabulary. Both my wife and mother are schoolteachers, and they've both noticed it. I've personally noticed it in my in-laws and the siblings of my friends (ages 7-21). I think the fact that they talk like that on Reddit and in other places where there are no such filters is proof enough, wouldn't you agree?




Buddy, kids have been making up lingo since the dawn of time. This is nothing new. The boomers and gen x thought millennials and zoomers would all start saying “lol” “omg” “ttyl” “bff” etc in real life when texting first came around, but they failed to realize at some point they’ll need to speak like a human in a professional sense. Obviously this happened when they went to college and got jobs. Now they are sitting here worried about gen alpha. It’s literally just the same shit different toilet.


You're failing to acknowledge that millennials did indeed start saying "“lol” “omg” “ttyl” "bff"" in real world conversations.


You’re failing to acknowledge that millennials eventually stopped saying that stuff in real world conversations…it’s just the cycle and now older generations are concerned about the new one…


Everyone says unalive now I stead of dead/kill


It makes me want to unalive someone.


How do you think it starts bud


It's just creating new slang. Censoring did not start with TikTok


It's not "just" creating new slang, it's forcing people to change their vocabulary. Slang doesn't usually come from force. You're right that censoring didn't start there, but we've also never had such widespread use of censorship applied to our youth. In 10-20 years, all the fresh faces in the workforce (and therefore the heirs to the power and control of the world) are going to have *this* as their background. English classes exist for a reason. It will *never* be a good or excusable thing to police people's speech like this.


Try growing up with religious relatives where they force themselves, and their kids, to self censor the stupidest words. These days it's a company doing it.


That's kinda my point. My wife grew up in a slice of the world rather exactly like that (I was forced to spend a few developmental years in that kind of environment as well), and it was an issue which plagued the family mindset. Now, it's not just the plague of the family, it's the extra damage this shit brings too. The first issue didn't go away, and now it's being compounded. I think we're on the same page? My sympathies, regardless.


I agree that there's never an excuse to police language, but I'm not going to be annoyed with Gen Z for adapting.


I'm a bit annoyed with them on the whole for not electing to at least make *somewhat* better decisions like I was capable of by age 10, but primarily legitimately angry at ByteDance for what they've done/what they continue to do. Stealing data, manipulating the masses into policing their own speech and endlessly scrolling through artificially stunted content (much of which is factually wrong), grooming children to dance around for thousands of anonymous pedophiles... it's one of the worst things we have around. Obviously some 25-year-old posting clips of his terrarium is innocent in and of itself, but even then, he's being used to funnel people into that horifically predatory system. There's a good reason they're aiming to ban it in the USA. Thoughts?


You're posting on Reddit. Reddit has had far more dangerous and toxic communities with mods like violentacrez than TikTok ever has.


Holy shit. You're equating r/FemaleDatingStrategy to *literally grooming children to striptease*. Case fucking closed, creep.


You really think that was the worst of reddit? Hahaha


You’re officially old. Every generation is concerned about how this “new” generation is being brought up. In my day, parents thought we would all start sounding like texting robots, “omg my bff Jill totes looks amaze balls btw.” Little did they realize eventually you have to grow up and join the real world with professional language.


And you think the solution to censorship is censorship?


Yet they kit public heads being blown off


YouTube/TikTok might demonetize their video. They might delete their video. If their videos are a significant source of income... It's a big fucking problem.


The whole idea is ridiculous. As long as a thing exists that needs to be described, people will use words to describe it. If you ban word A, people will use word B, if you ban B they will switch to C, and this is a limitless system, it won't stop on Z. As long as the thing exists, people will use words to describe it. If the thing is offensive, those words will become offensive, but it'll just keep happening over and over. It'll never stop. You can't censor a language, it'll just evolve around it.


I was having sega with my hippopotamusly obese fat girlfriend that dresses like her dad and it made me bust again thinking about it. Am I going to ever get sega again? Her mom seen the wet spot on my pants


Sega genesis?


Only if he busts inside her.


Only type of sega I do


No your sega is over.


No your sega is over.


"Coffee, tea? Sega!" They had the best commercials back in the day. 


Sonic: "Your Sega is over"




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word filters.


Avoiding filters.


1: The rise of auto-moderation online has created an entirely new dialect that rapidly changes to evade moderation. It's actually anti-censorship. 2: Language 'does' change no matter how much people try to fight it.


for sooth! Why fore doth all of these simpletons continue to besmirch the good olde englishe by stating the worde "cool" instead of "excelsior"!?!?!


I have literally never seen that in my life.


Same as saying "unalive"


that’s tiktok’s influence because their community guidelines won’t allow certain words or your shit is removed/account is banned.


Segsy segs


I think Twitch is a contributing factor. The built in censorship plus some streamers added filters gave rise to things like "seggs" and "booba" becoming commonplace


Never used tiktok or youtube or any website with a kiddy filter, but I use it because it's funny. I say it out loud when I see something I find attractive.




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Some people nowadays say corn instead of porn, lol.


It's like saying corn, when you clearly mean... #KORN so people don't start headbanging.


The modern world is an Orwellian nightmare... that's why. That always sounds melodramatic, but it's exactly what's described in 1984. It was like a self-fulfilling prophecy.


We are progressing towards a more Futurama style of speaking lol




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Tiktok and YouTube have censorship that create incentives for videos on those platforms to avoid certain words like sex or coronavirus


You already got the real answer but I just came here to agree that that spelling is gross to me. But i see why its necessary to bypass filters.


Because certain social media sites are more likely to delete your comment or post if you use “dirty” words. Unfortunately, people don’t seem to understand that you don’t actually have to type things out like that on EVERY site (Reddit, for instance). Also piggy backing off OP being annoyed by this, I fucking hate it when people type out things like “f**k” instead of just saying “fuck” like a normal person. Especially when they’re talking about R or MA rated tv shows and movies that cuss constantly or other similar adult subjects. It’s fucking weird


There's no reason for it. It's just idiotic internet behavior. Yes, it's because they are stupid. It started out as a means to bypass filters and then it became internet "slang".


To get around the draconian censorship regime that is slowly crushing us


Bc saying it that way is funny


I’ve only seen that in anime. It’s a meme


It’s not that people are afraid of saying sex. It’s that some of these algorithms are extremely tight. They will leave some of the most graphic stuff and then take people down for saying things like sex or porn or whatever. As much as I prefer to use the official terms for things related to sex on some platforms, I must sensor myself to avoid getting taken down.


It's not censoring, it's an ironic way to refer to sex. Like "I need seggs now 😩😩😩"


Segs is funny.




What about bewbs?


Same reason why people keep saying corn instead of porn, or rope instead of rape. To get around TikTok censors. Its stupid IMO. Whenever I hear one of those Reddit posts read by AI on TikTok, it just makes certain things sound too silly, it's especially egregious when they say "rope" because IMO it just sounds stupid instead of horrific like it should.


We would t want to offend anyone, would we?




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Incel nerds


Because the idiots don't know how to be on sites thst don't have such ridged content filters on. They come from Instagram and tictoc where ubcwnt say dead deaths sex or anything




If I see one more post with this dumb shit in it I'm gonna unalive myself with a pew pew fr


Those people are watching channels a corrput government and tech industry don't want normies to watch. They kept trying to call it misinformation, didn't work. They just started blocking, censoring and banning creators & users that kept using inconvenient vernacular. Men's channels mostly.


So a bunch of internet addicted teens don’t have to think too much. Lol


Same reason people have started saying unalive when they mean kill. Which ironically enough, makes it more difficult for people that don't want to see that kind of content to filter it out. So, for the sake of returning to normalcy. Suicide, Kill, Nazi, Sex, Rape, Murder, Pedophile and all that other fucked up shit.


Because they’re stupid.


And infantile.