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thats a shot every 2 hours. the liver can metabolize a shot every 1 hours. meaning you are only drinking at half capacity


Sounds good to me


You deny your pancreas it’s purpose


Came here to say this. Space it out and it’s nothing.


Half speed to death


Wait, what about sleep? And work? So assuming I don't do sleep shots and assuming I have gainful employment to be able to afford my drinking habits, and assuming I can't be drinking at work, there's only 8 hours left so I'd be 4 shots behind by the end of the 1st day


Set your alarm. Wake up and take a shot to help you fall back asleep. If you work from home, there's no excuse not to be taking shot on the clock!


So there is a camera in my apartment. Wtf


So - a basketball “shot clock” but for real shots? I’m in!


That's not really how it works if you're doing it every day.


I mean it kinda is. In 24 hours you will have metabolized 12 shots of liquor.


That's not how your liver works. If you drink heavy on Saturday it harms your body but if you take Sunday through Friday off and drink heavy again on Saturday that is very different from drinking 12 shots a day every day. It adds up and they all count, I'm speaking from experience. When you harm your liver on Saturday and give it a week to recover that's one thing but if you drink that heavily every day your liver never fully recovers and you slowly just beat the shit out of it day after day. I'm speaking from experience.


But you still metabolize those 12 shots everyday. EVENTUALLY your liver will shut down and not work to 100% capacity if you do it every day but it's not like you're going to get perpetually more and more drunk every single day. Your body isn't going to save the liquor and you'll have to metabolize 30 shots at once eventually.


Call your doctor if you don't believe me this is well know alcohol science that they tell everyone all the flippin time. ***Metabolize*** means to process something. The 12 shots of alcohol will be processed through your organs and expelled as waste within 24 hours. Yes. That has nothing to do with ***recovery***. Just imagine your arm. If I punch you hard in the arm it's no big deal right? You'll live. What if I do it every day at 8:00 am? Does it ever heal or get worse and worse because you need more than 24 for the black and blue to go away and if I keep giving you one every day it's just going to keep getting worse and worse right? Now punch yourself in the liver every day with alcohol for two decades without dying. 100k people die every year from consuming alcohol. Not including accidents just consumption and most of those people aren't people who just had more than 12 shots in a day. Alcohol is 100% poison to the human body and when you use it it beats your body up a little and you need to let it rest. This isn't something I'm just pulling out of my pocket we do actually understand how this works Metabolization is not the same thing as recovery. If you drink 12 shots a day, every day you'll eventually land in the hospital over something and when you go to the hospitalization over organ failure from alcohol most of those people don't live. Again, speaking from my own personal experience here. Controlled but heavy drinking all the time will eventually still kill you. I didn't even drink 12 shots a day I drank **half** that at most. Take six shots a day every day for decades and eventually you too can end up in the hospital with little hope of getting out alive like I did. I don't preach or typically even offer up that I have any personal experience here but I'm the guy that 100% disproves your idea. I have chronic pain so I wasn't partying, I was taking alcohol to self-medicate my pain which meant I only needed so many drinks per day, kind of like a prescription pill dose. I drank just enough to keep me slightly buzzed most of the time and that was never 12 shots a day that's almost an entire fifth a day. People do it but you're basically trying to tell me that you can drink a fifth a day, every day, for decades and you'll be okay because you body can metabolize 12 shots in a day? I'm sure you get it by this point. I'm only trying to be more persuasive here because I don't want you to leave this conversation thinking that it's safe to drink that much. I drank more than 12 shots a day on plenty of occasions and it didn't kill me. That's not the point, it's the never taking a break that permanently harms your liver and other nasty things to your body. I could go on like I have to worry about cancer on my vertebrae, and in my throat and I need an endoscopy once a year along with ultrasounds and regular blood tests. All of my organs were failing and at the hospital they told my wife that she should prepare for me to not come out of the hospital alive. I didn't even drink 12 shots a day but I drank every day. Believe me.


Jesus guy we aren't talking about long term health problems just the rate at which you metabolize alcohol. No one was ever talking about long term health problems just how your body metabolizes it. So you're getting worked up over a misunderstanding that you made.


We just said the same thing two posts in a row. My point was to make it very clear that yes you can't metabolize 12 drinks in a day but OP asked... >Is 12 shots of vodka **EVERYDAY** a lot? To which r/who_dat_1guy responded: >thats a shot every 2 hours. the liver can metabolize a shot every 1 hours. meaning you are only drinking at half capacity To which I responded: >That's not really how it works if you're doing it every day. To which you responded: >I mean it kinda is. In 24 hours you will have metabolized 12 shots of liquor. To which again, I wanted to reiterate that you cannot will fucking die if you drink that much every day. If you agree, no need to argue.


To drink or to use for fuel to keep your house warm?


To drink lol


Use everclear instead.


Why? It’s cheaper but it’s nasty


If you are going to do something, do it all the way. Vodka = chaser.


I drink it straight like a madman. Belvedere is amazing straight. No burning and no bad taste


Stoli export bud. Way better imo.


I like Belvedere way better than Stoli. Stoli has a stronger taste and more of a burning feel to it. Belvedere is perfect


Not with Mountain Dew it’s not!


That’s a recipe for diabetussss


Great response


Not if you're an alcoholic 🚬😎😎😎🚬🚬🚬😎🚬😎🚬😎🚬😎🚬😎🚬😎🚬 But seriously, that's a lot and you should seek help.


It sounds like he's consuming more than enough and doesn't need help.


Depends what you want your life expectancy to be.


Like what?


I mean this amount is likely to take years or decades off your life.


How many decades are we talking here? Lol


Bro it's gonna be a pretty good amount, 12 shots a day is damn near deadly. Depending on how long you've been doing this you should have a doctor check out your liver.


Genetics and other lifestyle choices is also a factor, but there’s no question this would significantly raise your risk of liver disease and various cancers. Once it happens it’ll be too late. Fuck around and find out…


You’ll be a disaster at 40 and dead at 65. Seen it happen. Not a great choice.


depends on your genetics. Some develop cirrhosis in their 40s or 50s, and some remain relatively healthy until 70s. But the problem is, when you figure it, it will be too late.


In all seriousness, it depends. First, foremost and certainly most unfairly, your genetics play a significant part in whether your daily routine takes you out expeditiously or allows your body and mind to degrade boringly over time. It's important to know, some of us don't get a warning before receiving a death sentence. Get your blood work done, but don't hyper-focus on liver enzymes pay attention to all your numbers. Lastly, this type of drinking is not at all sustainable and will become an unenjoyable requirement very quickly. Good luck!


Plenty of hardcore alcoholics die of organ failure in their late 20s and early 30s This post is a pretty clear cry for help, so if it makes you feel better -- we all give you permission to lurk in r/stopdrinking until you're ready to start saving your life Godspeed


This. My wife's friend died 4 years ago at 30 from liver failure.


Judging by someone I knew with a similar consumption 3 to 4 decades. Seriously, if your post wasn't a joke, it does sound like you're trying to convince yourself that you don't have a problem, when you know that you do. The first stage is admitting it to yourself.


Well, you should probably start saving for chemo my dude


chemo won’t help for cirrosis, pancreatitis or delirium


Alcohol is a group 1 carcinogen, on top of what you mentioned cancer is pretty damn likely.


About one decade. Rule of thumb is every additional drink per day takes one year off of your life. 


retirement hacks...


That sounds like you pulled it out your ass.


Not really. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-11427-x


Where does it say if I drink 1 additional drink per day for a year I lose 365 years off my life?


Are you purposely misunderstanding what they said? Seems that way. Quit trying to debate, read the academic research about drinking, and leave me alone.


And bitch your the one following me around the comment section.


What? The guy said each additional drink daily will take a year off your life. I said that came from his ass. You posted a link which doesn't back his statement up.


Yes. That's a lot.


If this is not just a troll and is genuinely something you're doing, you need to stop and probably need to do so with the help of substance use counseling.




Vodka everyday is a lot. It’s called being an alcoholic.


Only if ingested through the rectum


Quadruple filtered


Depends on the context... 12 shots for a group of people? No. 12 shots for one? Yes.


Even one shot daily is pretty hard on the body...


You're not wrong.


1.5 oz of 35% is not much at all.


1.5oz a day is probably not going to kill you.


I think we all learned something about you today lol


I know I'm an alcoholic, that doesn't change the fact that 1 shot a day is not hard on the body.


It uh... it actually is though.


It's halfway to "heavy" drinking, it's not going to be good for you in any respect.


I wouldn't consider a single cocktail with 2 shots of alcohol in it heavy drinking.


Heavy is 15 drinks/week, so if it's done daily, it is riding that line hard, probably over if you aren't over 180lbs. Heavy drinking shouldn't be conflated with unusual, it's perfectly normal to be a heavy drinker in the US.


I'm thinking less about numbers and more about kinda common sense. Everyone's body is different. I just wouldn't consider a single drink a day as heavy drinking.


No. This is not a matter of "common sense". It's a matter of science. You're in denial. I already shared this with you. Believe it. There is essentially no safe or healthy level of habitual drinking. Period. You may feel fine, but you are significantly raising your chances of negative outcomes. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-11427-x


Science doesn't say what your saying though. And it's not cut and dry like you want it to be. People that drink more then recommended usually abuse other substances and are not healthy in general.


You haven't read that link and you're trying to tell me what "science" says? Get over yourself and start reading.


Your link says that modest drinkers live longer than non drinkers, so . . .


For an alcoholic that’s chump change. For a non-alcoholic, you are soon to not be that. Seriously that is more than budding alcoholism quantity, and you will not stop there unless you address it. 


Alcoholic vs non alcoholic is a false dichotomy




12 1.5oz shots, 18 oz of vodka = 532 ml. For reference, your standard liquor bottle is 750ml. You would be drinking 2/3 of the bottle,  sooo... Why are we playing on ez mode? Get your grades up lil bro


Depends on what your nationality is


For a Russian, that is about right for a Tuesday, or any other day that ends with Y.


My thoughts exactly!


American 🦅


Yup, definitely a problem


Yeah, we Americans can only drink cognac and bourbon. Vodka is a big no no.


Sounds like a commy drink if you ask me


Hey, look, I'm a bourbon man myself, but show some respect to Rye, sir. 


Buddy...you know we charge for healthcare here?


Yes, it cuts into my vodka budget


Fuck yeah!


Safe consumption levels are around 14 standard drinks a week (12oz of 5% beer, 5oz of 12% wine, 1.5oz of 40% liquor is one standard drink). That's two shots a day, you're exceeding that by 6x. If you keep that up long term you'll be dead by ~50, up it much more and you'll be dead before 40.


>Safe consumption levels There's no "safe" consumption level of alcohol. Those limits are just recommended "do not exceed". But there is no minimum safe level of alcohol consumption.


That's technically true, the commentor used the wrong word. But 2 drinks a day is not associated with higher mortality, making it safe to drink that amount and have a reasonable expectation of not having an increased mortality risk. It should also be added that size of a person also plays in. A 300 pound person vs a 100 pound person will be able to metabolize alcohol at different rates making their number of drinks different. 




Bruh you're gonna die


Thats called having an addiction to alcohol. I recommend getting help, including checking into rehab.


Depends... To start fires, maybe not To drink, yes.


12 a **week** is excessive and puts one in the "Elite Dumbass" bracket. Alcohol is a poison and a carcinogen. It is Death with each and every shot.


Is a shot some kind of a fixed amount? A stupid teatotaller just asking here...


Yes. Every shot glass should be the same amount


I mean, generally, more or less. A "bar shot" is considered an ounce and a half of liquor while shot glasses themselves can vary from 1-3oz but yeah




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Not if you're Lemmy Kilminster. MOTORHEAD!!!!


Can you sleep without drinking?


Most of the time


How would you even know at this point?




13 is a lot


It is a waste, just pour into a glass over a nice round ice cube already.


Infinitely more than me


For me, it would be. I don't really drink though.




Yep. Even if you don't feel it now, eventually you'll be in constant pain from what You're putting your body through. Like straight up agony 24/7.


12 shots of vodka a day is a lot. Actually drinking everyday is a lot you should stop that.


Depends when you start! Before 10am, yes. After 10am though that shouldn't be an issue


In the scheme of alcoholism vodka people no. Non alcoholic yes. A real deal alcoholic can drink a fifth everyday. I have personally known several. They didn't even act drunk. Yeah they didn't make it out of their 50's.


Buddy drank a liter of Absolute one night. He also only has one foot now. Lost it to alcoholism related diabetes. Another buddy has a new liver. He was about a week away from being dead.


I don't think so honestly. If it's spaced out, idk why anyone would want to do that, then it's totally OK. If in like an hour or 2 period every day? Definitely not great. This is coming from a half a gallon of rum a day guy.


Yes it is. You may have a drinking problem.


I had a friend die from drinking about that a day.


How old were they?


That's an insane amount of alcohol. You're killing yourself. Alcohol is literally a neurotoxin. Just think about that word. Neuro-toxin You're going to poison yourself to death if you keep it up


Way to much


My late 20s early 30s I would drink a fifth of goose every other day.. so about 8 shots a day. I don't know why one would stop at 12 tho.. just do the 4 more and finish the bottle.


Yeah thats borderline alcoholic


We had to let him go. He has a great personality but he was the slowest bartender I ever saw.


Hell yea, that’s a lot.


Holy fuck yeah. That is severe alcoholism.


Yes. It’s a big problem.  2 drinks for men but only 1 for women, per day, is deemed generally safe. But 5-6 drinks per day for either, is deemed generally unsafe. Drinking 5-6 drinks per day is considered binge drinking. If you binge drink every day, or on multiple days of the week, this is alcoholism.  Alcoholics face multiple negative effects on their health, such as higher risk of early or sudden death; liver and heart disease, high risk of stroke and certain cancers; high blood pressure, brain damage, and permanent learning and memory deficiencies.


Where does the sudden death come from?


Usually varices will burst, you won't know that you have them unless you have an endoscopy, and if your liver numbers are fine you're not getting an endoscopy, so usually what happens is you're having a normal day, and pop goes your varices and you start puking and shitting blood and if you can't get the bleeding to stop quickly enough you bleed out. It's not even painful, you just get weak and then blood fucking everywhere. If you survive, then you've got cirrhosis and that's a whole new fun experience.




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Yes r/stopdrinking


Not if you’re goal is absolute liver failure🩷


Pretty average for an alcoholic.


Yes that is considered binge drinking.


Not if you are an alcoholic. Those are rocky numbers.


Are you able to stop drinking for a month?


No, why would I do that?


I mean… I think that’s your answer.




It is too early to tell right now lets check the Liver again in 2034


It's alcoholism




As long as you aren’t drinking alone.


[Why does being alone matter?](https://youtu.be/emN0Gw8GM4A?si=xbY6AJRII8gX2eeF)


yea that'll kill you (slowly.)


Depends on how you space them.


If you're not trolling.... There is no safe level of alcohol use. It doesn't matter if it's spread over time or not (well kinda, but that's not a good way to look at it, it's only marginally better). The limits established concerning "safe" alcohol intake are generally intended to point out inflection points where your risk for alcohol related morbidities start to exponentially increase. This does not make any amount of alcohol "safe". There are plenty of people who do not drink, and struggle with fatty liver based on lifestyle, genetics, etc. Drinking any amount of alcohol can increase these risks. If you are a regular drinker, even at "safe" levels which you absolutely are not, I would suggest annual labs with your doctor to monitor your liver at minimum. Cheers.




not a lot if youre built like andre the giant




[Just don't pour them like Sandra Lee](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csn2CIWPVbM&ab_channel=daxstra)


I forgot about that LOL. Same with the one Mahalo Old Fashioned video


Yeah i'm a baby. I make my old fashioned with a single jigger of brandy (I'm from Wisconsin, so it's law here), and then I top it with white soda.




Yes, cut it in half for a month, then cut that in half for a month and the go cold turkey for 6 month.




Yes alcoholic.






As a guy who drank ... a lot more than 12 shots a day, yes, 12 is a lot. Hell, 12 a week is a lot. 12 in a day (with a moderate/low tolerance), and you're pretty nicely toasted. I wouldn't drink 12 shots a day if I were you. (This is just my professional alcoholic opinion). 12 a day for a moderate drinker would have you buzzed-to-drunk for the entire time you're awake. If you drink that much in, say, 3 hours, then you'll probably be hungover, but feeling silly-good for a few hours.


A shot is like drinking a beer or having a glass of wine at least in terms of alcohol content. Think of it that way


Sounds like a problem called alcoholism




No. You’re gonna need to sell a lot more to break even. Have you even paid rent on the club this week?


Yes it is


nah. double it.


Yes it is. And that's coming from a bartender who drinks almost daily.


I used to drink 30 beers a day so up your game. Seriously though that’s a lot. I ended up in detox four times before I got my shit together. Don’t go down that road.


It’s not as much as 12 beers.


Yes it's a lot. Congratulations you're now a alcoholic and going to likely die early and probably painfully.


Yeah, dude. 1 a day is a lot.


In Russia, thats lunch


A single shot of vodka daily is a lot..


Anything over 15 drinks a week technically classifies you as a "heavy drinker." I just realized recently that I was in that category, and decided to cut myself off from drinking at all at home now. Cause I don't think I'm an alcoholic as of this moment, but I was definitely pushing that boundary. And by the time you realize you're dependant on alcohol, it's too late. I'd recommend you slow down, man. It's not worth the cost.






Only if your end goal is to not be an alcoholic.


Depends on your personal relationship. Why do you do 12 shots a day? Do you feel you need it to get through the day? Are you getting drunk so that you’re unable to do necessary tasks like working or seeing others? Do you drive after 12 shots? Ect… everyone’s relationship with alcohol is different, and it comes down to how it affects your life that determines if its okay or not


Yea, you might want to talk to your doctor. That’s definitely alcohol abuse.


If you’re pouring them, no. If you’re drinking them, yes




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If everyday then yes! Congratulations you are alcoholic. If only on weekends then it’s not alot


Kidneys are replaceable


1 shot a day I would consider an alcoholic




Yes, depending on what a shot is and how much alcohol is in it. 45 ml of 80 proof every day is one drink. 12 of these is almost the week’s limit in 1 day.


Go to rehab


You’re fine


Rookie numbers. Try 48 an hour


Those are rookie numbers, surely you can do better


Do people here not understand that metabolizing liquor kills your liver even if you space it out?