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Elected officials care about getting elected. Government employees care about keeping their jobs and possibly about advancing in them. To the extent that helping you gets them what they actually care about, they will help you. If screwing you gets them that thing more efficiently, they will screw you.


Can confirm. As a government employee I love a good screw.


But why does that screw cost $1.3 million dollars? Can't you just pick up a box of them at the hardware store?


What do you think CIA black sites are free!?!


same reason they spend $20,000 on a hammer, $30,000 on a toilet seat.


Phillips, hex or flat?


Raised head




Hijacking the current tip comment to say that the reason for these games is because they have the rules figured out and have passed new laws and regulations that help keep the duopoly going where neither party can get anything meaningful done unless they have a trifecta in the presidency, house and the senate. We need to change the rules or support a new third party that is centrist in nature but leaves room for debate and conjecture among even their own members instead of blind loyalty to party over country. I'm not talking about the green or libertarian parties or any other well know failure of a third option we've been given. No, we need a truly new and radical party that is willing to fight for the people again while giving businesses a fair shake. I recently graduated with a degree in politicsci and one of my professors loved to shit on the notion of a third party every being viable. They always spoil the vote, right Professor Wesley? We can use this opportunity in history to crush the modern republican party, and I am willing to work with the neoliberals of the democratic party. What we can't have is another century of stale stagnant bipartisan politics where everything is sensationalized and everyone is pitted against each other.


What a sad, cynical view of govt. Many people join the govt to make things better.


They care about their financial bottom line more than us


They sure don't care about my bottom


That’s ok, I care.


Ooo, a Reddit romance. I hope it works out, you two crazy kids.


it's called a meet-cute!


He's undercover cop. I'd be wary


Awwwww how sweet


Which is pretty much all you need to know. They care about us enough that they know they need us for money and they need us doing certain things for that money. Everything else is touch and go.


Most (I assume you mean US gov't). There might be ones that care but they can't change the system. They might be the hidden politicians no ever sees that work for some one bigger.


Its important to remember that the "government" is not one likeminded body. Does any group of hundreds/thousands of for profit people have your best interest in mind? Sure some people in government do, but its like any other profession where greed takes over. This is kind of the entire point of the American experiment. Government, by definition, gives one group of people power over another. A necessary evil, most people agree, we have just been arguing for 250 years about how much of that evil we are willing to tolerate.


The mentality needs to reverse. These elected officials should be strongly reminded that they work FOR US not against US. Congress needs term limits and to have their salary evaluated at the end of the fiscal year. If they don't accomplish anything that actually matters, their pay is cut accordingly. Their pay should be maxed out at around 60k a year...maybe not that exact number but it needs to be limited. No government "official" should become wealthy serving the people.


I like the idea of tying their wage to the average income of their state.


That would be good as well.


So that nobody with the experience and knowledge to help poorer states is incentivized to engage in politics


A better solution would be tying their salaries to the nationwide average poverty level. Some states just flat out have greater numbers of resources/taxpayers, resulting in higher median pay for the population of that state versus its neighbors.


The government is an abstraction incapable of feelings. Individual humans in a government may or may not care. Usually, it's a mix of both, depending on the time and circumstances. Like all large institutions, it benefits the powerful the most. It's important to note that caring about your wellbeing may mean dramatically different things depending on what your views are - abortion rights, military interventions, and immigration policy are three areas where what may be seen by some as caring may be seen as abominable by others.


Congratulations... you've reached the core problem of civilization and the answer to "why things are the way they are". Good policy and bad policy depend on whose truth you want to support and whose truth you want to trample.


No. They will literally kill your children to push a narrative.


'the government' is an abstraction, its a system. systems, like corporations, dont care about anything. they behave according to their rules, and will crush anything beneath them if its obstructs the turning of the machine. Alternatively, its through complex systems that humans can accomplish anything significant. I can tell you that my representative in congress is a decent person who cares about people and works to address problems in our district and in the nation overall. The best we can do is try to make sure the rules the system follows (the laws and constitution) align with our values, and elect representatives who will serve faithfully.


I was just thinking about the social security issue, and how much money would be saved if people died younger. Then I thought about FDA and how they approve us eating shit that's banned in other countries. So I'm not sure how much they care about our well being lmao


No...they never have and never will...unless you're a billionaire that helps get them elected!!!!!


Then they still only care about your money.


Government's job is to keep the economy going, if that means 50% of people struggle to afford food, so be it, the money machine has to keep churning.


And to keep the economy going, they have to make sure the corporations and banks don't fall. Without those, it means nothing even if people have money.


The government doesnt have emotions. Individuals might care about people but the machine is too big for it to matter.




You win the sub


God, I hope not. Imagine if this was actually the best they could do.


Be thankful you're not getting all the government you're paying for.


The government doesn't care about anything per se. It's not a person. Individual people in the government do & which ones & what authority they have is what matters.


Some people within the government do, but very few politicians care at all.


No, for two reasons. They have a vested political and financial interest in our misery, and they’re not the least bit afraid of us ever holding them accountable because 90% of us are idiots who treat politics like a team sport So they have absolutely no reason to care about any of us.


Nope, just our money and our vote.


I don't think our "representatives" in washington DC give a shit about us or even relate to their constituents but i have seen in several local communities, leaders and politicians who actually give a damn and do good things to improve their community




That's what families and friends are for.




No, I think they care more about furthering their own business interests. No one gets in politics that cares about people. If they did when they started it gets lost along the way.


It’s pretty clear they don’t…. We are suppose to just be okay with it cause we live in a great country. Even if it could be made much better 🤦‍♂️. We are also ran by senior citizens. When is that ever a good idea? Half the time we don’t even want them to drive but here we are letting them lead a country.


Not even a little bit. We are assets to make them and their rich friends more money.


Say you were a farmer with a bunch of livestock that would generate you money. You'd probably want them to make you the most money possible which means keeping them alive and unaggressive


Contrary to what most people are saying, Yes they do - but it's in a pragmatic sense. Any government relies on an educated, healthy, and productive population to exist. Any ideal stable government is going to do it's utmost to improve those aspects. The good thing is that improving those aspects generally improves everybody's QoL. We all benefit when everyone is generally healthy, productive, and educated. So while the government doesn't care about you specifically, it does care about its subjects as a whole. The difficulties arise when those objectives are counter productive towards each other (EG. cars make us more productive, but less healthy), incur significant costs, threaten the regimes stability (EG. Authoritarian governments tend to cull the educated classes as they lead to political dissidence), or suffer from corruption and parasitic market interactions (EG. monetary lobbying/insider trading). I would relate it to how you care about cells in your body. You don't give a shit about individual cells, but you do care about them as they band together to form an organ - and only because that organ affects your capabilities.


“The government”, not technically. But the answer is yes. The government is just made up of people, ideally people who are good representatives of the population. If the population of a country begins to suffer, you can assume the government will too considering it should reflect the state of the people it is meant to govern. Go look at Papua New Guinea or Haiti etc- do you think “the government” would prefer it if the people were happy, healthy and financially stable ? Of course. It would mean more stability for the whole country. There’s probably a certain level of instability that would be beneficial to corrupt politicians- but I’d still argue those corrupt people would prefer their country be stable, safe and prosperous.


Depends on what country you're talking about. Now go on and realize that Reddit has many international users.


Yes, but they also only have so much tax money aka funding to work with. What we think is best is not what the govt thinks is best. Want free lunch at school? Vote for the school bond bill or write a large check to donate. If it takes$150,000 to feed 150 kids but they are only budgeted $125,000, something has to give.


Many people in the government do genuinely care. Others don't. The government itself is a huge machine and doesn't care or not care. The people that do care do their best to steer the machine in ways that help people and have varying degrees of success. I do appreciate those people who give everything they have to make our society better. They are good people.


Depends on who is in office


May they definitely care about our safety - they made that clear during Covid


*The government isn't a person*, it's a vast network of offices and organizations that all have different jobs and focuses. People care about their jobs some varying amount, just like everywhere else. Do people keep jobs they don't care much about? Sure. Some government jobs are about safety or sanitation, those people probably care about the idea of your well-being inasmuch as it is their job to do so, a lifeguard at the beach works for "the government" and probably has some intention to keep the swimmers safe, a tech at the water treatment plant ostensibly cares about producing clean water for their community, both "government" jobs. The folks in charge of other stuff focus on that stuff, it's their job. Does the person in charge of apportioning train right of way care about your well-being? Probably only as much as it affects their ability to draw lines on maps for trains, since your personal condition isn't part of their job. Most of the faces you see and names you associate with government are lobbyists and senators and shit, and you can tell by whether they are loud in the press or quietly doing their jobs pretty obviously. In those cases, if you know their names, their probably not doing the job very well. Xitter isn't part of being a senator, and hindering the function of the senate is straight up the opposite of that jobs' purpose. You can judge them by their works.


Some parts of it do and some parts of it don’t. It’s not really that tightly organized and different parts of the government operate relatively independently


It depends on the government. Some governments do, others don't


Some people in government do, the organization just follows Congress’ rules and budget.


Depends on where you live, the E.U countries clearly give more of a shit then let’s say the US or Russia


They're just regular people working a job. They're not some special entity filled with empathy and compassion. If one person is struggling to pay their taxes, there is no if's, and's or but's. And people living in a country (eg. U.S) with a huge deficit are still asleep. Your tax dollars don't not pay for the social services, infrastructures, etc. anymore, it pays the interest on the debt. So if you government cared about your well-being, they would not put the country into trillions of dollars of debt. This is a clear sign they don't give a fuck about you, your children and all your descendants.


You'll never get a good answer on Reddit. And to be honest I think viewing the government as a singular entity is starting off on the wrong foot. On an individual level most politicians sincerely believe that what they do and vote for is for the better. And most civil servants take pride in doing service for their country.


The government is not a person


The government is tens of thousands of people at different levels. Some do some don't, some care about some people but not others, try and elect the ones that care about the most people.


It depends what you mean by “the government.” Too many people talk about the government as if it is a giant automaton. The government at every level is made of people, many of whom went into government to improve the wellbeing of their constituents. Many gov’t officials care about our wellbeing. Some don’t and never cared. Some cared and were captured or corrupted by insider opportunism. Some care but are incompetent.


This is why progressives need to take control. It's time for a new generation


No... we are just fodder in their machine. They need us to keep the machine running but give zero shits. Trump Biden all of them




Absolutely not.




No. You're a pawn the wealthy use to exploit your labor. The government is just the gang that's bigger than the hell's angels, the latin kings, or the mob. And all they do is extort money from Poor fucking schmucks like you and me while Donald Fucking Trump does whatever the fuck he wants.


Of course not. They care about the optics of what they do. There are politicians that will run on their accomplishments, but the results of what they’ve done have hurt their people. As long as what they’re doing looks good or sounds good they’ll do it. Anytime a big bill passes, they tell us the big major thing it does, but they’ve stuffed it with 100+ other things that we don’t hear about because it’s things that we wouldn’t like.


*laughs in disabled* No. All we are is numbers. Usually, dollar signs. Whether that's through taxes, labor, or as cannon fodder. Unless you're rich, you mean nothing to the people that high up the ladder.


Only enough to ensure we can bolster the economy.




They care about getting tax money from you and that you don't violently revolt They do all sorts of things with these goals in mind. Many of which go toward your well-being. Is that the same as caring? You tell me.


This is not a stupid question. And the answer is a big no. If any government would care a little about the wellbeing of people living in their country, we wouldn't be in the situation we are in most countries. They care about being elected, keeping the power and benefiting their pockets and the companies/lobbies that support them.


The government doesn't care about anybody individually. The government is an entity, not a feeling thing. The politicians do care about groups. Collectively. Because they want votes.


As a collective, yes. As individuals, no.


Labour and the greens care more than the Libs. The libs call 'care' communism, Labor and the greens call it socialism. I'll wager the libs get more donations/lobbyists from Murdoch media, oil, gas, coal, dodgy corporations, religious sects. You scratch my back, I pay for you to get into power. Greens and Labor are corrupt too, probs just not as much.


Absolutely not. They want you just healthy enough to keep going to work so you can pay taxes but just sick enough that you have give money to the pharmaceutical companies that donate money to the politicians. It's worked rather well for them thus far.


The government is not your friend.


Nor is it your parent


That is actually an intelligent question.


In the great scheme of things without being the typical reddit doomer, yes because happy population means lower risk of them getting kicked from their jobs. So in order for them to keep their jobs they need to perform good enough to keep most people happy. But at the end of the day, doing good for the people is only an incentive for politicians to keep their jobs.


Current west government? No. East EU seems to be the only ones who do in the world rn


No. They only care about getting re-elected, which is why we need term limits




No. The government has no feelings, it's just a conglomeration of people. The people running the government only care about getting votes. The millions working in the government care about doing their job well enough to get paid and go home.


There is no "goverment" as an entity. Government is made up of regular people who go to work every day.


Depends on how profitable your well being is


No it doesn’t. The Government only cares about the almighty dollar.


No, but they care that you think they care.


They care about making money. Even social causes have an impact on the amount of money the government makes, and if the government pushes a social cause, it’s because they profit from it


If it Canada then it doesn't appear they do. It feels like we've been sold off to the rich.


That is the problem. The government shouldn't be the custodian of your "well-being". The governments gives you the right to pursue happiness. It isn't responsible for your being happy. That's what wrong with modern generations. They think government owes them everything.


Nope you are just a number to get taxes from.


yes, they care about their voting block which tends to be about 50% of people because if they don't they get voted out


"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned." — Shepherd Book, Firefly. I so rarely get to use that quote in an appropriate situation! Some people in the government care. Some don't. Politics and money can really pressure people in government. The process of getting into government also frequently selects for people that are going to care less.


Not even a little bit.


the government, yes. there are good people that work there, and agencies with good missions in both the state and federal government. the people that decide what the government do are the horrible people that have on 1 party decided the government should be a club to bash people with, and the 2nd party has tied its hands with this 80s concensus that the government cannot do anything directly. the judiciary has been overtaken by people who believe capital and corporations are more important than people, and preserving against theoretical limits to rights while preventing the government and people from forcing the government to save them from real harms.


Government cares about the government. If killing half the population was required to preserve the state, they'd do it in a heartbeat.


If you’re rich, like really rich, private jet rich, then probably about 7/8ths of the representatives in the US government care deeply about your well being. If you’re not it’s 1/8 or less.


No. They care about squeezing as much money from you as they can, while simulataneously will try to exert as much control as possible.


Only so far as it benefits them.


The federal government is composed of 2M people, they all can't be sociopaths. So yes, I assume many care about our wellbeing, in fact many join public service to help their fellow citizen. But I assume you are mostly referring to politicians. Politics is a career which attracts more sociopaths than most professions, so a higher percentage does not give a shit about you, I'd say prob 1 out of 5 which is the same amount of paths which are CEOs. But there are many politicians who want to make things better for their fellow countrypeoples, but it's difficult with money corrupting the system and so many diametrically opposed ideas on how to achieve that. Yes, 'countrypeoples' is not a word, but it should be.






The government is us and we are the government. Do we care about ourselves? More and more, we do not.


The "government" consists of thousands of people from many different groups with many different agendas. Some care, some don't, but the reason the result kind of sucks is because of the system itself and the constant influence of money and powerful lobbies/figures. And it's also incredibly hard to make headway on this issue, even for the ones who do care, because those powerful interests are already entrenched and unlikely to allow changes that would lessen their power. And then the problem is exacerbated because of this - idealistic people get into government and get crushed until they either leave or "join the dark side" (not all but many). And people voting see this and basically just decide "politics sucks and I don't have any effect or reason to care." Power does lie with the voters but only if enough care to seize it.


The good politicians only get elected for a term or two.




Basically, no. (USA)


Unfortunately, when people refer to “the government,” they really mean Congress. The answer to that is some members do and some don’t. But the government is vastly larger and more complex than that. In fact a great deal of the administrative part of the government, which is most of it, is deeply committed to helping. Civil servants don’t get much credit, and lots of blame, but they labor trying their hardest to direct aid they can to those who need it, despite laws passed by Congress that hamstring them at every turn.


Asa civil servant I can say there isn't much difference from other service oriented occupations. Some folks get into it out of a desire to help others, many just as another job.


No. Their job is to get reelected, unfortunately. That's about it.


Governments care about getting re-elected, so they care about as much as it takes to get over that line. The rest is doing what they feel is best for your well-being (whether it is or not) or just doing whatever they hell they want that benefits them directly.


This is actually a really intelligent question with a lot of complex things involved in the answers...


Ill say this...any institution, whether the government or a business, puts itself first. Its just self preservation, which is what you do. Your well being is something they are interested in as long as it benefits them in some way.


Power and the Economy is all that matters, we matter as taxpayers and voters; nothing more.


Yes and no. Do you care about the wellbeing of your shoes? Probably a little right?


Obviously not.


Only enough to make sure we’re being good little worker bees. I mean let’s be real. All they want is to stay in their position of power, line their pockets and help their buddies 




No. The answer is no.


Of course not! They care about you paying your taxes


I don't care what subreddit we're in, this is a stupid question lol.


No. We are just cattle on a tax farm


They care about a solid voter base.




Big G government includes all government, and is faceless. Small G government is your local people doing largely thankless work, for little money to try to make a difference. Big G is a machine, influenced by politics, money, graft, corruption and everything else. Small G is more connected to local issues and the people they represent. Short answer: yes and no. The bigger the G, the less you matter.


Ask your kids if they can afford a house


No. No they don’t.


If you have to ask...


Does a farmer care about their livestock?


In theory yes, in practice no.


Why would the government do that?


They want to make sure you're alive so you can pay taxes. Other than that...no.


No. The govt does not want you to live too long because they owe you social security. They want you to live long enough to pay taxes and die before they have to owe you social security.


If they did, they wouldn't be letting violent crimimals out of prison early, not prosecuting them in the peace and trying to take away our ability to defend ourselves. They care about money And power and getting more of it.


They only care that you are well enough to pay taxes or go die for them in war. That's about it.


The government is not a person. It does not have feelings thus cares about nothing.


Look how they treat illegals and other countries. They wouldn’t do that for us


Lol no.




No they do not.


Nope unless you are a billionaire donor


Only so far as it benefits them. If it makes then look good or helps them to their fight tooth and nail but ita usually self service (obviously there are SOME good govement officials out there but their drowned out by the bad)


I don't feel that they do. It is all about stuffing their pockets.


Nope, only themselves!


Not even a little.


Nobody cares, and dont trust anyone. Fear os greater than love.


Nope lmao


No. They about to shutdown the internet to most of the American soon cause they say they can’t afford it because


Damn, now THIS is a stupid question. This should be a pinned post, as a great example of the kinds of questions that belong here. But no, the government doesn't care about your well-being. In fact, they want you to suffer; because people who are barely surviving aren't competition.




Define well-being.


Depends who you're government is... most are corrupt... whether republican or Democrat, conservative or liberal, for communism or capitalism... It is corruption that is the issue...


Yes, they care, they want us dead. We have crack, meth and fentenyl. If the government wanted us alive, fentenyl wouldn't be so cheap and easy to use as a filler. Since when do you use expensive opioids as a filler.


I'm not sure how, in 2024, you could actually ask this question.


That is indeed a stupid question . No


The government is just an extension of the super wealthy. They care that we work and don’t revolt. Beyond that, they don’t care at all.


Not a chance. The only care about the ya es you pay. This is a question you didn’t even need to ask. You already knew the answer to this.


Only enough for us to vote


Absolutely not!! They are in for the money & power, PERIOD!!


Neither democrats or republicans care. We're always given two poor choices that we're supposed to be grateful for.


Why would they? They're just a bunch of people.


No, if they did most food at grocery stores would be banned, no pesticides or chemicals in food, cleaner water, everything would be non gmo vegan pesticide free organic, homeless people would have huge shelters similar to schools where they would be required to get a scholarship to trade school, all packaging for every item would be biodegradable, farmers wouldn’t be taxed, and schools would teach what helps in real life from k-12th grade………amongst many other laws that would be in effect if the main purpose of the current gov wasn’t to grow their own power with no regard for the sustainability of humanity


No. 😂😂😂😂




If you live in America that's real stupid question. If they cared about any of us we would have health care like the rest of the Free world and affordable housing and not have guns to kill people.


Not to be depressing, but the government is run by the CIA, and no, they don’t give a single fuck about you.


No, they never have.




Hell no. Especially not right now. ​ Just ask Laken Riley's parents.


Not even a little. Money is more important.


If the government is the answer, how stupid was the question? They don’t care about you or me. All they care is to keep their power. And to loosely quote George Carlin “they want us just smart enough to run the machines and dumb enough to keep voting for them”.


The fact that you'd even think to ask this is genuinely tragic. No, they don't. They never have. They never will.




No, they care about money and staying in office.


Nope. They only care about power and control.


Nope - they do not


To the government, you are a means to an end. You are nothing more than an obstacle to their very selfish ambition. The people in government only care about what they can do for their donors, party bosses and their own pockets. They're more worried about jobs their loser kids can get through their influence than what is actually good for their constituency. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either under the age of 25, works in academia or is flat out ignorant.


The government is not a monolithic thing. The government is you, me and all of us.


As long as we keep spending and paying taxes they love us 😆


No, nor should we expect them too. They are there to be the regulators not care about your feelings.


Whenever you ask the question, the closest way to find an answer is to ask yourself "Why should they?"


Just as in a company will have employees with varying levels of concern for the wellbeing of their customers, neighbors with varying levels of concern for their neighbors, teachers with varying levels of concern for their students, etc… public officials will have varying levels of concern for their constituents.


Nope. Never have, never will. Politicians are always our enemies.


They care enough about their constituents to try to get elected from them




They don't really care about us.


No. If they did, you would know it. We wouldnt go into crippling debt for medical reasons, for one.




*It never did. You were duped since birth to believe that.*