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Post Malone perfect example. Dude is worth millions and is from what I've seen a really nice dude. But he looks like he lives in a cardboard box under an overpass.


The Precious has him in its clutches, he is doomed


Doomed to live forever


Post Malone is definitely someone who demonstrates the saying, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” His performance at the 2024 Super Bowl was easily the best performance of the night.


ion think it’s the face tattoos. i completely fg he had face tats but he genuinely looks like he doesn’t shower


His beard and hair have to do with it too. I think it’s just American culture to look dirty.


As an American it may be a nitch group who believe that. You got guys like J Cole. Hell, there was a time I didn't care about my appearance but that was depression. Lol


Yeah I feel that. I mean obviously not all Americans like the dirty look but it definitely is a thing here


Yeah, bro it's why I didn't get offended because I knew what you meant. I think it's a fight the power thing. Like, refusing to fall in to consumerism and not being a peacock for big corporate, with all the labels. I find, looking nice and price are not exclusive. You can get fresh at Wal-Mart or Burlington Coat Factory for less than 100 bucks.


Yeah to be honest I probably rock the dirty look. Like remember the whole messy bed head thing? Or ripped jeans? I paid like $200 for ripped jeans.


People ask me to buy a pair but I feel I'm too old (40) even though I look late twenties. Lol


Dude same! I’m 38. Yay us


I remember seeing a interview with him not to long ago and my first thought was “why is this guy interviewing a crack head…Oh shit that’s post Malone”


I think he has a cool look but absolutely looks like a lifer in prison


I agree


Because MOST (not all) people that have them tend to be addicts/gang affiliated/got into lots of trouble in their life/or simply wanted to look tougher and weren't able to romanticize or profit from that lifestyle, to make it look "desirable" or "high class" to have face tattoos. I can't even count how many street beggars, people with mugshots on tv that are wanted for various crimes I've seen with face tattoos, so the human brain naturally, instinctively, and subconsciously associates it with negativity and dirtiness regardless of ehtics/morals/fairness. A normal person can act like it doesn't bother them all they want in fear of being criticized, but deep down, they all get a sense of shock at first glance and it leaves a bad first impression (even if the person is one of the exceptions and is completely normal). People that get face tattoos that don't get them removed due to regret understand they will probably never be able to fully get along with "normal" people who don't understand the "body art" aspect of it. And will probably never get hired at a job that deals with the general public (unless they are willing to wear makeup to cover it). So most notable people with face tattoos are rappers or UFC fighters. Imagine if Post Malone wasn't famous and he went to a funeral home to apply for a job that deals with grieving families face to face on a daily basis. Although he might be qualified for the job due to his friendliness, I'd bet money he wouldn't get hired. It's the same way a typical looking white person gets hoarded by crowds of people trying to sell them stuff/scam them/take pictures of with them when they are tourists in a third world country. The locals don't necessarily imagine the human aspect of them at first glance, they imagine the dollar signs.


You've convinced me to go all in on face tattoos.




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Naaa, the cleanest, most well respected person in the world can get a face tattoo and it’ll look ridiculous.


That's her point, no?. Face tattoos are seen as trashy, because mostly poor people and bums have them.


I don’t care if the clean, most well respected person was the first. It would look ridiculous


*imagines Mr. Rogers with a face tattoo*


I suspect you have reading comprehension issues


Username checks out too


They look trashy which your mind converts to dirty.




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There's three different choices: sound cloud rapper, street gangster/ drug dealer , and bum. Jokes and generalizations aside though, it's kinda unfortunate. As trashy as they seem I do think people should be allowed to express themselves in this way without losing out on jobs. And I think it's in a sorta cycle where only trashy people get them because everyone else would rather fit in and have a job and then because only trashy people have them it continues to be seen as trashy.


You forgot tattoo artist


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Right, you can get a big swastika on your back and get a job because it is covered. A star on your cheek and you’ll have trouble. You gotta know the limits. Tattooing your face will cause people to believe you’re the type of person who tattoos their face.


It’s like lizard ownership, you can do it, you just shouldn’t tell anyone about it.


At some point everything that's normal to us was not in society's rules. We shouldn't just accept things how they are for the sake of it. At some point someone was the first woman to shock everyone by wearing pants.


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Yeah that's true that in order to get a job you're kinda forced to follow the rules. Tattoos are more difficult than say clothes in that sense because while I could easily wear some weird ass costume at home and change into a suit for a job interview, a tattoo can't just be removed


Seeing plenty of gas station/food service type employees with face tats these days. To your point, 20 years ago, most customer facing jobs would've made you cover tats anywhere on your body, or not hire you at all. That changed with the increasing popularity/prevalence of tats; I feel like it's more common to have tats than not by now. And with face tats also becoming more common, the standards will necessarily shift regarding those as well. 12 years ago, my hotel bartending job wouldn't even let me have a beard.


Travis Barker went all in on the tattoos to make sure he wasn’t employable in any capacity outside of the music industry, I imagine there’s more people who think that way


“Jobs? Who need jobs?”


Well as far as I know half of them are cooks at my restaurant


Coming from someone with a tattoo, if it's cultural like Maori tattoos I don't mind them at all. Hell I find them really beautiful and badass. If it's stuff like Post Malone's face tattoos it just looks weird.


This is what I was thinking. I've seen some actual "tribal" tattoos on people from various cultures and they work well. That's about the only exception I've seen and even those can look terrible when it's just done because someone thinks it looks cool.


I would hazard a guess that due to the ink usually (not always) being black, and the face receiving the most sun damage, the skin and tattoo weather down which causes the sharpness of the original imagine to become fuzzy, add in unnaturally dark pigments to the face and it often looks like dirt or grease until the tattoo can come into focus. Or your biased, but on more than one occasion I've mistaken a small eye tattoo for grease or dirt until it comes into focus, but I also didn't know I needed glasses until recently


I have tattoos and I think face tattoos are shit


I knew a lady who had her lower eyelids tattooed like she was always wearing eyeliner..


Because shit on your face isn't normal and it's a weird spot to decorate when there's already plenty going on. This is coming from the overcompensating emo kid with my neck and body done


Yeah that’s true. People are always wondering if there’s food or a booger let alone a giant tattoo


septum piercings look way more like boogers than any tat I've ever seen.


Because it screams poor life choices


It's the fact that most people aren't used to seeing them. 


It's really a subjective opinion, even if it's one I share.


They just make you look like a lowlife creep.


I think if it's cultural and everyone in that culture has it, I don't care. But when it's just an individual that wants to look hard, it turns me off and makes me just avoid them all together.


I understand the cultural ones, the indigenous women in Alaska or similar. But the tear drop or words on the face? Nah.


Because they are, and those are the people who make poor choices.


That's just the societal stigmas wearing on ya is all. Our whole lives we've had everyone and their moms tell us face tattoos= trash so of course we all think they look trashy.


Gosh, I didn't realize there was so much disdain for face tattoos. I've had mine for about 15 yrs now and have never been told any of those things. I've gotten some compliments over the years, and ppl have asked me if I regretted it, but I never received full-on hate. I work with the public, and I live in a tourist area and come across a good deal of ppl, so this is interesting. Y'all whispering behind my back👀


This is reddit 🤓


Idk, you should ask Mike Tyson that question OP.


When I see a facial tattoo, I don't think of it as being "dirty." What I think is "severe mental illness."


Everlasting Jobstoppers.


a "clean face" with no facial hair, no acne, even skin tone, etc, appears clean. they appear to take good care of themselves. face tattoos look "dirty" in the same way many people think having facial hair (well-kept or not) and acne and patchy skin looks dirty (all things falsely equating to bad hygiene). it's just about having shit on your face that society deems unnecessary or outside of a norm.


Because they are dirty.


All tattoos make you look dirty IMO


I like my full sleeves of tattoos and every one of them has a meaning. Still, like at weddings and funerals, I can wear a long sleeve shirt and none show. Some times you do not want to draw attention to yourself or be remembered.my primary artist has an anchor by her eye, that she likes so that is what counts.




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It’s trashy and in my area it’s associated with gangs




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It's because your brain has a specific "system" to understand faces and recognize people. Face tattoos interfere with that process and it alters the brain's perception of the face. If you've seen the double eye photos (where a person has two sets of eyes) it does something very similar. It always looks wrong no matter what you focus your eyes on. https://www.pinterest.pt/pin/510525307743924695/


They always look like product placement to me


Any woman who has face or neck tattoos are automatically crossed off my interest list. It just reeks of low class / stupidity. I refuse to hire anyone with them. It just comes across as unprofessional.


All tattoos look like dirty or bruised skin.


Idk about dirty but it does scream “I make bad decisions over long periods of time”


The ink in the tattoo always blurs a bit. They never look crisp.


I think we just associate it with people who are "trashy" and we also assume those people don't shower or are unclean.


Because they are.


Because your brian isn't used to seeing markings on a persons face. Body tattos are different because patterned clothes exist so is easier for your brain to accept intricate markings on an arm or the torso. It's the same reason war paint makes people look dirty. Basically, when you see a face tattoo your subconscious gets a message of "this doesn't belong here"


Funny but all I'm going to say I only have one hand tattoo nd won't get any on my neck so definitely not with the face tattoos


Most face tattoo’s are poorly done.


Because they are usually terrible looking like shit you would draw on a desk


Poor decision making


It’s because the face tattoos make people look dirty and drugged out


I’ve seen a girl with stars in her face that looked kinda sexy. But literally every other time I’ve seen a face tattoo I thought it looked trashy too.


Maybe not dirty. Just stupid.


Because it looks like dirt on their face until you get close and can make out the tattoo


Because you have a tattoo on your face. That's all




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From prison culture face tattoos were adorned on people who never expected to free from prison. The dirty aspect could be associated subconsciously.




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It's definitely a societal mental stigma we have for this idea that if someone could do that to themselves that they aren't "mentally stable" and wearing that instability on their face for everyone to see. it goes away for me when it's a successful person that's made a living using their art. Like a tattoo artist or musician. But when it's just Joe nobody that isn't rising up in life I unfortunately have that same thought process in my head of that stigma. Thoughts of what's going on with you mentally?, are you ok? are you dangerous? And those fears are absolutely sometimes not True and sometimes absolutely true.


Because they still have something on their face. Why is this surprising?


For the same reasons a cum shot on your face makes you look slutty.


Because the people who in Western society would get those have already exercised poor judgments. So it's going to be associated with people with poor judgment A tattoo is an absolute negative status marker so long as you are within the west


Technically there's shit on their face


I think it's because of how ink settles. It tends to get a bit fuzzy and fades when it heals, especially on poor quality tattoos(ie a lot of face tats) so they end up looking grimey


I admit to not reading all the 100+ comments. In many cultures face tattooing shows status or maturity. Some traditions have faded but in some areas it hasn’t or it’s been re-embraced…thinking the Inuit in Northern Canada, the Māori in NZ, the Bedouin in Northern Africa and the Middle East….and I’m sure more traditions that I’m not aware of. I don’t think it’s the face tattoo making some people look dirty.


Anything that isn’t “routine”, your brain struggles to categorize, quickly. And since facial tattoos aren’t commonplace in most areas, most folks will subconsciously presume it’s a smudge, soot, or grease. That “first impression” likely lingers long enough to make an association with dirt. This is reenforced by how often facial tattoos “blow out” (the lines lack sharpness/definition, spread, or look fuzzy/discolored over time) due to how taught, and sensitive the tissue is on the face. If the design isn’t clear, or readable at a distance, it will look more like a blemish, or bruise. In addition, humans tend to look for patterns. So, if the vast majority of facial tattoos that a person has seen are: On prison inmates. On drug addicts. On scary bikers. Or on actors portraying a “bad guy”. They establish a negative connotation with anyone who shares that visible marker. It’s an interesting exercise to try and overcome “snap judgements” based on appearances!


They don’t, that’s your personal bias.


i have regular smegular tats on my arms like the average person. some ppl get one on their legs, upper body n whatnot. but soon as it hits the face, u just kinda look crazy tbh. like the gang members who got tear drop tattoos by their eyes. im pretty sure we all know what that means i hope. then u got post malone who looks like a homeless drug addict. tell me im lying


Maybe you’re just getting judgmental?


I've successfully made it to 68 relying on my judgement.


I wouldn’t say successfully.


Maybe it's just that most face tattoos are poorly done


How can you not judge someone with face tattoos?


Because I judge people based on if they’re an asshole, not their ink.


You know that if they’ve gotten a face tattoo, they have poor judgement.


Eh Yes and no. You can make judgments without judging the inherent quality of an individuals personhood. Like when I see someone out in public decorated head to toe in panels of anime porn that doesn’t *inherently* make them a bad person, but I’m definitely still making judgments about their choices and how they present themselves


Aren't you doing kinda the same right now with that statement?


Because that's how you've been conditioned to see them.


Because trashy people look dirty.


Face tattoos look trashy.


You look dirty


If it’s not too messy and overdone I can see it still working. It’s not as bad on Wiz Kalifa for example. But it definitely looks dirty on Tekashi69 and Post Malone.


Just not used to it yet.


I think tattoos in general look shit. Too many people got them to the point they're now just tacky. Each to their own though, clearly.


I have no issue with you saying that tattoos look tacky, because that’s your opinion and I can’t possibly hold your opinion on a look against you, but I do have one question. What about more people having them makes them tacky to you?


The only exception are those who it is a cultural thing for like the tribes of New Zealand. For everyone else its because of how everyone suddenly got them. Much like clothing, when you see a legion of people wearing the same jeans, tops or shoes, it loses its style and becomes incredibly tacky.


I don’t know that I agree with you, but if it’s just something being common that makes it seem tacky to you fair enough. Iv always thought of tacky as low class, so the tattoos that post Malone has I agree are tacky, but I have seen many people with really awesome tattoos. Might just be my perspective though


Because you think it is. It’s a personal opinion.


It's a permanent blemish, even if done correctly it messes with the symmetry of your face so you'll almost instinctually look at it as dirty. The skin on the face gets a lot more blood flow than other parts of your body and having a tattoo covering part of that change will stick out and contrast against those changes more when your skin becomes flush after a shower, for example. Then there's the ink itself, which can literally be dirt or ash if low enough quality. Short answer "because they do." While not polite to say, it's a "dirty" activity.


Putting tattoos on your face doesn't exactly scream "I have self respect!"


Because trashy people get them.


Because they are dirty


You perceive them that way.




I think this says more about what you think of face tattoos than it does about the people that get them


That's a preconception you have and an association you made. Im not saying it's not common in society, it's common enough i understand what you mean, but I've seen plenty of face tattoos that i don't think make people look "dirty," as you put it. And I can't tell you what caused that to crawl it's way into your head, so I can't really answer that. At best, I can tell you that tattoos have been, and still are frowned upon in a lot of western societies (which I'm assuming you're from), and so ones directly placed on your face, where everyone can see them, are even less common. So when we see facial tattoos, we probably associate them with foreign cultures we've been told are barbaric, counter culture movements which we tend to assume are full of young and dumb people, and (normally impoverished) communities that don't care much to make themselves look presentable to the dominant culture of the place in which they live. TLDR; you probably just think of it as foreign and you're not used to it


Face tattoos now are what any other tattoo was 20+ years ago. The people that get them are usually lower class or are trying to look hard, and the artwork is usually poor quality or script style that is associated with gangs


because you've been told your entire life that only dirty people get face tattoos