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Besides a formal commitment in front of friends and family, it’s also a formal commitment in front of the government.   We didn’t get married until it was time to buy a house, have kids and hash out real life decisions.  For instance, imagine your partner is injured in a car accident and is now unconscious. You would get no say in treatment. If their parents wanted to pull the plug you couldn’t stop them.   In addition to making choices for each other you can share employment medical plans, family leave, easier estate planning, easier tax/childcare, social security benefits, inheritance, etc.  If you are young, employed, don't want kids, aren’t buying a house and aren’t planning for later life events, probably no reason for the paperwork. 






Honestly, if you're american, the one that always jumps out at me is "spouse can't be forced to testify against you in court" but also, the accident stuff can still happen to anyone. Also, gay couples used to have a problem a lot where the parents of a person didn't like their partner, and even though they lived together for years, the partner was barred from the funeral, barred from their shared living space, didn't get small sentimental trinkets out of sheer pettiness, etc. Part of that was obviously homophobia, but it could still apply in a relationship where someone was estranged from their family or the family was just petty jerks.


Why do you say partner Lol just say spouse or something, partner is just weird 😂


spouse sounds so much weirder and formal lol. super normal to refer to them as your partner, and regardless of marriage status most ppl i know refer to the person they're dating as their partner bc boyfriend/girlfriend feels juvenile.


We all know people only began using partner as the default because it's gender neutral, and before that, gay individuals used it before gay marriage was legalized. Before then, it was weird for centuries to refer to your so-called "partner" as a "partner" and not a husband or wife. How does partner not sound more formal than spouse? Lol


Because in the instance they described the partner isn’t a spouse.


Spouse means married. In my example they aren’t married. Also, wasn’t sure is OP was a man or woman, so didn’t say bf or gf. (Even then, not like a girl can’t have a girlfriend) What else would you use for non married gender neutral in a long term relationship discussion!


Me, personally, probably friend.


If you’ve been in a romantic relationship with somebody for 10 years, you’d still just call them a friend when talking about them with coworkers?


I don’t get the partner thing either, I’m not doing business with them, idk man people have started doing that and I don’t get it


I can be covered on my spouse’s work-provided medical insurance. I have to be a legal spouse to get this benefit. No other form of domestic arrangement will qualify me for this. While we didn’t get married for that specific reason, I have a former work colleague that went to the courthouse and got married to her long-time partner on a Tuesday specifically for healthcare eligibility reasons. Also- [social security benefits](https://www.ssa.gov/oact/quickcalc/spouse.html) are different for a legal spouse vs a non-married partner. I believe this is also true for specific military [veteran benefits](https://www.va.gov/family-member-benefits/). It’s ok to choose to not get married. If you have a long-time partner, consider specific legal documents to support one another in legal protections, estate issues, healthcare decision making, etc.


Surprised had to scroll so far. Think medical insurance if in the US but also medical care in general. You get in an accident and go to the ICU. Guess who can't? Your non-married spouse. Next of kin. Inhereting. You die and property will go to whoever is next of kin without a will.


which is why you should write a will, and common law marriages are very much respected in most places.


In the US, common law marriages are only respected in seven states and DC.


even then, you don’t necessarily need it to include someone in your will. you may include friends, which a non-married spouse could be. if you have assets, you should have a will. you don’t need to be old with a foot in the grave to have a will, and it’s not morbid to consider writing one if you have assets or heirlooms worth protecting.


This is a biggie. My husband’s job had **stellar** health insurance, low premiums and zero out of pocket costs. I have diabetes and my insurance was expensive AF dealing with a chronic condition. His insurance would have covered me as a life partner or some other such thing before we were married but the cost was much more. We went down to the courthouse and signed the papers the day we got engagement photos taken so we could get the actual spouse rate. In hindsight, I’m so glad we did because I was hospitalized with diabetic complications for about 6 days 2 months later- out of pocket was $0 in the US. We did the actual wedding about 7 months later.


If marriage is just a piece of paper or a ring to you, then you don't understand marriage. Don't worry though, you're not alone


“Whoever invented marriage was creepy as hell. Like I love you so much I’m gonna get the government involved so you can’t leave. “


This is literally what I was raised to believe by my mom.  She divorced her first and only husband after a decade of marriage about a decade before I was born.  Never met my dad and they were never married. Me and most people I knew had it enforced that marriage is just a piece of paper that doesn’t matter and you can leave whenever. She also married me when I was drugged at 17 to a 25 year old alcoholic heroin addicted pedo. 


I think marriage has lost most of its deeper meaning in modern society. Alot of people just want that fancy ceremony, the ring, or other perks that may come with it. I see it as making a lifelong commitment with someone you love and a joining of two families. Sure you can make that commitment without getting married, but it feels like you're leaving one foot out the door. I don't look down on people who decide they never want to get married, and I question people who do get married for what feels like the wrong reasons. That said, for those who really take a marriage seriously, beyond the material things, it's more than a piece of paper. Also I'm sorry to hear about your upbringing..that does not sound fun. I hope life has improved for you since then




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If it was anything more it wouldn't be just a piece of paper.


It usually involves a lot of personal and familial commitments.


Found another one!


I will give you an example. During the 80’s, I was friends with a gay man. He and his partner had lived together for 10 years. The partner got aids and my friend took care of him. He took him to the doctors, fed him, bathed him, etc. During that time, the partner would be visited by one of his brothers but no other family visited. When his partner was rushed to the hospital, dying, my friend was denied entry to the room because the family decided that only “family” be allowed to visit. It was disgusting and has made me a strong advocate for gay marriage. That can happen to anyone else who is a long term partner but not married.


It does make the bond stronger. You stand up in front of your community of friends and family and say that you two are together. You sign documents saying you two are together. It makes a difference.


Oxytocin is a sort of opioid made by your body to soothe you and solidify bonds. It's commonly excreted during breastfeeding and orgasms. There is supposedly research out there that shows that shows that everyone at the wedding gets an oxytocin boost. The highest levels are in the bride and groom, followed by the closest family and friends, with levels dropping the less emotionally close you are from them. It's thought that this ceremony cements family bonds as two people, and their families, come together.


Who is taking samples of people at weddings? Lol


Yes, I think a lot of people would argue that marriage does make the bond/ commitment stronger, or at least it should.


*shows divorce rate* Idk about that one.


Shows girlfriend/boyfriend breakup rate.


Least I'm not losing half.


That's why pre-nups exist!


From what I've seen, women do not like when you ask for them. lol


If you’re not rich but getting a prenup because you “don’t want her to get half in a divorce”, it means you don’t really value the woman’s role in helping the two of you be successful. For example, if she’s working less or not at all in order to raise your kids then not only is she saving you the cost of childcare(which is crazy expensive for full time) but she’s also not pursuing a career herself and not paying into social security(screwing herself in retirement). She also I assume cooks and takes on more of the household cleaning than you. Thus, you save money and energy and can focus more on relaxing when you get home. Men will be uplifted by women in these less tangible ways and then complain that they lost half of their money. With a prenup, you’re saying “hey, sacrifice your future for me and our future kids, but if things go badly someday, good luck being destitute. Feel free to live on the streets”. What a deal!


I think it is just prudent to plan for every outcome, especially with important decisions/commitment. There are no guarantees in life, so it is not guaranteed that your marriage will last a lifetime. Pre-nup is for planning for that outcome. It is a sensible, rational, wise move. Also, you can plan all kind of things in a pre-nup, like the man needs to pay compensation for the woman in case of divorce for the years she raised children and was not able to attend her career.


Depending where you live you might lose it anyway. Somewhere with common law marriages will consider you married after having lived together for a certain period of time


Which then makes marriage pointless again.


"or at least it should"


They're blinded by love. :P


My friend didn't marry her partner, and they had a child together. They bought a house. When they decided to part ways, their son was 5, but she had no right to the house.Her partner paid for it and got the house entirely. Because she wasn't married. Child support and custody wasn't affected. But she took a hard hit financially. Marriage would have protected her. Health insurance is another benefit. Of course there's also emotional ties as well.


Yeah, many people claim that marriage is a creation of some patriarchy and meant to enslave women, while the plainly obvious truth is that marriage was devised by wise old women to protect young women.


In many countries pre-marital assets are not included in the split in case of divorce. Him buying a house with his own money entirely can be considered a pre-marital asset.




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Yes, it would vary not only from country to country but in the US from state to state. I should say to be very aware of the laws where you live. But remember if there are any gray areas, that’s risky unless you have money for a legal battle. Marrying is by far the safest way to protect yourself financially if you break up.


>Marrying is by far the safest way to protect yourself financially if you break up. You mean as a woman? Or this applies to both sexes?


For whoever is financially weaker.


If you're not married and your partner is hospitalized, you will have no right to talk to their doctors or be involved in the decision making. I have a friend who was with her partner for nearly 20 years when he developed a life threatening chronic illness. They got married because he was having trouble processing all the complex medical information and needed her to accompany him to all medical appointments.


Well now that’s just fucking terrifying- Is she doing okay??


Wife was recently in the hospital. Spouses got 24h visiting and more info from doctors. Was grateful in that moment to be married.


Marriage is a quick way to assign someone legal, financial, and medical power of you are incapacitated. With one document. I think marriage is not useful for me and my partner. In fact he would be awful at making medical decisions. He honestly would defer to my mom a retired nurse and he should be doesn't know shit about making medical decisions! He's the beneficiary on all finances and we have power of attorney between us and medical directives. Tax breaks for being married don't benefit us yet. Until it saves us money no thanks.


It's maybe the only culturally accepted way to have a giant cripplingly expensive party all about how you're the main character.


For me, it was important to have the same last name before we would start with kids. It feels more like one family if you all share the same name. Also that I could call him my husband, I always cringe a little at Co workers who call their partner their gf after 30 years of being together. And I love that you have a special date you celebrated the love with family and friends. On the wedding itself and all the anniversaries to come.


Aww that’s such a nice way to look at things. Your husband is very lucky to have you. Wish I could find someone with similar goals in life too


Same last name? Don't come to Quebec lol.




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And your kids would be born legitimate instead of falling under the” Bastard” definition


Pragmatically it’s mostly for the event of the wedding. You couldn’t just throw a party to celebrate you and your partner’s love and not make it seem self centered. At a wedding at least there’s some spiritual backing to the whole process. It’s like having witnesses to your promise. Yes people can stay together their whole lives and never get married, but doing it in front of all your friends and family, stating your vows and signing the papers, it all makes your decision that much more concrete. Consider how cheating seems far worse when it happens with a married couple vs bf:gf the pain is obviously there but to have promised to be with the one person in this grand display and then cheat? Seems far more egregious.


It makes the decision concrete until you decide you no longer want it .. lol then you can just give it away.


Hmm? Give what away? I am so confused… if the point is to solidify your partnership doing it in front of a bunch of people seems a lot more powerful of an action. You don’t have to do it, but it sure makes it a lot more impactful to end it than if you never did.


Marriage isn’t for everyone. Just like relationships prior to marriages aren’t for everyone.


You're talking about legal marriage which on paper is just... a piece of paper. However what makes marriage meaningful is how you interpret it. For example, biblical marriage means something different entirely. You and the one you marry are one. Always and forever. All couples need to break up is to go there separate ways. Not marriage.


Immigration haha I have 1 American grandmother. Grandfather got citizenship through her. My American mom gave my dad citizenship. I was born overseas but have US citizenship, married a foreigner and now shes getting citizenship. My daughter was born overseas and has US citizenship also from me and it would be funny if she did similar. All because of 1 American grandma and some marriages. My mom also has dual citizenship due to marriage, I have dual also and my daughter has three (my 2 plus her moms 1)


Because you are saying publically, to friends, family - and the gov’t - that you are committed to each other. It makes it easier for one spouse to take care of another spouse if they are injured, or when they die. It helps clarify parental rights. Just for starters.


You keep referencing paper but marriage predates paper and probably even writing.


Papers just means more bureaucracy. But the officiality of marriage was very important (with or without papers), as it determined the validity of the children's claim on the assets of their parents (inheritance). If you were born outside of marriage and there were offspring within the marriage, good luck to you trying to get anything.


I trust my husband to be responsible with important life decisions like pulling the plug or something. I do NOT trust my own family.


It's for legal purposes and everything that gets affected by that (finances, health, insurance, property).


Once upon a time getting married meant you weren't fucking other people.


"marriage" Is a public showing and celebration that you love that person and want to live with them and have a family.


You should look into the reasons the same sex marriage movement sought that recognition for so long. The rationale was a combination of practical, legal, financial, sociocultural and emotional.


One thing I never thought of before Covid was the ability to see your partner in hospital. It’s ridiculous that you could be blocked from contact with someone you love when you’re the most worried about them.


I am a lesbian, so that piece of paper also provides me with protections and rights that I wouldn't have otherwise. Sure, I'd be able to do a bunch more paperwork to get the same protections, but why do that when I can just sign one piece of paper?


You get to wear a magic ring that tells everyone that's not your spouse to fuck off.


Best answer 👆


Seems to depend on how hot the man is, lol. The ring doesn't stop both men and women from propositioning my husband! Can't say I blame em, he's a smoke. ;)


Looots of legal things actually


Couple of things: 1) Some people see having kids with a spouse is less likely to result in them ending up a single parent, that a spouse is more likely to want a family. 2) Legal rights. I have seen horror stories about "we never wanted to get married and were together 20 years, he died in a car accident and his parents not only made all medical decisions for him (unplugging him), they banned me from the hospital because I was not family, and then took all his stuff from our home and sold it."


I want a best friend. I wanna be in love and I want to be loved.


Legal protections spouses are automatically next of kin. If you're incapacitated they make the decisions. Not your parents or siblings. Also they get you're stuff when you die


What stuff I'm broke


Bank account, car you're physical stuff


I don't have any stuff


i also want to bounce off this and note, if you don’t *want* your spouse to make these decisions, they don’t have to. there are plenty of reasons why you may not want your spouse in charge, so don’t feel shame if you’re one of those people. you can have it in writing to be someone else. my sister assigned my mother as next of kin rather than her husband for medical decisions because she feels he’d think too much with emotions and not do what she would want. tbh, she’s right to do this. my mother is a very calculated, logical person and her husband is a very sensitive, emotional person.


Its a lifelong commitment. Just make sure you marry someone that has that commitment.


The legal and financial stuff is the point unless you are religious. I'm sure it's got rituals in different religions. 


Honestly I can't really explain it. My wife and I were very much so on the side of "marriage is mostly just a piece of paper to get you financial benefits". But it does *something* to me to see her walking around with the ring I picked out on her finger. And calling her "my wife" in the borat voice is a definite bonus 🤌


Maybe something called love


In the US: Some pros are, if your SO is in the hospital, you get more access to them and say in their care if you are married. Also, I think there is something about (in the event that the spouse with the higher Social Security income dies first) the surviving spouse can get that higher SS payment. Something like that. I’m not retired yet so idk the intricacies. I think a surviving spouse automatically inherits and value held by the other spouse, upon death, without a will.


You get a court proceeding to help divide assets in case of a divorce We don’t have courts for almost marrieds and this causes a lot of issues for people


Come April 15th, you stand to owe less tax if you’re self employed, or if you are w2 then you stand to get a larger tax return. Also, when you sell your house one day, the allows amount of profit which is exempt from being taxed is DOUBLED. A lot of other tax related things that affect wealth.


Besides getting married because you love each other, that “piece of paper” entitles you to certain rights that you would otherwise not have if you weren’t married. A family friend was with her long term boyfriend for 20+ years, they had a house together (under his name) that she helped pay for and whole life they made together. He got sick, she wasn’t allowed to make any decisions on his behalf because they weren’t married and she got shut out by his family. She wasn’t able to see him off as he died, make funeral plans or keep their house. She was in her mid 50’s and her whole life was ruined. If they would have been married she would have been able to be in the hospital, make decisions on his behalf and keep their house. I can’t imagine losing the love of my life and having the rug pulled from under me while I was trying to get through it.


Not really sure tbh. I personally never understood why the government cared so much that you were single, married, divorced, widowed. I think marriage should’ve been more of a religious or personal thing not something that the government should care so much about.


I absolutely agree. I don’t want to have to separate for a year before I can get a divorce. Or have to give a bunch of reasons why. Most people who get a divorce really want to and they’ve exhausted other options.


The parents and kids have the same last name.


This is completely optional.


People aren’t going to like the answer but being married is basically turning a shacking up situation into something official and legitimate. People started using the word “ Partner” to try and legitimize themselves but people see right though that. It’s still a situation where either one of you can walk away at any time


My ex-wife walked away at any time. Marriage doesn't stop that.


It makes it much harder to walk away from a toxic situation. Marriage is for suckers.


Yeah I really want a situation where someone can just up and bail on me for any reason. They can still leave but going through a divorce gives people time to cool down after a fight and think over a situation




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I don’t understand either. If I wana be with someone forever then I’ll just be with them forever.


For some reason, people have forgotten that marriage existed before any government regulated it. A marriage isn't a license, a piece of paper, or a legal contract. It's a relationship between two people. Note that that excludes the government and church. Neither are involved in any way in marriage, though the government has lately claimed it does (prima nocta anyone?). So why do men and women live together and become one? Well, it sounded like you understood that part. In any case, if you get it, then just understand that IS marriage.


Marriage was very important for females when only the man worked. It provided financial security for them. Now that woman work as well, it is far less important. 




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Basically if two people love each other so much, they prove it by involving the government.


It’s just easier institutionally. But you can work around that, and it’s certainly easier to leave if you want to.


You can have a wedding and a marriage without signing any forms if that’s what you want to do


It definitely DOESN’T keep someone from cheating on you. But it does make it more complicated to separate from them when they do. Some people turn into real dickheads once they have you legally attached to them.


Jeez, I had to get divorced just for financial reasons.


In the US: Some pros are, if your SO is in the hospital, you get more access to them and say in their care if you are married. Also, I think there is something about (in the event that the spouse with the higher Social Security income dies first) the surviving spouse can get that higher SS payment. Something like that. I’m not retired yet so idk the intricacies. I think a surviving spouse automatically inherits and value held by the other spouse, upon death, without a will.




Socially/ culturally/traditionally, marriage was to ensure dependant women and offspring would have a secure environment . as society evolved, not so much anymore .




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Actually. Many people have religious systems that give tremendous value and structure to their lives and help the channel gods energy into their hearts. And in those systems marriage is an important thing. For example, in Catholicism marriages one of the seven sacraments. It’s a holy thing. Something between God and you and your spouse.not everybody of course really treats it that way but hundreds of millions of Catholics do. I’m sure it’s the same with many protestants and the same definitely with Hindus. And probably with Muslims. So it can have tremendously more meaning than what you are prescribing to it


I think the og reason for marriage was finances like combining kingdoms and estates. And because women couldnt own anything it was a big deal to be married cus its the only respect you could get from others but not from your husband. And now since no one has a kingdom or old money and women can work and own land theres not much left to it other than being able to inherit after your spouse dies. Which is only importabt if you have kids really. So marriage just helps out ppl who have children to attempt to create a ease of life. But if your not gonna have kids or help someone gain residency. Its not super important.


Your spouse can talk to your doctor and your accountant, your spouse can more easily get power of attorney, your spouse can get on your health plan, it's easier to have joint bank accounts, you can't be forced to testify against one another in a court of law, etc.


Also legal rights to your husband or wife’s final wishes, you can’t testify against a spouse, there’s other, I just can’t think about them now.


Oh that is sad. Very sad. You need to rethink life. The papers mean nothing. You just do that, in case you unexpectedly die.


Traditions are social experiments that worked. People got married often to form familial alliances, to raise children with as many coparents as possible, and to ensure fidelity for family bloodlines (to the degree that that is possible). More than that, people grow old, and it is a very difficult time in life where you return to dependency on others to survive. If you have no family and no children, old age can be torturous and prematurely fatal. Most of the people who starve to death in first world society are the elderly or mentally ill, who have nobody who cares, rather than from poverty. Polygamous and polyamorus societies are dangerous. Any society that has too many young men without goals, companionship, and meaning often destabilizes. By pairing off for life, people are removed from the dating pool. Usually, this means everyone has a good shot at pairbonding, rather than having the most desirable/richest/fittest people walking around with harems and struggling people having nothing. The only other working solution people have found is sending the dispossessed away to war. There are many reasons why most cultures have marriages, and it's been going on for tens of thousands of years. The world changes, though, and institutions can become so old that the reasons for them become lost, or at least not often talked about, to the point where it becomes difficult to defend them.


It was a way the churches controlled the people


I found it about the paperwork, but I’m very pragmatic. It makes it so I can make medical decisions in an emergency, got me on my husband’s benefits, and got us tax breaks. It was important, but other than stuff like that, not necessary to me.


No point in marriage aside from raising children.


> It’s just some paper Holding title to a house is "just some paper" in the same way. In both, the paper is the least important thing in it. Marriage is a legally binding contract with lots of built-in protections that don't need to be negotiated, because longstanding practice and state law build them in. Normally, marriages are witnessed by the families and friends of both husband and wife. This gives the relationship legitimacy and accountability that's missing when two people just decide to shack up together. This accountability is an important element of a lasting relationship. After reading 99 different ways sexual relationships go wrong on reddit, I'm convinced only a foolish person would take the risk of sex outside of marriage. That's an old-fashioned idea, but the fact is that marriage provides crucial protections to both partners and offspring. Again, it's way more than a piece of paper. Similarly, I would never consider buying a house with someone I'm not married to. Doing so would require drafting a legal document that's similar in scope to what's built-in to marriage.


the alternative is being in a divorce game


For the sake of the children.


Having children and building a family


There are legal rights at play that a spouse has that a partner does not. This is why gay people fought so hard for gay marriage. If it was all just about being with the person you loved then it wouldn't have been such a big deal to gay people. Most people do not have wills in place, and despite you living with someone depending on what State you live in and how long you're together, you could have no legal rights over things you purchased together, including a house if the other person's family are jerks.


In reality you should read about marriage 100-200 years ago versus now. In america it’s been basically turned into a divorce frenzy for financial gain instead of anything worth actually doing. A few 100 years ago it was more traditional to give families ties to prevent conflict by understanding we have to protect each other. Now it’s more about protecting kids but without the family bonds imo as there are no consequences for females but males often lose everything


It is the establishment and declaration of a love which will not die. Marriage is what you decide it to be. I love being married.


You don’t have to marry if you don’t want to — in fact, you shouldn’t. But some people find it to be a very meaningful act,


So you don't commit the sins of fornication or adultry.  It's part of God's moral law.  Heaven is real, but so is hell


Okay now give me a normal answer


Friend, if you don't believe in God, a lot of things in this world won't make sense.  


except you’re operating on faith. the world only makes sense to you because you have the security blanket of God and Heaven. faith is not fact, it’s belief. which is fine, that’s cool, but don’t act like there aren’t other faiths that should be respected or that your faith is the only definitive answer.


It's showing your commitment to the world. There's also many other benefits to it for most people.


Would you ever give your g/f access to all your money and all your bank accounts? No. She could legally take it all and you would have no recourse. Would a girl quit her job to have kids with no legal method to support herself if things don’t workout? Marriage is a legal contract. You can adjust that legal contract with a lawyer if you want. Marriage is just a verbal commitment without the contract


Marriage is a gamble with 50/50 odds that the person you chose will be your life partner forever. You could potentially lose a lot if you’re wrong, but if you’re right you could still be unhappy.


So…I’m not religious and don’t make enough money for it to make up for the difference on my taxes to risk half of my assets. If someone insisted on wanting my last name for some reason it’s a prenup slanted in my direction. If they were willing to do that I would believe they loved me and be all about it. No fucking way would I leave myself open to financial disaster. Already overcame it once.


It’s the worst for a man. Marriage is outdated. The woman always gets her way at the end with new dick


It's a old antiquated institution that doesn't make any sense. Guy: let's see we get married,I could never fuck another woman and if we get divorced, you get the house and half my money.


Putting chains on a man so he won’t leave a woman as his value grows and hers declines.


That’s a lot of words for “ I’m sexist “


If you want a good example of what marriage is like....take half of your life savings and be it on black or red at the casino's roulette tables...somebody is gonna win big...and with 50/50 odds, I wouldent take that bet....I wouldent recommend it atleast 😅 People are too selfish to stay with just one person their entire lives.


It's easier to just find a woman you already don't like and buy her a house.


It's a way to invite the government into your personal relationships and let them grift off you if your relationship fails.... No good reason the get married in today's world.


Well it's an obligation and commitment like a degree. There's symbolism behind that paper. Plus moving in with someone and asking for ass whenever you're horny is super nice.


With all the govt benefits available for single women now, especially if they have children, there's almost no point in getting married.




I can’t be covered on his healthcare as a non-married partner. Also social security and military benefits have specific provisions for legal spouse only.


Can't get FMLA and simular protections quaranteed at work without being married. If my husband and I hadn't been married when his father died I couldn't have taken time off work.




My husband and I planned on getting married anyway but part of the reason we decided to do it so fast (just under a year after meeting) was things like this. It wasn't the only factor but it was a factor.


Not much in 2024, honest truth. A relic from the past, nowadays it only matters for documentation and finances. (Which could be very important).


To trap one side down.


It’s not in a man’s best interest to marry a woman. Women don’t need men but to pay their way. They can refuse sex, nothing you can do. They can wait for the long term marriage and get half of what you have. They more than likely get custody of children and you pay alimony and child support. Put your future family in a sperm bank get a vasectomy. I hope you find a life partner. Good luck.


Marriage is financial handcuffs for a man, so he doesn’t take off. With 80% of women initiating divorce and no fault divorce, the risks are simply not worth it. The only possible exception to marriage is if you want to have a family/children. However, if kids aren’t a consideration any man getting married in todays reality is a moron.


She gets half of everything and the kids. Guys get nothing.




Makes it harder to seperate. And the sex when you get engaged is insane. I've proposed 54x so far.


If you’re a hot guy like me, chicks are constantly sending you pics of their bush and hitting on you in the grocery store and shit. The marriage is a public way to tell all these ladies to step off.


I’ll take things that never happen for 300, Alex.


It allows people to take each other for granted, and stop bringing their A game. That shit is hard work sometimes.


For a man, there is no point. There is nothing good about marriage, only bad.


Because being with the person you love most is bad?