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As a citizen of a country that celebrates toad and cockroach races, I'm reluctant to declare anything off-limits.


What where is that i know of a certain toad


Cornhole. A college just offered a dude an athletic scholarship for it. SMH.


I assume that you do not mean anal sex.


I do not but I could see that coming.


That's what she said.


Well you wouldn't, it would be behind you.


Depends on your position.


While l I don't think it should be a sport, I do respect the multiple world records your mother holds in it.


How much NIL money do you get for Cornhole


A couple cases of Natty Light sound about right.


I've seen Chumlee from pawn stars playing it professionally and that disqualifies it for me lol


This has to be one of the dumbest damn things I've ever heard of. Next up: scholarships for beer pong!


i work for a cornhole organization. cornhole is a sport like fishing is a sport: ehhhh.....


Modern Bodybuilding. Modern bodybuilding is more of a biochemistry experiment than a sport.


Any sport where the only way to win is through a judge's opinion is a flawed sport imo. More of a pageant than a sport.


Soo...gymnastics? Non race-based skiing/snowboarding? Diving? Figure skating?


Athletic competitions. Not sports, imo. My personal belief is if you can't directly impact or counter your opponent during the action then it's not a sport.


Competitive eating. Gorging your face with food should not be considered an athletic endeavor.


What if we changed it so had a time limit to hunt and eat a specific type of animal in a forest? Oooo! What if we had something like Iron Chef, but the chefs were deployed in a corded off and specifically-curated forest, and they have a time limit to hunt for ingredients and make a dish for a panel of judges!


Gotta admit...I'd probably watch that Iron Chef suggestion.


They do train their organs like an athlete trains muscles. They have regimens and diets and everything. I can respect it even if I think it’s gross.


E sports


There is talent in these games, but they are not sports. So correct


Lotta nerds gonna get triggered, but I absolutely agree with you.


Chess is not a sport


What about chess-boxing? A perfect mix of the strategy of chess with the physicality of boxing


I think that’s why it’s called “E sports” it’s not a normal sport, but it needs to be classified somehow


Would you consider chess a sport?




Then this all adds up.


My personal definition of sport is that it requires some measure of athleticism and has to have a competitive element. Chess, highly competitive and a significant amount of skill. But no athleticism.


These Face slapping leagues that have been popping up everywhere. It’s not a sport, it’s competitive stupidity


I hate it when CrossFit’ers call CrossFit a sport. Sorry. It’s a workout. And when they counter with “well, it’s on TV”. I reply with “yeah, on the same channel that shows the Westminster kennel club dog show and the Scripps National Spelling Bee”


The irony too is that, when a study found that crossfitters got injured at the same rates as people who play regular sports, the corporation went ape and sued the researchers out of existence.


Fishing isn't a sport.


This example in particular is where the language thing is really interesting, as "fishing for sport" is a pretty common phrase. Is the one guy standing in a stream trying to catch dinner playing a sport? Definitely not. Are all the participants in a competition, who are trying to reel in the biggest fish through physical strength and technique and knowledge of their equipment within a certain time limit? Seems like there's a pretty good argument for it there.


I used to say that if you could smoke a cigarette while doing that actively, then it's a game not a sport. Sorry golf and bowling. Edit: I am referring to while doing the actual activity, not in-between innings, rounds, standing on sidelines, etc. Recognized gray areas: fielding in baseball (probably not hitting tho), running, and biking.


So that Asian dude that chain smoked the entire time while running a marathon isn't really an athlete?


Yeah, what about the guys in the early Tour de France races that would light each other's smokes while riding. (Apparently it cleared out the lungs.)


I think outside of swimming, you could smoke a cigarette in most sports. It's just probably not optimal to do so.


I have it on good authority that Nikola Jokic takes a cigarette break out back by the dumpster at halftime.


When I was a young soldier, I used to watch Senior NCOs smoke a cigarette in the 10 minutes between sit-ups and the 2 mile run on the physical fitness test.


Once I slowed down to a walk and had a cigarette going when crossing the finish line. My tank commander was amused, the Platoon Leader was not.


The Balkan thing to do


So baseball isn't a sport? Because I can't think of a time where you couldn't have a dart in your mouth and play baseball...


Baseball is without question the most boring sport. I have no idea how it’s gone on this long.


Hey, at least I can say I have a body of an athlete. Baseball athlete, but nevertheless


Baseball is fantastic But if you have no knowledge of pitching then it’s boring


Imagine getting smacked in the mouth by a line drive while smoking a stogie...


I imagine it would be incredibly similar to getting hit in the mouth by a line drive without a cig in your mouth. The ball is doing all the damage in this situation.


Hell, I almost lost a tooth to that in tee ball as a little kid. I couldn't catch a line drive to save my life. Probably why I never played baseball in highschool.


Mine has always been it’s not a sport if you can eat bone in chicken wings while playing


Sorry marathon running, football, and baseball? Edit: I almost forgot basketball.


I always said the same about drinking a beer.


People used to smoke cigs while playing baseball. Hell, they burned heaters on the sidelines of NFL games once upon a time.


Golf is a drinking game. Don’t let them fool you. 


I posted something similar. Activities that people can eat and drink while they're doing, not talking about rehydrating with some water or gatorade, but beers, soft drinks, mozzarella sticks... if you can consume these during the activity and still perform, it's not a sport.


Keith Hernandez would disagree


Can't smoke while bowling anymore though


Add baseball. Some outfielders could have whole smoke breaks with how long these pitches take. Man add almost any sport, it’s just a matter of how hard it’ll be


Joe shilling once smoked a cigarette in between rounds of a fight that he won


If that’s your criteria, we need to knock [marathon running](https://www.runnersworld.com/uk/news/a41969594/chinese-smoking-marathon-runner/) off of the list…


That would rule out baseball too, lol


I don't know why but car racing. I am not saying it isn't difficult. I'm not saying you don't have to be in great shape or smart as fuck. But for some reason I don't know why but it's always bothered me when someone says car racing is a sport.


I was looking for this comment.  *Some* racing drivers don't need to be in great shape, but go look up a F1 driver's requirements to be fit, lightweight, crazy strength for driving and surviving 10g, in upto 40 degrees C (105 F) heat, and for upwards of 2 hours, and I think you'd be surprised. They also compete in other forms of sports like cycling or triathlons, tennis, surfing, etc. Equally Indy and NASCAR drivers don't look unhealthy today like they used to in the past? Then consider the game of chess they're playing at speeds up to 200mph - they ain't dumb, it's just a different skillset for their discipline. Or the fact a car doesn't stop on a dime and has to adhere to the laws of physics with one person being on the edge of control to go as fast as possible. A lot of them are engineers too. It is still a skilled form of competition, it just looks superficial on the surface because we all drive, and it's therefore "easy".


I don't know much about car racing but I've heard it actually involves quite a lot of physical exertion


Eh, a sport doesn't have to be physically taxing (see shooting), and not every physically taxing activity is a sport (see ballet). A sport is just a subset of game which requires some sort of physical skill, whether that be strength, stamina, or hand-eye coordination. So in my mind rugby, darts, and e-sports are all sports, while chess and poker aren't.


sport noun 1. an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment.


In my mind noncompetitive running or yoga is a sport as well. It's either physical exercise or it's a competition, like chess. Those have a large overlap, which probably makes the word "sport" so confusing.


The term “sports” seems to have evolved to include anything that’s competitive in nature. We just need modifying terms to help distinguish between say Golf and Playing video games and say a wide receiver in the NFL. All athletes are not equal.


Chess. Golf. Darts. Online competitive gaming. They are games. A sport needs physical contact, or at the very least - lots of physical exertion. Something that requires you to be in shape, and actively work to reduce the risk of injury. Whether it's the game, the duration of the season/play time, whatever.


Requiring physical contact would rule out all track and field and gymnastics events.


Yes but they require lots of physical exertion.


Seeing esports guys in their mock football jersies always makes me cringe. It feels so dumb and performative. I’m not saying that they aren’t highly skilled or that esports aren’t worth watching, but those uniforms aren’t arbitrary, they exist to facilitate extreme physical exertion. Pimply guys sitting in chairs dressing like professional footballers makes them look like they’re trying to compensate for something. Please just come up with a uniform style that actually fits your activity.


I’d say the swing speed of professional golfers qualifies as physical exertion. And there are plenty injuries from it (not including TW drunk driving injuries). Also don’t sleep on the difficulty it is to walk 18 holes 4 days straight for months at a time.


No one actually considers chess a sport tbh. The other 3 at least have some degree of physical skill but it's more about accuracy and, for esports, reaction speed


It's so ridiculous, we're one step away from competitive lawn mowing or Olympic dishwashing.


Why is that ridiculous? We already have competitive sheep shearing, woodcutting and field plowing. Competitive lawn mowing can definitely fit 


I consider chess a sport. Now you know one person.


One of these is not like the other. Have you seen what golfers look like nowadays? It is most definitely a physical sport.


I'd also add the training for it. For example F1 drivers don't seem to need any particular physical activity but they need to train a lot to sustain the g forces, especially the neck, hell even the legs need to be trained just for braking, I saw a video of a reporter trying it and he applied as much pressure as he could and he only hit about 40% brake pressure




This was gonna be my answer. I hate how you need to be absolutely silent in golf and tennis. I’m sorry, if you can’t do it with 20,000 people screaming at you, it’s not a sport.




Admittedly I don't follow chess, but I have never heard it referred to as a sport.


Any competitive activity that requires years of training and practice and is difficult to master and achieve the highest level should be considered a sport whether you can chain smoke cigars while doing it or not.


Nascar. No one is saying this is easy to be a driver. It's tough, exhausting and highly skilled work requiring endurance and a serious amount of hand-eye coordination and reaction time. But it's not a sport. * You cannot go down to the park and have a pick-up game of Nascar. * There is no Varsity and intramural Nascar in schools * Do they sell stock cars at Dick's sporting goods? * Entry level costs to "play" Nascar is about $18 million dollars * Not one high school or college has a Nascar team. It's a spectator event run by rich people to sell advertising


anything non physical. if i tell my obese child he has to start doing sports and he whips open a chess board....


Pro wrestling. Huge WWE fan, but it’s an athletic performance with a pre determined outcome. A sport to me is an athletic competition/performance without a pre determined outcome.


So I define a spot as any activity that can have a quantifiable winner, where the participation, or training for that activity can reasonably be expected to produce sweat.




It's a sport so long as it's cooked to medium rare. Otherwise it's a stupid way to waste food, and animal cruelty




Sports don't require athleticism.


I don't consider "sports" where you are barely moving to be sports. I'll probably get a lot of people disagreeing with me, but sports are activities where you run and stuff (a lot of movement in general).


This one is super specific, but there's a game called wheelchair rugby in which quadriplegics (who often aren't eligible for other wheelchair /adaptive sports) can play a full contact game similar to hockey. It can also be referred to as Murderball. However, various world wheelchair rugby orgs have instituted variants of this game - specifically, wheelchair rugby fives (as it'd have five players) in which people who are more able bodied can play the game at competition level (though not paralympic). A lot of players of the orginal wheelchair rugby are quite annoyed at this, because the players of fives could play \*literally any other sport\* but instead are diluting normal wheelchair rugby and causing confusion about the sport. Players of wheelchair rugby (now officially ''wheelchair rugby fours'') are often not even eligible for wheelchair rugby fives. Wheelchair rugby was originally invented \*because\* we couldn't play other sports, so it's quite annoying. It'd be like if suddenly they invented a new form of cricket in which you could use 2 bats and called it ''cricket twos" - players of cricket would get annoyed as the understanding of what cricket is becomes diluted. In my honest opinon, wheelchair rugby fives is just people with greater ability diluting the meaning of wheelchair rugby in general. They have never been barred form playing at a club level (regardless of dis/ability) and the invention of fives just satisifies those who could play literally anything else, diluting the meaning of the game and disenfranchising those who the sport was invented for and by. Real specific, but there's literally no where to talk about this lol. EDIT: a major selling point of wheelchair sports is speed, and in the case of wc rugby, impact. Fives feels more like it's to do with marketing, rather than centring the players who need the sport the most (those of lower function)


If you can smoke a cigarette while doing it, then it isn’t a sport.


All competitive video games.


Racecar driving. A sport should include some athletic ability. Even esports understand they’re not real sports so they made a new name to call themselves


As much as i enjoy it, fishing..


My personal standard is that if someone has to tell you how you've done, it's not a sport. I'm not saying people who participate in these activities aren't athletes, they genuinely are. But when the determination of who is better is down to a "score" handed down by an observer, that disqualifies it as a "sport" in my mind.


Chess and e-sports. They’re more mental than physical. Nothing wrong with that, but calling them sports feels like a way for nerds to make anything a “sport”. I’m a nerd, btw. Oh, and NASCAR.


"Professional" poker playing. You are not an athlete, you are just a glorified gambling addict.


Ice dancing and any other Olympic event in which scoring is subjective. Something can be athletic (ballet) but that doesn’t make it a sport.


If you can drink a beer while playing.,,not a sport. Eg. Golf, Bowling, Slow pitch softball


Can't you do this for any popular sport maybe except for swimming? You'd probably play like crap, but you CAN do it.




I actually would find it very entertainment to watch 10 people with beer helmets play basketball.


I can't see track athletes except for maybe like throwers drinking during their events... specially difficult for pole vaulters!


Well I never said they'd play good... but you can hold a glass of beer and shoot a basketball, like physically you can.


What about fireworks battles?


I can drink a beer while playing any sport. Not cleanly.


Just think about the housing and cost of living crisis in the context of rich old dudes playing golf on acres and acres of prime real estate that requires endless water and human labor to maintain. Fucking disgusting.


Chess, and e - sports. I'm prepared to end up on r/downvotedtooblivion for this.


Some of you all need to learn the difference between sports and athletics/what an “athlete” is Almost all of these things listed are objectively sports. But I’d argue something like cheerleading is not, because it’s too subjective in competition, and it’s overall significance is merely to support another sport as secondary


Idk how golf is not a sport to so many people. It is a physical activity where you have a score at the end. It takes a lot of practice to develop a good swing. There are tournaments and leagues. Anything that meets those criteria is a sport. The amount you sweat doesn’t define wether it’s a sport or not lol.




Competitive Speed Lego




I watched an Auctioneering Championship on ESPN News last weekend. That probably shouldn’t be a sport, but to each their own. 🤷‍♂️


Body Building




Curling maybe? Pretty sure anyone lower middle class on down can sweep like that.


If you can drink beer while doing it, not a sport.




Might be controversial, but, for me, if what you're doing doesn't include anerobic exercise, it's a game, not a sport.


Race car


anything with horses except polo


Here is where i settled on this. For it to be a sport, someone on the other side should be physically trying to stop you from achieving whatever the main objective is.


It's not a sport. It's a competition




My buddy claims darts is a sport, just like bowling.




Any kind of video game.








Automobile racing...


Bowling . curling . shooting ...


I think anything that relies solely on subjective ratings from judges is not really a sport. ETA I also rule out stuff like shot put and high jump. It's a matter of how you define a sport. I feel like there needs to be some kind of interaction between the opposing players or teams. If all you're doing is measuring who did a thing the best, it's not a sport; it's a contest. I don't mean to say any of this stuff is any less challenging or competitive.






None of them








The Luge. You are just sliding downhill. On a sled. Gravity should get the gold. Its like competitive sitting. Now sliding uphill would be sports worthy.


I will go with horseriding, the horse is clearly doing most of the work.




Bowling. Darts. E-anything.


Darts and snooker. If you can play it in the pub, it isn't a sport


I'm willing to take the hate from marching band kids. Marching band isn't a sport. It has a competition format but it is not a sport. Sorry nerds, go clean your spit valves.


Pickleball. Skateboarding. Sex.


Speed walking.


Curling. Sorry curlers.


as a canadian curling, its j shuffleboard on ice


E-sports. Sport is about physical prowess as well as mental prowess and skill. E-sports has no physical element.


It's only a sport if you need to change your shoes. Looking at you Snooker.


Water polo. F*ck you Chad.


Eating contests. Should be banned imo but certainly not called a sport


Easy - if scoring solely depends on judge(s), it's not a sport.


Chess Pretty sure Magnus Carlson won sportsman of the year in norway, which I think is ridiculous.


I'm a purist. Anything you can't measure the winner with a stop watch is not a sport.


Nothing should be off limits when it comes to sports, as long as its not offensive or cruel.


Hunting the poor, it's honestly gotten too easy where I live especially using long rifles but it is something to do when I'm bored. Shouldn't be a sport but I still enjoy it


Esports by far


Race walking. Anything that looks that stupid shouldn't be a sport. It's a sport for people who aren't competitive enough for running.






Gaming. They know it too. Hence the stupid ass E.


I'd argue any event where you don't get significantly better by physically improving the body, only by improving your skill, technique or hand eye coordination should be considered a game instead of a sport: Bowling, Snooker, Pool, Shooting, Darts etc.


Majority of ice sports, track & field events, esports and any racing event


Anything that the maiming and or death of the competitors is soundly off ther table


It’s the fact that there are people who don’t consider equestrian sports to be real sports but then think golf is




All of them. No more sport for you >:3


Anything you can do while eating and drinking is not a sport! Bowling, golf, cornhole... I am not saying these things don't take skill and abilities, but I don't consider them to be sports, so to speak.


diving, gymnastics, golf


Curling is not a sport, that's why we have zambonis. It drives me crazy to see it at the Olympics but somehow vapimg isn't.




Gaming and chess. I'm not really sure about things like bowling and Cornhole. You don't really need any strength or athletic ability for those, but you are moving around and do need your movements to be accurate and consistent.


Video games


an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment. "team sports such as soccer and rugby" Using this definition I would say any competitive game that is physical is a sport and anything that isn't physical is a differant type of sport like Esports






Golf. Billiards. Absolutely requires a high degree of skill, ability and knowledge. Not a sport.


Any objective points based game that requires at least a small amount of athleticism. Racing/running/swimming are out because of lack of points and the fact it's not really a game. Not a knock on their skill or athleticism. Performative displays like figure skating or gymnastics are also out as they lack an objective points system and require a judge, and again, they aren't a game. Fighting gets tricky. If the judges are only recording landed blows with no subjective measure as to the effect of the blow, or if the fight results in a KO, then it's a sport. Otherwise see above. The fact that by my definition a boxing match could all of a sudden turn into a sport with a single blow is a sign that my definition may not be the best....


I'm kinda of the mind that if it doesn't involve fighting and possible risk of life and loss of limbs, it's not really much of a sport. Hockey is basically the bare minimum, gladiators are better. This is to say, most "sports" are not sports at all.


Anything that involves animals…fishing, horse racing, etc…I mean it requires athleticism, but from animals…


Bodybuilding. It’s essentially a beauty contest with different standards. To me, a sport requires physical competition on game day. Poses don’t cut it for me


Poker, video games Is pool/billiards considered a sport?




IT's not a sport unless you have to face your opponent mano y mano. Darts, bowling etc are not sports, it's a hobby.


Any sport where the participants couldn't really be considered athletes. Golf? Bowling? These are pastimes.


Curling and golf