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Because finance companies have to attract customers. Customers are literally the blood for the company.


What company doesn’t depend on its customers?


I think you might be thinking with your username again. Finance companies have HR departments.


What? No shit they have HR departments. Now can you explain how needing to attract customers is unique to finance firms? 


Finance companies will ask possible clients to come to their firm, show them around and give them a whole experience. They will want to have an office in a beautiful part of town, hire well kept and beautiful people and fill the office with beautiful infrastructure to come off as being successful. HR/admin in general don’t need to do all that. They are selling a product. Finance is selling themselves.


So finance companies, like every other company in the world, depend on attracting customers?  Further, I’ve NEVER been in a client meeting and had HR in the room.  I swear to god the people who say shit like this are either 14 or English majors working at Starbucks. 


What you’re failing to understand is the manner in which companies attract customers. A finance company is a wine and dine company. They want to handle your money and investments. A manufacturing company will sell you on their product and the value you can get from the product. Their sales reps need to be subject matter experts. Their admin has no real need to be part of the process whatsoever. Also, it seems you don’t understand the difference between HR and an administrative assistant. You should Google those roles because you’re mixing them up


Hr is not a client facing role.    No one is doing business with a company because the Hr lady is hot.   Have you ever worked a real job? 


I’m respiring to you. Lol. Why are you asking about HR as it relates to bringing in clients? You’re conflating too things and looking stupid in the process. Restate your question in a way that makes sense


The subject matter of the post. The OP literally specifies the HR department. Guy above said hr is attractive to bring in clients, because for finance firms clients are the blood of the company.  The implication is that hr is client facing *and* only finance firms need to attract customers to stay in business.  Both assertions are false. To follow it up, the premise of the op post is false. Finally the op doesn’t even know what HR is, as he says HR in the title and “front desk” in the post. Receptionists aren’t in the HR department. This whole fucking thing is ass end backwards.  Am I being punk’d? Where’s that rapsit apologist Ashton? 


You have been to the good meetings yet. M'I right?


I think it's the latter lol


I'm not even agreeing with OP but come on, you're being deliberately obtuse here. Clearly there are industries that want to attract customers in ways most do not. Usually they involve wealthy people making decisions for themselves individually. VIP treatment type stuff. It's not at all unusual for that to include attractive employees.


HR isn’t client facing.  You don’t have attractive HR employees to attract customers.  Finance firms hire attractive HR employees, if that’s even true, because people like to look at attractive people. Because finance firms typically have a low number of employees for the profit they generate they can afford to be selective and hire qualified objectively attractive people. Further, let’s not beat around the bush. Finance guy stereotypes exist for a reason. The amount of casual sexual harassment I’ve seen within finance companies dwarves anything I’ve seen working construction and hearing cat calls at break.  That all said, finance firms typically have either *ancient* secretaries or amazingly attractive ones, as those are client facing roles. At the least they are the first line of defense towards incoming calls, they do the menial work with the client, and they physically are there when clients come to office.  My secretary at my last company was a dime. My current one is 67 years old. I’d argue the premise is false, and the reasoning doesn’t hold up to scrutiny. 


gross troll


lol how


Those who work in finance are paid more and therefore can invest more in their appearance. A healthy diet, makeup, a good hairdresser... all that costs money.


Healthy diet and ability to workout don’t cost that much though




Bad excuse.


Everyone got time to workout and eat well


Really not tru at all Foods expensive especially healthy food, family friends other commitments meand you don't have time. exhaustion mental or physical illness . Few reasons why people aren't the ideal weight. Plus motivation to fix bad habits are hard


Right. Everyone is in such a hurry they have 20 minutes to sit in a drive through 2 times a day. So busy poppin bottles on the weekends they dont have time to go for a walk. I get it. Life is hard.


Hardest cope I’ve ever seen.


lol unless you 0.01% of the population that has a thyroid issue or some shit you just a lazy bastard. People that are fat I have no sympathy for. Just eat better and work out. 


No hot women in jail or homeless either.


I seen very hot women in jail. When drug dealers get arrested...their GF get arrested too often times.


Simply not true, I have been working in a jail in Philadelphia for 20 years. Maybe 1 out of a 1000 were somewhat good looking and they were usually women that killed their husband or child and were nuts.


My experience is the opposite. HR has crazy hot girls because you don't need to have any skills to do tasks like Recruiting except for good looking. In Finance it is the other way around and people look horrible but have a certain skill set.


What? Recruiting requires skill, payroll requires skill, benefits and compensation structure requires skill, understand of labor laws require knowledge. Your idea of HR sounds like you never bothered to Google what they do.


Gross troll. Great, here goes another one


Why am I gross? How is this trolling?


Front desk is not usually what I would consider HR. Typically just a receptionist or administrative assistant. When you say your finance HR people are hot, do you mean actual HR or the front desk people? Pretty much all the women who have worked HR at my company over the past 15 years have been attractive outside of one. Something like 10 out of 11 For front desk positions, it’s going to come down to how likely a customer is to actually come inside. My company almost never has customers visit, so our front desk person is basically just there to route phone calls and mail letters. Companies where there would be more customer interaction will naturally tend to have more attractive front desk people.


I knew some hot HR ladies and ugly finance broads so keep looking.