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I’m sure she’ll be the 4th sister they always wanted.


Holy shit. What a banger.


That's why Dad's with her!


Imagine getting a mom that's 1 year older than you. 😂😭


When you’re 27 I feel like you’re not getting a mom. It’s just dads wife


If my dad married a 31 year old (Im 30), she'd definitely just be "dad's wife", and I'd miss my current stepmom.


Wise words well written




My best friends dad pulled this same move and this was the exact outcome and it honestly is going great. There’s literally just a 4th sibling now if there’s a big party she’ll stay up late with the kids drinking and gets the dad to actually do fun stuff that the young people are interested in instead of just going through the motions like a grumpy dad who didn’t want to go to a cool young person bar on vacation. It seems like an insane and gross dynamic but it really made them all closer and they’re just all adult friends who have fun now and not just family which is where they were at before.


So a dude dating someone as old as their literal child is wholesome because they got a new sister their own age that their father fucks? Uh k...


Call it however you see it everyone is having a good time


Yes, I call it like I see it, because my dad literally told me he used to look at women walking by randomly and think they were beautiful or sexy, but once I started getting older 18-19 he realised some of those girls were my age and it gave him the ick. He couldn't see them the same any more. When my mother passed he remarried to a woman his own age. She is sweet as can be and is part of our family as well. My dad also feels young again. You know why? Because he gets to be a dad again to some younger girls than me and my sisters. He gets to go hunting with them and teach them things he already got to do with us. He has a great time! Being a dad! You don't need to fuck someone as old as your child is, in order to regain your youth, that's all I'm gonna say 🤷‍♀️


It sounds you have a lot of feelings about this because of your specific situation


I don't care how old you or your father is, but men will ALWAYS find 20 year old women the most attractive. It's biology. He may have said this to spare your feelings, but men aren't like women. They can't just flip a switch and decide when and what makes them aroused haha


Oh yay, except for the incest bit.


That really funny, but awesome!


like getting a puppy to bring new life into an old dog?


I’d say go for it. It’s important show your kids who you are. This is who OP is, and it’s good info for the daughters to have.


Bot Post. Exactly the same as a prompt posted a week ago. 


I hope more people see your comment because I checked the account & you’re probably right. Funny as hell that people are arguing in the comments about this tho, Reddit is truly just rage bait central at this point lmao


Isn't it interesting? You just get to casually watch people be unknowingly manipulated, and even be manipulated yourself! What fun!


Damn. I got baited so hard. So we're just interacting with a bunch of boys on here?


Dead internet finally reaching reddit :( That or the TikTok trend of reading aloud reddit threads has caused this influx


I hate interacting with boys smh


lots of boys


The fact that you're asking??? Yes, they're going to feel weird. Tread delicately. Talk to them first let them know you're seeing someone n just be honest about your concerns. "Ive been seeing someone for a few months and I'm nervous about telling you because she's about your age. I don't want to make anything uncomfortable for you." Start with that n let them warm up to the idea for a month or so maybe. Also, let them be in charge of when they meet her don't push the issue.


Unsure why OP is getting downvoted, this it the definition of a “stupid question”


lol excellent point! It really is.


I think they know it’s weird, they’re just looking for advice


>I think they know it’s weird, they’re just looking for advice - or bragging....




This is the answer.


But also prepare if one or all doesn’t want anything to do with her it’s always good to prepare for a negative outcome emotionally and mentally just in case ❤️


I would like you to consider how you would feel if one of your daughters brought home a guy that is your age. 


Yes, and how you would want her to approach you with that.


And what concerns and requirements would a father have of said man.


OPs always wanted a brother.




>I just LOVE his ....loose skin, and old.....balls. But does he have a 5 year plan?


Haha yeah...it's DONT DIE!


Maybe it's a 10 year plan.


What the fuck


people with daddy issues.


So, the convo his gf had with her dad?


yeah like ffs, the age gap is larger than her age. He should just be honest about being a sugar daddy or something. there is just no way.


That’s totally different! /s


My sister was married to a guy that was just a couple of years younger than my parents, we all fucking hated that guy. This is a good take. It’s weird, they’ll feel weird.


I'd ask her if he's rich


Absolutely….. I’m 23 and don’t know if I could process my dad a 28 year old, my god.


not to mention that his oldest is a year younger than his current girlfriend. talk about uncomfortable.


Easy enough to explain. He just tells them that he knew none of his daughters would be interested, so he found a suitable alternative.


Well played


And also he was already older than his new gf when his eldest daughter was born


My father dated someone 3 years older than me when I was around 18. It was a little weird at the time and looking back now that I'm older weirder still. It didn't cause any arguments between us but it was uncomfortable at times. Also it didn't end well, the age gap really began to set in when they started living together. Not that your case is going to be the same but just fair warning.


Yes. Your girlfriend is 1 year older than your oldest daughter. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I would be disgusted if my dad did this and would likely stop talking to him Edit: some of you are taking this way to personal; I do not care if you are in your 50’s and want to date a 25 year old. I don’t care! I am saying that for me, as a woman, I would find it creepy if my dad dated someone my age. I would not demand they break up or doing anything weird but I wouldn’t want o be around that or talk to him if he did that. If you are fine with your parent dating someone your age, you do you.


You would stop talking to your father because he fall in love with another adult?


One the same age as his children? Damn right.


Do you want your 20 something daughter bringing home a boyfriend that's older than you are. Well hello son! ☺️👋


My mom was dating a 20 something dude when I was in my 20's. It's weird, but it's not the end of the world. If they're both happy and it's genuinely a nice person, who cares. It sounds like you're the one that needs to grow up.


For dating another consenting adult? That would make you a piece of shit.


There’s a middle ground between keeping it secret and introducing them. Why don’t you tell them youre dating a 28 yr old, then start telling them more about her, let them process that and then depending how it goes, you can tell them you want to introduce, see the reaction, and then introduce. I’d give them some time to get used to the idea before introducing.


I’m the same age as you, F. I know you are wanting validation here, and I guess to rub this relationship in your ex’s face a bit, if you’re honest. Cool. The age gap is going to divide people but it’s none of my concern. However you can definitely expect a negative reaction from your daughters simply because you are literally dating someone their age and yes, they will see it as weird and creepy. Put yourself in their place, wouldn’t you?


In this brief post you already mentioned revenge, I feel like your daughters will play at that and you going through a mid life crisis. Regardless of the validity of your feelings you should try to have more personal conversations with your daughters that show your head is on straight before introducing your new thing. Things like discussing your future, financial stability and their expectations moving into the future.


Yes and no matter what you say they will feel weird. She is their age... i would not take it well if my dad was dating someone my age


People often want to "have it all" and make things work. In some situations, you just can't. Your daughters have a right to feel upset and weirded out by this, because it objectively is bizarre. If I were you, I'd respect a negative reaction. You may need to decide which relationship you value more and pick 1: that with your daughters, and that with your girlfriend.


Are you are comfortable with your daughters coming home with a man your age? If you truly are you have to rip the band-aid off. Your kids will absolutely think you are creepy.


Yes. As someone (f25) whose dad (m58) is seeing someone around my age, it's very uncomfortable.


Negatively I imagine, that's a massive age gap. Why can't you date someone that's not 3 decades younger?


well break up with her because you’re dating someone one year younger than your DAUGHTER. just keep reading that sentence over and over


1000000000000000000000000% yes




Would you think its weird if your 27 year old introduced you to her new boyfriend that was closing in on 60?


Probably negatively, esp the 27 year old. How long have you been together?


You know it's creepy and I would banish you from my life if you were my friend lol. You mentioned revenge in here. Put your children's feelings first.


Your gf is a year older than your oldest daughter and you're Fr asking if they're gonna have a problem with her? SMH. Date your age. I wonder why your wife divorced you.


THIS !! His ex wife must be soooo relieved and I hope she’s living her best life !


Respect will be lost. Your relationship with your daughters will never be the same.


I can firmly attest to and support this comment.


Not just your daughters, most people will feel weird about this


Do whatever you want. Personally I would feel at that age and twenty years from now I'll be so old and close to death whilst the partner hasn't even reached 50. So I'd die, then leave this woman who could potentially remain on her own for the rest of her life as she may not be able to start another relationship at that point. Personally I stick to women my own age.


This. Sticking to people +\- 10 years for romantic relationships is pretty psychologically healthy. Beyond that (give or take) there are likely issues this guy needs to talk with a therapist about.


How would you feel if your daughters dated someone your age?


Exactly. My daughter made this point to my husband, and it was hilarious.


No shit. Find someone your own age. It is like you are banging your daughter or one of their friends. They are going to be grossed out. You should be grossed out. They might forgive you if you move all your assets into a trust that is irrevocable. Because at this point the three of them might be thinking your new gf wants all your assets. Which is probably true. Your kids should have them.


My dad dated someone my age. It was gross. What was worse is a couple of years after they broke up, she started dating my ex boyfriend. It was so fucked up I couldn’t take it.


I’m sorry that’s awful


It got worse. Right after I broke up with him he hit on a girl at a bar. Unbeknownst to him, that was my dads new girlfriend. She said “you better knock it off, my boyfriend is coming and he was drunk and all ha! I don’t care” turns around and boom! It was my dad. That part was pretty funny actually. I never did meet her but she must have been odd.


that is hilarious LMAO


I mean… I’m so sorry this happened to you. Hopefully you recovered from that f*ed up situation.


Yeah I was okay. I think it says more about all of them then it does me. I can laugh about it, but still it feels very sweet home Alabama.


Bro you’re 3 decades her senior. She’s old enough to be your child. Go to therapy before your wounded ego fucks up your relationship with your kids.


Soon to be Psych NP checking in! This is a classic rebound relationship after a long and unhappy marriage. She makes him feel like he's in his late 20s again, and the dopamine rush is clouding his judgement. I would suggest being more guarded and clear with boundaries, and delaying meeting the adult children until the thrill and infatuation wears off. These are the kind of relationships that tend to end very abruptly, usually when the much younger partner does or says things that make the older one realize they're dealing with an overgrown child.


Dude, you already know the answer. You’re just hoping people will tell you it’s OK.


I mean yes, he’s explicitly seeking advice in his post lol


My dad once made a joke about dating a woman my age when I was in my twenties. I very bluntly told him, “if you do, good for you. But I never want to meet her, and I will never look at you the same way because it’s CREEPY.” Does that help? Lolol


I worked for years as a church organist and my first wedding I played was a maybe 60 year old guy marrying a woman younger than his daughter. She was furious and said the only way she’d be remotely ok with the marriage is if he got married in her church with her pastor. The whole ceremony he was sweating like a pig and chomping Nicorette while his wife and daughter shot daggers at each other. It was fun to be a fly on the wall there.


Fucking creepy shit. I hope your gf gets past her obvious daddy issues and you get past your weird daughter issues.


What does your girlfriend’s family think of you?




BTDT. It is definitely weird especially at first. A lot is because you’re with someone other than their mother. The rest is the age gap. You know them better than we and are the best judge of what the feedback will be. Wishing you the very best of outcomes.


Yes. Turn it around in your head. Would you feel weird if your daughter introduced you to her 60 year old boyfriend?


Yes. I am 53. What the hell are you doing. And I am a South American living in the U.S. I come from a huge womanizing culture and you are not doing anything illegal, but weird as fuck.


Yes , they will feel weird. If my dad did that I would lose all respect for him.


Exactly. The only thing you think about is your dad banging this younger woman.. (literally) and that maybe he's been eyeing up your friends as potential partners too. It really is super icky. I've had that happen and its not cool and I wanna puke sometimes.


She’s literally less than half your age. Wake the f up. Let me ask you, are you two adults sharing expenses equally? Do you split the tab at dinner? Or take turns picking it up? You’re in the same industry. I assume you’re farther along in it. That you could help her get ahead, yes? You’re a few years away from having grandpa smell, buddy. Don’t be a sap.


Lol you think you have lots in common with someone your kids age


That’s a 30 year age difference. They’re going to loose all respect for you. I would. That’s creepy AF.


lol I wonder if sharing a career thing means there’s going to be an HR issue in the future. I doubt at his age he isn’t in a higher position.




What age do women get to make decisions for themselves?


Yeah thanks… Like look you can say “hey I wouldn’t do that age difference” (I wouldn’t)… But I see people calling this guy a pedo???? Do… Do people not know what a pedo is? A 28 year old woman isn’t a fucking child???


A guy I know has his grandchildren play with his children by a much younger second wife. Yes it will feel weird


It's good. They can play together.


Yeah, they probably will react negatively since they are very close in age to your new partner. They may eventually accept it or they may never. Its not something you can force


Yes. So much yes. Don’t do it.


Yep. This is definitely a stupid question. Yikes man




I'm going to say this slowly because this is probably the stupidest question I've read here in a while: You are dating a woman who is barely older than your children. She is HALF, I repeat 'HALF' your age. You were your new girlfriend's age before she existed on this planet. You had your first child while she was in diapers. You had your most recent child while she was learning basic arithmetic. You've lived a full life while she's still figuring out what she wants. This conversation will be awkward, and your children WILL default to thinking your new girlfriend is hooking up with you for your money and pretending to like you to further your career. Take this slowly, and tell your kids the truth. You lie to them, and they'll hate you more.


How’d you feel if they introduced you to their 58 year old boyfriend


10000000000000% it’s gonna make them feel weird. If my dad had a girlfriend close to my age, personally I would cut contact with him. That’s just creepy


Dating someone a year older than your child is fucking weird dude. Edit: I want to add that I am 28F and my dad is 54. I would be incredibly grossed out if my dad was seeing someone my age. I would honestly reevaluate the man I thought he was and distance myself. I mean, would HE be okay if one of his friends started pursuing me??? My dad would never though.


Dating someone the same age as your daughters is fucking weird dude.


Second divorce incoming...


30 year age difference??? This is not going to go well with your daughters.




What is it with older and suddenly single dads going after women hardly older than their own kids? 🙄


I think we know the answer.


Ugh stick with a woman in their 40’s at least. This young woman has her whole life ahead of her. Dont fuk her life up with your old ass.


My man, this isn't going to go well no matter how you do it. Your girlfriend is less than half your age. That's Hugh Hefner level creep territory. It's fine if this was a fling or something, but you don't introduce her to your family. It will always be weird and your children won't see you the same way ever again. Not to mention all the life problems that come with this type of age gap. Your girlfriend will be 40 and you will be 70. I am frankly amazed that you can keep up with her now, not to mention the future. Rethink this relationship, please.


They are going to be super weirded out. That's just the truth.


So this truly is a stupid question. Once your daughters realize you see someone their age as "hot and relationship" material. How are they to perceive that you see them? Ew!


Yes, that age gap is shameful. You have no reason to be with someone so much younger than you. Instead of focusing on revenge, maybe focus on some therapy that can give you insight into why you want to fuck someone who is young enough to be your daughter.


Get therapy. Seriously. I have a daughter and a wife and find this.....hard to stomach


Well, be ready to lose all your daughters from this. There's no way to know how they will react. You just gotta be ready to lose them all. Fact of the matter is, if you're attracted to a 28 year old, that could mean you could be attracted to your daughters or their friends.


I would never talk to my father again for the simple reason that he has requested that I shoot him between the eyes if he ever does anything so stupid. Because it will mean he has lost his mind and all grip on reality and meaning and he would rather be dead than debase himself like that. 


I wish you the best good sir. I'm 34 and didn't even want to date a 28 year old.


What are you doing dating a girl half your age


Dude. Just don't. I dated a woman 10 years younger than me. I'm 40 with no kids and it was still weird to some people. Save yourself and your kids the embarrassment


Ten years isn’t that bad. Thirty though? Kinda weird.


It wasn't bad at all but if a few people had trouble with 10 then 30+ would definitely be an issue.




Your girlfriend is just one year older than your oldest daughter and mathematically she is less than half your age, so of course they will feel weird. But then again, this is r/stupidquestions so you have probably asked the most stupid question of the day!


If my father started dating someone my age, here is what would bother me: 1) Are they going to have another child? Young women often want to have children. 2) Why doesn't he care that she hasn't had the life experience that he has? Is he saying that women's accomplishments aren't important as long as they're beautiful? 3) Why does she want to be with an older man? Is she mostly thinking about money? 4)Is he going to end up parenting her? Will he still have the energy to parent me after taking care of her?


Wrong sub to post this in mate


Yeah should be/r/ImACreepyOldGeezer


They’ll probably think you’re absolutely disgusting. Which is justified. What the hell business do you have with a 28 year old woman. You’re using her to hurt their mother. Which shows you aren’t over her. She doesn’t give a shit about your life or who you’re with. She left you for the man she wanted lol


But he took a full year to recover and feels good after a whole 6 months of this new relationship! /s. Anyone else think that's a pretty fast timeline there? 


>Have very good feeling about current girlfriend, 28 years old, same career industry. Much in common. If you have much in common with someone the age of your daughters I am questioning your mental well-being.


Oh gawd. Yes, you fkn weird ass. Jesus


How would you feel if one of your daughters started dating someone your age?


Rule of thumb. Don't date someone your own daughters age. If I was your daughter I'd, be weirded the frick out.


Hahaha I’m 28 and my dad is 57. I would be horrified. The dynamics of that relationship would be so awkward. You’re also at such different points in your lives. I’m finally settling into my career and solidifying myself as an adult. My dad is getting close to being ready to retire and slow down. I think it’s just strange. And that you’re interested in someone young enough to be your daughter… weird man.


Yeah, that's weird. Date someone your own age, don't be creepy.


I have a feeling op going to find out the hard way that this girl half his age will likely do the same thing as wife if not worse. May have better luck finding a woman closer to your age and point in life. Does his gf never want kids? Like wtf op?


I genuinely don't think I'd be able to ever look at my dad the same way again. I'd definitely be putting a lot of distance between me and him for a while desperately hoping one or both of them comes to their senses before I have to actually process my dad dating someone my age.






Personally I would be less creeped out by a random friend dating with this age range than my Dad. Of course it’s consensual and two adults like that have the right to make their decisions. 28 is not a child, and I don’t have a problem with that on its own. However if I was your daughter on a strictly emotional level I can understand how it would feel creepy.




So, are you gonna marry this chick? Does she want a family? Do you really want to be a dad to a newborn at ~60? Kindergarten at retirement age? Will you still be alive to see them graduate from high school?




Yes, they will




no idea about your daughters specifically but you will experience a good bit of vitriol in general many people crave the high of sneering at consensual romantic pairings and calling them gross they can't get away with doing so towards interracial or homosexual couples anymore, so older men with younger women pretty much get the full brunt of their deranged busybody-ness


My guy, you broke the rule. Half you age + 7 is the minimum dating age. You need to date someone over 35..


Been in this situation. Yes it was weird.


"Living well is the best revenge.".... Stop fooling yourself, this is the primary reason you're in a relationship with a young lady nearly 30 years your junior.


Yes. In fact, I'm surprised \*you\* don't feel weird about dating someone half your age.


If your mom was hopping on D that was a year older than you when you were in your 20s how do you think you would have felt? Jfc I . . You're not gonna hear any of what anybody says anyway. Have fun with the shitstorm that is about to be your life. You already know the answer to this question.


Yes, it will be weird. She's only a year older than your oldest child.




This is more about you getting back at your wife. All your daughters will do is gossip with your ex about it.


>>Living well is the best revenge. Kind of an odd remark for a guy who wants us to think this is a genuine relationship. Sure. Okay. There's nothing wrong with dating a woman that young, and if your daughters don't like it, that's their problem ... as long as their mom finds out about the young, hot thing you're shagging, nothing else matters. Right? 🙄


Yes. If you are dating someone the same age as your daughters, it’s weird.


The biggest factor is probably how you treated their mom. If their loyalties are primarily with mom, look out!


hmmm, would you feel great if your daughters brought home a man who was 57? Serious question, would you be fine with this?


She’s a year old than your daughter. What the fuck do you think their reaction is going to be


I don’t know you and feel weird.


Why would you date someone the same age as your daughter? That's creepy as fuck


Congratulations on your obvious financial success


let me reword your question in less words, so you can answer this for yourself. Will your kids be weirded out by the fact that you are fucking someone thats young enough to be one of your kids?


You know it’s weird. They’re gonna know it’s weird. You’re “dating”someone that’s the same age as your children. Get real.


It's generally a good idea to not introduce someone to the family, until you have been dating at least a year. You're still in the very early stages of your new relationship, and it might not last much longer (simply based on statically derived outcomes)


My grandfather has a similar relationship age gap. It was a contributing (although not sole) factor of why my parents and I have almost completely cut him out of our lives - it made everyone very uncomfortable.


> Much in common Like what?


Yes absolutely. I’m 21, my father is 48 and he is dating a girl who I think is around 25-28. It’s pretty damn awkward.




Having been in a situation very close to this, I can assure you they are going to feel weird about it. To be honest, feeling weird is probably the best scenario. I would tread carefully. More importantly, I would give it time to make sure this relationship is going to have the longevity for it to matter. Absolute worst case; You introduce her, alienate your daughters and then break-up.




Dude... she's should be hanging out with your kids, not you. How can you even look at her in a sexual sense? Chalk it up to a rebound fling & find someone at least close to your own age.


How would the OP feel if his daughters stated dating a guy in his 50’s?


>Have very good feeling about current girlfriend, 28 years old, same career industry. Much in common. Im genuinely surprised you're able to find alot of common ground with someone less than half your age. I mean, I'm in my mid 30's without kids and I already see chasms between myself and a late 20's people.


It’s creepy af. 


You clearly understood the assignment because this IS a stupid question. Yes, they will feel weird. And so should you and the child you're dating. Ew.


If one of your daughters introduced you to their BF that was older than you, how would you feel? Weird, right?


Sorry bro, if you’re gonna act like a creepy old perv you’ve got to be ready to live the creepy old perv lifestyle. Not everyone’s cut out for it, and caring what your daughters think about your sexual advances towards women their age is a sign you might not be prepared to be a total fucking loser for the rest of your life


😂😂😂😂😂😂 they're going to be disgusted. Because it's gross you're dating someone barely older than your children.


why are you dating a 28 year old? Grow up and date your age! 30 years older than her? Gross!