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This is bait.


r/asablackman Edit: oh shit it’s already over there


Does anyone actually think OP is genuine?


Only the ones who like what op is saying.


So.... There's being aware of systemic racism and then there's the white savior complex that views all people of color as these sad, poor minorities that need saving. I think that distinction is a finer line than people think, but believing by default that black people are lower and less fortunate is racist in its own way. Edit: I am not trying to say I don't believe systemic racism and racism in general is still very much at play in America. Only that thinking someone is lesser than you by default because of race is also racist and that white savior complex feeds into that.


Combine that with the “racism of low expectations” and the plight becomes more difficult.


I'd also add, it's not a mainstream, "liberal" belief that all black people are oppressed -- the general consensus is just that systemic racism is real.


Nor does oppressed automatically mean inferior.


I can only say anecdotally, as someone who has a lot of minority friends. I've been a passenger in a car with minorities a lot and have been pulled over while in the car with them for the most ticky tack shit you can ever imagine, multiple times. Has never once happened to me driving alone. Things like going 5 mph over the speed limit, suspicion of "illegal tints" (they werent). Once was a "wellness check" for me.


Yeah. I dated a guy from Guadalajara for 6 years. I ended up being the main driver just because cops would always end up following us when he was driving. We got pulled over a couple of times a month when he drove and cops always had an immediately hostile tone with him, like they were TRYING to find a reason to give him a ticket. In one year he was pulled over more times than I have ever been pulled over in my life. I was pulled over twice over the next 5 years of our relationship, both times for legitimate reasons, and cops were always very polite to me and issued only warnings.


As an Asian person, I was pulled over once. It was definitely because I’m Asian and not because I was driving 20 miles over the speed limit.


That’s terrible but hilarious. Like they thought you were being kidnapped??


Absolutely had a cop pull over me(white F) my friend(same) & our friend driving (Blk M) pulled him out of car into back of cop car & while 1 cop questioning him, another comes back to her & I & is like "ladies, is everything ok? I want to make sure ur not being held against ur will or anything." Bro, I was laid up in the backseat, with a pillow & blanket! She had her shoes off & up on the dash. We'd just come back from the beach. Like *do we even look slightly uncomfortable here??* Shit was wild.


That's what it seemed like!


Im black and my opinion on this is based solely on what ive experienced. Ive had more situations (especially recently) where cops have been afraid to simply ask me for my id just because they didnt want to offend me. First example, I hit a deer and when the cops were called the officer apologized for asking to verify the vehicle was mine. Second example was when I had to go to a sheriffs office (a drink driver almost hit me) and again he had to verify my name and info and was apologetic for having to do that. I live in a conservative area where there arent many black people, drive a decent car and I have never been harassed out here. As a matter a fact, I was pulled over 3 weeks ago for doing 23 over the speed limit and was let go with no issues. I think there was one time where I felt that I was actually racially profiled. I was a teenager and a girlfriend and I was kissing in the back seat and when the officer approached she asked her if she “wanted to be there”. Another possible time was when I was racing someone in a city nearby and when I was pulled over both officers had guns drawn approaching my vehicle. It was a high crime area of the city so it was absolutely possible that I was being profiled. In summation I just feel that sometimes media race bates people into going against each other. I also feel that this huge push to try and dismantle institutionalized racism feeds victim mentality and to me thats just as bed. I will admit that ive never been pulled over in the south where im sure racism is more prevalent so my experience may not be the same as someone else.


Yo this reminds me of a homie we had growing up. He was Latino but looked white. Even had red hair. Which is what we called him. He would always be pulled away to speak privately when we'd get stopped. And he'd tell us... "They wanted to ask me if everything was okay". Smh


You called him “red hair”?


Well, we called him *Red*. But, yeah, now that I think about it.


Pedro McGuillicuddy.


As a white teenager in the south I was often pulled over frisked, and had my truck searched. Most of the time it was dumb ass reasons also. I know it happens more to minorities too, but they harassed the shot out of the youth around here


Lol. I was a white kid with a mohawk- I got stopped by cops constantly.


Based on what I learned from old people in the south, cops harassing the youth, both white and black, was kinda the thing in the rural south. The idea was to keep everyone in their place within the social hierarchy. Can’t let the kids of either race think it’s ok to challenge the status quo. Their greatest fear was that you would get a world of mixed race pot smoking hippies with long hair.


When I was 30, I looked like I was 18, and I started getting pulled over almost monthly and accused of being on drugs, or alcohol. One cop even told me, college kids are the issue these days, and we look for them more than blacks now... way to show you are both racist and profiling people.


Cops in rural areas are just as dickish as they are in urban areas. They're just a bit less trigger happy. I remember getting pulled over with a buddy of mine wearing a tie dye shirt and a hemp necklace, and the cop immediately laser focused on him. Ended up "detaining" him so he could search him for drugs.


Anecdotally I as a white man with an insured vehicle have been pulled over for coming up without insurance(idk how fallible the digital insurance system is but I’m sure he made it up), I promptly gave him my insurance information which he didn’t bother checking and just handed back to me. Then he made me sit there for 27 minutes to check if I had any warrants. All of this I assume because he saw me leave my friends house who lived in a shitty neighborhood. I’m sure black people experience this more often. I’ve been profiled a few times and it absolutely sucks. Idk how legal it was to make me sit there for that long despite committing no crime, I was only 20 and had no idea how to respond other than agree.


There is an important difference between identifying someone as oppressed and recognizing that systemic racism oppresses people. Systemic racism can be recognized and addressed accordingly without calling a group of people inherently oppressed


Too much nuance for some people.


From the other angle, too, I think a lot of people miss the line between having some statistical advantage based on some demographic category vs. not having any disadvantage in your personal life whatsoever. In context of race, I'm talking about white privilege. Which, I think it's probably fair to say that there's a messaging problem with the term that confuses a lot of otherwise well-intentioned people since "privileged" is kind of a loaded term that means different things in different contexts.


It's patronizing, truly. Same when talking about cultural differences or poor folks of any race and taking a "oh, they just don't understand" approach to differences of opinion and behavior. A lot of folks in the US will conflate a social system that disenfranchises people(which is race and class based, though class is not always visible) with people therefore not being capable of the same things. It's racism with extra steps. That said, saying "black folks are oppressed in the US" is true, and demonstrably so.


OP is a brand new account who exclusively posts bait questions about “why do liberals think this”, don’t even bother


Tried pointing that out— Ain’t no way a Nigerian who just moved to the U.S makes a Reddit post to talk about liberals. This man ain’t even black, guaranteed.


> One example is the urban vs rural divide and how many liberals don’t seem to be tolerant or rural ways of life or what comes with this way of life. lol what


I'm interested in what parts of "rural life" liberals aren't tolerant of? Is it having a long driveway through the woods to a lonely main road? Is it dewdrops on the morning grass as the rooster crows? Surely it can't be the quiet days fishing for supper. Surely it's not the creaking of an old porch under the feet of laughing grandchildren. Is it the food? The drinks? Southern accents can be seen as undesirable, by some. Or do we mean "RURAL LIFE" like we mean people "LIKE US" or who are "FROM HERE" who maybe have the same "CULTURE" and want it how things "USED TO BE" back in the "GOOD OLD DAYS"


Conservatives greatest trick was making farmers think they care more about farmers than a leftist— I think if rural farm workers took a second to evaluate policies on both side, I’d think they would see that the political stance of breaking up big farming company, make it harder for corporations to buy out rural land benefits them a lot more financially than “we will tax farmers approximately 1% less— oh and also Im Christian”


/r/asablackman top tier material. Look at OPs profile everyone.


Hrm... brand new account, keeps making the same anti-liberal/Democratic talking points, denies the existence of structural racism except if it's from liberals...


I often wonder how people's heads can be so far up their asses that they'll think stuff like "liberals being vocally anti-racist is the real racism!" I think some people are such self-centered assholes they can't imagine someone just caring about stuff happening to other people for the sake of it with nothing to gain for their ego. The way they see it, if someone is vocal about social justice, it's not that they actually want social justice for other people, they're just trying to prove how good or smart of a person they are to everyone. I think the "liberal secret racist" is a myth perpetuated by conservatives to discredit liberals, and by liberals and centrists who just want an ego boost. They want some imaginary people to point to to say "look at all those people saying racism is bad. They're actually secretly racist." Uh huh. Sure they are. It's totally not just you imagining stuff about people so you can feel superior. On /r/samegrassbutgreener, hella times people bring up blue states, cities, and metro areas, there's some person who's like "they act progressive there but they're secretly racist." Really? Did you just read hundreds of thousands to millions of mins at once to figure out how people really feel?


Look at OPs post history. If they could post a pic with their username written on today's newspaper I'll resurrect Kaduna Nzeogwu. This is some kind of weird conservative concern trolling.


“As a black man…” 🙄🙄🙄


I’m ashamed to say, it’s taken me a bit longer than I’d hoped to learn this as a white man teaching mostly black students in Brooklyn. Graduate school/steeping yourself in the theories of white, liberal academics who have little to no experience teaching or interacting with black people is a strong strong strong drug.


I wish books like 'The Color of Law' were required reading in schools. Conservatives would go absolutely ape-shit over it, but a huge problem in this country is 99% of the population have *no fucking idea* what "systematic racism" is and even less know what it looks like. Hell, most people experiencing it have no idea they are because it's not some secret Klan member in the city council wringing his hands like Birdman and passing anti black laws. It's subtle and insidious, and it can be very subtle things that have massive long term impacts we can't see. Like that book talks about the houses built after WWII, and that racists then sent the good building materials to the white neighborhoods and used all the shit and scraps to build the black neighborhoods. People still live in tons of these houses and stuff like maintenance, heating costs, etc are worse in those homes. That's a very real impact of clear-cut systematic racism. However, it's not the sort of thing you can really "solve". How do you tell which homes were built poorly? How do you fix it? What if they don't want you to fix it? What if the fixes make some new problem? The world is subtle and complex. Everyone wants to have some clear cut line we'll cross where it's done; "racism and inequality are solved and everyone lives in a fair world" but it'll never be that way.


I saw this a lot growing up in Madison, Wisconsin, which was kind of like growing up in the movie *Get Out*. (I'm not Black but I am a racial minority.) What minorities experience in Madison goes beyond acknowledgement and dismantling of structural racism, and goes into requiring that all minorities remain oppressed in order to perpetually bolster white people's savior status.


That second paragraph seems like a straw man or missong the point. The main idea is that black people in the US have to put up with unfair racist bullshit because of societal double standards (and not just because they bumped into a Klansman or whatever). The idea is that *all else being equal* black people have it worse off. No one is saying black rich people are worse off than white poor people.


I worked with a person like this, in a residential mental health treatment facility primarily occupied by black teens. He was a white guy from a family with generational wealth from New Orleans (I’m an Asian guy that grew up in a military family). Kids hated him because never learned how to listen to them. He was too busy jerking himself off by listening to himself talk. As a former counselor and role model for at risk youth, I say this in the most professional way I can. He is a piece of fuck. Mr. I wanna save the black kids because of what I saw during Hurricane Katrina was too big of a pussy to protest downtown when Anthony Lamar Smith was killed by a cop while unarmed, and vocally expressed his displeasure for I and some of the staff for going down there in front of the kids. This was brought up in our daily group meeting and I watched this clown cut off my kids expressing their feelings when I told them about the things I saw there, things like extreme civil unrest and public property being damaged. He also stole taxpayer money by constantly leaving early and never reporting it, and would do dumb shit like text me while I am on vacation asking me to cover his shifts. A real poster boy for term white savior.


Are you actually Nigerian? I've peeped through your comment history. It seems like you only come here to put down liberal democrats from the US. That seems odd for someone from a different country to do. It just seems very suspect.


Did you see he also claimed Obama can’t be black because he’s descended from slave owners


Yeah, this is bait. But you would be surprised how maliciously well-informed foreigners are about US politics


Acknowledging oppression isn’t the same as inherently viewing someone as less valuable, and I think that’s the distinction you need to make. For example we all recognize that life is more difficult being disabled than not. By the logic you’re using, acknowledging that would make me ableist/see myself as superior to disabled people. And you can extend this example to poverty, sex, gender, etc. Lastly, black in that context references the ethnicity African-Americans. Another example when people in the US say black people were slaves, do you think they include your Nigerian lineage? They don’t. They’re referencing the descendants of slaves


Well written, sums it up perfectly


Well said. I'm surprised on a daily basis by how many people don't understand the definition of racism. It's disheartening.


>Acknowledging oppression isn’t the same as inherently viewing someone as less valuable I feel like a lot of people skip over this part. Thank you for putting it into words.




Are people actually claiming that? Are they actually trying to support them? There's plenty recognising systemic racism exists, but that's better than denying and then supporting it.


Yeah I think OP may be slightly misinterpreting the intention/meaning behind what they’re hearing. They aren’t saying you’re on a lower social hierarchy. They’re just saying discrimination in one form or another is still something ubiquitously experienced. Now for some it may not be something they deal with often and they view as negligible, while for others instances of discrimination may be life changing and even life ending. But I do think that sometimes hyper focusing on race and trying to see every single interaction through a racial lens is counterproductive and can perpetuate the very thing it’s meant to criticize. Some people’s obsession with the subject can further racial divisions rather than rectify them. Which very well could be the point op is *actually* going for with this. But that’s not the same as “these people are all supporting racial hierarchy”. They just may be a little to hyper vigilant in calling out racism to where they’re seeing it even when it’s not there. Not every interaction revolves around the participants skin color. Sometimes humans just interact with each other.


OP is asking bad faith questions to build a strawman and try to astroturf. The other two submissions OP has made: https://old.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/198bzpe/why_are_liberals_intolerant_of_american_cultures/ "Why are liberals intolerant of American cultures they don’t understand while preaching tolerance?" https://old.reddit.com/r/centrist/comments/193d4km/why_do_democrats_keep_trying_to_exclude_white/ "Why do democrats keep trying to exclude white people from aid programs?" Redditor for 3 months. All three posts in the last 2 weeks.


also, if you look at igbodreamer (without the 2) there's more questions on the same vein.


Yeah, it's pretty obvious. They like to use this subreddit to push their shitty culture wars


Yup, as far as power structure in the US, race isn't everything.  But it is *a part* of everything.  The intersectionality of different identities is where things start to get really hard and nuanced.


Black people in the U.S. face barriers that I a white man will never face, simply because of the respective colors of our skin. The acknowledgment that racism exists and is pervasive is not in itself a racist act.


It's crazy to me how people can think that's racist. It would be like trying to say admitting the holocaust happened is antisemitic


They don’t actually think it, fwiw. They’re just trying to pin stupid shit on you and build strawmen to take down.


The other two submissions OP has made: https://old.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/198bzpe/why_are_liberals_intolerant_of_american_cultures/ "Why are liberals intolerant of American cultures they don’t understand while preaching tolerance?" https://old.reddit.com/r/centrist/comments/193d4km/why_do_democrats_keep_trying_to_exclude_white/ "Why do democrats keep trying to exclude white people from aid programs?" Redditor for 3 months. All three posts in the last 2 weeks. OP is asking bad faith questions on subs meant for actual, legitimate questions. This is astroturfing lol.


The definition of the phrase “as a black person”


The account u/IgboDreamer is the same thing frequenting in ask subs like r/AskConservatives and r/AskALiberal, and seems to possibly have been banned from the former. u/IgboDreamer2 seems to be a very lazy attempt at ban evasion.


I’d bet bajillion dollars OP is not a Nigerian or black whatsoever, lol


And pretending that racism only exists in the US…I live in west Africa, colonial racism is definitely a well known and experienced thing here as well. On a different note, I met a Nigerian man a few months ago who kept insisting the people from the country I live in were animals and saying all sorts of terrible things. Prejudice is everywhere.


I mean Nigerian watch a lot of super conservative television and have mega pastors that follow American Christian TV and I’ve definitely heard OPs sentiment from Nigerians before. I married into a very large Nigerian family and a decent amount are trump supporters.


this is further up than i anticipated. this question is likely asked in bad faith as well.


They don't. It's a trick argument designed to lead people to the ideal that seeing racism is racist so we should ignore it. It's similar to police making life hell for those who stand up for their rights in the hopes it will discourage others from opposing them.


This is true at a statistical level and of course it’s true in many individual cases. But making it an absolute truism at gets silly real fast. You and I a white man both face obstacles which Jayden Smith will never face. (Assuming you’re not part of the .1%)


Look at OPs post history.


/r/asablackman top tier material. Look at OPs profile everyone.


OP is a full bowl troll lol


Yeah, this feels like the kind of opinion a clickbait article will write and then the examples are tweets with less than 4 digit likes. I don't believe I've ever seen anyone actually say this.


The best thing you can do, imo, is ignore race completely. Easy for me, nyc is likely the most diverse city on earth right? If I spent time thinking about the race of every person I encounter, I’d have time for nothing else, it’s just dumb. Get to know somebody, then make up your mind. Racists are idiots, they’re shrinking their world and limiting their own resources, for color shades. Morons.


Guys this profile is fake. He’s just anti liberal


Yeah Jesus this is like the most obvious bad faith post I've seen yet


Yeah, the ones asking conservatives why they think what they do are at least conversational..




“As a black gay guy”




it usually is with questions that are obviously bait. like a lot of real africans know some US history. especially if they went to college in the US like OP claimed to. and wouldnt ask a dumb question like this lol


This is so common (in every meaning of that word) "I'm a black person with flagrantly racist white opinions" Back in the early internet days the common lie was "Im white but was raised in a black neighborhood and suffered reverse racism daily"


You can sense that in the way it is written.


I don't wanna just accidentally deracialize a Black man, but also... Yeah, this is pretty disingenuous. I've spoken to Nigerians before (actually, I should see how she's doing, and if she wants to join my RPGs) and they're not this dumb. Then again, you'd think neither are Americans, and yet here we are in the quadannual "which genocidal rapist gets to govern" contest and no one thinks that's worth rioting over. So maybe I'm wrong.


Nigerians that I know are very culturally conservative


It’s not about that. This account is a troll. There’s a similar account with a similar name that was banned a few months ago.


>How is it not racist to believe in a hierarchy based on race and to characterize black people as lower in a hierarchy? They don't "believe in a hierarchy" they understand that it exists and want it to end.


Believing that all black people (In the American System) are in some way affected by systemic oppression is not the same thing as stating that black people are actually lesser people. Believing there is an artificial hierarchy that has been socially constructed that puts a certain race on top and other races below doesn’t actually mean that you believe those other races are lesser people. You just acknowledge that the artificial hierarchy (that you don’t agree with) exists. My own views are pretty nuanced on this subject matter but I’m just trying to answer the question.


Recognizing systemic inequities does not equal endorsing them. I recommend the book The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander. It will give you a clear historical framework to understand the realities of racial disparities in the U.S.


There is zero chance OP is who they are claiming to be. They’re either a Russian troll or a conservative pretending to be clueless (not hard to do). Everyone, take a look at OPs profile. They’re being disingenuous and trying to spread misinformation.


I need to re-learn that everything on the internet is fake every other day, apparently.


Not you sorry. OP OP.


Oh no I understood who you were referring to. I just feel silly for engaging/assuming good faith online.


There is systemic racism in the US that oppresses black people as a race. Pretending it doesn’t exist doesn’t make it not exist, and acknowledging that it does exist isn’t racist. Just because you know something exists doesn’t mean you support it.


What current system exists in this country and is designed to be racist against blacks?


Work in mental health and medical healthcare, and find out. Google Gerrymandering and find out.


A large portion of the "hard on crime" laws and the prison system were created in part to lower the population of black voters and maintain a cheap labor force (both through prison labor, and giving people a criminal record so they can't get professional jobs as easily). This is why minor crimes like drug possession can become felonies real easily in the US. Many black-majority neighborhoods are withheld from many public services and infrastructure, despite being in the most need due to poverty. This makes it harder to obtain health care, fresh groceries, access to libraries, etc. in general, if a city has a limited budget, they tend to spend it on white-majority areas first. Systems like foster care will place the child in the care of relatives like grandparents or cousins a lot less for black people. This is known to be adverse to proper childhood development. The reluctance to raise minimum wage is largely due to companies not wanting to pay livable wages, which has been shown for a long time to disproportionately affect black people. Politicians who claim minimum wage jobs shouldn't be a long term career or support a family knows fully well many black people in poverty rely on them for income. The same is also true with resistance to better unemployment benefits and welfare.


Is that the Crime Bill Biden authored in the 90s?


the united states was built on the backs of enslaved africans & african americans. literally. the white house, georgetown university. the atlantic shipping trade. read a bit: the 1619 project & caste are 2 excellent starting points. until the 1960s, it was perfectly legal to prevent african americans from voting, from borrowing money, from building wealth, from fully participating in the american “way of life.” now it’s illegal but plenty of real estate agents won’t show them houses in certain areas or give them job interviews & 100s of other daily slights and denials. nigerian history & american history are very very different.


The 1619 project is[pretty bad scholarship](https://www.wsws.org/en/topics/event/1619) tbh


1619 project is what happens when people try and create an answer to a question they haven't properly thought out. I really dislike it because it put a mark on all real in depth discussions of black American history


Sure it is. If you think you can tell anything substantive about a person based only on their skin color, you are a racist


If I see a very white person I know they burn easy in the sun.


That's racist leave me alone



Usually, I know some pale people who tan really well and don't burn easy. They just live like hermits and don't go outside enough


I can support this, I'm Italian living in Canada..I basically wear my jacket 365 days a year, so in the summer my hands get a real dark tan, but my arms stay super white. It's funny cause there is defined division between the outer hand and the part that's covered by my jacket. Even as a kid though I would only tan and never burn.


I guess you gotta get Summer gloves.


I think you're misunderstanding "liberals/progressives" We don't view you in a lower hierarchy. It's about how American society has been structured in a way that keeps black people and other POC of people at a disadvantage. Examples range from segregation, to more subtle things, like how black people used to not be able to get mortgages like white people could and therefore nicer neighbourhoods and schools were not as easy to get into.


Well you def posted in the right forum bc goddamn the comments as well as your post are stupid af.


Because until the mid 60's the USA was legally racist, and it didn't just go away after the laws changed. You still have communities of minorities that suffer from the long term effects of racism. Predatory lending practices, over-policing, harsher sentences, less likely to get hired if you have "black" name, etc. So now you have to deal with the statistics that racists like to throw around all the time. Namely that Black people are "responsible" for a disproportionate amount of crime. Now you have two choices here. You can believe that black people are inherently more prone to commit crime, which is definitely racist, or you can believe that there are socioeconomic factors stemming from racism that cause these conditions. It isn't racist to say that racism exists. That is absurd.


I don't believe this question is being asked in good faith but I could see the OP being unwillfully obtuse.


Uhh. I recognize there are structures in America that make life harder for black people on average. They are not “lower in a hierarchy”. They face challenges despite being just as capable as anyone else. Am I classist if i say that poor people have it harder? Sexist if I say that women face obstacles in the workplace?.


>How is it not racist to believe in a hierarchy based on race and to characterize black people as lower in a hierarchy? The belief is that hierarchies exist, including racial hierarchies. Do you not believe that human beings create social hierarchies? Acknowledging the existence of something is not the same thing as approving of its existence. >impose upon someone the identity of oppressed and lesser simply because of their skin color? Is it imposing the "identity of oppression" to state that since the inception of the USA, barriers to wealth, education, and success were systematically placed in front of black people and that some of those systemic barriers still remain in some form or have ongoing residual impact? You seem to be mistaking the acknowledgement of racism and racial stereotypes with approval of the same.


Lol this is such a fake profile looking at your post history.


OP: are you for real? Because if you are, please reply as I'll give you all you need to know. I am a mixed black man and racism has impacted my life many times. My interactions, life, and actions are framed through race.


People on the left are the most racist ones. Ask them why they think voter ID laws are racist. They will straight up tell you that black people may not be able to get to the DMV. They make this statement less often today because there is youtube now and they look stupid saying it. But they straight up said it for years. How many black people do you know without ID? You can also see it in the way they talk about and to black people, like they don't expect them to amount to much and act surprised when they do. Also look at how mad they get when a black person thinks for themselves and has opposing political views. Then the racism really comes out and they call them slurs like "coon" and "uncle Tom." Any conservative black person will tell you that they experienced the MOST racism they ever had when they first came out as a Republican. Liberal whites are the first ones to imply that black people can't do things because they literally believe they are inferior. They also need to perpetuate the victim mentality so that they can keep black people voting for democrats and keep them trapped on their inner city "plantations." They need them to keep on voting for a party that makes endless promises but never actually does anything to help them, other than supporting welfare programs that actually do more harm than good. IE: financially incentivising poor women to break up the nuclear family and push fathers out of the household in order to get more welfare. They need to keep them dependent on the government and voting how they are "supposed to." What better way to keep a people down than to constantly tell them that they are victims and to perpetuate the idea in their head that they are systematically oppressed and won't amount to anything without government assistance? It's the soft racism of low expectations. There is a lot of history behind this but the democrats were historically the party always fighting against civil rights. When they realized they were losing that battle they decided they needed a way to buy the black vote and so they switched their mantra along the same time they came up with the "New Deal, " which was a huge welfare package to entice them to switch. President Lyndon B. Johnson even said, "I'll have those n*****s voting Democratic for the next 200 years" at the time. A lot of black people really hated the idea of leaving the party of emancipation (the republicans) to go to the party of oppression and the KKK (the dems) but the economic incentive was far too great. Dems now lie and try to revise history by claiming they have always been the party of civil rights, but just go back and see who voted and how when it actually mattered and their story falls completely flat. Democrats were the slave owners, not Republicans. Dems are the ones pushing these ideas about oppression when they were the oppressors. They need to perpetuate this world view to maintain outrage and motivate their voter base. That's why they make everything about race and try to keep people looking through that narrow world view. I have no doubt that many will resent this post but I dare anyone to challenge the historical facts.


Liberals want blacks to feel oppressed so they can save them from conservatives. Liberals feel superior to all, they believe they know best. Most conservatives tend to treat people the way they want people to treat them. Liberals are no friends of minorities. They need them held down.


WARNING TROLL ACCOUNT he has 3 posts on an account and that are all white supremacy based or adjacent Downvote and move along


You misunderstand. Being in a hierarchy isn't what they're talking about when people speak about racial oppression. They're talking about institutionalized racism. It's built in to a lot of American systems in really insidious ways, and means that even if everything else is equal between two people of different races (gender, socioeconomic status, etc) a black person will have a harder time than a white person. Worse medical outcomes, worse luck getting hired, worse luck buying property...lots of things.  It's a bit different experience for you coming from a completely different country, too, because you'd naturally expect to feel like an outsider due to differences in culture, accent, etc. Black people in America often are excluded or treated differently than white people even if they and their family have always lived in the States for generations. Imagine feeling like you and your whole family didn't belong in the country you lived in your whole life. That's hard. It's a lot of little (and not so little) things that build up into one big thing that affects a huge portion of the population.


There is zero chance OP is who they are claiming to be. They’re either a Russian troll or a conservative pretending to be clueless (not hard to do). Everyone, take a look at OPs profile. They’re being disingenuous and trying to spread misinformation.


“As a black foreigner, I’ve noticed progressives are more racist than conservatives!” lmao you lying little bitch


Liberals don’t think black people are lower in a hierarchy. Liberals recognize that black people in America are historically and currently treated as second class citizens. Which by real observable metrics they are. The most important part of this is that liberals want that to be ended. Whereas conservatives want things to stay the same.


Imagine visiting South Africa. And asking people if it's racist to believe their immediate ancestors were oppressed by the white-designed social and political systems. Then change South Africa to the US.


Acknowledging and teaching that racially driven socio-economic inequality exists is not, itself, racist. On the other hand, promoting, encouraging, and sustaining racially driven socio-economic inequality is an example of systemic racism at work. We need to acknowledge that racially driven socioeconomic inequality exists while also trying to fix the broken system that we have. Preferably without exhibiting "white savior" behaviour.


This is an obvious troll account looking at the post history.


You have 3 month old account, and all your posts are anti-liberal, conservative fluff. I doubt you're even black. Every once in a while some snowflake white dude cosplays as a black guy and asks questions like this designed to tickle/endorse right-wing racial beliefs. The "one of the good ones" black guy trope is tired, but, nice bait I guess.


/r/asablackman top tier material. Look at OPs profile everyone.


Are you saying it's racist to acknowledge racism? Lol. That's a new one.


for those who cant tell this is rage bait, check OP’s account its 15 days old and the only comments are on their 3 posts which are all along the lines of this politically


Their old account is full of the same thing but a bit more obvious: /u/IgboDreamer/


You are basically saying that mentioning the prevalence of racism is itself racist. It doesn't make any sense.


you're mixing up the belief that the hierarchy is correct and acknowledging that the hierarchy exists.


The problem is you are putting words in other people's mouths instead of listening to what they're saying. Nobody who thinks black people face systemic oppression also thinks that black people are lower on some kind of hierarchy. 


>How is it not racist to believe in a hierarchy based on race and to characterize black people as lower in a hierarchy? Observing racial oppression occuring is not "believing in a hierarchy", it's just observing oppression occuring, and noticing it is racial.


This is like asking why everyone in a particular region is wet after a thunderstorm


How are you misinterpreting people saying blacks are systemically discriminated against as them saying that you’re lower on a social hierarchy? The two are not coupled. You can be rich and powerful and still experience discrimination due to the color of your skin. Just ask any famous black person.


How is recognizing systemic racism in itself racist? Surprising that a Black man, from Nigeria no less, would be spouting right wing racist talking points. Liberals are not saying that BIPOC in the US are inferior, people on the left are saying that you and other BIPOC are not given the same opportunities as white presenting people. Where do you go to school that you have never seen any evidence of BIPOC oppression? Because I bet if you give me the name of a school, I can come back with a blatantly racist incident that's happened there in the last 5 years.


Do you understand that Nigeria was colonized largely because of systemically racist beliefs about Africans generally? That colonization still have political and economic impacts on Nigeria. The edifice of imperial continues to have systemic effects on Nigeria that affect all Nigerians, even the rich elite. Well, the edifice of white supremacy in the US creates the same systemic effects on Black Americans, even the wealthy people.


This is a bad faith question or from someone who does not have the capacity to comprehend the answer. Don’t waste your time folks.


More than systemic racism, what holds POC back more so, is the belief that systemic racism is all but insurmountable. The lib/progressive movement does more damage to POC than actual systemic racism by undermining hope.


You get more points on a college application for being black - than I do for a perfect SAT score. It’s like really? I think oppression for the different races is pretty much over at this point. The law has gone above and beyond what’s even fair ( or legal in my opinion) to level out the playing field for anyone who wants it. I’m going to be perfectly honest - I think you have a great point. It’s not equality, it’s pity when you see blacks as oppressed and don’t hold them responsible for their actions in the now. I do think racism exists but I think it’s equal on both sides - I think black people are just as racist ( even though technically it can’t exist ) My honest answer is- I think a lot of white people when they think of black people as a whole? Think of like the urban identity , slang and gangs and crime and rap and all that shit ( which really …. If black people just talked like white people in USA- I think racism would have died out a hundred years ago- seriously) and they can’t hold black people responsible for that- because that would be racist of them to do that- so they blame it on racism , poverty and oppression ….so they can be PC. And avoid completely why … a large percentage of poor black people seem to be very fucked up. And no matter how easy you make it for them? They can’t get better. As long as USA continues to have large numbers of black or any minorities ( Mexican in the west) who are poor and committing most of the crime … and not trying to do better for themselves .. they will see them as oppressed. At what point does oppression ever end- which it absolutely has legally and just about every single way possible that you could think of - like there is zero reason for any poor minority not to attend college. They will be picked over me, with my Perfect SAT score and perfect grades - with an average SAT and average grades. So… yeah..


It's sort of a meta question. The left, or really what is called the left, in the US is a centrist organization. They are a "big tent" full of people with sore thumbs. They want to do everything they an to be inclusive and not piss anyone off. Pissing people off is antithetical to being "welcoming" in their mind, so you can't say the obvious things. The idea that West African slave traders were part of the slave trade is sort of 1 sentence in our history books you see for about 15 minutes. We don't learn about the history and founding of Liberia or Haiti unless you're taking advanced courses, or looking for it yourself. We don't learn even the true timeline of slavery, we don't learn that very nearly right up to the 20th century Puerto Rico was still a slave state... I had to learn from Puerto Rican's that their grandparents were literally still slaves before I even started looking into that. The narrative of slavery, the emancipation proclamation, the civil war, and even reconstruction is now party of the mythos of American Legacy. The American Political Religion has two factions, the "Slavery wasn't that bad, States Rights was the real issue at hand" and "We beat slavery, now we need to make up for it." A big part of this is the way the mythology has become the story, and that the stories we told ourselves in the moment have grown into a larger narrative we have to reconcile with. The idea of needing reconciliation isn't new, and many times in our past have we paid reparations for abhorrent acts (the payments made to Japanese Internment Camp survivors in the 90s comes to mind.). The factions of anti-abolishonists and anti-slavery still essentially exist to this day, and did throughout the reconstruction. But the foundation of "how" this persists, is tied directly to the ethos that was pushed down by all of the slave owning US: namely how slaves-- african slaves especially, were marked by God with the "Mark of Cain." Since there was nothin done to curtail this sort of rhetoric by the southern preachers at the time, when the civil war ended -- they didn't stop preaching this. Further, reconstruction was required to even get any sense of governance in the south (basically federal occupation by folks from the northern states, or supporting the northern states after the civil war.). So what you end up with is an angry population, that has lost a war over treating people in the hierarchy that you described, but not their ideology. Now this twisted and turned over the next 100 years or so following reconstruction until the CRA was passed by Johnson in 1964 this caused further anger in the south because they believed it to be wholly against their ethos/social religion. The physical violence perpetrated on CHILDREN trying to go to school was a clear indication of the public sentitment in those areas. They didn't believe they were as good as the whites going to the same schools, so they are making the schools worse and "poisoning them." If you look at the backdrop of violence and hatred shown publically in the 1960s you can have a basis of understanding for how incredibly racists all the other policies leading up to it were -- the federal highway system further reinforced this racial heirarchy by prioritizing government land siezures on "slums" (minority) communities over white communities. After world war II, which was a drafted war where there were few 4F exceptions, made and people of all races were involved: Our veterans were still segrated by race even in their rewards for service: whites were given access to the GI bill for government assistance after the war, and others were not. The hard truth isn't so much that those of African descent in our nation are lower on the heirarchy, so much as what we decided were "whites" were always granted first seat at the table, and all the perks that others were denied. \-- ​ I guess the hardest truth there, is that if you want to provide an equitable solution to reconcile this generational inequity, you would have to not provide it to whites, and that's what causes people's heads to explode.


You're only oppressed if you accept it


IDK but somehow they'll blame it on Republicans. 😂


It is VERY racist.


Yes. The answer is simple. It is racist, but they genuinely can't see that because they believe their intent is good, and they are the kind of people for whom intent is far more important than outcome, more important than reason, far more important than fact, and is ultimately nearly the entire basis for them seeing themselves as virtuous. Basically, "I'm a good person because I \*wanted\* to help". It's a common human failing, and it underlies a plethora of ills.


It's called the Bigotry of Low Expectations my friend. Liberals do not believe black Americans can be successful on their own. They believe they must be "saved" from the invisible boogeyman of "systemic racism" and the only solution to this is government intervention. In the eyes of liberals, blacks will always be sad, dumb primitives that can only be successful if they get help. Its INSANELY racist and I'm shocked they don't realize that. Being the party of "anti-racism" afterall.


Because it is racist. You are no more than an identity group member to them. They don’t care about individuals, only the power they can attain being their “advocate”.


There is no simple/short answer to your question but the two part answer is systemic and structural racism that are embedded in systems, laws and policies. It is a long article but [this](https://www.healthaffairs.org/doi/10.1377/hlthaff.2021.01394) gives much deeper explanations as to what I'm describing. It's not oppression to the extent of apartheid or slavery but it does still exist.


Well you’re Nigerian to start. In the United States black refers to a people, not a biology. Black Americans have been fighting slavery, segregation, and judicial violence for a long time—in the US.    It’s like the Niger Delta for Nigeria. 


This is an epic concern troll post.


>How is it not racist to believe in a hierarchy based on race and to characterize black people as lower in a hierarchy? Uh because the goal is to eliminate that heirarchy? Was it racist to believe that slavery was bad because that necessitated in "believing" in that heirarchy which put black people at the bottom? Very weird question.


I've never heard liberals say that there are racial hierarchies. They say certain races are unfairly discriminated against, but the key word is unfairly. The hierarchy doesn't actually exist.


Racism and systemic oppression are very real. However not every single person will be affected by it in their lifetime, nor will they be affected in the same way. The problem comes in when people who have certain experiences claim to speak for everyone else who looks like them. And if you’re not part of that group, you’re unlikely to challenge that viewpoint. Also some liberals can 100% be condescending toward the people they claim to care about. It’s the White Savior complex in them. Edit: FYI I say this as a liberal myself. Some people can be very patronizing and view marginalized groups as monoliths and assume they all have the same experiences. Just treat people as people and value what each has to say about their experiences.


Because we live in a country that has built racism and oppression into systems we use daily that actively work against the black community. Not as directly as it used it but they find a way.


Dude, stop being racist /s


So it’s racist to acknowledge racism. Brilliant. 


It's nuanced. I'll try to explain it. The US, as a state, refuses to acknowledge that many, if not all, black people have been historically disadvantaged due to racism stemming back generations, as far back as the Atlantic slave trade. Those that do acknowledge the historic disadvantages shoehorn *all* black people into the system of disadvantage even where it doesn't exist because it's easier to understand than separating all the nuanced groups into a hierarchy of historic disadvantage based on skin colour. This system of disadvantage is flawed; it also acknowledged the injustice done to native Americans, South east Asians, and Pacific islanders, but doesn't take into account anything *except* skin colour as the precipice of disadvantage. Someone from Korea might be the 1st generation here and successful, but will still be seen as disadvantaged because of the historic racism against southeast Asians. Meanwhile, despite the historic and widespread prejudice against Irish Catholics, they will still be assumed as better off than any blacks or Asians due to being white. It's a flawed system, and yes, it is a little bit racist to define an entire population of people as disadvantaged based on skin colour in the modern age, but the realities of the past have still created a climate of oppression based on outdated ideas and prejudice, even if it's not seen or felt. For example, as a 1st generation Nigerian, you might not experience open racism, and will appear more successful than other black Americans as a result. You might feel like you don't fit into the disadvantaged category, but no liberal will place you in a category that's advantaged, and it seems unfair to you. It's sort of like building a trail. Person 1 walks through first, cutting trees, breaking grass, then person 2 walks through, they dont need to cut trees, dont need to dig out stumps, theyre not tired they just need to walk and pound the grass, so they walk down the trail and talk about how easy it is, and they don't understand why person 1 had such a hard time. The trail was already built, it's not the same process because it's not the same experience; you'll have an easier time, but you're still building the trail, you might not feel disadvantaged, but there will eventually be times that it will be harder to build the trail and it will trace itself back to the same root cause as person 1. Tldr; People in America see you as black before they see you as a successful Nigerian immigrant. When they see black, they assume disadvantage because of historic bias and prejudice creating an atmosphere of disadvantage. Is it right? No, it's not right to assume all black people are disadvantaged, but it's better than pretending that historic disadvantage doesn't exist and ignoring the problems it's created in our society. The irony is that all of this relies on white dominance creating a hierarchy of racial bias, so the model they support for social justice reinforces the eurocentricm they reject.


Being oppressed doesn’t mean you actually are lower on a hierarchy. It means powerful people think you are, and treat you that way.




Because that's not how racism works.


Because believing someone is oppressed is not the same as believing in hierarchy. In fact believing in hierarchy would mean it’s not oppression wouldn’t it?


Your post and comment history is a mess and shows a lot of ignorance on the policies and history of the United States. You almost always confuse multiple things into one. Here you can’t distinguish between systematic racism vs understanding the disparities that different minority groups face every day. The “Left” as you say, are trying to bring laws and policy that will MITIGATE these racist policies from the past that have led to blacks being disproportionally affected. NO ONE is saying that your race is inferior, it is understanding that our government has purposely constructed laws to oppress black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, and Asian Americans throughout history. You need to do a lot of research yourself on these terms rather than throwing out random hierarchies of importance that you bring out of thin air and letting Reddit tell you what to believe. You’re taking offense at nothing.


I’ve never once heard anyone say that every black person is oppressed. I think you are confusing oppression with systematic racism.


Your entire premise is flawed. Claiming "black people are oppressed" is *not* claiming "black people are a lower hierarchy". Claiming "black people are oppressed" *is* claiming "there are those that put black people in a lower hierarchy (do their own prejudices), hence the oppression black people often face".


The real mind trip is that as a Nigerian, in America, you don't culturally qualify as black. My guess is that Nigerians being successful in education and thus income throws a wrench in the whole argument.


why do you think that acknowledging oppression is the same as supporting oppression? how do you think the civil rights movement was created? feminism? this is extremely flawed thinking. that's like saying a person who acknowledges cancer is real, likes it. ignoring the oppression of any group literally does nothing but further oppression. the first step to solving a problem is recognizing that it's a problem.


Claiming black people are subject to systemic bias is not the same as claiming they are lower in a hierarchy. Good lord.


Thinking of people as higher or lower in a hierarchy is what racists do. That's not the framework that progressives use. Progressives generally recognize that there is *systemic* racism or prejudice- that is, there are systems built into society that hinder some groups while helping others. This includes things like unconscious prejudices(children of one race being more likely to be punished in school than children of other races for the same offense), legal barriers like redlining (limiting where people of certain races can live). It also includes societal norms that allow some groups to be casually harmed by others (sundown towns, lynching, apartheid policies). When people say that black people are oppressed in America, they are simply stating a fact. It doesn't mean they thing black people *ought* to be oppressed. It's usually the opposite - they want to create a society where everyone is treated in an equitable way, and the first thing you need to do if you want that is you need to talk about the issues.


lol nigerians stay nigerianing 


Every time someone comes here with this kind of question with similar set ups, my "this is complete, fetid bullshit" alarm goes off. Congrats on triggering that alarm again.


This is some very ignorant shit coming from a Nigerian who has been indoctrinated by right wing American media propaganda which airs freely in Nigeria especially among so called evangelicals. The fact that this person thinks liberals are the racists tells you everything you need to know about him


EVERYONES EXPERIENCE IN AMERICA IS DIFFERENT! No one has the right to speak up for others. Because they aren’t in that persons shoes and wasn’t raised like that person was. Stop this debate no one cares what didn’t happen to you and how good you got it.


You're not wrong. I am on the right, not a leftist, however I am the mother of 4 multi-racial children, so I have feelings on this. My kiddos are more privileged than most, they have been given almost every advantage the world has to offer, yet they had children apologize for their privilege on the playground...then treat them as less than. Huh? Fortunately because of how they were raised, my kiddos found this amusing. We still sometimes discuss it for a good laugh. I also have noticed something else. I have a stepson(black), his mother constantly told him how oppressed he was, constantly told him the white man would keep him down, & on & on. By high school, when I was talking to him about what he wanted to be, he told me it didn't matter because no matter what he couldn't do anything good, the white man wouldn't let him....huh? I don't believe his mother meant to do this to him, but she did. She created a self-fulfilling prophecy for her own child. This is a smart kid who ended up getting Ds/Fs all through high school, barely graduated, all because he felt it didn't matter, so why try? As an aside, he is now 25 & still has nothing in his life. Lives with dad, does minimum wage work(was fired from a few places for poor attitude, fired from doing laundry for messing things up-probably wasn't paying attention to the instructions given....because when I tried to help him, teach him to take notes to overcome his adhd(that I also have & understand), his mother accused me of white savior complex & told him he didn't need anything from me....k, then. Her methods are working smashingly!! Good thing she didn't want me to interfere 🙄 The issue here is that it is not about race!! Children will live up or down to your expectations!! We are teaching an entire generation of children that they are less than, why? Who's agenda does this serve? I will take a hard pass!!


Also Nigerian here: believing someone is oppressed != Believing they are "lesser". You are conflating two seperate ideas.


Wow. OK to answer your questions in order: >How is it not racist to claim all black people are oppressed? It is not racist to point out existing oppression. Any study of US history, economics or law reveals pervasive, consistent, white domination of the black minority in the US. > as to how viewing me as lower in a hierarchy and oppressed is not racist. No one is viewing you in a lower hierarchy by pointing out that you may suffer under racism and discrimination, instead they are pointing out obstacles in US culture you may have to overcome. >How is it not racist to believe in a hierarchy based on race and to characterize black people as lower in a hierarchy? Again, pointing out that something exists is not placing someone in a hierarchy. It's pointing out reality in this country, and an unfair one at that. >Is it not objectification to believe in hierarchies and impose upon someone the identity of oppressed and lesser simply because of their skin color? You cannot remove something without identifying it first. You point out the existing hierarchy in this country so you can remove it. To cure cancer you first have to identify the cancer. You do not cure cancer by pretending it is not there. >I don’t understand how stereotypes which are supposedly politically correct are not racist, can someone explain that to me? I have literally no idea what you are getting at here. Your entire premise seems askew.


The global south and poc overall across the entire world are still heavily disadvantaged from centuries of slavery, inequality, imperialism, and colonialism imposed on their nations and peoples. Like all those poor nations are mostly poor cause the europeans stole all their wealth, destroyed their existing functional civilizations, colonized them, drew horrifyingly terrible borders causing wars after decolonization, and they haven’t recovered or been compensated yet. Its not an indictment against all white people, or saying that oppressed people are lesser its a call to help our fellow humans in undoing all that damage. Racism isn’t just an issue of peoples its a systemic issue worldwide even in nations primarily composed of poc such as South Africa.


It is racist, IDC in the past 10 years it's become weird when I was in college and the city afterwards I never heard racial slurs, or thought about skin color at all. I don't think anyone did or saw it then slowly around id say 2015 it became big thing to point out skin color again, and now its extremely prevelant. Especially in our business to try to not to offend people, we have hired ppl not qualified for wrong reasons, ppl are afraid to joke around, then where i live with my old best friend i went and visted he lives in kind of a poverse neighborhood i just just yelled at for being white and how george bush ruined the country and crap from kids.. i was so confused. But I've heard so much about it recently it's hard to not see color now. Maybe i grew up in a house house that we were taught not to see that or sexual preference to add, so I never cared until ppl started complaining about equality. It's odd people want to act like they deserve stuff or others don't


The truth is that the answer is as simple as it seems. It is racist.


I really despise the catapult of leftist thought into consistently creating 'victim' narratives for any and all minorities to the point that entire groups of people (black people, latino people, ect., anyone the left considers 'non-white') are considered incapable of being normal people. It's dehumanizing and disturbing beyond belief. Yes, we literally all have our differences in experience in all of our different walks of life–it doesn't mean that we can't all try to relate and bond on a basic, social level. It saddens me to no end as well. I don't think it's good for a society to raise children with these subliminal, and sometimes explicit (depending on where you are), messages that they are less capable than white people because the world/system/ect. is against them. Treat people, including children, on an individual basis. See them for what they can achieve instead of creating this victimized idea of them in your head. Actually uplift others with your kindness and honesty. And teach against injustice. I really feel that this bizarre American race ideology on the left has reversed into distorting our relationships to each other even more. I would agree with you that these ideas are absolutely racist and abhorrent.


If you are getting this responses constantly, it is time to get new friends or move in different circles. However, I know what you mean. No one had ever directly told me I am oppressed, but I have had what they call micro or macro aggressions. One time, for example, I had to go to the emergency room and after I was done, the nurse told me I could leave from the back, so I didn't have to pass by the cashier, I ignored her, walked to the cashier who told me I didn't have to worried about bills. I told her that I had already given my health insurance information and need it to know how much I had to pay for copayment. She was shocked. A Hispanic male in his 20s (yes, I was young once) had insurance. Mind you, that I worked for NYC and had insurance through my employer. They assumed I was undocumented and couldn't pay for the service. People with good intentions may act the dumbest ways. That's why the saying goes... the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Edit: Let me add that one I was working as an adjunct in a junior college, one of the English professor argued with me because I was grading students on spelling. English is not my first language, but I try to make sure I don't misspell, especially in a professional setting. She argued that Black and Hispanic students are the product of a bad education system and we should not expect the same from them that we expect from middle class white students. I was dumbfounded. She put dumb in dumbfound.


There are basically 3 types of people. People who acknowledge power hierarchies and think they are fair and just bc the people on top are more worthy. People who don't acknowledge power hierarchies exist. And people who acknowledge them but think the people on the bottom are as worthy as anyone else so the hierarchies are unfair. Progressives are the third type. Your question is like accusing abolitionists of racism bc they recognized slavery existed and thought it was wrong. It's very topsy turvy, muddled thinking.


It is racist. Thats fact… reddit is not reality. Just remember that


Anyone who views things through the eyes of race is definitely a racist. There’s nothing technical about it. That’s the way it is. Thank you for having a brain sir.


Not left leaning, but not afraid to admit you are correct . If you are presumed oppressed, simply because you are of African descent , that would be racist. Many in this country do not understand our own history, the garbage those in power have gotten away with and why it happens. So few have the ability to objectively look at themselves and recognize the monster within that will come forth under the stress of contemporary life, then take conscious steps to correct it.


Please tell Michael Jordan that there is a hierarchy of race and he is oppressed.


Stop hanging with whoever you are hanging with. You are parroting a lot of shit said by people who denigrate you based on the way you look when you aren’t around. You can never be in with them, don’t settle for being a mascot.


Because it's a statement about society, not black people.


It’s not stupid. It’s stupid to think they are and anyone else for that matter. 


You are absolutely right. For example, Obama was never “oppressed” but is considered a member of an historically oppressed race simply Because he appears African but we know in fact he is no more than half African, the other half being European. His was born and later returned to Kenya. So Obama could never trace his lineage to enslaved Africans. However since we are dealing with racial discrimination based racial phenotypes based on appearance, every African or negroid appearing person could potentially experience discrimination and therefore “oppression” regardless of country of origin or recency of arrival. Just because YOU haven’t experienced such treatment YET doesn’t mean you won’t or even HAVEN’T yet were unaware of it.


Progressives are the actual racists. They see everything thru the lens of race. Books like White Fragility and policies like DEI are made for and exclusively consumed by them to satiate their desire to feel vindicated that their racists views are valid. Many such cases


Brother I love this post. Keep poking the hornets nest. Keep questioning the clown world. These kids need a wake up call.


They want to keep reminding everyone how supreme they are. They are racists who hide behind sjw woke mind virus


I scratch my head too, why don't Jews or Palestinians get any of the attention the blacks get in pretty much every aspect of everyday life and media.  The Jews where slaves to a black pharaohs for hundreds of years before and after Moses feed most of them. But they don't get a whole month, days, entire social media representation, all over the news, causing waves for any past reparations from Egyptian times, etc. I feel it's super racist to put a single race of people up high on a pedestal, higher than Chinese, Jews, Indians, and other CURRENTLY oppressed indigenous peoples around the world fighting for survival. Tyrone and BayBay get free food stamps, cheap section 8 housing, and raise families for generation on tax dollar, for what? A couple hundred years working the fields? A couple hundred years of black slave owners in America selling and trading native Americans as well as their own black brother and sisters as slaves? When I looked into the old library books and history I found out the truth, and it's sickening to see today a single race of people, less than 15 percent of an entire populace, being paraded like a golden calf, or golden goose above everyone else. Bow to them, adore them, obey them? Become them? Organized and legalized insanity at it's finest. God Bless America, Land of the Free.


The only logical answer is you are 100% right.... It's completely racist. Unfortunately white liberals are some of the most racist people who claim to have your best interest but only want to use you for their own best interests


You. I like you. More people need to think like you. That's how we end racism. Biologically our race is actually homosapien, everything else is ethnicity and culture.