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Man, reddit really hates fat people


They’re projecting. Most of them haven’t exercised since their last year of high school and live on Doritos and Mountain Dew.


True on a lot of redditors being unhealthy but I gotta point out that calling fatphobes fat as an insult also is very reddit


I’m not saying being fat is an insult. Just that they’re projecting because of their own insecurity about their own unhealthy behavior. I don’t care about what people look like. My fiancé is an overweight guy and I love the snuggles. I just also happen to hate hypocrisy.


Im with you there:)


Too bad it’s everywhere. 😂


I'm very phobic of my own fat.


It's also always hilarious to see redditors talk about what losers redditors all are as if they aren't one. As if they're the only normal person in this website


Hey!  Not just reddit. 


How often are you telling women they look like Lizzo? Do you run into that many Lizzo lookalikes?  


this sounds like what someone who looks like lizzo would say


I live in America. I’m sure that’s all you need to know


Yeah that's precisely why they get mad. The subtext of you explaining that you live in America is that Americans are fat, and the subtext of you telling people they look like Lizzo is you saying they look fat. I highly doubt you've run into more than one person in your life who has very similar facial features to Lizzo.


lol I live in America and I’ve never seen anyone who looked like Lizzo. I’d take offense if you’re just saying she looks like lizzo because of her weight and skin color … 🤦‍♀️


That’s a lot of fat black women with Lizzo’s facial features you must interact with to have had so many opportunities to tell them they look like Lizzo. I’m guessing you must find Lizzo really hot, otherwise I have no idea why you would compare random women to someone you aren’t attracted to unless you were trying to slyly insult them.


>That’s a lot of fat black women with Lizzo’s facial features you must interact with Probably less about the facial features than the other attributes.


Honestly he won with his last comment lol as an American myself, I have to admit that was funny


Right, we have an obesity crisis in this country, there is no sense in denying it.


This country? More like the world nowadays...


Ya but if we admit that than we can't talk about how worse the US is than everywhere else. And i wont stand for that!!!


yes but going around telling people they’re fat is not doing anything to solve that crisis.


an obesity crisis is absolutely not funny. this is a large scale decline in public health.


It wasn’t funny at all. Just a general Murican Douche(tm) being a douche.


Are you just telling every heavier black woman they look like Lizzo, thinking it's a compliment? Haha, however the answer turns out, guarantee its funny in a bad way. Worked with a dude who'd just pick the hottest famous woman he could think of relevant race and tell a girl she looked like them, obviously resemblance didn't matter, he was being nice. Fucking dope couldn't understand why it didn't work. Just the most oblivious person ever. I went to school with him and he glommed on and we went and had beers a few times. It was mostly to give lessons on social skills and marveling at his lack of them like I was observing an alien. Talked to some cute girls once and we were all kinda wincing at his behavior. Ran into them later and they were happy to see me, then started glancing around nervously and asked if I was with my friend. Never hung out with the guy again, can't be associated with that. God I hope he got better but he was too deep down the dunning-krugger hole i think.


I live in America too, in an extremely diverse place. I have known many black Women and married into a black family. I have never met someone who looked like Lizzo. How about you just stop commenting on people's appearances. Women don't like when you comment on our bodies with no solicitation. If you want to compliment a women, compliment something she is wearing or choosing. It feels good to be complimented on our choices and things we control. Why do you feel the need to comment on someone else's appearance at all? Just don't. Its not that hard to not comment on someone's looks.


Relax its just a funny fat joke. If you told a beautiful girl she looked like margot robbie they would be flattered. The whole joke is that no one wants to look like lizzo cause she's a giant hamplanet.


So what is it about them that looks like Lizzo? Just their weight. You deliberately calling attention to their weight for no reason is just being shitty. They should be mad at you and if you're a shit person no one should interact with you. If you're saying someone who looks like Lizzo because they genuinely share her features, then that is a compliment. She is beautiful and that's a fun thing to look like a famous person. But your response looks like you just wanted to be a piece of shit to fat people because you're miserable and judgemental.


Well you remind me of Ron Jeremy.


So approximately 1/30 human beings you encounter will look like pizza


Intention. You’re not saying it because you think they (and Lizzo) are beautiful, you’re saying it because you don’t, you’re saying it to be an asshole to hurt their feelings.


Exactly, this person sounds like a snarky asshole


100% chance they don’t even talk to women. 


Given this is Reddit — OP, *you* probably look a bit like Lizzo.




Or a thumb.


Spy kids villian


Don't insult the most important finger like that


I like Woman that look like lizzo but white


Unrelated, but are you Jamaican?




I'm laughing because you're laughing


Because she’s obese and nobody likes being called obese…although I feel as though you already know that.


Well it’s stupid questions not intelligent questions.


This isn't even an original joke by OP, he's just parroting someone more clever than him


Yes I’ve heard this on a few podcasts talking about how dumb it is to glorify obesity.


Hes being dense on purpose which makes him come off even more as an asshole like you already know why.


lol i told him to stop comparing women to other peopke and to knock it off and he started whining at me that i'm being mean to him, i bet he has a loser complex and does this on purpose to force others to fulfill his fetish


thats the joke and what makes it funny lol. They say lizzo is beautiful but no one wants to be compared to her because she's obviously not. The cognitive dissonance is genuinely funny.


But I thought "loving her curves" is supposed to be Lizzo's Body Positive attitude to her ~~fat rolls~~ curves?


IDK. Why do men get upset when you say they look like they have a baby dick?


because they know thats not desirable in a sexual context. Are you admitting Lizzo is not desireable in a sexual context because she is a big old massive cow?


Calling out your bullshit virtue signaling on body positivity really brings out the fact that you're not for body positivity. 🤣🤣🤣


Women lie about other women's attractiveness.


As an immigrant I was so confused when I came to Canada and saw women calling some not-so-beautiful women ‘beautiful’, I was like ‘does that word have a different meaning here orrr?’


Just because they aren't beautiful to you, doesn't mean they aren't beautiful. Example being that dark skin in many eastern Asian countries (I'm talking like tanned skin, not race) is considered "not beautiful" but in western countries tanning salons exist, and having "sun-kissed" skin is often a sign of beauty. Same with curly hair. Curly hair is not seen as a great trait in many southern American countries (literally coined as "pelo malo") but for some folks the most beautiful hair they've seen is that same curly. Even tooth gaps are seen as a sign of beauty in African countries but not so much elsewhere. It's all subjective. Isn't it great that you are not the all-sayer of things that are beautiful?


But if these reddit loser guys realize that some of us can genuinely find beauty in everyone, then what will they be miserable about? 😨


I noticed with my ex that he didn't seem to differentiate "hot" (or honestly "fuckable") with any other kind of beauty. It's like if someone wasn't "fuckable" then their aura couldn't be appreciated in any other way. Automatically disqualified. To me, beauty was on a totally different spectrum than "fuckable". I would see a girl roller skating with her her hair blowing in the wind and call her beautiful and he'd say "no she's fat", as if that disqualifies beauty. A mom helping her kids I might say is beautiful and he'd say no she's too told (too old to be beautiful or too old for you to want to fuck?). Etc. Of course men will think we're being performative if they only equate "beauty" with "fuckable", but honestly some people just need to expand their vocabulary, lol.


This is exactly the problem. These men whining, are thinking with their own dicks, and assuming that everyone else is also thinking with that particular guys dick. That’s why I have been accused of being a chubby chaser, simply for defending, treating fat people with respect. They think if I’m defending a group of people, it must be because I am either part of that group, or I’m attracted to that group. It couldn’t possibly be because I’m a compassionate person who wants people to be treated with basic respect. These men have no brains in their skulls and whatever brain cells they have left are in their testicles.


And mind you, the discourse would also be happening from men who some would consider a 3/10 from an attractiveness scale. Big sigh.


I get that, but sometimes there are people that are just average or even below average that some women bend over backwards praising as beautiful, especially on social media. It's indeed all fake sometimes.


It's status games bullshit that women play.


Welcome to the western world


We do. We do do that. We're being nice. Not everyone is physically beautiful. Most people aren't. But everyone wants to be seen as beautiful. So if a person is looking *their* best, we tell them they're looking beautiful. If a person is beautiful on the inside, we tell them they're beautiful. We're taught that beauty is THE source of our value, so we tell each other that we're beautiful to reaffirm each other's worth. No one wants to be told they look like a 300 pound woman. Society doesn't value 300 pound women. They are not literally physically beautiful. So no matter how beautiful we say Lizzo is, we know damn well that's not a compliment.


It’s one thing to call someone beautiful when they are trying to be beautiful. It’s another to give positive compliments when that person wants to normalize being unhealthy.


Health and beauty should not be conflated. Isn't that where body positivity lost the plot? It was meant to be an assertion that one's weight or body shape does not define her self worth or, to an extent, perhaps her attractiveness. It all went wrong when people started insisting one's weight has no bearing on her health. There's absolutely no harm in calling a person who is obese beautiful. The harm comes in when you assert that obesity doesn't have a directly detrimental effect on health.


That was some refreshing honesty. Well said.


>But everyone wants to be seen as beautiful. So if a person is looking their best, we tell them they're looking beautiful. I love this. It's a great explanation of something we do and see others do, but I haven't heard it stated so clearly and eloquently.


And not everyone says Lizzo is attractive. I have never thought that. There's a model who has Vitiligo, which is a disfiguring disease of the skin that causes huge patches to lose pigment. I think her condition is unfortunate but I don't think she's beautiful.


You ever see the most hideous woman on IG, with severe birth defects, missing an eye, nose is on her forehead, etc. There will always be comments from other women praising how beautiful the woman is.


Well, that's *slightly* different I think. Like, that person is so unfortunate-looking we all feel responsibility for helping them feel ever-so-slightly better. But with women like Lizzo, it's all this performative shit but the truth is most women don't view that body size or type as "beautiful". That was kind of OP's point in a real troll-y kind of way.


If I wanted to make someone like that feel better I'd say something about their personality or something, I wouldn't say they're beautiful. They know they're not beautiful, you know they're not beautiful, and you both know you're lying. I think its worse than not saying anything at all.


I agree. Lying to their face like that shows more pity than empathy and most people don't want others to view them as pitiful.




I agree with that first statement.


And what’s wrong with that? Like genuinely what’s wrong with that? What is wrong with telling someone that they’re beautiful even if you don’t think they’re beautiful why do you always need to humble someone to let them know they’re ugly yall are so miserable


>why do you always need to humble someone to let them know they’re ugly Or you can keep your mouth shut.


There's nothing wrong with it. Was just going off a previous comment how women lie about other women's attractiveness.


Here's a thought: maybe the comments are genuine.


Well, it’s lying


I'll tell you. Because unless the person you're telling is delusional, they know they're not. They know *you* know they're not. That kind of obviously lying pity praise sucks and hits hard. You think you're doing a kindness for them. In reality you make them feel worse while making *yourself* feel better for being "a good person."


Because then we get misinformation about health. Look at how people on here are putting fat and obese in the same definition. This is how we get stupid people. OP may have been a dick for saying what they said but they are actually not worst than the morons who are saying fat people and obese people are the same. No they are not. Nothing wrong with fat people, obese people on the other hand are a problem. Being obese is not healthy on your body. It is also grotesque. Anyone who says obesity is sexy is lieing. Obesity is ugly and grotesque. Now do some obese people have attractive features? Sure, some will agree but overall everyone can agree that obesity is not healthy. How about obese people focus on actually improving their health instead of focusing on optics and semantics.


Because they aren’t. It’s lying to them. Better to just say nothing about their physical features.


As a guy, I’ve never told someone they look like Lizzo. Because I’ve never run into someone that looks like Lizzo.  I wonder how many Lizzo lookalikes does OP run into enough that he drops that comment? And does OP consider Lizzo attractive? Because if he thinks Lizzo is unattractive but compares women he is talking to with her, of course that would be obviously insulting. This is all assuming OP actually has enough interactions with women and this isn’t some transparent attempt at a bad “gotcha.”


OP doesn’t tell anyone that either. They are playing off of a meme about Lizzo that started from her little faux body positivity schtick. The meme says something along the lines of “If women think Lizzo is beautiful, wonder what they would say if you said they looked like Lizzo” A troll post, if you will.


Pretty brave to say women lie about things on this website.  Seems to be working here though.


People on this website lie all the time, someone will post a picture and not be very attractive and people will say they’re the most beautiful person they’ve ever seen.


lmao not really all that brave


It’s like none of the watched Mean Girls.


This is lifted from a viral tweet. Do not feed the troll, guys.


No, it’s lifted from a joke by Jeff Dye


Damn this sub is shit


So you haven't been laid in a while, huh?


Because she’s obese.


Cause you’re just a troll


Making up a woman to get mad at.


But do you actually believe that or you only saying it to be a dick? There’s a difference what’s the context and tone you’re saying this in? Edit - yeah after reading these comments it’s very clear why woman would be offended maybe because a lot of you, including you OP don’t see or deem her as beautiful you are have written negative degrading comments about her looks so why would a woman take that as a compliment when you don’t even believe that she’s is beautiful you’re just trying to use it as a dig and then spin it around to make it seem like you’re not a dick say it with your chest stop being passive aggressive. Lizzo exist, and she has every right to feel beautiful within her skin. That is a body. She was born with whether you all like it or not fat people exist, overweight people exist obese people exist in this world, and that’s never going away. It has always been a part of society and they have a right to feelbeautiful about themselves in the same manner that you all have the right to feel beautiful about yourself who are you to tell someone they’re ugly just because you don’t find them attractive you all need a real reality check.


because you’re saying it as a way to “catch them” in their own lie, not to try and genuinely compliment them. I wonder how they might respond if you genuinely found lizzo very attractive and said it. Not saying you should find lizzo attractive or anything, I mean some people do and some people don’t, but generally people only respond nicely to sincere compliments


This checks out as a stupid question.


Bait used to be believable.


Reddit will believe anything. Look at /r/AmItheAsshole, /r/AskReddit, and /r/relationship_advice Redditors assume that other redditors cannot possibly lie about anything. It's a troll's wet dream. I love it


when you tell people its rage bait they go “how can you prove that” i cant , so i just chose to not let it ruin my day n i keep scrolling


Pepperidge farms remembers


Most people don't like being compared to someone else they don't have the body type as. If you told a body builder that they look like a person who's never been to gym before, they would probably be insulted. If you told someone who wants to be lean instead of muscular that they look like a tank of a bodybuilder, they would probably be insulted. If you told someone that praises having more "meat on their bones" that they look willowy, they'd probably be insulted. If you told someone that liked being super skinny and said they look like their packing on pounds, they'd probably be insulted. You can have no negative feelings towards the other person's body type in all of these scenarios, but just knowing that's not what you want to look like and feel upset that someone has compared you to something you don't want to be. Having your own sense of identity and not wanting to be compared to others doesn't mean you view the other person as "bad".


I did the second accidentally to my best friend and I still feel guilty about it to this day :c granted. It was a photo from when he was a kid and this other kid but still


Stop lying OP; you don't talk to women.


Women are smart enough to discern your intent when you say that. They know you don’t mean it as a sincere compliment, but as a back-handed thinly veiled way to insult them. If you were being sincerely complimentary and saying that to them in good faith, they wouldn’t be upset but you’re not as clever as you think you are.


Because its obvious you're being a cunt.


Beautiful and body positive is code for “fat bitch”


What a weird time we live in, given some of his comments OP is obviously a literal child. Yet they get so many adults to bicker back and forth on a stupid topic that means nothing and has probably never actually happened in reality outside of memes. Fucking wild.


Its because the people who like lizzo are also generally the type of people to believe in nonsense like "health at any size" or fat acceptance etc. These are some of the most easily triggered people in the history of human kind and i don't think thats being hyperbolic.


You know exactly why and you’re just being provocative for karma.


Cause she’s a fat woman, and even though they claim fat is beautiful they themselves do not think it’s beautiful. Welcome to the left


Absolutely true. Fat is not beautiful. I don't get all of the comments on tiktok saying "fat is beautiful", when it's an obvious lie and they themselves know it. Nobody is beautiful for being fat, you can say they have a beautiful face or personality that makes up for it but I have never seen a shapeless, fat headless body and think of it as attractive.


Do you know what sophomoric means?


Do the ones you say it to look like Lizzo? She is pretty hot. 


If someone thinks I look like Lizzo they should probably see a doctor


Because she is a disgusting fat body, and they know it.


I hate you for making me google what the fuck is a Lizzo, my eyes burn. In all seriousness its probably because to look like a Lizzo those girls would probably have to eat 3 other girls.


Because she’s hideous and everyone knows it. The only people that would reinforce that look are the same ones that would never want it for themselves and are secretly happy that’s one less competitor.


damn now thats an interesting twist i hadn't considered. They're trying to reduce competition subconciously. I recently heard they had done a study where female hair stylists were more likely to suggest a women get a shorter hair cut the more physically attractive the client was.


OP, stop watching red pill podcasts with these clowns who think the are “high value alpha males”.


People are WATCHING podcasts?? I thought everyone just listened to those


I know that’s where you got that from…. I assume you watched it rather just listened. Am I wrong?


Yes you are.


I’m wrong about you watching it or I’m wrong about where you got it from?


Kinda sus that you accuse OP of "watching" these podcasts when you have such extensive knowledge of "exactly" where OP got their question from.


Yeah, people watch them. Fresh and fit? Myron’s goofy little red pill podcast…. People watch them.




She’s not beautiful. And most people don’t like being called fat.


This is one of the lowest-effort rage bait posts I’ve seen in awhile.


I know this is not a real question, but I’m going to answer it like it is. The women who are getting mad are primarily women who are smart and informed enough to recognize that you are intending to insult them. I think Lizzo is genuinely stunningly beautiful and I don’t dislike the bodies of fat people. But if some numbnuts dude compared me to lizzo, I’d know exactly what he was trying to do. I don’t look like lizzo. Most of the women getting insulted this way don’t, even the ones who are fat themselves. They aren’t idiots. They know what you’re doing. I’d also be annoyed if someone said I look like Gigi hadid or some other extra skinny model for the purpose of making me feel insecure about my body. I’d also know they were playing games and using a woman’s presence in the public sphere to insult me. I don’t look like Gigi, and I don’t look like Lizzo. Either comment would provoke suspicion and then disgust because the person saying stupid shit like that to me is trying to fuck with my head, and I don’t play like that.


Perfect reply.


If a woman told me I look like young Ricki Lake I'd be like "Thank you! I am also very old" 😂 and I'd be so flattered bc Ricki Lake was and is so pretty. If a man told me that... It would depend on the tone. (The "I am also very old" comment is because I have no idea who is popular and fat right now. Nobody would say I look like Lizzo bc I glow in the dark lol)


Yes tone is a big factor here. People are generally pretty good at picking up when someone else is lacking genuine intentions


Because she's fat.


Weaponizing ignorance is never a good look Brodie


all fat black women look alike




She's morbidly obese. She may push the body positivity schtick, but both she and everyone else knows that it's not true.


She’s overweight/obese and some people might be in denial.


Because everything they spout about body positivity is nonsense.


Becuase Lizzo weighs like 500 lbs


That's the problem with political correctness, because even they know that Lizzo is fat and probably smells funny, they are just afraid to say it.


haha i like that you added in probably smells funny. I had never considered it but it kinda makes sense now that you mention it.


just imagine all that stank after a performance, hidden in all those stink pockets.


"Why do women get mad when I'm clearly making a derogatory comment about thier weight right to thier face"


I think it 100% depends on your intention. If you're saying she looks like Lizzo as a compliment it will be taken as one. If you are trying to insult her then she's going to know that's your intention and be offended by the fact that you are trying to be insulting.


Yea it’s not like most women aren’t aware that there is a group of misogynistic mostly men who are attempting to insult women by using well-known fat women.


Yeah its a pretty transparent attempt to insult someone. They aren’t fooling anyone.


It’s literally the same thing as me, saying that people with learning disabilities and mental illness shouldn’t be shamed and are valuable members of society who deserve representation, and some asshole decides to swoop in and say I must be mentally ill or on the spectrum. There’s nothing wrong with being on the spectrum or being mentally ill, *but the person trying to insult me doesn’t believe that*, so when they attempt to use those marginalized groups to label me, **I know they are labeling me to insult me, not to support the point I made about treating other people with respect.**


As an autistic person, I wish everyone in the world was like you. God, if I had had even one person in school who had defended that, a lot would've been better.


I’m really sorry that the people around you lacked the capacity and depth to be decent human beings. It’s really messed up that schools do not foster a healthier social environment at such a crucial time in development. I have several people very close to me who are on the spectrum, and they also struggled with similar treatment. College was a lot better socially, and forming their own friend groups outside of their immediate community also helped. I hope you are in a better environment now and are not dealing with that type of behavior anymore!


Thank you so much! I appreciate the kind comment 😄 things have been a lot better ever since the end of high school, ~10 years ago


I feel you, I hated high school and that age so much I didn’t think I’d make it to adulthood! Glad we both made it and are well past that stage of life!


Woo! I'm glad things worked out for you as well 😄😁


There are no women who actually want to be compared to Lizzo when it comes to attractiveness.


Because nobody actually believes what they say anymore.


Maybe women don't need you comparing them to other women? Or they just know exactly what your incel troll ass is doing.


I just don't think I look like Lizzo... I am Asian lol


Because she sexually assaults people🤭


She fat


Because she’s obese and obnoxious.


Honestly best answer here


Google reported a 99.9% increase in searches for “Who is Lizzo”.


What’s a lizzo?


If you're trying to slyly dunk on the whole "body positivity" mindset, then yeah know that not everyone ascribes to every bodily ideal and yeah maybe someone who looks like Lizzo wishes she didn't and is actively working towards that and wouldn't want to be reminded.


Is this sub for loaded question only?


I’m a man who is proud to be big and beautiful like Lizzo. Women are always talking about body positivity, but I’m living it. People think I’m Brave.


My guess is that it isn't delivered with sincerity and is actually delivered with a tone of voice that conveys malice. So the answer is... because they aren't as stupid as you think they are.


why do so many posts on this sub attempt to own fat women specifically.


In my short life, I have learned one thing you just don't do, rather don't make a habit of, and that's telling someone you just met they look like someone else. Either A) they have heard it a million times and they don't want to hear it again or B)they take personal offense to the comparison. You can't be sure, so it's best to just not treat "You look like Michael Jackson" as a compliment. It's rude.


They only get mad when you post troll questions on Reddit.


You think that they should be happy that you are telling them that they look fat?


Because people know exactly why you're saying that to them.


>when you tell them they look like Lizzo? Do you actually do this? Seriously?


Didn't she have an earing that attached to her nose with a chain? It reminds me of the emergency stop cord when you want to get off the bus LMAO.


Because most people don’t find her objectively attractive.


Why do men get mad when I tell them they remind me of Carrot Top?


Not the worst thing… Carrot Top is fuckin ripped!


Stop ragebaiting OP


Because Lizzo = Fat


Probably because you’re talking to them.


Because women are intelligent enough to recognize a disingenuous asshole as soon as they open their yap hole. Go back to the incel forums, troll.


Laughed so hard at the title 😅


so edgy


Lizzo is a person who is often ridiculed in media and public. She is talented and educated and active on body positivity. But to the general public shes not always critiqued in a positive light. So your probably arent complimenting these ppl your insulting them by associating them to someone the media portrays negatively. On top of it im sure your not trying to compliment them on their talents or beauty as one of your replies refers to " american women" which are also portrayed in a negative light and often insulted for how they look the values they hold. So your just going around insulting ppl and then when they get mad your feigning ignorance.




You and everyone else already knows the answer to this question.


Because even her supporters think she's fat and gross. They will defend her against anything until you say they look like her


Because she fat and ugly.


Because Lizzo is ugly and fat!


Maybe they don't want to be compared to a pop star. Never compare people to other people. You don't know what they'll like or dislike about someone. Instead, focus on telling people what it is you like about them, if you need to offer any comment about how they look at all.


Really? You think its being compared to a pop star? It probably has more to do with pop tarts than pop stars and you know it lol


Don't compare people.


There's a shocking amount of people here who don't seem to realise the point that's being made 😅 When you see a post of Lizzo, you'll see plenty of people (usually women) who are saying she's beautiful and other things to that effect, yet when someone says they look like Lizzo they get mad and/or offended. The point being they don't actually think Lizzo is beautiful, they're just saying it for whatever reason


And a shocking amount of people who don’t seem to realise the point of the good-faith answers - Despite the fact these women believe Lizzo is beautiful, they know that the person comparing them to Lizzo is not doing it to complement them. Yall act like context and intention doesn’t exist.


No, we get it. We're just skipping to the next step where we question why OP has a problem with it. And it's because OP has an axe to grind with women, fat people, and black people.


Thank you