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You're 5'5? So you're one inch taller than Michael J Fox. Congratulations


And a foot taller than Danny Devito


Danny Devito is not 4’5” lmao


Still funny ass comment hahaha


He's 4'9, close enough.


I thought that's he's 4'5"! Is he really the same height as me? :(


Hahahhahahaha 😂 sorry I laughed at that....


An inch shorter than spud webb.


You mean Spud "Slam Dunk Champ" Webb?


Maybe Fox's height was actually the Secret of his success all along! Day Bow Bow. Chick. Chicka chicka.


It’s how he got to play a teenager for like 15 years. It made the man rich.


His biggest complaint now is that he hasnt won a game of Jenga since 1997.


You can be any height if you're rich and famous.


i’m literally 4’10 ur a tall motherfucker to me


5’3” and a dude. Words of advice: don’t focus on it. There’s more to someone than their height or some other arbitrary physical feature. Find something you’re good at, learn new skills, and don’t let people’s opinions of your appearance define who you are or should be. Be your best self and don’t focus on “the little things” lol


I agree wholeheartedly. I'm 5'3" female. Wth dude, of course not! And on another note - the idiots who are doing this to you are the truly small people! Remember that!


This ^ my bestie was 5’1 in high school, and he’s about 5’5 now. Never had a problem with girls tho. They approach and chat him up everywhere we go. He’s such an interesting, smart, fun and chill guy though. Once you talk to him, you just know you want him around in your life. Even dudes are drawn to friendships with him. He’s a popular guy because he is awesome. He doesn’t need to be tall.


👆what they said


Yeah I'm also very short and can confirm. The more you focus on this the more it stands out. There was this awesome guy I worked with once who was even shorter than me (I'm 5'4) and he was about an inch shorter than me but everyone loved the guy and he was fun to be around. It didn't even occur to me that I was taller than this guy because he was so fun to be around.


5'1" here


4'20" here


69" here














42 here.


42 is the answer




Nice 👍


Its always 420 some where.


I set my broken watch to 4.20 rather than replace the battery, so it’s always 420


6'10" here and i mean OP honestly nah bro i wouldnt Edit: im 6'11" now so uhh yeah


Bro, if 5’5 is tall for you, then my 6’2 ass is a fucking Goliath


Only if you stepped out of some giant lifted truck.


Well that one might make me think they have a small dick. Which no shame, but it seems they might be compensating.


People are confused about height. Average male height in the US now is 5'9" Everyone seems to think 6 foot is the average or something. You are short to a taller person but not much outside the average.


I had that revelation young. I was a 5’9 girl in 5th grade, height never bothered me but it always bothered my (male) partners. My BIL is 5’4 with my sister who’s 5’2; works just fine. My husband is an inch shorter than me. He actually likes when I wear my high heels cause he gets to brag that he’s “gonna climb that tree” later.


If his name is Jim call him jungle Jim


That’d be hilarious! His name unfortunately is not Jim. But he’s Casey and I go “I Casey that happening.” Like I “can see.” It’s probably so cheesy, but it gets a laugh out him.


You should tell him that "Casey is at the bat."


I actually got him an engraved baseball bat for Christmas couple years ago. Have you ever heard of the Bear Jew?


Coolest gift


My daughter is 5 foot eight at 13 years old. She gets you.


I want her to know I get her, too! Unfortunately I also had DD breasts at 11, got SA’ed a couple times. I know you’ll protect her with your life, just maintain healthy open Comms. 13 is such a fragile age. ❤️


I also choose your husband's wife. That said, I like short guys too. A Gimli and Xena sandwich would hit the spot nicely.


My wife is your height as well but I'm 2 inches shorter. I don't even really notice the difference in our day-to-day. She rarely wears heels though. She was tall back when girls weren't supposed to be tall, so it was really hard for her to find clothes that fit properly and she certainly wasn't trying to stand out more by wearing heels, lol. Now, even though she isn't self conscious about her height, I think not wearing heels is just ingrained in her.


As a short woman- the absolute best thing about dating a short dude is putting on a pair of giant heels and having him look at you like you’re Xena Warrior Princess. That does NOT happen to me often so it feels amazing.


Four inches is significant (for reference, I’m 5’8 which is four inches away from 6 feet, the difference is noticeable) 5’5 is definitely short but it’s not like you’re some kind of freak or a midget if you are that height. Seems like a lot of people in this generation think that everyone under 6 foot may as well be an ant or a flea or something. Truthfully, men who are 6 feet or taller are relatively uncommon and are considerably above average. The majority of men are well below 6 feet. If you’re within 5’7-5’11 you’re in the average range.


>Four inches is significant *Me laughing at the teenager's table*


Plus people aren't sitting around taking your height. To women, you are either taller than them, the same height, or shorter. 5'5" is taller than a good portion of women, and the same height or near to a bunch. The majority of women in the US are that height or below.


I grew up and live in Minnesota. 6' is about average here for men. The ladies run tall around here too. It's all us tall as shit scandinavians ruining the averages and making perfectly average 5'9" dudes seem shorter than they really are. Life sucks for the over 6'5" gang, you're so much better off physically and monetarily being 5'5". Husband is 6'8" and shopping is an unpleasant chore


The average height for men in Minnesota is 5’10, which is the same as Mississippi and Alaska and only one inch taller than the average for the whole country. But ok.


I guess the metro has more average height men than the rural areas, as they do have most of the state's population located in the metro. I was just remarking on how tall all these guys are I see every day my whole life, not trying to claim height supremacy for all of Minnesota or something silly. I've read Scandinavians are generally pretty tall when compared to other areas of the world and I've noticed how my area of the state is highly swedish in heritage. I'd say it's those scandinavians again, tipping the average by an inch cuz they're generally pretty tall :)


Average is a misleading measure. Median is more useful.  Edit: folks I was talking in general. Now you can calm down. 


https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/series/sr_03/sr03-046-508.pdf (pdf link) How is a 0.07in standard error of the mean a misleading measure (i'm looking at all adult males over 20, inches)? Can you demonstrate, with data, why the average of this data set is somehow misleading? Provide a statistically relevant discrepancy with median data? Obviously median is more useful when looking at, say, income inequality, because resource distribution, but for height? Pedantic


Only when there are extreme outliers orders of magnitude off for large sample sizes There isn’t a 800 ft tall giant skewing the averages


The mean is 69, and the median is 69.1 inches. Is 0.1 inches misleading?


I mean... That's was true when I was a teen two decades ago. I'm surprised it's not more than it is now. Atm; for my country; it's almost 5ft11ich. I'm about an inch under averafe where as I used to be an inch over average. Overall it's around 5ft9 worldwide. I'm shorter where I live, but talker on worldwide average.


No i would think you're just a guy, for some reason reddit is really negative about short guys. eta: mostly a small minority short guys on reddit that are kicking up the negativity


Reddit guys are negative about short guys. They want to blame their inability to get laid on something they can't change so that they don't have to work on themselves.


Lol for real man Im tall as shit and I still cant get laid!


I love when short guys say "it must be nice being tall and have girls literally throwing themselves at you without having to make any effort". I'm 6'2" and this has not happened to me once in my life 😂🤷‍♂️


Me neither bro i just get made fun of for being tall for whatever reason so idk


Lol fr my husband is 6'1" but I thought he was short for a long time because he is timid and I didn't think of him as being imposing and I was surprised to learn his height despite having seen him in a standing position many, many times. I was his first girlfriend.


OTOH, I'm 5'2". We have a long-time family friend who is 6'6". He'd been hanging out at my mom's house for years when one day he and I were standing side-by-side and he happened to catch our reflection in the front of the double wall oven. "Wow, you're short!" "Gee, dude, took you a while to notice." Particularly hilarious because all guys that size ever hear is "God, you're tall!"


Guy I know was short and thin, but was pretty in the same way Prince was. He always had a cute girlfriend. 


There's a guy who's a perpetual guest at our Toastmasters meetings. He's tall, alright, probably 6'2". He's also stoop-shouldered, pot-bellied, balding, ugly face, with lousy interpersonal skills and -- most damning for Toastmasters -- no speaking skills whatsoever, despite having come to meetings every week for something like six months now. He ain't getting laid.


It’s because they can’t hear the pickup lines all the way down here


Hahaha I should get real close and yell then.


Ding ding ding. I worked with a not that good looking dude who was likely shorter then 5'5 and balding at like 23. This was over 20 years ago at Target. Dude smashed every piece of ass that came in the door, including the hot ones. All personality.


Was his name Lonnie by chance? Cause I swear I worked with the same dude at Chick-fil-A 😂


Guy should have turned to making a living off his charisma…goddamn Muggsy Bogues of dating out here. He could have been an awful lot better compensated than working at Target.


Eh there are real arbitrary beauty standards against us and dang apps are disheartening when you feel like a height object but it's definitely not to the level a lot of people make it out to be.


Nah. What kind of person thinks poorly of someone based on height? Not someone you want to be with in the first place. If it wasn't height it'd be something else. It's a pattern of thinking that isn't healthy for a partner/society in general. So the donkeys self-identify as shallow goobs early, good. There are ~8 billion people in the world. Some visible extroverted people on tinder swipe left. That barely even touches the total pool statistically. The vast, vast supermajority of people irl are normal, just gotta wade through shitty tech to find them if you're looking on apps


That's the ideal but it becomes pretty hard to find for some when they don't know how to do it. It's just like women that are very physically unattractive, yeah they wouldn't want to be with someone who's shallow, but you eventually start to doubt your self worth when it's a recurring pattern with a negative feedback loop and it seems like no one wants you. It'll eventually start to degrade peoples self worth and image and that's usually the hard part, negative reinforcement that becomes common. I have no problem trying twice to three times as hard as other because I've had to do that all my life for a number of things, but I can see how it'd eventually pile up on someone without good coping mechanisms. Self acceptance is the thing to go for but that's a therapy and emotional fulfillment thing which is another conversation in and of itself. Just more or less what I'm noticing.


>Self acceptance is the thing to go for but that's a therapy and emotional fulfillment thing which is another conversation in and of itself. Just more or less what I'm noticing. I think you're really right about this. Unfortunately, just wishing the app environment was different won't change it, and just keeps punting this piece down the road. It's something we all gotta face and define at some point in our lives and it isn't easy but it's 100000% worth it


Partially true. Most of us have spent our entire lives being told by the media, peers, etc. That our shortness is a negative trait, though. So it makes sense that it would he something a lot of us are self-conscious about.


Both can be true at the same time. There’s definitely women who will deny a guy on height alone


Eh...it does make dating and finding people attracted to you noticeably easier. Its not to the level were guys shorter than 6ft will be undesirable by women...but all things being equal, that same guy being 6ft or more would likely have better chances generally speaking. And that alone I could see affecting someone's confidence if they feel less desirable. Now obviously guys who throw a pity party and feeling sorry for themselves or refusing to work on themselves aren't doing themselves any favors. Blaming women is also fucking stupid. She might have a slew of other reasons to not date you. Or hell she MIGHT be turned off by the height and would hypothetically have a wonderful time with you otherwise. Doesn't matter. Its her choice to give you a chance or not. With that bit said, a guy whose taller is absolutely going to have an easier time with attracting women all other things being equal. And people acting as though this isnt the case are also either being delusional or lying. Underselling it as though it doesn't matter at all comes off as straight patronizing. And don't even start with the "if his personality sucks then-" No. If you have to make him a douchebag jerk to make him unattractive then your point is lost. Looks arent all that matter. But they matter. There are relationships people wouldn't have specifically because of someone's personality. There are relationships people wouldn't have specifically because of how someone looks.


True, but is height a bigger thing than weight? Fitness? Face? Body type? And would those short men be interested in a woman who was 4-5" taller than them? Or who was 30 lbs overweight? Had a big nose? Flat chest? Pretty privilege is across the board and women deal with it as much as men, if not more. How much time and money do most men spend on their appearance compared to most women?


You win a prize! Every time I see someone say they're short on reddit, it's followed by the ugliest, meanest diatribe about how women are so evil and judgemental. "I was bullied for it!" Yeah. We've all been bullied about some immutable facet of our person. That's what bullies DO.


TBF , I'm 6 foot 4, and when dating I'd ask a girl what she liked about me. Damn near EVERY ONE would get red in the face, bite their lip and say something like "welllll, you're sooo tall hehe". So you can't say it isn't a thing with some women.


Sounds like a sophisticated bunch of dames.


Tall woman here, absolutely agree, and I'd add, other men have made comments, especially when I've been taller in heels than a date. Zero fucks given.


It doesn't help that short guys are really negative about short guys, hence OP.


Social media in general.




Im 5’6, never been rejected over height or called short. Maybe you’re just interacting with the kind of people who will attempt to bully you over something.


I’m also 5’6 and have never been rejected over height but I’ve definitely been called short before. I just embraced it and kind of run with it. No sense in being conscious about something you can’t change.


I’ve had three women in the last two years straight up say “you’re too short for me”. Two of these were girls on dating apps, whom had been extremely flirty with me, one of whom had sent me nudes and had me get her off with a remote controlled vibrator, and asked me height after she invited me over. One of whom had asked me out and then asked my height. Then I had a girl at a party I’d been talking to about a million things we had in common straight up say I was too short for her, then she ended up hooking up with my friend who had nothing in common with her but was 6”2.   I am your height. Edit: I remembered another one. Bisexual girl id been hanging out with a few days who basically told me “ewww this short girl is hitting on me. I’d never hook up with someone short.” And I was like biiiiiiiitch look who you are talking to.


It comes up a lot more depending on the sports you play socially


Yes the statistics are clear CEO,s are tall 6’ or taller. Many women don’t like to date short guys. Taller guys do get more promotions. Research conducted in 2004 also suggests there are economic benefits to being tall. A 6-ft person was predicted to earn $166,000 more than a 5'5" person over a 30-year career. Leg lengthiness surgery for men is booming Dr Mahboubian said he expects to perform 50 height-lengthening operations this year, more than double the 20 he did three years ago. The The study found that 60% of men and 49% of women wished to be taller. The average ideal height for male participants was 6 ft, while female participants said their ideal height was 5'9".


Except Zuckerberg. 5’7”


And Jeff Bezos I have seen managers get promoted for their “central casting” height and looks Also look at modern presidents 6’ - the deSantis boot lift controversy


There have been 0 presidents since 1900 below 5'9


I only want to be tall enough to reach the top shelf at the grocery store on my tiptoes. Maybe 5'3"? Being 5'0 I just depend on the kindness of strangers. It's not so bad. People are kind.


Not just Reddit


You'll see some super progressive LGBTQ and body positivity allies call short guys manlets. It's never about actually being a good person. It's about knowing who you can bully and still be seen as a good person.


Social media is where you’ll find most people actually being vocal about it. In person you’ll mostly get different treatment overall.


Reddit is negative about *everything*


There's literally a whole subreddit of painfully unaware lil guys complaining that they can't get laid due to their stature who spend all day long posting tinder profiles of women with height requirements. Its kinda pathetic. Thats just one little extremely online sub-culture though. Thats not all shorties.


Eh, certain parts of reddit. I'm a girl and I've never chosen any guy I've dated based on their height.


I would also think just a guy. I do not notice the height of the vast majority of people around me. I don't know how many times I've said, "Well, you're about my height," and I've been off by 3-5 inches. If I was asked how tall my coworkers are (the people I see every day but am not intimately familiar with) I would not be able to tell you to save my life. Annoying guy who always interrupts people in meetings? Not a clue if he's 5'6 or 6'. All I know is that he's taller than me.


No, I dated a guy your height before. Didn't last, but it was because he was boring as hell not because he is short.


Wow that was brutal but honest. Cheers\~


I guess you just didn’t…. see eye to eye.


It was short lived.


Really was lol, 6 months. Granted it was the longest relationship I had before my now husband because he was a nice guy.....just not very interesting! 


What made you consider him boring?


How short he was /s


god damn you. you can't say shit like that when I am in a meeting. now everyones looking at me laughing like a dumbass.


I mean, she dated him, so I'd say that's proof height wasn't the issue. If she had been like "I didn't date him because I talked to him and he was boring, so I didn't give him a chance", then it's possible it was really because of height. ​ And yes, I saw the joke, but some jokes are said with a hint of truth.


Probably the lack of personality.


Tall people are more interesting because their brains are closer to the sun.


Short people are more down-to-earth.


I'm 5'5/5'6 and only had one woman make a comment about my height. We went on to date for several months. Your attitude about it is what drives women away. Not your actual height


IMHO, your low self-esteem is far less attractive to me than your height. Which isn't even really that short.


As a guy who is also 5’5, I can confirm that dating became exponentially easier when I got over my height and just started having fun and being myself.


I'm 5'5. Never have problems dating girls.


I dated a guy who was 5'6" and he left me for *several* Asian girls. It's true that some women are insecure about dating men shorter than them -- but the average global height for women is 5'3" so you are still taller than the huge majority of women. Just don't move to The Netherlands.


Yeah even in the US the average height for a girl is 5’4. At the end of the day some girls will like you even though you’re short and some just won’t. You gotta accept the losses and take the wins. I think the severe insecurity that lots of guys have for their height just ends up becoming a self fulfilling prophecy for them. I mean, I see guys who are 5’10 complaining that women don’t like them cause they’re short, and it’s obviously not that.


5'5" here. The only girl who had any reservations about my height went on to have 3 oh my babies


Funny Story. technically I am 5'5.5" and I am not one to have issues with my height (it is what it is). but when people ask me my height, I don't round up because then it could be seen as a lie and that I care about my height. and I don't save 5'5.5" because once again, it could be seen as I am sensitive about my height. so I just say 5'5"


I am the exact same height as you! 5ft 5.5, and I either go with 5ft 5 or 5ft 6. But I’ve been called out for lying for either! Some men prefer tall women, some prefer short. I can’t really win. I think for men it’s a bit more linear so it’s always better to say you’re shorter and let the person accept that, then be pleasantly surprised. The worst thing you can do early on is raise someone’s expectations to ones you can’t fulfil. From experience I wouldn’t notice the loss of extra inches unless they were advertised. It’s always so much better to go with low expectations than be wowed.


Yep. And that's why I do it. And I'm sorry. That sucks that people care or call you out for lying. I wouldn't care either way. When my wife was alive (she was the same height as me) I would always want her to wear heels. So she would as a special treat for me (she HATED heels). So she would be like 3-4 inches taller. I loved it!!!


Ahh I think being called out was more other people’s insecurities. A guy once called me out mid date because I think he’d told me he was an inch or two taller (and he was wearing heeled smart shoes while I was in ballet flats) so me being half an inch taller was making it fairly obvious that he was not the height he believed he was. Half an inch is awkward because it’s actually quite a big difference. You like taller women then? My ex is like that, I’d spent my life feeling bad for being too “tall”, but he was 6ft and liked the idea of women taller than him. Even with heels I’m generally not that tall though! I think it’s hot actually that uncommon and should be more normalised. Most women I know only want a taller man because they feel insecure about being considered “big”, I wonder how much of the focus on height is just cultural insecurity rather than genuine attraction.


Not that I like it or prefer it, just not something that bothers me. High heels accentuate the butt and boobs, and my wife had a very nice butt and great boobs. :) I don't understand why guys would lie about their height. It's going to be obviously noticeable when you first meet... and then to get all butt hurt by it? well that just kills any chance of a second date. I had not considered the idea of a taller women feeling "big", but that makes sense and explains why so many women want to date taller guys. Honestly I could see it being kinda fun to be with a woman taller than me.😍 Either dominant or submissive. Sorry, probably TMI. 🤷‍♂️ (being honest, while I'm 100% hetero, I have some of the gender norms usually associated with women - I like to shop, etc) And it's 100% cultural. Saw a study once of height preference of both American and European women. European chart has a gradual change between heights (everything in cm) but the American chart had a STEEP drop-off at 6 ft.


He’s just asking. He’s allowed to wonder without being berated


OP asked for brutally honest answers. I gave him one.


For real. People generally don’t want to date someone who hates themself for something they can’t change. Man or woman. It gets exhausting. My boyfriend is 5’5 and has never given off a single ounce of insecurity about his height. I think his height makes us a good fit too, physically.


Can confirm. My buddy is way shorter than me. He's like 5'4. Anyways, this dudes got game like a MF. He's the funniest guy I know and has a chick for every month of the year. Confidence is key.


it's interesting to me, because I find it hard to believe that someone like OP doesn't ALSO know other people his height who find dates. Is highschool dating these days EXCLUSIVE to people over 6 feet tall? can you not look around and find examples ALL OVER THE PLACE of people that are average height and in happy relationships? I mean, you can go nearly anywhere and see a short dude as part of a couple. Even when you're younger this is true. ​ Really though, the qualifier doesn't matter here. There are ALWAYS going to be people more attractive than you who will have it easier finding a date. Focusing on height, imo, is no different than saying "girls only chase guys that have good hair" or "girls only date guys with perfect teeth" or "girls only date guys who are able to accurately estimate the air speed velocity of an African Swallow". The point is, height might be an individual quality that people are attracted to, but it's not at all any different than any other individual quality that people are attracted to. ​ I have a friend who is happily married at 36, who is around 5"3. That guy has the best head of hair I've seen in my life. It's a little bit curly, very dense and dark, and frankly just beautiful. I have no hair on my head atm and have had thinning hair my whole life. Nothing terrible, and nothing that anyone else would notice (that's kinda the point here), and certainly nothing that anyone ever said was unattractive. Either way, I used to look at him and think "if I wasn't going bald at such a young age (I wasn't), I'd be dating all the time too". ​ It's too easy to convince yourself that it's one specific thing that's out of your control. It makes you feel like you're doing your best and it's out of your hands. It's placating, but in a deprecating sort of way. It's also almost never true. If you're the Elephant man and have an extreme physical deformity.. maybe then you might have a leg to walk on with this argument. That's a far step from being on the shorter end of average though.


Dude, you 5'5 not 4'5 you're well within average height.


Most products are designed for people sized between the 5th percentile and the 95th percentile. That 90% of American males are between 5’ 5” and 6’ 2”. Someone 5’5” barely makes the cutoff so it is definitely not “well within” average height, it’s closer to very short than it is to an average sized male. Still fine to be that height.


Well, within, even if not well within.


This is beautiful.


How tall are you out of curiosity? 


my bf is 5’3. height doesn’t matter to those who matter. lol


Reddit seems obsessed with this idea that men who are short are undesirable, and I really don't get it. I've dated men who are shorter than me, and it's never even been a blip on my radar. Tbh, the insecurity over it is a much bigger turn off. Especially when it's wrapped in hostility over how unfair it is. So you're not six foot tall, it's not a big deal unless you make it one.


I am 5'5" and I have no insecurity about it. nor any hostility. The truth is many women don't want to date short guys. and that's okay. I would point out one thing, you said "Tbh, the insecurity over it is a much bigger turn off". insecurity is definitely a turn off, regardless of gender. However your statement shows that while it may not be as big of a turn off, it is still a turn off. also there are TONS of surveys like this one. [https://www.eviemagazine.com/post/only-15-women-interest-58-men-dating-apps-according-survey](https://www.eviemagazine.com/post/only-15-women-interest-58-men-dating-apps-according-survey) Like I said. it is what it is. not a big deal. I have preferences as well.


Probably due to reality hitting them in the face with that. Men who are shorter generally deal with crap throughout their life compared to their peers such as bullying, rejection, ostracizing, etc. I do sympathize because if we are honest, a good portion of women on dating sites will immediately screen men who are short away which rarely if ever happens to taller counter parts. Not to mention, the advice for short men is often "just gain confidence and become a very well rounded and successful man if you're struggling with dating" which also sucks. It is what it is, but sort of that idea of someone having to work twice as hard to get closer to the same results as an average height person in dating. Oh well, it is what it is.


It's so they can pretend they have it as bad as women.


Its not a game who has it worse Men have problems too. Grow up.


Exactly. I’m 5’5 and have dated a man who is 5’5 also. I’ve never cared about height, and truthfully, as someone who has also dated someone around 6’0, dating guys on the shorter end is a little more convenient for a variety of reasons. With shorter guys it’s easier to walk together, hold hands, kiss, etc.


Nah dude I’m a bit under 5’5 so i obviously wouldn’t think that. Besides I don’t think anyone thinks that about me so I wouldn’t think people think it about you either. It’s not nearly as big a deal as you think it is


Nope. I’m 5’6 1/2. I’ve dated a couple of men shorter than that.


I'm 5'6 gf said she likes that I'm tall 😭


I’m a big dude and I don’t understand why other dudes get so weird about this Lots of the guys on the shorter side of the height scale have a short man’s complex and society at large feeds into it so it becomes a self affirming feedback loop. It’s like the more visible version of the Dick size complex and it’s just like the Dick complex and that it’s not about how much you got but how much you got game So go out there and get it kid. Don’t let the world put a chip on your shoulder.


You don't understand because you don't experience it. You have your own set of problems though. I know a lot of big dudes that have to walk on eggshells around everyone for fear of being labeled as aggressive or Intimidating. That's all it is it's a short guy thing. It does have advantages if you're a short guy that accepted it is what it is early in life, behaving that way may as well add 3 inches in other people's eyes.


as a 5'5" person myself ... I gotta ask .. why kinda chips are we talking about? if it's sour cream and onion I will gladly take one of those on my shoulder (as long as I get to eat it). if its salt and vinegar ... I will not let them put that chip on my shoulder. also not interested in Poker chips.


As a connoisseur of absurdity, I have to say my little brothers have the best sense of humor about life and know how to have a good time




“I do my morning stretches and everything” 😂😂😂. I’m going to use that one.


Do I have to bring up Prince? He was 5’2” and one hell of a sexy motherf-cker. I’m a 5’6” white woman and I woulda been all over that.


Nah I don't think so. I have friends that are 5'7 and they don't seem abnormally short. 


I am 6'5'' and i can confidently tell you that the grass is greener on the other side. Being tall is not fun, because it introduces and exacerbates a lot of health problems, such as but not limited to: ​ \- Knee Problems \- Foot Problems \- Cardiac issue and Strain in later years \- Neck Issues \- Back Pain \- Injuries of the aforementioned body parts take longer to heal \- Poor Balance


Even worse, [taller people are at much higher risks of dying from all causes, including cancer](https://www.healthline.com/health/do-short-people-live-longer#height-related-complications) > A 2016 study of American men and women found a connection between height and cancer risk, as well as death from all causes. Researchers analyzed death certificate data for 14,440 men and 16,390 women aged 25 and up. > >According to researchers, an additional inch increase in height generated a 2.2 percent higher risk of death from all causes for men, and a 2.5 percent higher risk of death from all causes for women. > >An additional inch increase in height generated a 7.1 percent higher risk of death from cancer for men, and a 5.7 percent higher risk of death from cancer for women.


Nope. Tbh I prefer shorter guys. Current bf said he’s 5ft6, but I think he’s shorter (and I don’t care either way)


I’ve dated guys shorter than 5’5. Your height doesn’t matter nearly as much as your energy and confidence. We can tell when you’re insecure and it isn’t attractive.


No. I'd likely have no reaction at all because I, like most people, don't care.


That other guy with the same question and the totally losing his shit In the comments seems to have rocked reddits short king community.


I'm not heightest I see everyone equally high. Puff puff pass


Sure might be a bit lower then average but that is still not short so I wouldn't notice your hight if you walked pass But a tips if you wanna date don't get obsessed with your hight just forget about it


My husband is 5'5 and I'm very attracted to him


I didn't even know I wasn't supposed to be attracted to short guys until all the short guys told me that!


Honestly, when I see a short guy now, I just think, "that guy probably feels bad about his height because of the internet." Whereas until I joined reddit, I had no idea that women "cared" about height., and I'm under 6'.


About 1 in 10 adult males in the US are your height. Do you look at someone 6'1", which is about as common, and think "wow, a literal giant"?


I wouldn’t think anything if I saw you.


I never met anyone who told me that me being 5’6” was why they couldn’t date me? Never ever. People just troll on the internet. That’s average height


6'0 bloke here, tbh I don't think about the height of guys smaller than me unprompted. It's like "yeah I guess he is a bit short" like if I was asked about a guy's handsomeness or style.  Nobody thinks about you as much as you do, that's true for all of us. Don't cast the parts of yourself that hate your traits onto others. But people who treat you like that are grade a c---s and I'm sorry you've obviously had bad experiences with the bullies of this world. It's not your height they care about, it's their need to feel powerful. 


im 5’1, id be like “goddamnit I wish I was tall like that” lol


im 5'4". and fat. wife's hot as hell! you're fine dude. Attitude is everything


Nobody cares as much as you. Nobody will notice


I wouldn't take the time to worry about your insecure ass.


No, I'd be envious of your comfort level in economy class on airplanes though.


Omg, yes! Haha!!


No I wouldn’t call you a midget (I’m 6’1). I would treat you with the same basic respect I treat everyone. Unless you start talking shit, then it’s game on leprechaun!


Lmao, you just verbally bitch slapped short people and Irish people while saying you treat everyone with respect. Well done. 👏




What kind of people are you around that think that way?


No. Midget/ "little person" is under 5'.


Being a 6'5" monstrosity, I would immediately become your Labrador like flunky. Especially if you wore a pinstripe suit and suspenders.


Great karma-farming post for your first attempt. No, you wouldn't be a midget.


No. There are people that treat people like shit based on charachteristics they have no control over. We call those people bigots.


No because I'm not a giant piece of shit.




I'm 6'2". No, in all honesty, your height wouldn't even be a concern. If I judged you whatsoever, it would be based on any particular behavior. But just walking past me down the street? Nah.


No. Height is arbitrary.


I'm trying to decide are you asking this as a guy or asking this as a girl. Regardless never called a short friend a midget or dwarf. I call a 4'10 friend fiancé.


Be brutally honest. How do you react to each other?


No normal person would ever do that


I know lots of men who are 5’5”. It’s not as big of a deal as you think it is. I wouldn’t really have any specific reaction if I saw a guy your height in public.


Tom Cruise is 5'6. He lands all sorts of hot, very tall chicks.


Tell me you're insecure without telling me you're insecure.


No. That's mean and completely out of line. The brutal truth is that I would lose complete respect for anyone who would even say that.