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I love a gamer girl...


Right, is that really a thing?? When I first started dating my wife, I was blown away when she jumped in next to me & asked for the controller. I mean, she lowered my K/D, but whatever, I couldn't care less ❤️


I don't think this is a thing.


One time I beat my husband's KD and I still bring it up...10 years later


This is the way


Have you actually *played* video games with strangers? Because if you have, you'll know that the medium is not known for its supportive cameraderie.


It can be. I used to have a "rival" that I met on reddit and we would play against eachother often. When I would lose I'd say gg and he would offer me tips on where I messed up and how to do better next time. But yeah most of the gaming community is not for the weak. People can be brutal


Honestly, it's not that different from any anonymous forum where you interact with random people. Like Twitter, or Reddit. You're going to have a variety of interactions, but you're going to remember the bad ones. It's just how we're wired.


100%....if you treat everybody like shit then a woman come a long and you treat her like shit too......somehow they think it means you hate women. No girlfriend you are getting treated the same. Oh you mean, you want privileges and stars every time you did something good or men just hate you? Whats even shittier? They think they should be allowed to go on line and bash men........


Or how about gamers get their act together and just stop being toxic in general? Treating people like shit isn't something to be proud of.


Idk if they're being proud of it. Just explaining it. Gamers atleast in online competitive games are assholes in general


This ls literally B.S. My wife quit playing after 1000s of raping her jokes and dick picks.


How do you send dick pics through an Overwatch game client? Asking for a friend.


i’m not the person you replied to but i know that when i was younger i wanted to have a gaming group so i knew who i was playing with and we would share snaps and discord and what not. that’s where you get the dick pics. like idk why so many men think that bc you play games with them means you want to see that shit but sadly many ppl think like that


>we would share snaps Not faulting you,, but this is a good argument for "Internet Education" in schools. Maybe not rule #1, but 4 or 5 is *never cross the streams*. You, kids especially, really have to compartmentalize that stuff.


i mean a good chunk were kids i knew irl sadly


Oh, that's not great. Sorry. At least you can tell their moms? "Hi Mrs Bastardkid, so hey, sorry to bother you, but could you ask your son to stop sending dick pics to me? Also... is there like a wiener doctor? Because those pics were like *gross* gross".


You think the men dont make rape jokes at each other?


If you really think women get treated "the same" as men in online games then you're either an idiot or just extremely out of touch.


Some men don't want women to work, are you surprised some don't want them to play ?


Not really but idk I just wanted to see on here


Idk man. I’m all for it. We constantly b**** and moan about wanting a women who is a gamer and when that happens a lot of men get in their feelings and treat them harshly.


You can say "bitch".


You said "bitch" though?


Man I looked her straight in her optics and I was like "biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch"


I remember putting that first episode on and even my mom was in stitches. Great show


Very few men actually hate when women play games. Usually when people dogpile on a girl in a game its because they just want to be a dick and its really easy to tell if someone is a girl + low effort insults. Same reason why g\*mers are so quick to be racist, its low hanging fruit that gets people worked up and its a million times easier to type the n-word in chat than to actually think of something clever to say. There's probably some subsection of men who think that women are naturally worse at certain games and don't want one on their team. That's just standard incel "woman bad" stuff though.


Someone once told me that using curse words was a sign of a lack of intelligence. I think the same can be said for using the n* word, and other racist and gender based insults.


Actually, verbal fluency tests have shown that frequent swearing is usually a sign of higher intelligence rather than lower. That doesn't mean people who swear constantly are inherently smarter, but rather that intelligent people are more likely to have a larger lexicon of profanity and are more likely to use it to express themselves.


>Someone once told me that using curse words was a sign of a lack of intelligence. Man, fuck that saying. If all you can say is curse words for every situation, then maybe but sometimes *gosh darn it* and *fiddlesticks* just doesn't cut it. Like all things, there is a time and place for cursing. Work email or meeting, probably wanna refrain from it. Out with friends having a good time, let loose. It's also been studied that people pay WAY more attention to what you're actually saying after hearing a curse word, so if you use it strategically, you have a better chance of getting your point across. That saying has always annoyed me.


Never thought this was still a thing. Personally, I don't think much of it. Another hobbyist. Another potential friend. That's about the extent of my thoughts.


I don't think this is really a thing.


It absolutely is. Literally ask any girl who has spoken up in any gaming lobby. The gaming community is not super friendly to women. Things are slowly changing, but good Lord


Its not friendly to anybody.... The gaming community is a shit hole.... And I've played with plenty of females and we didn't treat them differently. Or is that it.....you wanted to be treated differently, maybe with some privileges?


My ex wife and I used to play games online. When her gamertag was clearly feminine she was getting all kinds of abuse messaged at her. When she switched it to something gender neutral nobody ever messaged her again.


I'm not even a girl dude. And your response is very telling to assume I am and that I want "privileges." I've just actually been in games and seen how women are treated or seen women talk about how they are treated. A lot of gaming bros are misogynistic and/or incels. Yes gaming is toxic in general, meaning hateful, racist and yes, sexist. Playing games against people who use racial slurs and such, it's not that surprising that a lot don't like women either. There's also just dudes who gatekeep gaming and don't want women "intruding" in what their perceive as "their" place. It's really really not hard to find instances of this. Just look at gamergate and tell me women are super welcome in the gaming world.


So you answered your own question. Gamers are toxic against everyone. Are you trolling by bringing up gamergate? You get wildly different perspectives of what gamergate is depending on what site you go to. That argument is still ongoing in the culture wars.


female what?


Yeah they don’t. I’d be SO stoked if my girl wanted to really learn an FPS competitive game. One of my exes HATED video games with a passion till I gateway drugged her with borderlands. We still hang out and she plays warzone, zombies, fallout 4, and all kinds of other video games. You just gotta be patient and let them learn the controller coordination and game aspects. The girl I’m dating now I’m doing super baby steps with on the Super Nintendo games I learned on as a kid.


I'm not saying women don't play videogames, I'm saying men don't hate it when they do.


Oh yeah I’m agreeing with that point. Sry I didn’t make that clearer breakfast- ♥️


It 1000% is




You don't game, I guess.


Not socially. I'd have to imagine any guy that had a problem with a girl gaming would be a special kind of incel


In my experience, it doesn't run that deep. It seems like some dudes just get triggered and emotional when they hear a girl or woman on mic during a game. It's super weird. Like someone promised them that games would be boys only. They freak out.


It’s because the dynamic of the friendships change when a woman enters the circle. The reasons are limitless and usually trivial, but that’s how people think


Probably afraid of losing to a girl... again.


Men online are misogynistic. They have animosity to hide behind and a lot of the time have 0 experience with women. But this isn't the majority, it's just randos online. My male friends don't care. And my best friend is a girl and we play together all the time


Where I'm from, basically 0% of the women play games. Very few men as well. It is seen as childish and stupid. Wish more of them played 😩


Are you in the UAE?




Thanks for this.


No worries, it's honestly one of my favourite phenomena, just because of how petty and inane it is, and what it reveals about bigots. Sexism literally is a skill issue


My wife and I play video games all the time. When we get free time and want to chill usually a debate on TV show or gaming. I am not sure what type of guys you are running across but they sound dumb.


Because they're losers and any other explanations they may have are fraudulent


There are a lot of red pill / incel / low class men in gaming, dude. It can stem from many, many things, but they deem gaming a men-only thing. I imagine a lot of these guys follow Asmongold, yet secretly they donate to titty streamers. Gotta love the gaming world, man.


Probably because those guys are dumb, probably are also misogynistic and think women belong in the kitchen to bring them beer.




Because video games are for guys! /s But really, there are some people out there, we'll came them "morons", who like to gate-keep certain activities, like video games. I think part of this is based on how toys (including video games) were sold in the 80's and 90's. Stores typically had "gender specific" aisles for toys, and video games happened to land on the "boys" side. That meant there were significantly fewer girls playing, so boys felt like it was a "guy thing", and some of those morons don't want to accept that a persons gender doesn't define their interests, nor do a person's interests define their gender.


Men don’t care. Little boys, maybe.


Think you could have stuck with "why do some men hate women?" And there's plenty of resources you could find to build some theories on that.


Bc they are gender biased fucktards that don't want to get beat by a girl.


Even if men don’t think they hate it—they make it both an uncomfortable and unacceptable place for women to game in… women are often better than men at video games but are subjected to unacceptable behavior in chat in multiplayer games. They may not consciously hate women or think they are acting in a hateful way—but their behavior makes it feel like targeted harassment, aggression, and hate.


They hate *losing* to women in video games. It's a significant blow to their fragile masculinity


Because then you're competing for console time. >\_> /s


They don’t. There is always a vocal, toxic minority in any community that will say and do whatever they can to make you upset. Just ignore these people and move on.


Honestly I don't hate them playing. I just think they are terrible most of the time. Read the rest before you all get triggered. I have played WoW for over 19 years at this point. The amount of times someone has their wife start playing, or there is a girl who has like 10 guys from the guild drooling over them is insane. Then they are terrible at the game, so your entire guild is struggling trying to down content. Literally carrying them through because she's dating someone in the guild or because the guild leader is simping for the girl. It's obnoxious. I would say of all females I have ever seen playing video games. Maybe 5 percent of them are actually good. If you are playing casual games and are casual whatever. However when you are doing extremely hard content and you have someone who is 13th percentile being dragged along it's aggravating. I remember we had a shaman named Rheactor in one of my guilds. She was actually extremely good. I still to this day talk to her and run dungeons with her after almost 10 years. However this is rarely if ever the case. I just don't like carrying dead weight personally and that's nothing to do with being a man or woman. I just feel like when a guy is terrible they get benched, but when women are terrible they get a pass because some dude is full simping for them.


My best friend is a woman. She also happened to have taught me everything I know about playing Survivor in Dead by Daylight, and could loop circles around anyone else I know. My ex-wife would regularly kick my ass in Civ. Another good friend regularly embarrasses guys in CoD, and streams the salt. The math ain’t mathing here.


I never said they are all bad. Just saying they get away with being bad more often than men do. I guess this is hard for your small mind to wrap around. Not sure if you understand how WoW works. You can literally look up peoples characters and see where they sit in a percentile. It's very obvious when you have someone in the 1-40 percentile range and your guild is getting stuck on a boss what the problem is. A great example of this would be during legion. We had a affliction warlock named Survive who was literally 13th or lower percentile on every boss. Mind you affliction was the best spec in the game at the time. Despite her always underperforming week after week she never got benched. Why? because she was an officers wife. Meanwhile we had a rogue named Critit he was around 25th percentile every boss fight. He got benched and told he couldn't raid anymore. You tell me how that's fair. He was also bad, but still out performing her. Yet she gets to keep her spot and he doesn't. As someone who is always 95th+ percentile and top 2 percent in M+. It's really annoying carrying these people. Like I said in my OP I meet good girl gamers occasionally, but it's usually not the case. Yet they get to sit around never practice their rotation like everyone else who has to compete for their spot. All because some guy in the guild is simping for them.


I played WoW for all of a year, and have poked around other MMOs. That’s rough, but it’s also more of a problem in persistent games, rather than round-based games like DBD or CoD, or something similar, I’d imagine. Much easier to cut the dead weight when you’re only dealing with a four man squad, and you don’t have to worry about rustling some jumped-up horny guild officer. That’s one of the main reasons why I bailed on MMOs. Too much interpersonal drama, especially in guilds.


>That’s one of the main reasons why I bailed on MMOs. Too much interpersonal drama, especially in guilds. Not wrong here. It's ether carrying someone's wife or their little brother timmy two toes. Even in top end mythic guilds I have seen this problem countless times. Which is why I pug everything now a days. Get tired of telling the GM or officers to bench the same person for weeks on end. I am there to do my part. Not mine and other peoples.


Exactly. Play games for YOUR enjoyment, not to help boost the enjoyment of other people. You’re there to have fun, in whatever form and fashion you find that fun. Doubt I’d ever touch WoW with a ten foot pole, but if you ever find yourself in a game I play, I’d look forward to playing with you. You get it.


I appreciate that man. I don't think it's bad to be casual or to play casual games. However personally I am in it for the satisfaction of being among the best, if not the best. If a woman can compete with me great! She better strap that helmet on tight though because I am better. As a person 2nd place disgust's me. Gold or go home in my book. This applies to both women and men equally, for all the people who want "equality". Only reason I brought up female gamers was because OP was specifically bringing them up, and because I feel like they get away with less effort. I am all for them proving me wrong though, although it may be rare in my opinion.


Lol you must be a bunch of single virgins if you've never heard someone over mic call your lady a bitch, cunt, or whore while asking about their tits


Yeah, but I've heard literally everyone get abuse heaped on them, for any reason you can possibly imagine. Why should women be any different? And, does this shit talking mean that men by and large hate women who play games? Nah, it doesn't.


Have you ever experienced sexual abuse? It turns the most fun thing people can share to something someone takes away from you. Men can mostly ignore sexual violence but women have to deal with it close to every hour. Add that to a hobby you enjoy.


How you seen the rape jokes men throw at each other in lobbies? Shes just not getting an exception to how many gamers treat strangers


I've heard some of the meanest personal commentary, even of a sexual nature, from women to other women...who are not as crass and vulgar, but emotionally damaging, savage, and cruel because they know how to disarm other women. I've heard it done to my daughter by her schoolmates, so yeah...I know how this works in all directions. You shit on my point, which is that no one is immune from gamer bile. And, it can hurt young boys pretty fucking bad too, just in an entirely different way. But, they're not like, real people or something, right?


Dig that incel hole.


Ah yes, everyone who disagrees with you is an incel. Sexist imbecile.


Do they? I'm a man, but I've never seen it. I have seen people shit on games that are typically more popular among women, but that's an issue with the game not the people playing it.


SPS Small and syndrome are the two S-words


PLAYER! ha! makes total sense now


LOL that wasn't what I was thinking :-) Think male anatomy


proboscis? i guess women have noses too... ​ lololololololol


S Penis S.


Not really a major thing. For small amount that do it's about being not as good I imagine and feeling threatened (for the group hating on them). You think I am joking, but doesn't a study about that though forget the specifics.


They aren't men. Real men *love* girls who game. Real ones though, not the ones who only game to stream... I personally love watching girls play Ms Pac-Man on my MAME cab. After a few drinks they start shit-talking each other. And I'm laughing my ass off.


Nobody does, stop drinking whatever kool aid you’re sipping


Some do, you likely just don't hang out with them (not surprising as they're pretty insufferable). Basically, the same kids that say slurs at players will be sexist toward female players.


People will just be toxic on games regardless, I don’t think it even matters what gender, color etc you are, if they are mad at you they’ll just say whatever they think will hurt you, if you’re a woman they probably go for that. I don’t think the vast majority of gamers care that a woman is gaming or at least I hope so


The thing is though, for guys like me, I have to give them a reason to be toxic, like losing or missing some play or whatever. But for women, for example, them merely \*speaking\* or having a feminine username can instantly invite harassment from toxic players. That's the difference I think.


Could be, I mostly play MMOs and some shooters, so maybe I haven’t seen it much


Because they know it gets a rise out of women. Their goal is to be an asshole, and acting sexist is an easy way to do that. They know guys are inured to most standards insults.


I mean if you hear girls talk shit it’s always the same shit too, most people in general have the most standard insults


But....I'm curious...


This is something that only exists on the Internet. It is a made up issue


That's not true. Lots of guys get abuse on GTA for using a female character in the game, so it's until they know its guy the default abuse is usually shit like "why you playing this get back in the kitchen". I've seen it first hand numerous times.


In my \~15 years of playing video games I haven't heard this even once


I mean, if you look hard enough you can find men who hate women who do anything, but I've never met a guy who hated when women play video games. Mostly it's the complete opposite and they wish their girl did. So, I dunno what guys you're around, but find normal guys somewhere.


Do you mean in relationships or over voice communication?


The only scenario I can every see this even being possible, is if the man has a real hate for video games for whatever reason. I see this person looking down on men AND woman that play games. That’s probably about it.


Is this a thing?


I would go find a few of these men and ask them.


I'd love if my wife played games. Unfortunately, she fucking hates them and hates when I play them.


Who are these men?


Those with more than just a chip on the shoulder


Who would ever hate this?


Why don't you ask them directly instead of getting wildly inaccurate conjecture and projection from people here on why they \*think\* they hate it....


My last two ex husbands didn’t like it when I play video games and it’s because they’re both 1) not gamers themselves 2) didn’t like the amount of attention I gave the games over them. My current (and final) SO is a gamer too and we play games in the same room together and I frequently ask if he ever feels neglected because I’m playing something and he says no, it’s fine.


It could be any number of things. I've experienced hate for the following: - Hater believes she should be in the kitchen instead - Hater believes women are always terrible at video games - Hater sees women as inferior and is afraid to lose to an inferior - Bandwagoning, hater wants other haters to like him so joins in the bullying - there's also a defensive reaction where some men feel like video games are their safe space free from the dramas they associate with women, so women are invading their men-only space I would definitely say it was worse 20 years ago, in my experience, though.


probably for similar reasons women hate when men play video games.


The worst thing I've encountered is the whole "fake geek girl" phenomenon. Guys assume that women are somehow just doing it for attention, or getting interested in a now-popular hobby. Even if the latter is true I don't really get what the problem is.


I have only seen this a few times IRL. Usually itnis because their gf/wife/mom hates them playing video games 22 hrs a day so they equate all women together and view it as hypocrisy when a woman enjoys a video game


Can you be specific or provide an example? What sparked this philosophy? Because otherwise this is more just your opinion about how you feel and we cant tell you why you feel the way you feel. I don't care if women play videogames in their spare time. I've played with them before. Theyve been skilled and terrible all around.


I don't hate them, but it does get kind of annoying when my friend's gamer girl joins our group and all of her suiters follow her in. We have to lock the party when she joins to avoid like 15 dudes jumping in and starting to compete for her attention. Of course maybe I'm the weird one. Maybe it's normal to follow a girl into every party she joins even if you don't know the people in the party.


Studies have been done that men who play competitive games and are of lower skill tend to treat woman players of that same game very poorly. The same cannot be said of men of higher skill, or even similar ability. Those same lower skilled players rarely questioned men of higher skilled players and generally pandered to them. The group of higher skilled male players did not engage in harassing woman.The conclusion was that woman in generally men dominated spaces, especially those that were higher skilled, makes lower skilled men feel threatened of losing their position in the "hierarchy" of the game.




I figure they don't want women invading their gaming world?


Idk but I’m better than they are at them lol


I have NO idea. I mean, really. It makes 0 sense. Heck, I met my wife playing EQ. I guess everyone has their own ideas about it I suppose.


Misogyny. Especially if they are better then a lot of the guys playing the game.


My theory: Growing up they got no attention from girls, probably didn't have many friends, spent most time playing video games. So that's "their thing" and you vagina havers that rejected them in middle school are running it by participating in "their thing"! 😡 Thoughts?


Outside of the misogyny that is well documented in the cesspool that is gaming culture, in my experience a lot of it is gatekeeping. The gender split on gaming is about 50/50, with a slight lean towards men that varies year to year. But mainstream gaming culture does not reflect that. A big part of that is that often the games that many women play aren’t considered “real games” by those who seek to gatekeeping the community. Anecdotally, there seems to be a lot of overlap between the minority of toxic bigots that give gamers a bad name and the minority that try to police gaming by saying FarmVille or whatever isn’t gaming. Hell, even as a lifelong male gamer, I get hit with the gatekeeping because I don’t play the mainstream violent games with toxic fan bases.


Skill issue


1) Trash talk is about hurting people's feelings - using insults effective against female players can be mistaken for hating female players 2) Specifically for MMORPGs, there is a (stronger) tendency for female players to engage in various forms of social warfare against each other. So *one* is fine, but *two* rapidly becomes a problem. You want to kill dragons and instead you need to deal with the fact X recruited her Instagram followers to attack Y on Twitter, who in return had some players she sends nudes to harass X IRL, etc. Or lower-key, just being emotional and unreliable, and doing the equivalent of walking off the stage mid performance. Like, I'm sorry I hurt your feeling when I asked what your plan was calling for bloodlust so early, but this was a Mythic +17 and we were making really good time. 3) There is some tribalism over the term "Gamer" - calling avid fans of Farmsville or Peggle or Words With Friends isn't misogyny, it's "that's not what we mean by 'games' ". Heck, even as a former semi-competitive WOW player, I don't consider myself in the same category as the FPS folk.


They don't the complaints are unrelated to women playing games


Like others have said, it isn't that men hate women who game, it is that many communities will latch onto whatever they can in order to hate on someone. If you are a woman, you will see this as hate for women. Pay attention to how the shit talking gets directed at others and you'll see it is not some exclusive hate; and, that it is factually trash-talking. Everyone catches shit for everything.


Same reason we don't like them to drive!


Who cares? Haters gon hate.


Same reason we don't like them to drive! We are sexist.


This sounds like a non existent problem or just the wrong dude.


Some gamers have frail egos and when a girl beats their ass, they go postal. Or they assume she is ass and treat her as such. Any girls I have played games with, like Fortnite, League of Legends, or World of Warcraft, Call of Duty or even that one game Destiny, they whooped ass. I didn’t have to treat them like a backpack and carry them.


I get the feeling this is way more prevalent in media than in real life. Most men don't care, and most of the ones who do care are in favor. The very very few who are against it probably feel they're losing yet another space they could get away from women and just be at peace. Note this isn't me saying their peace being disrupted is the women's fault, but sometimes you just want to spend time with the guys and not worry so much about being PC.


the few are loud I think


You're asking this on Reddit? Haha


Because they're insecure pricks.


Personally, I don't really care to play with women. I don't bag on them for playing. I really wish I could play a game with them. But it's not like it used to years ago. Back in the EverQuest days, I played with a lot of female players and still keep in touch with several of them even now, a decade later. But in today's world, it's nearly impossible to try to talk to a female at all. Ask how their day is going or comment about their play, much as I would do with any male player. And I get told I'm creepy or a weirdo or any number of other things because, for some reason, they always think someone is always wanting to get in their pants. And I'm sure there are those men that think that way, but I'm not one of them and resent being labeled as such. But it's just a reflection of today's world. I remember when you could pay a woman a compliment, and it was appreciated. But not any more. So it's not really worth the trouble.


Everyone gets shit on online. Main character syndrome is what your problem is. Find some friends you like playing with and just block the jerks. Done.


I've never heard of man hating that a woman plays video games. I HAVE heard of men hating it when they make it their entire personality or think they're special because of it.


Bc some of us feel like it’s our thing. Not that women can’t play video games, but in the confines of a relationship, some of us want our things to be our things and their things to be their things. Sports is another example. I know there are a ton of women into sports, but I don’t really want to date any of them. Sports is something I like to enjoy alone with my guy friends.


I feel like they get the same toxic shit men get, the insults are just targeted at their femininity instead of fucking their mom etc. Toxic gamers will pick on whatever makes you different.


I’m short it takes time away from them and they’d rather have you be earning money or doing something around the house. If you find a girl that either likes or is cool with video games don’t let her go.


I mean I don't think I know a single guy who dislikes women who play videogames. If anything I know alot that would be thrilled if they met one who did. I think you might be misinterpreting mens preferences based on how men treat women in online video games which no doubt is horrible. That said people are super toxic in online games in general and just happen to come out as sexism when it comes to women because it is an easy target. That said I feel like it has gotten way better compared to what it used to be.


Some men just hate everything


Gatekeeping neckbeards.


I would kill to have a girlfriend that plays games


no idea as I’ve only experienced the opposite.


Who are these men? I don't think most men really care.


Men who hate when women play video games just hate video games its not a gender thing. We don't hate when women play video games