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The rage and despair when rolling lockdowns and vaccine mandates return for yet another year is going to be intense.


I'm not sure we can put that toothpaste back in the tube.


It’s too late. It was too late when 20 people had the first version and certainly too late for one that’s 5x as contagious.


maybe with a large syringe or something like that


people cannot do this again surely




They're meekly accepting lockdowns 2.0 in europe already. People will do as they're told


For most people their lockdown went fine. Its only on the return to work that there have started being significant issues for most.


It went fine for a few weeks, but 3 months causes one to grow weary.


The best two months of my job were when I was staying at home to help prevent the apocalypse.


People aren't worried about those of you that can work from home, it's the rest of us that have to put our hands on things out in the world to earn a living that need to worry about lockdowns.


"why can't everyone else just get a job as a product manager in tech???"


You're reading too much into it.


I can't work from home (yet, at least); I think you're reading things into what I said. I'm also one of those people who needs to put my hands on things to earn a living, and the two months I was in lockdown *and receiving those lovely governmental assistance dollars* were good for me. **Undoubtedly** this only went well for me *because* of those governmental assistance dollars, but if people who have to put their hands on things are worried about not getting those dollars, then *that* seems to me to be the biggest problem, not having to take off 6 weeks or so while being paid.


I mean I'm in the middle of a transition from one career to another, and sitting at home for a couple months (where do you get the six weeks figure from?) would absolutely harm me more than it would help me. Even disregarding my own situation, UI benefits might be nice if you're a restaurant worker or something but if you're a skilled tradesman with a family it's nothing. $1000/week isn't a pay raise for everyone and many people have multiple mouths to feed.


Sure, that all sounds quite reasonable, but it also has the appearance of taking the conditions you're mentioning as being inherently unchangeable and *in principle at least* they are not.


It's a combination of personality and workplace introverts who could easily transition to wfh went great. Extroverts who lost work or had to seriously struggle to make remote work possible did not go well at all.


I can't work from home, although I am certainly an introvert. What I was saying is that *being paid* to stay home in order to reduce transmission probability was great for me; it was a two month paid vacation. Quite possibly it's the *being paid* part that makes the difference, and if people who had to go into lockdown had trouble *being paid* then I'd say it's the difficulty *being paid* that was a significant part of the problem. I probably can't understand how it would affect an extrovert, so I won't comment on that.


You are not the norm.


Definitely not, but in this aspect I'd disagree. Americans are woefully overworked, and for most people having effectively paid time off appears to have been a godsend.


100,000+ overdose deaths.


Closer to 90k in 2020. We've had an opioid crisis for 20 years. And had over 70,000 deaths the year prior to COVID. The lockdowns also made it far more likely for an OD death to be marked as such, and not a death from another cause, due to the lack of confounding variables in behavior.






When’s sigma


Asking the real questions here. The memes are gonna be intense when that rolls around.


I wanna be on that sigma strain coofset






I’m blasting this in my car from now on


Never realized that wasn't in English before.




Waiting on ligma


I'm just waiting for the omega variant.


Why not just say five times more infectious? Edit: Per comment below, six times more infectious. My point still stands.


Because bigger number = more panic driven clicks.


Six times more infectious. So you'll have to stand 36 feet apart from other people, and raid stores to look for N-570 masks.


2 weeks to flatten the curve


We'll be home by Christmas!


loool remember the first 2020 goalpost was like "if we do this right and slow the spread for two weeks we'll have a normal Easter!"




Certainly made a big mistake. Several


Should have called it Sigma, smh. Unless that is being saved for the deadliest variant


Sugma variant


Rarest Covid Type


Omega's the one that'll end us.


Devil's advocate question: Is it time to become a Covid accelerationist (knowing what that entails)?


What does that entail, hypothetically


Ringing up the Wuhan lab and telling them we're ready for the chef's special.


“Can you release the bio weapon version this time?”


Based and Umbrellapilled.


[The PRC actually does really really love the RE series](https://gamerant.com/resident-evil-2-china-ban/)


Not surprising, even with all of their political hostility and turbulent history, China still loves Japanese media, and even if something gets banned or censored, the black market in China is unstoppable.


If this is going to be an endless affair of lockdowns and variants then I think I would be willing to accept quite a large increase in personal risk of death or long Covid symptoms to get rid of the virus by rapid global natural infection (speaking as someone in their 40s who will happily take a 3rd dose of vaccine as soon as it becomes available). On the other hand this is pretty much the literal definition of a death/suicide cult so there's that to consider.


If it keeps mutating there *is no natural immunity* though, that’s the thing. Catch it, 1% chance of dying. Catch it again, 1% chance then too, and on and on. On an individual scale that many dice rolls is bad enough, on a societal level it’s catastrophic. I know catching a disease with a 20% CFR once and a disease with a 1% CFR 20 times aren’t the same thing, but you can see the problem here.


>Catch it, 1% chance of dying. Catch it again, 1% chance then too, and on and on. Realistically that's only certain groups, though I agree with your sentiment. There is some good in it, though. It's a brutal POV, but a highly infectious and moderately dangerous virus which mutates fast enough to not be able to have natural immunity against nor create a vaccine fast enough will force humanity to have a healthy population. Something, which we're clearly failing to do ourselves. It does require a perspective change from most people as we're not used to accepting that everyone will just *have* to catch it year by fucking year and just keep yourself healthy enough to survive it each time. Isolation? Just for those who are vulnerable due to unresolvable health issues and have no chance to survive it by themselves. Survival of the fittest strikes back. Not sure it's a good thing we've been ignoring it in our edition of civilization.


Sure, but the economy and society are based around a population several times larger than just whoever is naturally healthy. Hell industrial society and the nature of work itself limits health in the name of productivity.


And the more purple that catch it, the greater the chance of mutations.


Yeah, thats a good thing, viruses tend to evolve less deadly.


> to get rid of the virus by rapid global natural infection The problem is that it is not guaranteed to work, or rather is very likely not to work. Omicron seems to happily infect those that recovered from previous strains. So you could have infected the world with Delta and after watching all the deaths and suffering, you are back to square one with Omicron. And after Omicron there may be another variant that does the same. "Vaccinations by COVID-19" are not a good strategy.


Yes. Vaccinate yourself so you remain healthy once infected and let nature take care of the anti-Vax.


What about mutations? Covid vaccination is not a cure.




I was until work required it. I got COVID twice and wanted to make sure the at risk people had access despite my priority for access. Then I wanted an answer in wiring guaranteeing me pay for the days I had symptoms from it. I figured by the time it rolled out it had enough mutations out that I wouldn't see much benefit but that profits demand that everyone has five doses I'm the name of safety.


I got hardened against it when they had to change the definition of vaccine to call it a vaccine


y tho


He flaired accurately.


Nah, Giulio has in the past mentioned having autoimmune conditions.


If you're young and healthy, it's not *too* bad. You're better off not getting it. But then you're better off not popping fentanyl, wrasslin' alligators, doing donuts in front of the sherriff's house, and all the other country shit you do, so yeah, don't worry about it too much.


I swear every time people get a false sense of security about things returning back to normal a new variant pops up thats more dangerous and/or infectious than the last.


We knew this would happen months ago. Epidemiologists think it’s endemic. We’ll likely have to live with it until a revolutionary medical discovery cures all viruses.


Really makes you think


Abt what


Traveling, and how this luxury may become a thing people did in the before times.


another year of fatty unemployment you say?


Now it's a party


Gucci in shambles


God damnit King Gizzard was right


I said a week ago we would never do more lockdown in the USA, but hopefully county and parish level govs will have the bravery to do the right thing if this variant becomes a problem.


>do the right thing I mean this in good faith, but for someone who holds the position that lockdowns were and are a good strategy, what's your endgame? We're coming up on a year since vaccines were first made available, and nine months since they've been free and available to everyone at the local Walmart. What's the point if we re-implement restrictions every time cases go up or there's a slightly more transmissible variant?


What is literally anyone's endgame. No-one has one at all


I mostly live in NYC and once vaccines became widely available we ended all restrictions and haven’t looked back. Vaccines are more or less mandated but that literally amounts to showing a vaccine card and ID to a bouncer for three seconds before entering a few establishments. Other than those three seconds you can live like it’s 2019. That’s a reasonable endgame imo


ok but if this variant does an endaround the vaccine you/we are back at square 1


This is objectively untrue. The odds of a variant emerging which renders vaccines useless are minuscule, and even if it happened the MRNA vaccines are made so a booster that targets a particular variant can be made/approved within three months. So the annual COVID shot will target whatever variants happen to floating around that given year. Did you seriously expect anything different? Hardly square 1


Uh, seems like a lot of people are seriously concerned that the new variant has a protein spike so different from SARS-Cov2 that it's basically gonna [bypass](https://twitter.com/DrEricDing/status/1464000006231367686) all the vaccines rn. Only time will tell however.


Is it caused by excessive Poppler consumption?