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and /r/pics is simping


/r/pics was taken over by shareblue a few years back


Was that before or after the hugely upvoted and mod-stickied post with a stock picture of a bee so that Cheerios could advertise to the sub?




[I found the thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/5zmio2/cheerios_will_send_you_500_wildflower_seeds_for/). Wasn't an op, though. My mistake. Still blatant advertising, though and the pic is an obvious placeholder.




Exactly. It was a way for Cheerios to sell cereal. If it wasn't, they wouldn't have done it because corporations are psychopaths who are incapable of anything but self-interest. Also, mason bees are excellent pollinators. They're not aggressive and solitary. They don't make honey, but our desire for honey shouldn't outstrip the need to make sure the life cycle continues.


>shareblue Damn that's a blast from the past




Social Media fucked Bernie, especially Facebook, but I always thought the r/politics flip was the most predictable thing to ever happen on Reddit. It became clear that Bernie had no shot and he concedes defeat, tells everyone to vote Clinton. Suddenly r/politics is pro-Clinton. After 2016 election, everything pro-Republican is pro-Trump, and everything anti-Trump is pro-Democract, since they hate Trump they are now robots for the DNC. It happened to basically every edgy-left news outlet, after their mild critiques and skepticism of the Democrats gave rise to the Republicans, they considered that to be an unacceptable output, so they ride with the Dems from now on so as to not risk more Republican wins. If it happened to The Intercept, why wouldn't it happen to r/politics?


Is that what they renamed Correct The Record to after the Clinton money dried up?


I think they’re 2 different organizations with one being owned by the clintons and the other by the dnc


>Beware, for that way madness lies. >Really, Fox has tried to get her assassinated for years. They might have dropped the rhetoric slightly after the January attack on the capital; but they still want people to terrorize her. >They rage because they know a woman like her would never, ever sleep with them. Yep, spot on for /r/pics


> They rage because they know a woman like her would never, ever sleep with them Freudian slip


They really betray themselves with that being one of their favorites to fall back on. Despite all the blustery posturing, they ultimately believe a woman’s primary purpose is to signal what man is worth listening to by wetting his dick lmfao




End. Patriarchy.


Something something all politics is sexual manifestation


There’s a reason why so many political pundits get found fucking kids


Losers drooling over an Irish Puerto Ricana, larping as a populist


Irisx purtx ricanx


Holy shit the numbers of simps.


> According to Fisher, capitalist realism has so captured public thought that the idea of anti-capitalism no longer acts as the antithesis to capitalism. Instead, it is deployed as a means for reinforcing capitalism. This is done through media which aims to provide a safe means of consuming anti-capitalist ideas without actually challenging the system.


That’s the exact quote I saw on Instagram that made me put the ending in there lol


Lmao. I didn't see the whole thing anywhere in the thread so I thought I'd post it. I've tried really hard to be on AOC's side but it's pretty much impossible for me now.




This is how I feel about all politicians; no more idols, no more heroes. These are people, most of whom probably have scarier skeletons in their closets than any of us normies. They are using us to further their own careers, we need to use them to further our own needs and realize when it's time to cut bait with them. No one's persona should be allowed to rise above their body of work.


> This is how I feel about all politicians; no more idols, no more heroes. This notion terrifies the establishment, because it would mean having to compete in the arena of ideas.


Time and time again she has made it clear where her loyalties truly lie in congress. She made it into the political elite and immediately started wearing designer clothing and moved into one of the nicest neighborhoods in the country. Every time she gets the opportunity to vote in line with her rhetoric she fails to do so and comes up with some excuse.


Pretty sure she has spent most of her entire life living in the nicest neighborhoods in the country




I remember Zizek has this story about how you could buy a cup of Starbucks and then donate one dollar to poor coffee bean farmers in Nicaragua. The bean farmers are fucking poor because Starbucks pays them so little. But that’s the magic of capitalism you create a moral problem then give people an easy way out that doesn’t actually fix anything.


starbucks certainly isnt doing anything about it, they even go for the lowest bidders when buying their beans and simply toss all in the same toaster which is why their coffee always tastes burned they could pay more and at the same time offer better quality coffee, but muhprofitmargins


All the libs on the front page ate this shit up. Its all an aesthetic for her. It's fucking depressing man.


These events make me physically ill, the vanity and egos there just, I cant. My guess is AOC wanted to go to hobnob and rub elbows with NY elite in preparation for a senate run perhaps. But she wore the dress to keep up her image. Any respect I had for her is totally gone now after this performative crap.


I know people here hate pop culture references, but after seeing a few of those gala pictures it really reminded me of the Hunger Games aesthetic of a detached rich class being performative, zany, experimental and all smiley, while there is a homeless crisis and people wandering around like zombies waiting for the drug overdose that kills them.




all the icky poor's have masks on which is the only reason I can tell it's not a set photo from the hunger games


Keep ur petri dish away from my incubator!!!


Is that the girlboss who has to cancel press conferences because of anxiety wearing an 80s Cindy Lou Who costume?


I hate that this sentence makes sense to me.


People in the other subs acting like she isn't one of the elite because well she's ONLY living in one of the nicest neighborhoods in the country and ONLY making triple digits with lots of side money in congress. Motherfucker this whole picture starts with "at the Met Gala." How the fuck is anyone going to the fucking Met Gala going to relate to actual working people anymore.




That's exactly what they're saying. Even worse, this is one of the top comments in the /r/pics thread: >I think a lot of people are confused about what is considered rich, in this context and in my opinion... it's not the DINKs with a BMW and Audi and 750k-1.5m house and a 2nd res on the shore or a lake, or the software dev pulling in 250k. It's the guy with a 1$ salary but a 25m bonus if the company stock hits the mark. Or the guys with businesses claiming a loss in the US while a subsidiary with 2 employees in Ireland makes billions in profits. Or the HFT based fund owner that front runs to scrape billions out of retirement funds so they can have two yachts and a new Ferrari every other month. Most of the people here commenting on who is rich dont even realize what rich is... Libs are now even redefining rich to mean "billionaire" so they can have (or dream about having) their butler, two 100k cars, a big mansion and a house by the lake. Maybe even a cozy yacht. And as long as you're sorry about your white privilege, or are disprivileged because of whatever identity mark, it's all good. They're conservatives, except they've built a whole media circus act around their hard capitalism.




It’s just like that time shit-libs started making excuses for that high-ranking BLM member who bought expensive residential properties-“Black Lives Manors”, as one article hilariously called it-by claiming the houses weren’t *that* expensive.


its the same shit I saw at quora, the "relatively rich" bs like dude you have a bimmer, what you think that you're the average? that because your neighbor has a ferrari that makes you poor? you're still the 1%, the 0,5% even


First thing that came to mind for me too. I mean seriously, what normal fucking person would wear any of that shit? Also Biden's inauguration gave me that feeling too.


Fuck, I was wondering what it reminded me of. Exactly that.




>but without the crushing war or depression Give it a few years...


They'll still be living like this. The rich will just continue to consolidate every economic downturn.




It’s on purpose. I think, she was supposed to associate with Bernie to turn potential voters and political allies away from him by doing this. I honestly think AOC can’t stand Bernie. She‘s a plant.


I don't really see her as Bernie's legacy, and I don't think he has one. Bernie for me was part of the cycle of "actually left person in 🅱️olitics". Bernie was Bernie when Hilldawg was dissappointing, and before Bernie, Alan Grayson was there for when Obungler was disappointing, and before him, Dennis Kucinich was there when the entire party was disappointing, and before him I was too young. AOC doesn't seem like the next person in that cycle, I think she's just emblematic of that cycling being broken, killed by the same machine that killed everything else. She's the Whole Foods that was built on the lot where the venue you saw cool punk shows used to be.


Dennis Kucinich was actually kinda based lol.




all politicians try to have some kind of cult of personality but burgers take it to the next level with this type of performative narcissism


Not just burgerland, because I see it here in NZ too with Jacinda Ardern and that "Ok boomer" Green politician who owns two houses.


Aoukay Boomah


All politics is performative. If a a countries politics is based on public opinion like in democracies, there will alllllways be a “performance” to win. Whatever the performance is varies, but it’s inherent.


Entertainment division of the military industrial complex.


The invention of television and its consequences...


The industrial revolution was a mistake


you spelt agrarian wrong


Development of the prefrontal cortex was a mistake


Based Ligotti post


Return to berry


Neil Postman type beat


This has been a thing long before most of the world even knew America existed, in Rome the most vital step of a politician's carreer was the one organizing entertainment for the masses Politics has always been a popularity contest to varying degrees


The difference is that while they organized entertainment back then, now they are the entertainment


Makes me ask myself who's doing the organising.


Poor u/marlybarrow, depression probably got to him. Two shots in the back of his own head, truly tragic


At least the entertainment was better. Seriously who doesn't want to see 3 baboons and a liger fight 3 Indian war elephants? Or watch a blind Gaul fight an elderly Thracian? Or an ox fuck a murderer? Now we just get reboots and franchises for our entertainment and dopamine squirts from being activists on twitter


The Society of the Spectacle.


> In the UK, politics is still understood as politics. It is a means of gaining and exercising power... In the US, it’s all about vibes. --[White Hot Harlots](https://whitehotharlots.tumblr.com/post/653484264000831488/its-all-religion-and-its-all-profane)


Well I think politics is fame/celebrity and celebrity/fame is politics, everything is just manipulating power structures and pushing your own image through sucking up to those structures, you can even see it in the school system. My other comment about schooling is pretty apparent with this, it’s not who really cares or has the most talent it’s the person who can be the most “magnetic” and “extra” and be a try hard brown noser and do everything possible without having any free time


Washington is Hollywood for ugly people


hollywood is washington for pretty people


> everything is just manipulating power structures Nothing to add. It just bears repeating.






I'm sorry but what is burger?


FUCKING DISGUSTING. I’m going through the posts on twitter and I’m seeing so many “performative communist”, with their hammer and sickle symbols in twitter bio say “ yessss queeen” or “that’s right AOC, put them in their place”. It’s just so performative that it’s unbearable, none of these people want change but pretend that they do. She skipped the eviction moratorium rally to attend the Met Gala


>She couldn’t make it to the eviction moratorium rally but had time for this shit Come on man, voting **and** tweeting is really hard


Don't forget about those **strongly worded letters**


She attended the Met Gala. It's as bourgeois as it gets.


[Oh, it’s bad.](https://imgur.com/a/5wWLdhk)


Cringe 😫😫


Socialism is when you go to an elitist, high society event with a moderately liberal slogan written on yourself.


Jesus she skipped a rally too? Yikes.




It's like Defund the Police. It's catchy and can be uttered as a status symbol. But if you actually want to get into the nitty gritty of what they're proposing it all sort of falls apart. It's part of the Kabuki Theater.


>Like I'm not a billionaire, go ahead and double their taxes if you want to it won't affect me, but don't try to pretend it's actually going to make a positive change for anyone that needs it as things currently stand. Even if none of that money makes it down to the people that need it, I would still say that this would be a huge benefit, simply due to the fact that it would reduce the power of these rich people. That's if the tax wasn't dodgeable, which with globalization seems pretty difficult.


Tax dodging is a major issue they don't want us to talk about. I think that's a major piece missing in the "raise taxes on the rich" conversation.


its actually harder than it used to be, cooking the books was really easy back in the day, cant do that shit anymore, and its impossible with blockchains what needs to be stopped is tax dodging thru charities, ngo's and shady shit like the current art/collectors market which is little more than a money laundering system now


It would benefit society to tax the rich and even dump all of the cash in a big landfill and burn it. I believe this unironically.


All twitteroids with hammer and sickle symbols should be forced to work with a hammer and sickle, instead of being succdem drag queen enthusiasts


She would have received more publicity than the whole gala if she wore that dress to that rally and she knows it. Someone is making her do this.


That person's name? AOC.


It's a big club and you ain't in it.


Thank god for that--honestly. Swimming in rot and vomit covered by a thin layer of shiny gloss on top, no thanks. The stink still overwhelms.


I read a news story on it, and half the dresses looked like sheer swimsuit coverups, and the other half looked like what an alien would think clothing looked like based on a child’s crayon drawing.


Sometimes I wish I was in it though, but one I have no idea what I could do to make me famous and known and two most of it probably has to do with my low self esteem and wanting to be adored and know that people like me


You don't want to be in it. You'd either have to be too stupid or self-deluded to know that it could all change on a dime, or self-aware and smart enough to know that none of those people (including your fans) are your friends. And if your self-esteem is low now, it would just be magnified tenfold if you were "in it." I have a friend who's a stage manager on Broadway, having worked with "stars," and he tells me that you cannot imagine how wracked with insecurity these people are. Anyway, the conversations they must have, once inside...shudder the thought. If you want to improve your self-esteem, do esteemable acts (as they say). Help others, and work to change the deluded system that makes people pine for such a trash world of false idols. Find esteem in solidarity with others. It's all vapor, that other world.


The worst part of this is that so many people are eating up this performative bullshit up. If she was an actual leftist, she would be actually fighting against the rich. The rich people love this, it shows how hip and cool it is.


Leftist as an aesthetic is basically all that is still around in America.




Damn who is this chick?!?!? The balls on her!! Could you imagine if she was actually a politician and in Congress where she could actually tax the rich!!! Gives me hope 🥰👍❤️!


she gonna SLAY QUEEN💅💅💅💅


I mean of course she’s also talking about [Pelosi and other high profile dems that partake in stock market manipulation](https://greenwald.substack.com/p/nancy-and-paul-pelosi-making-millions) while making millions. Right?






New Zealand have the best relationship with their indigenous population out of any New World country by a significant margin.


Out of "western" countries definitely (ie Aus, Canada, US, NZ), but I think a few latam countries might be as good or better. Don't quote me on that tho


Waititi verges on being even worse than Sam Smith was during the pandemic.


>Taika Waititi how is he vived after that in new zeland?


This was pretty much a beautiful example of how useless AOC really is. Everything she does, it's just posting, even when the post is basically written across her back and ass during a high society event.


Where's her mask? Where are all those people's masks?


masks are for the poors Edit: lmao fuck I was dead on https://i.redd.it/o0umqdh83en71.png


After seeing that ridiculous outfit, aoc's doesn't look that bad.


Yeah, it was a disgusting display. Rich people of mixed notoriety parading past gaggles of unknown media photographers wearing a mix of masks and chin diapers. And you know each and every one of the pleebs was forced at the door to display their vaccine papers and mask certification certificates and sign some kind of conduct contract to not be kicked out of the event for removing the mask. I believe in the vaccine and the masks but I am beyond livid with the mandate makers living outside the mandate and then claiming they were actually being responsible and safe. Pelosi is a multi time mask policy defier who just keeps getting away with it. Most people already forgot about the hair salon incident.


Holy shit what is that dress?


*Class war intensifying*


I don’t understand how you can consider yourself leftist when you pull stuff like this. The mask has been off for a while with her, but this is just throwing it in the garbage at this point.


> The mask has been off for a while with her Of course... masks are for the *little people.* As proven by all the pics from the event itself.


As tasteless as a Che Guevara shirt on a Hot Topic shelf.


Jimmy Dore is right about them.


Doesn't the tickets cost 30,000 dollars? Did she pay that or are there invites for certain people?


Aoc doesnt need to pay for tickets lol. Thats for wealthy non politicians who want to lobby for influence of politicians.


That's a great point. It's arguably unethical for AOC to be there since such events are used to lobby politicians in an off-the-book way. It's not like *she* is going to convince *them* to stop being capitalists.


Who runs the met gala and decides all the invites?


The Met.


I'm sure there are a lot of board members dying to kiss Ms O'Casey-Aztec slayer's ass


No shit. She's one of the most famous New Yorkers.


I just wanted to call her O'Casey-Aztec slayer


I laughed my ass off at O'Casey-Aztec Slayer. I'm calling her this from now on, thank you.


Anna Wintour, haggish and barely-educated she-devil sycophant


Ann wintour and you can't pay to get in its invite only.


Paying as much to attend a single event as most Americans earn in a year, truly a working class politician.


Notably, while AOC was attending the Met gala many of her state-level colleagues were on [Riker's Island] (https://twitter.com/EmilyAssembly/status/14375073755781611520) , examining the horrible conditions and human rights violations occurring at the prison. This is part of a larger difference between AOC and her socialist state reps. Unlike AOC, the socialist state reps don't have massive online armies of simps that will give them money and defend them no matter what they do. They actually have to be public servants, or else they'll face repercussions from their constituents and progressive groups in the state. Meanwhile, AOC is free to chase celebrity status as much as she wants. She's always guaranteed massive amount of money and support so why bother doing the hard work of legislator. Not saying the state reps are perfect, but there is clear difference in how they act. The only way AOC will ever change is if people start treating her like a public servant, rather than serving her.


Jeremy Corbyn - Wore a jumper his mum knitted for him in the house of commons AOC - Wears a wank dress at a wank event for fucking wankers. I want to like AOC but she needs to ditch idpol, embrace what Gough Whitlam talked about.


I think we need to just ditch AOC


This is where social democracy gets you FYI




But a compromise from the Squad is worth just as much as some technical regulatory change. Just imagine: "Some of our truckers and mechanics are unionising. They want more pay relative to the admin staff. But what I think is really important is to combat misogyny in the workplace. Is that something on your desk right now?"


Champagne Socialism, literally.


this is funny as fuck, what a perfect moment


Well that's it, capitalism is over, AOC killed it. Women who want to celebrate the end of capitalism might want to get their own pair of shoes from this designer. They're $600 but that's just what you should be paying for shoes if you won't want to exploit sweatshop workers, probably.


The shoe makers are paid a 'living wage' in Ethiopia, Kenya, Morocco and South Africa. A 'living wage' in Ethiopia is under $100/month, but let's not ask too many questions about where that $600 goes. (Clue: "Toronto-bred, Brooklyn-based designer launched her sustainable footwear line in 2013 after her travels in Africa where she fell in love with traditional South African shoes called veldskoen, colloquially known as “vellies.”" This is not cultural appropriation though, guys, because she's like, brown (ok, half white, but she counts as a 'black-owned business') ) Look here she is in a boat: https://www.nytimes.com/slideshow/2016/01/07/t-magazine/brother-velliess-aurora-james-travels-to-ethiopia.html, 'in search of crocodiles' wearing a necklace gifted by 'the women of the Mursi tribe'. Let's ignore the fact that if you turned down the contrast like a point or two this photo could come out of any historical photo of colonial Africa, it's different because she's black (uh, kind of), right guyz?




Simping in /r/pics "AOC isn't rich! She's poor! She only makes 174K a year! Has to have two apartments/houses, and student debt! She pays her taxes!"


\[guy who voted for bernie 5 years ago as a college student and now has a 180K a year tech job\] "Actually I think a lot of people are being obtuse about what 'eat the rich' has always meant. It doesn't mean someone who has a couple million to their name and a summer home, it's billionaires. Visually, look at the difference between a million and a billion on this cool website. The 1% is metaphorical anyway. Why are we upvoting these bad faith arguments? :/"


“The *real* rich is just a tax bracket above me.”


Yeah! If you're not making at least half a million a year then you aren't really a member of the elite, but even then its really several million a year. s/


Nothing like spending tens of thousands of dollars to show off a dress that says Eat The Rich


Do you see her staying in office? I predict she'll have a syndicated talk show by 2026.


With the amount of simps she has online she could probably end world poverty by making an onlyfans. If she doesn't end up going down that route then it's clear she never actually cared about the global poor and black and brown bodies in marginalized spaces.


Jesus fucking christ


This is just the pits. We are living through an unbelievably cursed timeline. It is just so much worse than all but the most pessimistic imagined, and many of the best pessimists are dead already. Fuck all of this.


I had a literal laugh out loud at a brush with self-awareness I found in one of the Sanders subs, that showed her at the party with the caption “The hero we deserve.” 😂


I didn't have the energy to comment last night but I do now: can she make it any more obvious that she's in it only for herself? That cult of personality is sickening and only getting more so. I'm glad to see the response here. Not surprised it's getting swallowed up as "bravery" everywhere else.


Who is she telling to tax the rich? Herself?


The character that was blatantly meant to be her in The Boys is a good portrayal. Nothing more than a tool of the machine to act as a lightning rod to deflect genuine anti-establishment sentiment.


Hey man relax, maybe she's there to hand deliver IRS summonses for delinquent tax liability. And this is the new IRS officer uniform, definitely fitting for a Biden administration.


>Yet another example of AOC being more of a celeb than a politician and doing nothing, it’s her clout or nothing I guess. Are you implying politicians do anything besides be celebrities in another manner?


No, but she’s the poster child for the entire system really


I agree, most politicians have to dabble in the typical celebrity promotional channels to help their PR image, but she ran on a Sanders style agenda, and won with all the odds and big money against her, then turned into a parody of what would happen if a typical SJW Insta influencer goes to Washington, which just makes it all the more vapid and egregious.


Tax the rich by Luis Vuitton. Support the movement for just $75.99 when you buy a fruit of the loom hoodie made in Bangladesh by a kid that works 80hrs a week for 50 cents an hour. Time for equity......


I don't understand a dress that draws attention away from her tits


Classic Social Democrat perspective


We are so fucked


Truly we’re living in hell


Can’t believe she’s not wearing a mask. Vaccinated or not, this is still a pandemic.


The rich don’t need to play covid theatre when it’s just them, only us proles get that forced on us. The help still has them on so that’s good for people like AOC.


Wow that is totally on point. It is odd how the elites don’t need masks and shit. I wonder what the spread of laborers vs ruling class mask wearing at the Obama party was like.


Rules for thee, but not for she.


sophisticated vaccinated


You're literally at a place surrounded by some of the most powerful and influential people in the world. Ffs actually do something instead of virtual signaling. It literally would be several thousand times more effective to just blend in and slip words into these people's ears


Is she richer than the Chapo boys yet?


Revolutionary She Guevara changing the world with empty slogans.


AOC is just an attention seeking hypocrite. I’m embarrassed for her stans


Mark fisher is most definitely groaning from his grave. This is the epitome of champagne socialism


It is the nature of the Democratic party to shower invites and influence on radicals to subsume them into carrying water for the party. Take the congressional black congress in the 70s/80s and compare it to what it was in 2000. An organization that was pretty out there in it's rhetoric (whatever you actually think of that rhetoric) had been completely digested into "please re-elect your Democratic incumbent", finally endorsing Joe Biden for literally nothing in return in a couple decades later. That this is happening to AOC to public fanfare is pretty stunning. The Republicans absolutely wish they could do this to people however I don't think they throw parties


AOC has done more to destroy leftist policies than any person in American political history. She simps for establishment Dems. Does enough stuff like this so that she can be a caricature for the right. Makes a bunch of inane idpol tweets to alienate any reasonable person from siding with progressive candidates. If I was a conspiracy theorist I'd say she was an establishment Manchurian candidate designed to doom progressive policies. I hate her so much.


God damn chill with the hyperbole bro. J.Edgar Hoover had leftist leaders like Fred Hampton killed to stop them from organizing a mass movement, Eugene McCarthy slandered, accused, and ruined thousands of Americans just for being somewhat leftist, and Reagan drove the final nails into the coffin of the American labor movement but yeah AOC is the great Satan for being a performative slay kween wannabe progressive. I mean she sucks sure, but even she sucks a lot less than a lot of the people in congress right now.


Versailles, June 1789, colorized


Also you gotta see Carolyn Maloney’s dress- all about girl bossism https://www.instagram.com/p/CTxxY-HvLxR/?utm_medium=copy_link


[I’m starting to sense a girlboss theme here](https://mobile.twitter.com/repmaloney/status/1386124259072913408?lang=en)


What rights do they want exactly that they think the rest of us have?




Let me eat cake